John Cloutier
A cool and gentle breeze blows
tall grass and thorn bush
against graffiti covered brick.
Baseball games and games
of cops and robbers,
cowboys and Indians,
house… have become nothing
but urine soaked cardboard,
empty cans and bottles,
an abandoned tire and an old spool
of electrical wire in the vacant lot.
Some say it started when the factory began
reducing hours, cutting back, laying off -
then the drug of the 80's took hold,
the drug of the 90's, the drug
of today, cooked at home, cooking...
There is no solace
in the junkyard, no cure
from without, no pain;
and although the junk man's wife
vehemently claims to have witnessed
glimmers on the horizon
no one believes
The junk man whistles
a different tune each day
while clearing space
for the new development.
Published in Out/Words #3 (view contents)
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