We are happy to present an article by Vladimir Yakunin (Russia) the Founding President of the WPF "Dialogue of Civilizations" that starts a debate on some key issues for global development; this article was first published in renown Russian journal “Expert” this month : http://expert.ru/expert/2012/27/tsenyi-vmesto-tsennostej/
Yakunin (Russia) the Founding President of the
WPF "Dialogue of Civilizations" (Russia) , Moscow - Vienna
Corporate Standards of the Finance Oligarchy
(Threats to Positive Global Transformations)
The current proliferation of ideological, political,
economic and social conflicts has raised serious doubts about the
sustainability of the modern world order. Ever-growing
feelings of injustice accompany the growing inequality in world
development and seem to prevent any possible positive global
transformation. Under these conditions, there is a serious
need for dramatic changes within relations of civilizations, states and
The article aims to offer a new approach to the role of the so-called
finance oligarchy and its relationship towards society and state in the
context of a deep systemic instability. It will address this group’s
main characteristics and aims, with a reference to the results of
different research projects undertaken recently under the auspices of
the World Public Forum (WPF) “Dialogue of Civilizations”.
In an already chaotic world, the current widespread
crisis once again raised important questions about state-society
relations, and specifically the quality and limits of a state
management, justice and predictability. There are at least two
conflicting approaches on these matters - those of neoliberals and
statists. The neoliberal approach suggests that the state has to be
limited in its functions. Its proponents argue that a civil society
that operates through self-regulating organizations in the context of
developed democracy and individual freedom does not need the state’s
guardianship (read: de facto control). On the other side, there are the
advocates of the “strong state power.” They reasonably point out
towards the fact that, especially in the absence of developed
democratic institutions, sharp reduction of state functions leads to
the growth of social and economic inequities, tensions and even more
Both of these approaches, being ideal models, are far from reality:
neither total state control nor complete non-inference in the processes
of economic and social development is possible. If
maintaining order is an organic function of state power - as we
mentioned above - and an unalienable factor of any kind of public
management than we can extrapolate that in the future this function
will not disappear, but will become a prerogative, even an instrument,
of the coming “global state”. This “state” may allow itself
to interfere or not to interfere into national states, to take over the
right to abolish national institutions.
In other words, the current transformations visible in massive protest
movements in different regions and countries are the reaction to what
my colleague, political scientist Adrian Pabst, calls“collusion between
Big Government and Big Business.”
This collusion leads to the formation of a certain system that
privatizes profits, nationalizes losses, and imposes increased risks on
society. This system has worsened the previously existing
uneven distribution of incomes and property and has increased poverty
in developing countries and emerging markets.
Within this system, a specific social stratum that we term
“transnational finance oligarchy” aims to manage
not only social groups and communities, but also states, regions and
societies, with neglect of both state sovereignty
and any “domestic” civilizational or cultural specifics.
However, this social stratum has one weakness: there are the financial
markets themselves and then there is state ownership of money. No one
can be the true owner of a financial system except the state whose
marks of distinction are present on any bill or coin.
Let me elaborate on the nature of above phenomena. Transnational
Corporation of the finance oligarchy has certain characteristics. First
is its international, global character. In my opinion, it is
a mistake to put all the responsibility for the global systemic crisis
of 2008 (started as a financial crisis which grew into a
financial-economic one and is now regarded by many specialists as a
systemic crisis) solely on the US administration as many media do. In
such a case, the responsibility of the US state system is overly
Meanwhile, over the last decades of the twentieth century, the
financial community has concentrated in its hands the supercritical
mass of the world's wealth and, above all, financial capital. Global
migration of a real economy in form of capital and productive assets
being moved from one country to another, from one continent to another
is happening according to specific plans and exclusively in the
interests of the financial oligarchy. That trend has profound
consequences in the most massive impoverishment of “the middle class”
in the western countries since the days of the Great Depression, in the
growth of social tensions, and in numerous interethnic conflicts.
