Public Affairs and Policy Management
Arthur Kroeger College of Public Affairs (Faculty of Public Affairs)
D199 Loeb Bldg.
This section presents the requirements for:
A Co-operative Education Option is available with the B.P.A.P.M. degree (consult the Co-operative Education section of this Calendar for details.)
Graduation Requirements
In addition to the requirements listed below, students must satisfy the University regulations (see the Academic Regulations of the University section of this Calendar.)
Students should consult the College when planning their program and selecting courses.
Minimum CGPA Requirements for Graduation
Overall CGPA: 6.50
Major CGPA: 6.50
Language Requirement for B.P.A.P.M.
Prior to graduation, students must satisfy a language proficiency requirement in one of the following ways:
- successful completion of an approved French language credit (FREN 1100 [1.0]);
- placement at a demonstrated competency level equivalent to satisfactory completion of FREN 1100 [1.0] following a self-assessment questionnaire and interview administered by the Department of French (for students who already possess demonstrated capacity in French);
- successful completion of French Immersion in high school or possession of a Bilingual Diploma or Certificate.
Students should note that they will be required to use one of their elective credits if they choose to satisfy the language requirement through an approved French language credit.
For students whose first language is not English, or for students whose Specialization interests require a language other than French, the Language Requirement may be met by substituting another language for French. Permission for substitution may be sought from the Program Coordinator. Students registering in the Specialization in International Studies should note the additional language requirement.
Academic Performance Evaluation
Students in the B.P.A.P.M. are subject to the standard Academic Performance Evaluation (APE) process with the following additions and amendments:
- Students are in Good Standing at the first APE if they have a Major CGPA of a least 7.0 and an Overall CGPA of at least 7.0. A student who is not in Good Standing but has a Major CGPA of at least 6.0 and an Overall CGPA of at least 6.0 is on Academic Warning. Students with a Major CGPA of less than 6.0 or an Overall CGPA of less than 6.0 are required to leave the program with the status of Ineligible to Return (ITR) within that program of study.
- Students are in Good Standing at any subsequent APE and at graduation if they have a Major CGPA of at least 6.5 and an Overall CGPA of at least 6.5.
- Students who do not receive Good Standing at any subsequent Academic Performance Evaluation will be required to withdraw from the program with the statusIneligible to Return (ITR) within that program of study.

Program Requirements
Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management (B.P.A.P.M.)
Before the second year of study, students in this program must register in one of the seven specializations:
- Communication and Information Technology Policy
- Development Studies
- Human Rights
- International Studies
- Public Policy and Administration
- Social Policy
- Strategic Public Opinion and Policy Analysis
Public Affairs and Policy Management with Specialization in Communication and Information Technology Policy
B.P.A.P.M. (20.0 credits)
- 4.0 credits in PAPM 1000 [1.0], PAPM 2000 [1.0], PAPM 3000, PAPM 4000, PAPM 4908 [1.0];
- 0.5 credit in COMM 2401;
- 0.5 credit from BUSI 2400, ECON 2001,
COMM 2301, COMM 2601, SOCI 2035, ANTH 2035;
- 1.0 credit from LAWS 3202, LAWS 3501 or
LAWS 3502;
- 0.5 credit from PSCI 3401 or PSCI 3406;
- 1.5 credits from ECON 3250, LAWS 3005,
LAWS 3506, COMM 3405, COMM 3407,
COMM 3403, SOCI 3035/ANTH 3035, SOCI 3037/ANTH 3037;
- 0.5 credit in COMM 4305;
- 2.0 credits from BUSI 4400, BUSI 4404, ECON 3250, LAWS 4204, LAWS 4507, PSCI 4003, PSCI 4407, SOCI 4035/ANTH 4035;
- 1.0 credit from (PSCI 2701 and PSCI 2702), COMM 2001 [1.0] or (ECON 2201 and ECON 2202);
- 1.0 credit in LAWS 2005 [1.0];
- 1.5 credits in ECON 1000 [1.0], BUSI 3602;
- 1.0 credit from (PSCI 2002 and PSCI 2003) or (PSCI 2101 and PSCI 2102);
- 1.0 credit from HIST 1300 [1.0], HIST 1002 [1.0] or HIST 1705 [1.0];
- 4.0 credits in free electives;
- The language requirement of the B.P.A.P.M. must be satisfied.
