A conversation I need to have
Bethany Olson

B: Hello?

H: Helloah.


H: How are you?

B: Alright, thanks.

H: I'm sorry.

B: For what?

H: You know. What I did. And said. As good as you had been to me, I wasn't the same to you. I made it sound like you weren't what I wanted. But that's not it at all. I'm a coward. And an idiot. I am so lost going through life. I didn't want to hold on to this because it would have required an effort. I can't even do that. I'm sorry.

B: OK. I appreciate that. I will see you later, then.

H: Wait.

B: What?

H: Next time you pass me by on the street, will you glance at me like at any other stranger again, or will you nod and maybe smile?

B: I'll consider it. Have a good night.

H: Thank you.

Published in Out/Words #3 (view contents)
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