Professor, School of Public Policy andAdministration at Carleton University
Manfred Bienefeld,
Professor, School of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton
Katherine Graham is Professor of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton University, Senior Fellow in the Carleton Centre for Community Innovation (3ci) and a Fellow of the Centre for Governance and Public Management. From 2003 to 2009, she was the Dean of the Faculty of Public Affairs. From 1998 to 2002, she served as Associate Dean (Research and Faculty Development). Katherine Graham’s research focuses on local governance, community development, Aboriginal policy and policy processes. She has worked across Canada and internationally on governance issues. Katherine Graham is currently the Coordinator of the Carleton-Batawa Initiative, a collaboration between Carleton University and the Batawa Development Corporation (led by Mrs. Sonja Bata) to make the community of Batawa a model for rural sustainable community development. She is also the Chair of Community-based Research Canada, a national network of universities and community-based organizations fostering community-university research engagement.
Katherine Graham served as co-Research Director on Governance for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. She is currently co-Coordinator of a series of research studies on the policy role of the federal government vis-à-vis Canadian municipalities. This research is supported by a Major Collaborative Research Initiative grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada. She is recipient of the Canadian Evaluation Society’s Karl Boudreault Leadership Award in Evaluation. In recognition of her contributions to Carleton University and to the field of Aboriginal policy, the university established the Katherine Graham Annual Lecture on Aboriginal Policy in 2009.
David Gray
Formerly a partner with Universalia
Laura Macdonald,
Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science at Carleton
Allan Maslove,
Professor, School of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton
Susan Phillips,
Professor and Director, School of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton University
Chris Stoney,
Associate Professor, School of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton University