College of the Humanities (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
2A39 Paterson Hall
This section presents the requirements for:
The B.Hum. Honours is available with a Study Year Abroad option. Consult the B.Hum. Honours program requirements for more information.
Graduation Requirements
In addition to the requirements listed below, students must satisfy the University regulations, including the process of Academic Performance Evaluation (see the Academic Regulations of the University section of this Calendar).
Students should consult the College and its Web site when planning their program and selecting courses.
Academic Performance Evaluation
The Bachelor of Humanities degree specifies that all credits are included in the Major CGPA, making this average identical to the Overall CGPA. Students are evaluated on the basis of their Overall CGPA and their Core CGPA.
Students are in Good Standing if the Overall CGPA = 7.00 and the Core CGPA = 7.0.
A student who is not in Good Standing but has Overall CGPA = 6.00 and Core CGPA = 6.00 is on Academic Warning.
A student is required to leave the program with the status Ineligible to Return if either:
- the student was on Academic Warning and does not achieve Good Standing at the next Academic Performance Evaluation, or
- the student has Overall CGPA of less than 6.00 or Core CGPA of less than 6.00 at any Academic Performance Evaluation.
The Humanities Core
HUMS 1000 [1.0], HUMS 2000 [1.0]
HUMS 3000 [1.0], HUMS 4000 [1.0]

Requirement for Full-Time Study
Students in the Humanities program must complete a minimum of 4.0 credits by the end of the summer session. The College may permit students to study abroad for a year while remaining registered in the program. For those students permitted to study abroad, Carleton credits commensurate to studies taken abroad will be determined by the College and awarded towards the student's degree. In exceptional circumstances (usually financial need or sickness) the College may also permit students to take a leave of absence for one year while remaining registered in the program.
Language Requirement
Language courses are normally selected from the following list and chosen in consultation with the College's Academic Advisor. It may be necessary to fulfil a prerequisite before taking these courses.

Program Requirements
B. Hum. Honours (20.0 credits)
- 4.0 credits in Humanities Core: HUMS 1000 [1.0], HUMS 2000 [1.0], HUMS 3000 [1.0], HUMS 4000;
- 2.5 credits in HUMS 1005, HUMS 3200 [1.0], HUMS 4103, HUMS 4104;
- 2.0 credits in HUMS 2101, HUMS 2102, HUMS 3102, HUMS 3103 (See Note, below);
- 2.5 credits in CLCV 2000 [1.0], RELI 1731 and RELI 2710[1.0];
- 1.0 credit from ENGL 1000 [1.0], HIST 1001 [1.0], PHIL 1600 [1.0], or PSCI 1000 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit fulfilling the language requirement;
- 1.0 credit from CLCV 2009 [1.0], CLCV 2900 [1.0], CLCV 2901 [1.0], ENGL 2300 [1.0], HIST 2005 [1.0], HIST 3210 [1.0], PHIL 2005, PSCI 2300 [1.0];
- 5.0 credits in:
- 1.0 credit from ENGL 3601, ENGL 3603, ENGL 4607, ENGL 4608, HIST 2205 [1.0], HIST 3200 [1.0], PHIL 3005, PSCI 4310[1.0];
- 1.0 credit from HUMS 4901, HUMS 4902, HUMS 4903 or HUMS 4904;
- 1.0 credit from ENGL 3304 [1.0], HIST 2203 [1.0], HUMS 3205 [1.0], PHIL 3002, PHIL 3003;
- 2.0 credits in electives
or (for Study Year Abroad)
- 5.0 pre-approved credits to be taken at an accredited international institution. Acceptable courses that cannot be equivalenced in a specific discipline will be equivalenced as HUMS courses;
- 1.0 credit in free electives. Note: For Item 3 above, students who transfer into the B. Hum. may use up to 2.0 credits of any previously completed art and/or music courses (with the exception of advanced placement courses); student who study abroad may use up to 2.0 credits of art and/or music courses taken abroad; students enrolled in a Combined Honours in Humanities and Art History or Humanities and Music may substitute up to 1.0 credit of music or art from their combined discipline for the respective requirement or part thereof.
B.Hum. Combined Honours (20.0 credits)
Students already admitted to the B.Hum. may register for a Combined Honours degree in Humanities and any other discipline offered within the B.A. Honours degree as a Combined Honours. Credits used to satisfy Items 1 through 8 below may also be used to satisfy up to 2.0 credits of the requirements of the other discipline under Item 9. A core seminar in Humanities used to fulfil the requirements of the other discipline will satisfy the 1.5 credit residence requirement of that discipline. In this case the requirement that residency credits be 3000-level or above is waived.
Requirements (20.0 credits):
- 4.0 credits in Humanities Core: HUMS 1000 [1.0], HUMS 2000 [1.0], HUMS 3000 [1.0], and HUMS 4000 [1.0];
- 2.5 credits in HUMS 1005, HUMS 3200 [1.0] HUMS 4103, and HUMS 4104;
- 2.0 credits in HUMS 2101, HUMS 2102, HUMS 3102, HUMS 3103 (See Note, below);
- 2.5 credits in CLCV 2000 [1.0], RELI 1731, and RELI 2710 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit from ENGL 1000 [1.0], HIST 1001 [1.0], PHIL 1600 [1.0], or PSCI 1000 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit fulfilling the language requirement;
- 0.5 credit from ENGL 3601, ENGL 3603, ENGL 4607, ENGL 4608; HIST 3200 [1.0], PHIL 3005, PSCI 4310 [1.0], or HIST 2205 [1.0];
- 0.5 credit from HUMS 4901, HUMS 4902, HUMS 4903, or HUMS 4904;
- 6.0 credits in electives that include the requirements for the other discipline of the combined degree or the minor. Note: For Item 3 above, students who transfer into the B. Hum. may use up to 2.0 credits of any previously completed art and/or music courses (with the exception of advanced placement courses); student who study abroad may use up to 2.0 credits of art and/or music courses taken abroad; students enrolled in a Combined Honours in Humanities and Art History or Humanities and Music may substitute up to 1.0 credit of music or art from their combined discipline for the respective requirement or part thereof.

