The Carleton
University Postdoctoral Assocation was officially constituted on 21st
September 2011 but had existed in a more nebulous form for a few years
prior to that meeting. The goal of the organisation is to
70-80 postdoctoral researchers across Carleton University. This
is a fairly unique challenge in terms of representation, as postdocs
exist in a variety of guises. At Carleton we have some
who are employed entirely by the university (e.g. through grants made
to faculty members) and who are therefore part of the university
system. On the other hand we also have postdoctoral fellows
those funded through Tri-Council (SSHRC, NSERC, CIHR) fellowships with
whom the university has very little to do. One of the other
issues and one that has been a stumbling block in the formation of CUPA
is the almost-constant turnover of postdocs and the resulting lack of
continuity through the years. We hope that CUPA, in its
incarnation, is robust to these changes and will provide a resource to
support postdoctoral scholars at Carleton for many years to come.
Executive Committee
Dr Daniel Preece (President)
Bio: I am a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow and Instructor in the Department of Political Science at Carleton University. As well, I am currently the Vice-President External for the Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars. After completing my PhD in Political Science from the University of Alberta in 2008, I published my first book, Dismantling Social Europe: The Political Economy of Social Policy in the European Union, in July 2009. My current research examines the manner in which governments grapple with the competing pressures of global competitiveness, social protection, and democratic accountability and the impact of ideas and discourse on public policy.
Dr Christopher Hassall
(Vice-President Secretary)
Bio: I completed my BSc (Hons) in Zoology and my PhD in environmental entomology at the University of Liverpool in the UK. I moved to Canada in September 2009 to pursue postdoctoral research funded by the Department for Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) on dragonfly ecology. I am currently an Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation Postdoctoral Fellow working on the ecology and conservation of aquatic ecosystems in urban stormwater facilities.
Dr Kevin Abbott (Vice-President External)
Bio: Coming soon!
Dr Rena Bivens (Vice-President Communications)
Bio: Coming soon!
Dr Ramy Gohary (Vice-President Finance)
Bio: Coming soon!
If you would like to join the mailing list or find out more about CUPA, please contact the President, Daniel Preece: daniel_preece [at] Details of our governing documents can be found at the links below:
Executive Committee

Bio: I am a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow and Instructor in the Department of Political Science at Carleton University. As well, I am currently the Vice-President External for the Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars. After completing my PhD in Political Science from the University of Alberta in 2008, I published my first book, Dismantling Social Europe: The Political Economy of Social Policy in the European Union, in July 2009. My current research examines the manner in which governments grapple with the competing pressures of global competitiveness, social protection, and democratic accountability and the impact of ideas and discourse on public policy.

Bio: I completed my BSc (Hons) in Zoology and my PhD in environmental entomology at the University of Liverpool in the UK. I moved to Canada in September 2009 to pursue postdoctoral research funded by the Department for Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) on dragonfly ecology. I am currently an Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation Postdoctoral Fellow working on the ecology and conservation of aquatic ecosystems in urban stormwater facilities.
Dr Kevin Abbott (Vice-President External)
Bio: Coming soon!
Dr Rena Bivens (Vice-President Communications)
Bio: Coming soon!
Dr Ramy Gohary (Vice-President Finance)
Bio: Coming soon!
If you would like to join the mailing list or find out more about CUPA, please contact the President, Daniel Preece: daniel_preece [at] Details of our governing documents can be found at the links below: