Department of Philosophy (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
3A46 Paterson Hall
This section presents the programs in:
Graduation Requirements
In addition to the program requirements listed below, students must satisfy:
- the University regulations including those concerned with Academic Performance Evaluation (see the Academic Regulations of the University section of this Calendar),
- the Faculty regulations applying to all B.A. students including those relating to First-Year Seminars and Breadth requirements (see the Academic Regulations for the Bachelor of Arts Degree ).
Students should consult with the department or committee responsible for their program when planning their program and selecting courses.
Course Categories for Philosophy
For purposes of program description the Philosophy courses are classified as follows.
- PHIL 2005, PHIL 2101, PHIL 2201, PHIL 2202, PHIL 3001, PHIL 3002, PHIL 3003, PHIL 3005, PHIL 3009, PHIL 3010, PHIL 3104, PHIL 3330
- Ethics, Society and Aesthetics (ESA):
- PHIL 2020, PHIL 2101, PHIL 2103, PHIL 2104, PHIL 2106, PHIL 2201, PHIL 2306, PHIL 2307, PHIL 2380, PHIL 2408, PHIL 2807, PHIL 3102, PHIL 3320, PHIL 3330, PHIL 3340, PHIL 3350, PHIL 3380, PHIL 3450
- Language, Mind and World (LMW):
- PHIL 2010, PHIL 2301, PHIL 2405, PHIL 2501, PHIL 2504, PHIL 2520, PHIL 2540, PHIL 2550, PHIL 3140, PHIL 3150, PHIL 3301, PHIL 3306, PHIL 3501, PHIL 3502, PHIL 3504, PHIL 3506, PHIL 3530
- Philosophy Courses Open to First-Year Students:
- PHIL 1000; PHIL 1100 [1.0], PHIL 1301, PHIL 1500 [1.0], PHIL 1550; PHIL 1600 [1.0], PHIL 2001, PHIL 2003. Please note that not all of these courses are offered each year.

Program Requirements
Philosophy B.A. Honours (20.0 credits)
- 2.0 credits in PHIL 2005 [1.0], PHIL 3002, and PHIL 3003;
- 1.0 credit in PHIL 2010 and PHIL 2020;
- 0.5 credit from PHIL 2001, PHIL 2003;
- 1.5 credits in Ethics, Society and Aesthetics at the 2000-level or higher;
- 1.5 credits in Language, Mind and World at the 2000-level or higher;
- 1.5 credits in PHIL;
- 2.0 credits in PHIL at the 4000-level or higher;
- 8.0 credits not in PHIL;
- 2.0 credits in free electives.
Philosophy with Specialization in Philosophy, Ethics and Public Affairs
B.A. Honours (20.0 credits)
- 1.0 credit in PHIL 2010 and PHIL 2020;
- 2.0 credits in PHIL 2101, PHIL 3320, PHIL 3330, and PHIL 3340;
- 2.0 credits in Philosophy from: PHIL 1500 [1.0],
PHIL 1550, PHIL 2103, PHIL 2104, PHIL 2201,
PHIL 2202, PHIL 2306, PHIL 2307, PHIL 2380,
PHIL 2408, PHIL 2900 [1.0], PHIL 3350;
- 1.5 credits in History of Philosophy;
- 1.0 credit in Language, Mind and World;
- 2.0 credits in PHIL at the 4000-level or above;
- 2.5 credits in PHIL;
- 1.0 credit in PSCI 2300 [1.0];
- 2.0 credits from PSCI 3109, PSCI 3300, PSCI 3302, PSCI 3303, PSCI 3305, PSCI 3307, PSCI 3308, PSCI 3309, PSCI 4302, PSCI 4305 [1.0], PSCI 4306, or PSCI 4307;
- 2.0 credits not in PHIL;
- 3.0 credits in free electives.
Note: students intending to take this specialization are strongly encouraged to include either a First Year Seminar in Philosophy or 1.0 credit in Philosophy at the 1000-level (especially PHIL 1500 [1.0]) in their first year program.
