Canadian Studies
School of Canadian Studies (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
1206 Dunton Tower
This section presents the requirements for:
Graduation Requirements
In addition to the requirements listed below, students must satisfy the following:
- the University regulations (see the Academic Regulations of the University section of this Calendar),
- the common regulations applying to all B.A. students including those relating to First-Year Seminars and Breadth requirements (see the Academic Regulations for the Bachelor of Arts Degree ).
- The School of Canadian Studies requires its Combined Honours and Major students to demonstrate proficiency in a language other than English, normally French or an Aboriginal language. Proficiency is normally demonstrated through the completion of 1.0 credits in French (FREN 1100 [1.0], FREN 2100 [1.0], FINS 2105 and FINS 3105 or approved equivalent) or ALSS 1900 (or approved equivalent). For students who consider that they have proficiency in French, the School of Canadian Studies conducts a French language examination in September and January. For students who consider that they have proficiency in an Aboriginal language, the onus is on the student to provide suitable documentary evidence of proficiency to the School of Canadian Studies.
Students should consult the School when planning their program and selecting courses.
Program Requirements
Canadian Studies B.A. Combined Honours (20.0 credits)
- 1.0 credit from CDNS 1000 [1.0], FYSM 1406 [1.0], FYSM 1409 [1.0], FYSM 1600 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit from CDNS 2010, CDNS 2011, CDNS 2210, CDNS 2300, CDNS 2400, CDNS 2500;
- 1.0 credit from CDNS 3010, CDNS 3104, CDNS 3300, CDNS 3400, CDNS 3510, CDNS 3600;
- 0.5 credit in CDNS 3000;
- 1.0 credit from CDNS 4010, CDNS 4101, CDNS 4104, CDNS 4200, CDNS 4300, CDNS 4400 and CDNS 4500;
- 1.0 credit, at the 4000-level, from the list of Approved Canadian Studies or Aboriginal Studies Electives below;
- 1.5 credits from the list of Approved Canadian Studies Electives below;
- The requirements for Combined Honours in the other discipline must be satisfied;
- 5.0 credits not in Canadian Studies or the other discipline;
- Sufficient free electives to achieve a total of 20.0 credits for the program;
- The School of Canadian Studies language requirement must be met.
Canadian Studies B.A. General (15.0 credits)
- 1.0 credit in CDNS 1000 [1.0], FYSM 1406 [1.0],
FYSM 1409 [1.0], FYSM 1600 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit from CDNS 2010, CDNS 2011,
CDNS 2210, CDNS 2300, CDNS 2400, CDNS 2500;
- 1.5 credits from CDNS 3000, CDNS 3010, CDNS 3104, CDNS 3300, CDNS 3400, CDNS 3510, CDNS 3600;
- 1.0 credit, at the 3000-level, from the list of Approved Canadian Studies or Aboriginal Studies Electives (below);
- 2.5 credits from the list of Approved Canadian Studies or Aboriginal Studies Electives (below);
- 7.0 credits in electives not in Canadian Studies;
- 1.0 credit free elective.
- The School of Canadian Studies language requirement must be met.
Minor in Aboriginal Studies
The Minor in Aboriginal Studies is open to all undergraduate degree students.
Requirements (4.0 credits):
- 1.0 credit in CDNS 2010 and CDNS 2011;
- 1.0 credit from CDNS 3010, CDNS 3104, CDNS 4010, CDNS 4101, CDNS 4104;
- 2.0 credits from the list of approved Aboriginal Studies Electives;
- The remaining requirements of the major discipline(s) and degree must be satisfied.
Minor in Canadian Studies
The Minor in Canadian Studies is open to all undergraduate degree students not in Canadian Studies programs.
Requirements (4.0 credits):
- 1.0 credit from CDNS 1000 [1.0], FYSM 1406 [1.0], FYSM 1409 [1.0], FYSM 1600;
- 1.0 credit from CDNS 2010, CDNS 2011,
CDNS 2210, CDNS 2300, CDNS 2400, CDNS 2500;
- 1.0 credit at the 3000- or 4000-level from: CDNS 3000, CDNS 3010, CDNS 3104, CDNS 3200, CDNS 3300, CDNS 3400, CDNS 3510, CDNS 3600, CDNS 4010, CDNS 4101, CDNS 4104, CDNS 4200, CDNS 4300, CDNS 4400, CDNS 4500, CDNS 4800, CDNS 4801, CDNS 4802, CDNS 4901, CDNS 4902, CDNS 4903, CDNS 4904, CDNS 4905, CDNS 4906 or CDNS 4907;
- 1.0 credit from the list of approved Canadian Studies Electives (below);
- The remaining requirements of the major discipline(s) and degree must be satisfied.

