Department of Biology
(Faculty of Science)
209 Nesbitt Bldg.
This section presents the requirements for programs in:
Requirements for the program Biology and Biotechnology are presented in the Biotechnology program section of this Calendar.
Co-operative Education Option is available (see the Co-operative Education section of this Calendar).
Course Categories for Biology programs
The program descriptions below make use of the following course categories that are defined in the Bachelor of Science Regulations in this Calendar.
- Science Faculty Electives
- Advanced Science Faculty Electives
- Science Continuation
- Science Geography
- Science Psychology
- Approved Arts or Social Sciences
- Free Electives
- Restricted Courses: Biology General and Honours students (except students in the B.A General, B.A. Honours and Combin ed Honours programs) may use Technology, Society, Environment courses TSES 3001, TSES3002, TSES 3500, TSES 4001, TSES 4002, TSES 4003, TSES 4005, TSES 4006, TSES 4007 to fulfil degree requirements, but only as free electives.

Program Requirements
General Note on Programs
If the Department of Biology cannot find a supervisor for a student who has applied to register for BIOL 4908, then BIOL 4907 will be accepted as a replacement. Under such an exceptional circumstance the Department Chair will direct the student to replace BIOL 4908 with BIOL 4907.
Bioinformatics B.Sc. Honours (20.0 credits)
- 4.0 credits in BIOL 1003, BIOL 1004, BIOL 2104, BIOL 2200, BIOL 3104, BIOL 4106, and BIOL 4908 [1.0];
- 0.5 credit in BIOL 2001 or BIOL 2002;
- 0.5 credit from BIOC 2300 or CHEM 2103;
- 3.0 credits in BIOC 3008, BIOC 3101, BIOC 3102, BIOC 3202, BIOC 4008, and BIOC 4202;
- 1.0 credits in BIOL or BIOC at the 3000-level or above;
- 2.5 credits in COMP 1002, COMP 1005, COMP 1006, COMP 2002, and COMP 2004;
- 0.5 credit in COMP at the 2000-level or above;
- 2.0 credit in CHEM 1000 [1.0], CHEM 2203, and CHEM 2204;
- 1.0 credit in PHYS 1007 and PHYS 1008, or PHYS 1003 and PHYS 1004;
- 3.0 credits in MATH 1007, MATH 1107, MATH 2007, STAT 2507, MATH 2800, and MATH 3800;
- 0.5 credit in NSCI 1000 or Approved Arts or Social Sciences;
- 1.5 credits in Approved Arts or Social Sciences.
Computational Biology B.Sc. Honours (20.0 credits)
- 6.0 credits in BIOL 1003, BIOL 1004, BIOL 2001, BIOL 2002, BIOL 2104, BIOL 2200, BIOL 2600, BIOL 3609, BIOL 3612, BIOL 4103, and BIOL 4908 [1.0];
- 2.0 credits in BIOL or BIOC at the 3000-level or above;
- 2.0 credits in COMP 1002, COMP 1005, COMP 1006, and COMP 2002;
- 2.0 credits in COMP at the 2000-level or above;
- 2.0 credits in CHEM 1000 [1.0], CHEM 2203, and CHEM 2204;
- 1.0 credit in PHYS 1007 and PHYS 1008, or PHYS 1003 and PHYS 1004;
- 3.0 credits in MATH 1007, MATH 1107, MATH 2007, MATH 2800, STAT 2507, and MATH 3800;
- 0.5 credit in NSCI 1000 or Approved Arts or Social Sciences;
- 1.5 credits in Approved Arts or Social Sciences.
Biology B.Sc. Honours (20.0 credits)
- 5.0 credits in BIOL 1003, BIOL 1004, BIOL 2001, BIOL 2002, BIOL 2104, BIOL 2200, BIOL 2600, BIOL 4901, and BIOL 4908 [1.0];
- 0.5 credit from BIOL 3205 or BIOL 3305;
- 1.5 credits from BIOL 1005, BIOL 2303, BIOL at the 3000-level, and BIOL at the 4000-level;
- 2.0 credits in Advanced Science Faculty Electives;
- 1.0 credit in Science Faculty Electives;
- 2.0 credits in Advanced Science Faculty Electives;
- 1.5 credit in CHEM 1000 [1.0] and MATH 1007;
- 0.5 credit from MATH 1107 or STAT 2507;
- 1.0 credit from: (PHYS 1007 and PHYS 1008) or (PHYS 1003 and PHYS 1004);
- 2.0 credits in Science Continuation credits (not in BIOL);
- 0.5 credit in NSCI 1000 or Approved Arts or Social Sciences;
- 1.5 credits in Approved Arts or Social Sciences;
- 1.0 credit in free electives.
Note: students should choose the courses for Items 3, 4 and 5 above so that they can develop an area of specialization according to their preferred area of biology. Possible areas of specialization include molecular and cellular biology, genetics, microbiology, plant and animal physiology, animal behaviour, ecology, and systematics. These courses should be chosen in consultation with the Undergraduate Adviser or a faculty member working in an area close to the interest of the student.