Biology and Humanities
B.Hum. Combined Honours (20.0 credits)
- 4.0 credits in Humanities Core: HUMS 1000 [1.0], HUMS 2000 [1.0], HUMS 3000 [1.0], and HUMS 4000 [1.0];
- 1.5 credits in HUMS 1005, HUMS 3200 [1.0];
- 2.0 credits in HUMS 2101, HUMS 2102, HUMS 3102, HUMS 3103 (see Note, below);
- 2.5 credits in CLCV 2000 [1.0], RELI 1731, and RELI 2710 [1.0];
- 0.5 credit from HUMS 4901, HUMS 4902, HUMS 4903, or HUMS 4904;
- 1.0 credit fulfilling the language requirement;
- 0.5 credit from ENGL 3601, ENGL 3603, ENGL 4607, ENGL 4608; HIST 3200 [1.0], PHIL 3005, PSCI 4310 [1.0], or HIST 2205 [1.0];
- 4.0 credits in BIOL 1003, BIOL 1004, BIOL 2001, BIOL 2104, BIOL 2200, BIOL 2303, BIOL 3201, and BIOL 3305;
- 2.0 credits in CHEM 1000 [1.0], CHEM 2203, and CHEM 2204;
- 2.0 credits in BIOL or BIOC at the 3000 level or above. Note: For Item 3 above, students who transfer into the B. Hum. may use up to 2.0 credits of any previously completed art and/or music courses (with the exception of advanced placement courses); student who study abroad may use up to 2.0 credits of art and/or music courses taken abroad; students enrolled in a Combined Honours in Humanities and Art History or Humanities and Music may substitute up to 1.0 credit of music or art from their combined discipline for the respective requirement or part thereof.

B.Hum. with Minor
Students already admitted to the B.Hum may add a minor to their program in any other discipline in the University which offers a minor. Students registered in the Humanities - B.Hum. Honours who add a minor follow the requirements listed under items 7 to 9 of Humanities - B.Hum. Combined Honours instead of the requirements listed under items 7 to 9 of the Humanities - B.Hum. Honours degree.