Mention : Français
Students who wish to qualify for the Mention : Français notation in Canadian Studies may do so by fulfilling the requirements listed below, in consultation with the Undergraduate Supervisor. Courses taken for the Mention : Français notation may be used to fulfil Combined Honours and the General program requirements.
Courses taught in French at the University of Ottawa or at another university and which are approved by the Undergraduate Supervisor may be used to satisfy Mention : Français requirements. Students who wish to enrol in University of Ottawa courses for this purpose must do so through the University of Ottawa Exchange Agreement. To enrol in courses in French at another university, a Letter of Permission is required from the Registrar's Office.
Combined Honours Programs
To graduate with the notation Mention : Français, combined Honours students must include the following courses in their degree program:
- 1.0 credit in the advanced study of the French language;
- 1.0 credit in French-Canadian culture and heritage such as FREN 2201 or FREN 2401, or a course in another appropriate discipline, given in French, which is approved by the Undergraduate Supervisor. Courses from the University of Ottawa or another university must be approved by the Undergraduate Supervisor;
- 1.0 credit on a Canadian subject at the 2000- or 3000-level, taught in French, in any appropriate discipline. For Carleton University courses that may be used to fulfil this requirement, consult the list of Approved Canadian Studies Electives (below). Courses from the University of Ottawa or another university must be approved by the Undergraduate Supervisor;
- 1.0 credit on a Canadian subject at the 4000-level, taught in French, including either CDNS 4903 and CDNS 4904, or a directed studies, tutorial, research paper, or course in any appropriate discipline.
All written work must be submitted in French. Note that directed studies, tutorials, and research papers are weighted differently in various departments. Courses from the University of Ottawa or another university must be approved by the Undergraduate Supervisor.
- Combined Honours program students must meet Mention : Français requirements of both disciplines.
B.A. General
To graduate with the notation Mention : Français, B.A. General students must include the following courses in their degree program:
- 1.0 credit in the advanced study of the French language;
- 1.0 credit in French-Canadian culture and heritage such as FREN 2201 and FREN 2401, or a course in another appropriate discipline, given in French, which is approved by the Undergraduate Supervisor. Courses from the University of Ottawa or another university must be approved by the Undergraduate Supervisor;
- 1.0 credit on a Canadian subject at the 2000- or 3000-level, taught in French, in any appropriate discipline. For Carleton University courses that may be used to fulfil this requirement, consult the list below of Approved Canadian Studies Electives. Courses from the University of Ottawa or another university must be approved by the Undergraduate Supervisor.

Approved Canadian Studies Electives
The following courses are deemed by the School of Canadian Studies to have significant Canadian content, and can be included where appropriate as part of a Canadian Studies degree. Carleton courses not on this list may be applied as approved Canadian Studies electives, but they must be approved by the Undergraduate Supervisor. Students taking courses at the University of Ottawa should consult with the Undergraduate Supervisor to gain approval for substituting them as approved Canadian Studies electives.
- Applied Language Studies
- ALSS 1900
- Art History
- ARTH 2002, ARTH 2003, ARTH 2005, ARTH 2006, ARTH 2008, ARTH 3000, ARTH 3001, ARTH 3002, ARTH 3602, ARTH 4000, ARTH 4001, ARTH 4005
- Canadian Studies
- Students may use CDNS courses as approved Canadian Studies electives, provided they have met their core program requirements.
