Accommodation is available on-site at Frontenac House residence. Book by clicking on the appropriate link below.
Off-campus accommodation is available at the conference hotel: the historic and centrally located Lord Elgin. Please see below for information.
Links to sites with listings for other hotels and sites with listings for B&B's can also be found below.
All currencies below are Canadian dollars.
Frontenac House
double, shared bath
Two people sharing one bed
Suite style - double bed, shared washroom
(includes 2 breakfasts & taxes)
single, shared bath
One person
Suite Style, double bed, shared washroom
$65.46/night (includes breakfast & taxes)
double or single, private bath
Double: $104.53/night (includes breakfast & taxes)
Single: $96.05/night (includes breakfast & taxes)
There are a limited number of these rooms available.
To book, please contact Susan Maslin ( or +1 613 520 2600 x8408).
Conference Hotel
Lord Elgin Hotel
Conference rate: $162.72/night (includes taxes)
Book online or mention the discount code 'LFG 2010'.
The discount rate is guaranteed until May 20, 2010.
Tel: (613) 235-3333 ⋅ Toll Free: 1-800-267-4298 (Canada & US)
Fax: (613) 235-3223
Website ⋅
Directions to Carleton:
Walking ⋅
* This is a sample trip. Please see OC Transpo for alternatives.
Other Options
Ottawa Tourism
Ottawa Hotel Association
Search by neighbourhood: Central Ottawa
Bed and Breakfasts (1) ⋅ Bed and Breakfasts (2)
Look for Central Ottawa, Dow's Lake, Glebe or Old Ottawa South