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2009-2010 Undergraduate Calendar

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Technology, Society, Environment Studies (TSES)

Technology, Society, Environment Studies Committee
Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, Engineering and Design, Public Affairs, Science

TSES 4005 [0.5 credit]

Information Technology and Society

Investigation of the human and social impacts of electronic information and communication on our working, educational, and personal lives from various disciplinary perspectives; problem issues and competing values in the creation, manipulation, dissemination, and control of information are identified; resolution initiatives encouraged. Guest lecturers.
Prerequisite: third-year standing or equivalent.
Lectures and seminars three hours a week.

Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at

Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at