Public Affairs and Policy Management with Specialization in Development Studies
B.P.A.P.M. (20.0 credits)
- 4.0 credits in PAPM 1000 [1.0], PAPM 2000 [1.0], PAPM 3000, PAPM 4000, PAPM 4908 [1.0];
- 3.0 credit in ECON 3508, SOWK 3206, ECON 3509, PSCI 4104, PSCI 4105, INAF 4202/PSCI 4409;
- 1.0 credit in Development Studies Electives at the 4000-level;
- 2.5 credits in Development Studies Electives;
- 1.0 credit from (PSCI 2701 and PSCI 2702), COMM 2001 [1.0] or (ECON 2201 and ECON 2202);
- 1.0 credit from LAWS 2005 [1.0] or (LAWS 3603 and LAWS 3604);
- 1.5 credits in ECON 1000 [1.0], BUSI 3602;
- 1.0 credit from (PSCI 2002 and PSCI 2003) or (PSCI 2101 and PSCI 2102);
- 1.0 credit from HIST 1300 [1.0], HIST 1002 [1.0] or HIST 1705 [1.0];
- 4.0 credits in free electives;
- The language requirement of the B.P.A.P.M. must be satisfied.
Development Studies Electives
Note: With the permission of the Director, students may include among their Specialization Electives 1.0 credit in a language related to their specialization work, beyond the language requirements for the B.PAPM degree.
- Environment and Development
ECON 3804, EURR 4005, GEOG 3209, GEOG 4004, LAWS 4800
- ANTH 2040, PSCI 3502, PSCI 4501
- Indigenous Peoples and Development
- ANTH 3600, ANTH 4601, HIST 3503, PSCI 4002, PSCI 4206, SOWK 4102
- Social and Political Development Issues
- ANTH 3850, EURR 4002, INAF 4102, PSCI 4505, SOWK 4104
GEOG 3300, GEOG 3602, HIST 2705[1.0], PSCI 3100, PSCI 3101, PSCI 4203, PSCI 4207, PSCI 4802
Asia/Middle East
HIST 2708[1.0], HIST 2805[1.0], PSCI 3102, PSCI 3103, PSCI 3203, PSCI 3700, PSCI 3701, PSCI 3702, PSCI 4804
Central and Eastern Europe
ECON 3808 [1.0], ECON 4806, ECON 4807, EURR 4002, EURR 4006, EURR 4100, GEOG 3600, GEOG 4600, HIST 3600[1.0], PSCI 3208, PSCI 3209, PSCI 3704, PSCI 3705
Latin America and the Caribbean
HIST 2307[1.0], PSCI 3204, PSCI 3205, PSCI 4607
Public Affairs and Policy Management
with Specialization in Human Rights
B.P.A.P.M. (20.0 credits)
- 4.0 credits in PAPM 1000 [1.0], PAPM 2000 [1.0], PAPM 3000, PAPM 4000, PAPM 4908 [1.0];
- 3.0 credits in LAWS 2105, PHIL 2103, LAWS 3503, LAWS 4604, PSCI 3307; SOWK 3207;
- 0.5 credit in LAWS 3604 or PSCI 3600;
- 0.5 credit in PSCI 4109 or LAWS 3509;
- 0.5 credit from LAWS 3101, PHIL 2101, PSCI 3109;
- 1.0 credit in Human Rights Electives at the 3000-level or above;
- 1.0 credit in Human Rights Electives;
- 1.0 credit from (PSCI 2701 and PSCI 2702) or COMM 2001[1.0];
- 1.0 credit in LAWS 2005 [1.0];
- 1.5 credits in ECON 1000 [1.0], BUSI 3602;
- 1.0 credit from (PSCI 2002 and PSCI 2003) or (PSCI 2101 and PSCI 2102);
- 1.0 credit from HIST 1300 [1.0], HIST 1002 [1.0] or HIST 1705 [1.0];
- 4.0 credits in free electives;
- The language requirement of the B.P.A.P.M. must be satisfied.