Biology B.Sc. General (15.0 credits)
- 3.5 credits in BIOL 1003, BIOL 1004, BIOL 2001, BIOL 2002, BIOL 2104, BIOL 2200, and BIOL 2600;
- 0.5 credit from BIOL 3205 or BIOL 3305;
- 2.0 credits from BIOL 1005, BIOL 2303, BIOL at the 3000-level, and BIOL at the 4000-level;
- 1.5 credits in CHEM 1000 [1.0] and MATH 1007;
- 0.5 credit from MATH 1107 or STAT 2507;
- 1.0 credit from (PHYS 1007 and PHYS 1008) or (PHYS 1003 and PHYS 1004);
- 2.0 credits in Science Continuation not in BIOL;
- 1.0 credit in Science;
- 0.5 credit in NSCI 1000 or Approved Arts or Social Sciences;
- 1.5 credits in Approved Arts or Social Sciences;
- 1.0 credit free elective.
Biology and Physical Geography B.Sc. Combined Honours (20.0 credits)
- 2.0 credits in BIOL 1003, BIOL 1004, GEOG 2013, and GEOG 2014;
- 10.0 credits in BIOL (or BIOC) and Science Geography at the 2000-level or above satisfying collectively:
- 0.5 credit from BIOL 3605, BIOL 3606, GEOG 3000, or GEOG 4000;
- at least 4.0 credits in BIOL or BIOC;
- at least 4.0 credits in GEOG or GEOM;
- at least 4.0 credits are at the 3000-level or above;
- 1.0 credit in BIOL 4908 [1.0] or GEOG 4906 [1.0];
- 1.5 credits in CHEM 1000 [1.0] and MATH 1007;
- 0.5 credit from MATH 1107 or STAT 2507;
- 0.5 credit in NSCI 1000 or Approved Arts or Social Sciences;
- 1.5 credits in Approved Arts or Social Sciences;
- 1.0 credit in Science Faculty Electives;
- 1.0 credit in Science Faculty Electives or COMP at the 2000-level or above, not in BIOL or GEOG or GEOM.
- 1.0 credit free elective.
- Courses in Physical Geography are listed in the Academic Regulations for the Bachelor of Science Degree section of this Calendar as Science Geography courses.
- For Item 7 above, 1.0 credit in geography, other than the Physical Geography, is recommended;
- For Item 8 above, either (PHYS 1003 and PHYS 1004), or (PHYS 1007 and PHYS 1008) is required unless OAC Physics is presented on admission.
Biology and Earth Sciences B.Sc. Combined Honours (20.0 credits)
- 1.0 credit in BIOL 1003 and BIOL 1004;
- 1.0 credit in ERTH 1006 and ERTH 1007;
- 10.0 credits in BIOL (or BIOC) and ERTH at the 2000-level or above collectively satisfying:
- 1.0 credit from BIOL 3605 and ERTH 2801;
- at least 4.0 credits in BIOL;
- at least 4.0 credits in ERTH;
- at least 4.0 credits at the 3000-level or above;
- 1.0 credit in BIOL 4908 or ERTH 4908;
- 1.0 credit in MATH 1007 and MATH 1107;
- 1.0 credit from CHEM 1000 [1.0], PHYS 1003 and PHYS 1004, or PHYS 1007 and PHYS 1008 (The omitted subject, i.e. CHEM or PHYS, must have been taken at the OAC level);
- 0.5 credit in STAT (STAT 2507 is recommended);
- 0.5 credit in COMP (COMP 1004 is recommended);
- 1.0 credit in Science Faculty Electives;
- 0.5 credit in NSCI 1000 or Approved Arts or Social Sciences;
- 1.5 credits in Approved Arts or Social Sciences;
- 1.0 credit in free electives.
Biology and Physics B.Sc. Combined Honours (20.0 credits)
- 1.0 credit from (PHYS 1001 and PHYS 1002) (recommended), or (PHYS 1003 and PHYS 1004), or (PHYS 1007 and PHYS 1008 with an average grade of B- or higher);
- 2.5 credits in PHYS 2604, PHYS 2202, PHYS 3308, PHYS 4409, and ECOR 2606;
- 2.0 credits in PHYS 3007, PHYS 3207, PHYS 3606, and PHYS 3701;
- 1.0 credit from PHYS 3802, PHYS 4008, PHYS 4203, PHYS 4508, or PHYS 4707;
- 4.0 credits in BIOL 1003, BIOL 1004, BIOL 2200, BIOL 2104, BIOL 2001, BIOL 3201, BIOL 3104, and BIOL 3305;
- 1.0 credit from BIOL 4106, BIOL 4109, BIOL 4202, BIOL 4301, BIOL 4302, or BIOL 4306;
- 1.0 credit in one of:
- BIOL 4908 [1.0];
- PHYS 4909 [1.0];
- PHYS 4907 plus 0.5 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level;
- PHYS 4908 plus 0.5 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level;
- 1.0 credit in CHEM 1000 [1.0];
- 0.5 credit from MATH 1004 or MATH 1007;
- 0.5 credit from MATH 1104 or MATH 1107;
- 2.0 credits in STAT 2507, MATH 1005, MATH 2004, and MATH 3705;
- 0.5 credit from COMP 1005 or COMP 1007;
- 0.5 credit in NSCI 1000 or Approved Arts or Social Sciences Elective;
- 1.5 credits in Approved Arts or Social Sciences;
- 1.0 credit in free electives.
