We are currently looking for people to aid in extending the reach of In/Words by increasing its physical presence throughout our community. We want to get In/Words into the bookstores, into coffeeshops and into the hands of the general public. If you're willing to put our material out there, we want you on our team. Contact us at inwordsmail@yahoo.com for information on attending our distribution meetings.
In/Words is a non-profit entity. It is provided with a budget by Carleton University and supported by the kindness of sponsors and those involved with the University who wish to see its success. The noble and necessary goal of providing a voice to Canada's artists can be reached through the generosity of its readers. If you read In/Words and wish to see it expand and offer the opportunity for artists to flourish on a larger scale, we welcome donations of any monetary value. Please contact our editorial team at inwordsmail@yahoo.com to find out how your support can help shine a light on talent currently kept in the shadows.
Thank you for listening to our voices.