Human Rights Electives
- LAWS 3401, LAWS 3501, LAWS 3504, LAWS 3603, LAWS 4304, LAWS 4309, LAWS 4603, LAWS 4605, LAWS 4606, LAWS 4607
- Practice and Organizations
EURR 4002, LAWS 4800, PSCI 3006, PSCI 3802, PSCI 4205, PSCI 4505, SOWK 3205, WOMN 2801
- Social, Cultural and Ethical Dimensions
EURR 4008, HIST 2801, HIST 3506, PHIL 2101, PHIL 2102, PHIL 2104, PHIL 2106, PHIL 3103, PHIL 3300[1.0], PSCI 3109, PSCI 3805, PSCI 4206, SOWK 4300, SOCI 2010, SOCI 3010, SOCI 4750, SOCI 2020/ANTH 2020, SOCI 3020/ANTH 3020, WOMN 2800
LAWS 3105, LAWS 4101, LAWS 4102, LAWS 4105, ANTH 3025
Public Affairs and Policy Management with Specialization in International Studies
B.P.A.P.M. (20.0 credits)
- 4.0 credits in PAPM 1000 [1.0], PAPM 2000 [1.0], PAPM 3000, PAPM 4000, PAPM 4908 [1.0];
- 3.0 credits in PSCI 2601, PSCI 2602, INAF 3000 [1.0], ECON 3601 and ECON 3602;
- 1.0 credit from PSCI 4603, PSCI 4604, PSCI 4800 and PSCI 4801;
- 0.5 credit from INAF 4101, INAF 4102, INAF 4103;
- 2.0 credits in International Studies Electives;
- 1.0 credit from (PSCI 2701 and PSCI 2702), COMM 2001 [1.0] or (ECON 2201 and ECON 2202);
- 1.0 credit in LAWS 3603 and LAWS 3604;
- 1.5 credits in ECON 1000 [1.0], BUSI 3602;
- 1.0 credit from (PSCI 2002 and PSCI 2003) or (PSCI 2101 and PSCI 2102);
- 1.0 credit from HIST 1300 [1.0], HIST 1002 [1.0] or HIST 1705 [1.0];
- 4.0 credits in free electives;
- In addition to satisfying the French language requirement, students registered in the International Studies Specialization must successfully complete 1.0 credit in a language (or possess an equivalent level of proficiency as demonstrated by successfully completing a language test). The language may be either French at a higher level than FREN 1100, or, with the permission of the Director, another language directly relevant to their studies. Students registered in the International Studies Specialization will be required to use one of their elective credits if they satisfy this additional language requirement through course work.
International Studies Electives
- International Conflict, War and Strategic Studies
EURR 4008, EURR 4104, GEOG 4400, INAF 4101, PSCI 3107, PSCI 3203, PSCI 3603, PSCI 3702, PSCI 4008, PSCI 4602, PSCI 4806
BUSI 3703, ECON 3804, ECON 3808, ECON 4806, ECON 4807, EURR 4003, EURR 4005, EURR 4006, HIST 3703, INAF 4103, PSCI 3703, PSCI 4500, PSCI 4603, PSCI 4604, PSCI 4805
- International Law and Organization
LAWS 3207, LAWS 3208, LAWS 4603, LAWS 4604, LAWS 4606, LAWS 4903, PSCI 3600, PSCI 4807
- International Relations and Comparative Political Issues
EURR 4101, GEOG 3307, GEOG 4400, HIST 3800, HIST 3801, INAF 4102, PSCI 3601, PSCI 3605, PSCI 4505, PSCI 4605, PSCI 4800, PSCI 4801
- Africa
- PSCI 3101, PSCI 4203, PSCI 4207, PSCI 4802
HIST 3805, HIST 3806, PSCI 3102, PSCI 3103, PSCI 3700, PSCI 3701, PSCI 4803, PSCI 4804
Europe and Russia
EURR 4003, EURR 4008, EURR 4100, EURR 4101, EURR 4104, EURR 4106, GEOG 3600, GEOG 3603, GEOG 4600, HIST 3605, HIST 4602, PSCI 3206, PSCI 3207, PSCI 3208, PSCI 3209, PSCI 3704, PSCI 3705, PSCI 4601, PSCI 4608, PSCI 4609
North and South America
HIST 3304, HIST 3306, HIST 3400, HIST 3706, HIST 3709, PSCI 3200, PSCI 3201, PSCI 3204, PSCI 3205, PSCI 3606, PSCI 3607, PSCI 4606, PSCI 4607
Public Affairs and Policy Management with Specialization in Public Policy and Administration
B.P.A.P.M. (20.0 credits)
- 4.0 credits in PAPM 1000 [1.0], PAPM 2000 [1.0], PAPM 3000, PAPM 4000, PAPM 4908 [1.0];
- 1.5 credits in LAWS 3506, ECON 3403 and ECON 3405;
- 1.0 credit in PADM 3105, PADM 4703;
- 1.0 credit from (BUSI 1001 and BUSI 1002) or (ECON 2001 and ECON 2101) or (ECON 2002 and ECON 2102);
- 1.0 credit in PSCI 3401 and one of PSCI 3404 or
PSCI 3405;
- 1.0 credit from PADM 4213, PADM 4214, PADM 4200, PADM 4221, PADM 4224, PADM 4225, PADM 4226, PADM 4227, PADM 4228, PADM 4611, PADM 4612, PADM 4615, PADM 4616, PADM 4817;
- 1.0 credit from BUSI 3102, BUSI 4105, BUSI 4107, BUSI 4108, BUSI 4112, BUSI 4400, BUSI 4607, LAWS 3005, LAWS 3401, LAWS 3405, LAWS 3503, LAWS 4402, LAWS 4507, PSCI 3406, PSCI 4408;
- 1.0 credit from (PSCI 2701 and PSCI 2702), COMM 2001 [1.0] or ECON 2201 and ECON 2202;
- 1.0 credit in LAWS 2005 [1.0];
- 1.5 credits in ECON 1000 [1.0], BUSI 3602;
- 1.0 credit from (PSCI 2002 and PSCI 2003) or (PSCI 2101 and PSCI 2102);
- 1.0 credit from HIST 1300 [1.0], HIST 1002 [1.0] or HIST 1705 [1.0];
- 4.0 credits in free electives;
- The language requirement of the B.P.A.P.M. must be satisfied.