Neuroscience B.Sc. Combined Honours (20.0 credits)
- 3.0 credits in BIOL 1003, BIOL 1004, BIOL 2001, BIOL 2200, BIOL 2104, and BIOL 3305;
- 1.0 credit in BIOL, BIOC or CHEM;
- 1.5 credits in BIOL, BIOC or CHEM at the 3000-level or above;
- 4.0 credits in PSYC 1001, PSYC 1002, PSYC 2001, PSYC 2200, PSYC 2700, PSYC 3200 [1.0] and PSYC 4200;
- 0.5 credit in PSYC 2002 (for students who plan to complete PSYC 3000 - see Item 10 below) or 0.5 credit from: PSYC 3202, PSYC 3203 (BIOL 3605), PSYC 3204, PSYC 3205, PSYC 3207, PSYC 4001 (with permission), or PSYC 4207;
- 1.0 credit from PSYC 3202, PSYC 3203 (BIOL 3605), PSYC 3204, PSYC 3205, PSYC 3207, PSYC 3700 [1.0], PSYC 4001 (with permission), PSYC 4207;
- 0.5 credit from BIOL 3802, BIOL 4317 or BIOC 4007;
- 1.0 credit in PSYC 4907 [1.0] or BIOL 4908 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit in MATH 1007and MATH 1107;
- 1.0 credit in PSYC 3000 [1.0] (for students who have completed PSYC 2002) or 1.0 credit in STAT 2507 and STAT 2509;
- 1.5 credits in CHEM 1000 [1.0] and CHEM 2203;
- 1.0 credit in (PHYS 1007 and PHYS 1008) or (PHYS 1001 and PHYS 1002);
- 0.5 credit in NSCI 1000 or approved Arts or Social Sciences, not in PSYC;
- 1.5 credits in Approved Arts or Social Sciences, not in PSYC or BIOL;
- 1.0 credits in free electives. Note: the topic for Item 8 above must be in neurophysiology, animal behaviour, neuropsychology or a related topic.
Biology B.A. Honours (20.0 credits)
- 3.5 credits in BIOL 1003, BIOL 1004, BIOL 2001, BIOL 2002, BIOL 2104, BIOL 2200, BIOL 2600;
- 0.5 credit from BIOL 3205 or BIOL 3305;
- 1.0 credit in BIOL at the 4000-level;
- 2.0 credits in BIOL;
- 1.0 credit from BIOL 4907 [1.0] or BIOL 4908 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit in CHEM 1000 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit in Science Faculty Electives at the 2000-level or above, not in BIOL;
- 1.0 credit in Science Faculty Electives not in BIOL;
- 2.0 credits in Approved Arts or Social Sciences at the 2000-level or above;
- 4.0 credits in Approved Arts or Social Sciences;
- 1.0 credit at the 3000- or 4000-level approved by the Undergraduate Adviser;
- 2.0 credits in free electives.
Biology B.A. General (15.0 credits)
- 3.5 credits in BIOL 1003, BIOL 1004, BIOL 2001, BIOL 2002, BIOL 2104, BIOL 2200, and BIOL 2600;
- 2.5 credits in BIOL;
- 1.0 credit in CHEM 1000 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit in Science Faculty Electives, not in BIOL;
- 4.0 credits in Approved Arts or Social Sciences;
- 1.0 credit at the 2000-level or above;
- 1.0 credit in electives not in BIOL;
- 1.0 credit in free electives.
Biology B.A. Combined Honours (20.0 credits)
- 3.5 credits in BIOL 1003, BIOL 1004, BIOL 2001, BIOL 2002, BIOL 2104, BIOL 2200, and BIOL 2600;
- 1.0 credit in BIOL at the 4000-level;
- 1.5 credits in BIOL;
- 1.0 credit in CHEM 1000 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit in an Honours project: BIOL 4907 [1.0] or BIOL 4908 [1.0], or equivalent from the other Honours department;
- 1.0 credit in Science Faculty Electives, not in BIOL, at the 2000-level or above;
- 1.0 credit in Science Faculty Electives not in BIOL;
- 7.0 credits in Approved Arts or Social Sciences to include the requirements for the other discipline;
- 2.0 credits in free electives not in BIOL or the other discipline;
- 1.0 credit in free electives.
Minor in Biology
The Minor in Biology is available to students registered in degree programs other than those offered by the Department of Biology. Consultation with the undergraduate advisor is required.
Requirements (4.0 credits):
- 1.0 credit in BIOL 1003 and BIOL 1004;
- 1.0 credit in BIOL 2001 and BIOL 2002;
- 0.5 credit in BIOL 2104;
- 0.5 credit from BIOL 2200, BIOL 2303 or BIOL 2600;
- 1.0 credit in BIOL at the 3000-level or above. Note: at least 2.0 of these credits must be taken at Carleton University.