- Communication Studies
- COMM 2101 [1.0], COMM 2300, COMM 2302, COMM 2501, COMM 3005, COMM 3006 [1.0], COMM 3502, COMM 4500, COMM 4501
- Economics
- ECON 3104, ECON 3202, ECON 3207, ECON 3250, ECON 3300, ECON 3403, ECON 3405, ECON 3420, ECON 3450, ECON 3520, ECON 3607, ECON 3801, ECON 3810, ECON 3820, ECON 4309, ECON 4403, ECON 4404, ECON 4700, ECON 4701
- English
- ENGL 2802 [1.0], ENGL 2808 [1.0], ENGL 3801, ENGL 3803, ENGL 3960, ENGL 4802, ENGL 4806, ENGL 4807, ENGL 4960, ENGL 4961
- Film Studies
- FILM 2209 [1.0], FILM 3209, FILM 4209
- First Year Seminar
- FYSM 1900 (specifically the section on Selected Topics in the Study of Academic Discourse: Aboriginal Topics)
- French
- FINS 2500, FREN 4213
- Geography
- GEOG 2020, GEOG 3026, GEOG 3501, GEOG 4004,
- History
- HIST 1300 [1.0], HIST 2303 [1.0], HIST 2304 [1.0], HIST 3202, HIST 3203, HIST 3204, HIST 3205, HIST 3206, HIST 3208, HIST 3209, HIST 3301, HIST 3304, HIST 3306, HIST 3500, HIST 3503 [1.0], HIST 3504 [1.0], HIST 3506, HIST 3507, HIST 3602, HIST 3903, HIST 4302 [1.0], HIST 4304 [1.0], HIST 4306 [1.0], HIST 4505 [1.0], HIST 4602
- Journalism
- JOUR 2205, JOUR 2501, JOUR 3005, JOUR 3006, JOUR 3502
- Law
- LAWS 1000 [1.0], LAWS 2003 [1.0], LAWS 2004 [1.0], LAWS 2005 [1.0], LAWS 3001, LAWS 3003, LAWS 3205, LAWS 3304, LAWS 3305, LAWS 3306, LAWS 3307, LAWS 3402, LAWS 3405, LAWS 3408, LAWS 3500, LAWS 3501, LAWS 3502, LAWS 3503, LAWS 3504, LAWS 3506, LAWS 3509, LAWS 3804, LAWS 4006, LAWS 4100, LAWS 4303, LAWS 4308, LAWS 4309, LAWS 4504, LAWS 4507
- Linguistics and Applied Languages
- LALS 2701, LALS 2704, LALS 3705
- Music
- MUSI 3103, MUSI 3104, MUSI 3302, MUSI 4103, MUSI 4104
- Political Science
- PSCI 1002, PSCI 1003, PSCI 2001 [1.0], PSCI 2002, PSCI 2003, PSCI 3000, PSCI 3003, PSCI 3004, PSCI 3005, PSCI 3006, PSCI 3007, PSCI 3109, PSCI 3305, PSCI 3401, PSCI 3402, PSCI 3406, PSCI 3407, PSCI 3500, PSCI 3606, PSCI 3607, PSCI 3805, PSCI 4000 [1.0], PSCI 4002, PSCI 4003, PSCI 4005, PSCI 4006, PSCI 4008, PSCI 4009, PSCI 4107, PSCI 4108, PSCI 4109, PSCI 4204, PSCI 4205, PSCI 4206, PSCI 4407, PSCI 4607, PSCI 4807
- Social Work
- SOWK 1000, SOWK 3804, SOWK 4102, SOWK 4103, SOWK 4203
- Sociology/Anthropology
- SOCI 1001, SOCI 1002, SOCI 1003, SOCI 2010, SOCI 2020, ANTH 2020, SOCI 2043, SOCI 2045, SOCI 2200, ANTH 2610, SOCI 3020, ANTH 3020, SOCI 3040, SOCI 3045, SOCI 3400, SOCI 3420, SOCI 3570, ANTH 3570, ANTH 3600, SOCI 3810, ANTH 4610, SOCI 4430, SOCI 4750, ANTH 4750
- Women's and Gender Studies
- WGST 2800

Aboriginal Studies Electives
The following courses are deemed by the School of Canadian Studies to have significant Aboriginal content, and can be included where appropriate as part of a minor in Aboriginal Studies. Carleton courses not on this list may be applied as approved Aboriginal Studies electives, but they must be approved by the Undergraduate Supervisor. Students taking courses at the University of Ottawa should consult with the Undergraduate Supervisor to gain approval for substituting them as approved Aboriginal Studies electives.
- Applied Language Studies
- ALSS 1900
- Art History
- ARTH 2005, ARTH 2006, ARTH 2008, ARTH 4004, ARTH 4005
- Canadian Studies
- CDNS 4800, CDNS 4801, CDNS 4802, CDNS 4901, CDNS 4902, CDNS 4903, CDNS 4904, CDNS 4905, CDNS 4906, CDNS 4907 [1.0]
- English
- ENGL 3960, ENGL 4960, ENGL 4961
- First Year Seminar
- FYSM 1900 (specifically the section on Selected Topics in the Study of Academic Discourse: Aboriginal Topics)
- Geography
- GEOG 3501
- History
- HIST 3503 [1.0]
- Law
- LAWS 2003 [1.0], LAWS 2005 [1.0], LAWS 3504, LAWS 4504
- Music
- MUSI 4104
- Political Science
- PSCI 4002, PSCI 4109, PSCI 4206
- Social Work
- SOWK 4102, SOWK 4203
- Sociology/Anthropology
- ANTH 2610, SOCI 3570, ANTH 3570, ANTH 3600, ANTH 4610