B.A. Combined Honours (20.0 credits)
Combined Honours programs are available in Philosophy with the following subjects: Art History, Biology, Economics, English, French, History, Human Rights, Journalism, Law, Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, Sociology-Anthropology and Women's and Gender Studies. Special arrangements may be made for combining with other subjects.
Students taking any of the above programs or proposing other combinations must consult the Supervisor of Undergraduate Studies.
- 2.0 credits in the History of Philosophy or 1.0 credit in History of Philosophy and HUMS 2000;
- 1.0 credit in PHIL 2010 and PHIL 2020;
- 1.0 credit in Language, Mind, and World;
- 1.0 credit in Ethics, Society and Aesthetics;
- 1.0 credit in PHIL at the 4000-level or above;
- 1.0 credit in PHIL, which may be satisfied by FYSM 1208, FYSM 1209, or FYSM 1300;
- The requirements of the other discipline must be satisfied;
- 5.0 credits in electives not in PHIL or the other discipline (not applicable to B.Hum.);
- Sufficient free electives to make 20.0 credits in total for the program.
Philosophy B.A. General (15.0 credits)
- 1.0 credit in History of Philosophy;
- 1.0 credit in PHIL, which may be satisfied by FYSM 1208, FYSM 1209, or FYSM 1300;
- 4.0 credits in PHIL above the 1000-level;
- 7.0 credits not in PHIL;
- 2.0 credits free electives.
Minor in Philosophy
Requirements (4.0 credits):
- 2.0 credit in PHIL at the 2000-level or above;
- 1.0 credit in PHIL at the 3000-level or above;
- 1.0 credit in PHIL, which may be satisfied by FYSM 1208, FYSM 1209, or FYSM 1300;
- The remaining requirements of the major discipline(s) and degree must be satisfied.
The Philosophy Department has identified patterns of courses that satisfy the requirements of the Minor in Philosophy and focus the student's studies in the following areas:
- History of Philosophy
- Philosophy, Ethics and Public Affairs
- Philosophy of Journalism and Mass Communication
- Philosophy of Language
- Philosophy of Mind
- Ethics and Technology
Consult the Supervisor of Undergraduate Studies for details.

Mention : Français
Students in the B.A. (Honours) or B.A. (General) program in Philosophy may qualify for the notation Mention : Français by fulfilling the requirements outlined. Those wishing to pursue this path should consult with the Department's Undergraduate Supervisor, whose approval is required for all courses under Mention : Français.
Philosophy courses presented in fulfilment of Mention : Français requirements can double as courses to satisfy Philosophy B.A. (General) or B.A. (Honours) requirements.
To graduate with the notation Mention : Français , Philosophy students must include in their program the following:
- 1.0 credit in French language chosen in consultation with the French Department to perfect the student's French language skills.
- 1.0 credit from the following list of courses taught in French at Carleton and concerned with the study of the heritage and culture of French Canada: FREN 2200, FREN 2300, FREN 3002, FREN 3003, FREN 3302, FREN 3303.
- 1.0 credit from among PHIL 3901, PHIL 3901, PHIL 3903, PHIL 3906, PHIL 3907, PHIL 3908 (Independent Study) with philosophical works read in French and papers submitted in French to be assessed by two members of the Philosophy Department knowledgeable in the language, or 1.0 credit in Philosophy at the 3000-level taught in French at another university and acceptable to the Philosophy Department. In addition, Philosophy students in B.A. Honours or Combined Honours must include:
- 1.0 credit from among special projects (PHIL 4900, PHIL 4901, PHIL 4902, PHIL 4903, PHIL 4904,
PHIL 4906 Tutorial) in French, supervised by a member of the Department of Philosophy, or earned in a Philosophy seminar or seminars at the 4000-level taught in French at another university and acceptable to the Philosophy Department. Students must, in addition, satisfy the Honours requirement of 2.0 Carleton credits at the 4000-or 5000-level in Philosophy (1.0 for Combined Honours).
- Combined Honours students must meet the Mention : Français requirements of both Honours disciplines.
