Carleton University Canada's 
Capital University

Graduate Calendar Archives: 2007 / 2008

Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities

Carleton University is committed to providing access to the educational experience and accommodation to the point of undue hardship in order to promote academic accessibility for individuals with identified and duly assessed disabilities. The University encourages applications from students with those disabilities within the meaning of the Ontario Human Rights Code, including visual, hearing, communication and mobility impairments and learning and other non-visible disabilities.

The University affirms its commitment to the physical accessibility of the Carleton campus, and to the assessment of academic accommodation for students with disabilities in order to maintain its leadership among the province's educational institutions in implementing accessibility.

The Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities (PMC) is the designated unit at the University for assisting the Carleton community in integrating persons with disabilities into all aspects of Carleton's academic and community life. The PMC provides assessment of academic accommodation, advises students on strategies to open a dialogue with instructors and acts as consultant, facilitator, coordinator and advocate in this area for all members of the University community.

The University promotes efforts to accommodate students with disabilities so that they can meet the learning objectives of courses they are taking and be fairly evaluated in their performance.

For more detailed information on the Policy and associated procedures, please consult with the Paul Menton Centre. The entire text of the Policy is available as part of Carleton University's Human Rights Policy, at the Equity Services Web site:

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