Food Science and Nutrition
Department of Chemistry (Faculty of Science)
203 Steacie Chemistry Bldg.
This section presents the requirements for:
Program Requirements
Food Science and Nutrition B.Sc. Honours (20.0 credits)
- 6.5 credits in FOOD 1001, FOOD 2001, FOOD 3001, FOOD 3002, FOOD 3003, FOOD 3004, FOOD 3005, FOOD 4001,
FOOD 4101 [1.0], FOOD 4102, FOOD 4908 [1.0];
- 1.5 credits in ECON 1000 [1.0] and ECON 3300;
- 3.0 credits in CHEM 1000 [1.0], CHEM 2203, CHEM 2204, CHEM 2303, CHEM 5709;
- 2.5 credits in BIOL 1003, BIOL 1004, BIOL 2104, BIOL 2303, BIOL 3104;
- 1.0 credit in MATH 1007 and MATH 1107;
- 1.0 credit in STAT 2507 and STAT 2509;
- 1.0 credit in BIOC 2200 and BIOC 4708;
- 0.5 credit from PHYS 1007, ERTH 1006, ERTH 1007;
- 2.0 credits in Science Continuation Courses;
- 1.0 credit in free elective.