The financial oligarchy has monopolized the right to truth in modern
economics in order to establish the inviolability
of neoliberal concepts. My colleague,
Craig Calhoun says:
“…how could neoclassical and some other versions of economics persist
so long in models based on representative rational actors, smooth
curves, and anticipations of unproblematic long-term growth? And were
traders and managers on Wall Street really convinced by all the hype
about new capacities to manage risk, or did they actually know the
crash was coming but get taken in by the notion that they were so smart
they could time getting out better than most did? Certainly one feature
of the bubble years was drawing an array of the brightest students at
top universities to work in investment banking, enculturating them in a
world of playing late-night poker games, celebrating risk, denigrating
risk management and regulation, and perpetuating the satisfying notion
that they were not only brainy enough to deserve absurd fortunes for
minimally productive activity but bright enough to know when to get out
of the Ponzi scheme.”
Global financial oligarchy has almost completely
appropriated the control over information-management systems
(traditional mass-media, internet, special and social networks) that
have started to lose their status as of harmless
information storage and became rather bold instrument of the capital
justification of its actions.
That quasi-stratum has usurped the channels of virtual capital flows
the same way as Britain once seized the control over world trade
routes. Nowadays, financial operations could be unpredictably suspended
or done with a lightning speed to create an “empty added
Throughout the XIX-XX centuries, that financial social stratum tried to consolidate under its overt or covert control the state systems of developed and many developing countries, except for the states that proclaimed an alternative social orientation: the USSR, China, other countries of the socialist camp, and a number of traditionalist regimes of the East.
We can, with a certain degree of confidence, outline the
main aims of the financial oligarchy. First and foremost is to achieve
the total and unconditional victory of “consumerism”. To a
considerable degree, such a world already exists. In this world, the
slogan “consumerism is an engine of the economic development” became a
slogan for a global manipulation of public consciousness, under which
even the smallest seeds of spirituality, of historic traditions,
national culture and identity are rooted out to open the way for global
financial commercialism.
All categories of citizens, from teenagers to elderly people, have
become the targets of aggressive consumerism. Even kids are becoming an
active resource for the growth of consumerism. Such
an all-out impact on consumers creating a path
towards the process of global commercialization (financialization) of
the global society . As one of the authors of the “Possible
Futures Series”, professor of anthropology at New York City University
David Harvey says, it is the radical financialization that
has helped the capitalist economy to survive which has become the
reason of a deep crisis
In people’s minds, basic values, including those defined by a human
social nature, are replaced by surrogates, suitable for manipulation.
The sacredness of human life, the importance of traditions for
development, the value of a family and continuity of generations, the
holiness of motherhood, the recognition of a man as a social creature,
the importance of real freedom have been replaced - by media
– with a secondary issues related mainly to market.
To the list of these phenomena we should also add the propaganda of
unlimited individualism and disregard to the interests of others. As
such, it does not matter whether we are speaking about the interest of
a neighbor that lives down the street or about the interests of people
that live in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Syria, Israel,
countries of Africa or Latin America, Russia, India or China.
A sound example of this is the NATO aggression against Iraq. The
pretext to start a war was that Iraq possessed weapons of mass
destruction that could threaten western society and mankind as a whole.
However, even after the George Bush Administration and Tony Blair’s
Government officially admitted the faked pretext behind the armed
intervention, this did not result in any kind of morally obligating
response from Americans and Europeans. Neither does the general public
know anything about the demands to bring to justice the lying statesmen
responsible for the death of thousands of their own citizens and
Being atomized by the propaganda of unlimited individualism, Western
society is prone to accept any “message”
under the pretext of protecting “common human values” that belong
exclusively to the Anglo-Saxon civilization.
With all the well-known and widely spread judgments
about such values as individual freedom, competition, freedom of
choice, etc., global society has prescribed a practice that allows it
to maintain such a social management that, above all, helps to achieve
the goals of protecting its own foundations. One of the founders of the
WPF “Dialogue of Civilizations”, Jagdish Kapur named it an “armament
protected consumerism.”
Thus, given the double-standards practice occupied by those creating
the global values, one of the most effective ways to suppress “global
nonconformity” is the creation of manageable economic crises that
nowadays have replaced the spontaneous ones of earlier capitalism
characterized by a free market competition and repeated overproduction.
A point that made as well Nancy Fraser
, by saying that , state policy that “corrects” the market
mistakes is a certain form of dominance.
To overcome the destructive tendencies, Fraser underlines, it is not
enough to just re-embed markets with social relations and needs; it has
to be done in way that would formulate anew the “norms that gain social
Nowadays, it is timely to reassess the Bretton Woods Agreements and
re-try to made the global finances to be more transparent and
predictable. In practice, and the most recent
financial-economic meltdown illustrates that this decision has resulted
in the creation of the sole center for the emission of a reserve
currency. That fact provided the above-mentioned financial
stratum with indisputable advantages to format the world according to
its own templates and process of subordination of national economies.
Their economic relations could only be compared to
the ones of period of an early colonization, when treasures of the
developing countries were swapped for “the glass beads” of the western
world. My colleague from Turkey, sociologist Caglar Keyder
points out that it is does not matter how much the middle class of rich
countries suffers; the burdens created by globalization, inequality,
exploitation and crises fall, to a greater extent, on the shoulders of
the poorest part of a mankind.
Another example of the financial oligarchy activity is the usurpation
of the right to implement globally the policy of so-called “environment
protection.” Indeed, there is no need in doctor degree to
realize the consequences of the man’s impact on Nature. Ozone
holes, diseases caused by pollution, water shortages, natural disasters
and technogenic catastrophes – all of these does threaten the mankind’s
What are the recommendations given to cope with these problems? Those
are the reduction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, employment
of energy-saving technologies and technologies based on renewable
sources of energy, widespread campaign against the use of the nuclear
power plants, etc. It would seem that both public and
governments of the developed countries have realized the disastrousness
of violence over Nature. However, why did the U.S. refuse to join the
Kyoto Protocol on limiting harmful emissions from the industrial
production into the atmosphere? How will developing countries solve the
problems of their development, in particular, of an energy gap? The
answer would be to employ modern expensive technologies to be bought
from the West on the Western credits. As a result, it will support the
western development and deepen the dependence of the developing world
bringing one more instrument of powerful manipulation.
Thus, no matter whether it is protection of environment
or of common human values, by means of war or peace it will be the
goals of those who dominate – of the “ financial oligarchy headed by
the USA, in general, and of the corporation of bankers, in
particular. Corporation of the finance
oligarchy absolutely does not care about “local” population
and “local states” . They do not accept cultural or
civilizational difference. On the contrary, they try to prevent (or
even crush) any possible spiritual or social-economic opposition, be it
in Iraq or Iran, Libya or Syria, Russia or Cuba, etc. The corporation
(oligarchy) even loses its interest to needs of its own middle class –
the guarantor of the consumption system. Recently stable western
society is now also becoming “a risk zone” and a sphere of instability
and uncertainty.
Under such conditions, even the idea of the dialogue of civilizations
is considered as a dangerous challenge for financial oligarchy. The
finance oligarchy opposes the multitude of languages, the
poly-cultures, the traditional civilizations and the quest for adequate
models of development by bringing chaos, confrontations, armed
conflicts, and turning world asunder by prejudices and fears of the
onset of peace; that made the world much easier to manipulate and
control. To overcome this pattern, to bring qualitative positive
transformations, it is extremely important to understand the necessity
in a more humane and plural society, to
bring into every house the ideas of respect towards the Other, to
realize the equality of different civilizations, their cultural and
spiritual heritage, and their right to choose their own path of
development and life.
Adrian Pabst, in: in The Deepening Crisis, eds. Craig Calhoun and Georgi Derluguian, Possible Futures Series: v.1, (New York: New York University Press, 2011): 158.
Craig Calhoun, “Introduction: From the Current Crisis to Possible Futures” in Business as Usual: The Roots of the Global Financial Meltdown, eds. Craig Calhoun and Georgi Derluguian, Possible Futures Series: v.1, (New York: New York University Press, 2011): 27-28.
Nancy Fraser, “Marketization, Social Protection, Emancipation, Toward a Neo-Polanyian Conception of Capitalist Crisis” in Business as Usual: The Roots of the Global Financial Meltdown, eds. Craig Calhoun and Georgi Derluguian, Possible Futures Series: v.1, (New York: New York University Press, 2011): 137-159.