Note: as the courses in Item 6 above are also taken by M.A. students, undergraduate enrolment in each one normally will be limited to five B.P.A.P.M. students who are in the P.P.A. Specialization.
Public Affairs and Policy Management
with Specialization in Social Policy
B.P.A.P.M. (20.0 credits)
- 4.0 credits in PAPM 1000 [1.0], PAPM 2000 [1.0], PAPM 3000, PAPM 4000, PAPM 4908 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit in ECON 3403 and ECON 3405;
- 1.0 credit in SOWK 2100 and SOCI 2010;
- 0.5 credit from PSCI 3006 or PSCI 3401;
- 0.5 credit from PADM 4213, PADM 4221, PADM 4224, PADM 4227, PADM 4228, PADM 4817;
- 1.0 credit in Social Policy Law Electives;
- 0.5 credit in Social Policy Political Science Electives;
- 0.5 credit in Social Policy Business, Social Work or Sociology Electives;
- 0.5 credit in Social Policy, Social Work or Sociology Electives;
- 1.0 credit in Social Policy Electives of any type;
- 1.0 credit from (PSCI 2701 and PSCI 2702), COMM 2001 [1.0] or (ECON 2201 and ECON 2202);
- 1.0 credit in LAWS 2005 [1.0];
- 1.5 credits in ECON 1000 [1.0], BUSI 3602;
- 1.0 credit from (PSCI 2002 and PSCI 2003) or (PSCI 2101 and PSCI 2102);
- 1.0 credit from HIST 1300 [1.0], HIST 1002 [1.0] or HIST 1705 [1.0];
- 4.0 credits in free electives;
- The language requirement of the B.P.A.P.M. must be satisfied.
Social Policy Electives
- BUSI 3102, BUSI 4105, BUSI 4107, BUSI 4203
- ECON 3360, ECON 3402, ECON 3801, ECON 3810
- LAWS 3000, LAWS 3001, LAWS 3006, LAWS 3305, LAWS 3306, LAWS 3307, LAWS 3401, LAWS 3402, LAWS 3405, LAWS 3503, LAWS 3504, LAWS 3506, LAWS 3508, LAWS 3804, LAWS 4001, LAWS 4305, LAWS 4402, LAWS 4504, LAWS 4507, LAWS 4607
- PSCI 3006, PSCI 3109, PSCI 3401, PSCI 3402, PSCI 3404, PSCI 3405, PSCI 3409, PSCI 4107, PSCI 4109, PSCI 4407
- SOWK 3100, SOWK 3206, SOWK 3207, SOWK 4102, SOWK 4103, SOWK 4105, SOWK 4204, SOWK 4300
- SOCI 3010, SOCI 3050, SOCI 3055, SOCI 3300, SOCI 3400, SOCI 3410, SOCI 3420, SOCI 3810, SOCI 4055, SOCI 4410, SOCI 4420, SOCI 4430, SOCI 4810
Public Affairs and Policy Management with Specialization in Strategic Public Opinion and Policy Analysis
B.P.A.P.M. (20.0 credits)
- 4.0 credits in PAPM 1000 [1.0], PAPM 2000 [1.0], PAPM 3000, PAPM 4000, PAPM 4908 [1.0];
- 1.5 credits in JOUR 2205 and COMM 3001, COMM 3002;
- 0.5 credit from BUSI 2204 or BUSI 2400;
- 2.0 credits from BUSI 3205, BUSI 3207 COMM 3301, COMM 3302, PSCI 3004, PSCI 3402, PSCI 3405, PSCI 3406, or PSCI 3407;
- 1.0 credit from PSCI 4701, COMM 4000, or
COMM 4002;
- 1.5 credits from JOUR.4000 [1.0], PSCI 4000 [1.0], PSCI 4003, PSCI 4204, PSCI 4407 or PSCI 4408;
- 1.0 credit from PSCI 2701 and PSCI 2702, or COMM 2001 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit from LAWS 2005 [1.0] or LAWS 3603 and LAWS 3604;
- 1.5 credits in ECON 1000 [1.0], BUSI 3602;
- 1.0 credit in either (PSCI 2002 and PSCI 2003) or (PSCI 2101 and PSCI 2102);
- 1.0 credit from HIST 1300 [1.0], HIST 1002 [1.0] or HIST 1705 [1.0];
- 4.0 credits in free electives;
- The language requirement of the B.P.A.P.M. must be satisfied.
