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Capital University

Graduate Calendar Archives: 2007 / 2008

Mechanical Engineering (University of Ottawa)

University of Ottawa
Room A-205 Colonel By Hall
Telephone: 613-562-5834
Fax: 613-562-5177

The Department

Chair of the Department: W.L.H. Hallett
Graduate Studies Officer: R. Milane

The Department of Mechanical Engineering is one of the two constituents of the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Consult the Institute's section in this Calendar for a faculty list, graduate program descriptions, and admission requirements.

Programs of research and study are offered in several areas. Most research projects in the Department are in the general fields of thermofluids, solid mechanics, materials and design, manufacturing, and industrial engineering. Members of the Department are engaged in research on the following topics: elasticity, plasticity, viscoelasticity, micromechanics of solids, stress analysis of shells, shell dynamics, structural dynamics, strength of materials, vibration, flow-induced vibration, hot working of metals, welding, time and temperature dependent solid state processes, constitutive relations of plasticity and fracture, fibre composite materials , automated manufacturing of composites, two-phase heat transfer and fluid flow related to nuclear reactors, two-phase thermosyphons, turbulent flow structure, turbulent diffusion, flow and heat transfer in rod bundles, hemodynamics of cardiac assist devices, supersonic aerodynamics, thermal spraying processes, computational fluid dynamics, flow visualization, heat exchangers, power generation, liquid fuel combustion, fuel bed combustion, integrated computer-aided design systems, computer-aided manufacturing and automation, computer control of mechanical systems, robot design and control, computer vision for control of machines, reliability modeling, human reliability, common-cause failures, transit system reliability, and power production system reliability.

Research Facilities

Research is conducted in large, modern and well-equipped laboratories containing wind tunnels, water tunnels, two-phase heat transfer and fluid flow loops, submerged arc welders, computer controlled filament winder, triaxial composite braider, material testing apparatus including computer-controlled tensile machine, hydraulic fatigue testing machine and impact tester, metallographic apparatus, instrumented GTA welding facility, high-speed data acquisition systems, shaker table, a state of the art CAD/CAM facility, robots, computer controllers, computer controlled machine tools, fuel bed combustor, high pressure droplet chamber, supersonic cold spray system.

Graduate Courses

Not all of the following courses are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings please consult the class schedule at

MAAJ 5001 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5101)
Theory of Elasticity
Analysis of stress and strain. Stress and strain tensors. Yield criteria laws of elasticity and general theorems. Stress functions. Two-dimensional problems in rectangular and polar coordinates. Applications in plates and shells. Strain energy techniques. Application of numerical analysis to elasticity problems.
MAAJ 5002 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5102)
Advanced Stress Analysis
Solutions to special beam problems including beams on elastic foundations, curved beams, multi-span beams, etc. and some axisymmetric problems. The significance of assumptions is discussed and solution techniques including series solutions and energy methods are utilized.
MAAJ 5003 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5103)
Theory of Perfectly Plastic Solids
Inelastic behaviour, model materials. Yield criteria and flow laws. Energy principles. Contained plastic deformation. Plane strain. Slipline fields. Applications to metal-forming processes.
MAAJ 5004 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5104)
Theory of Plates and Shells
A general coverage of various approaches to plate problems and the application of these methods to practical cases. A study of the theory of shells including deformation of shells without bending, stresses under various loading conditions, general theory of shells, shells forming surfaces of revolution.
MAAJ 5005 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5105)
Continuum Mechanics
Fundamental equations of continuum mechanics. Thermodynamics of continua. Rheological equations. Hamilton's principle for continua. Analytical solution of some elasticity and incompressible fluid dynamic problems. Extension to viscoelasticity and plasticity. Sound waves. Shock waves. Numerical methods of solution.
MAAJ 5006 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5106)
Advanced Topics in Elasticity
Algebraic computation software. Curved solids. Governing equations of planar elastostatics in Cartesian coordinates. Governing equations of plates. Linear shell theory in curvilinear coordinates. Introduction to non-linear elastostatics. Non-linear shell theory. Instability of cylindrical shells. Thick and thin shell elastodynamics.
MAAJ 5007 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5107)
Advanced Dynamics with Applications
Review of Euler/Newton and D'Alembert formulation, Euler Angles, Gyrodynamics, analysis and response of rotating machinery. Lagrangian synamics, generalized coordinates, virtual work, generalized forces and the power function. System constraint forces and equilibrium. Modeling and formulation of multi-degree of greedom vibrational, electro-mechanical, dissipative systems and other engineering applications.
MAAJ 5008 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5108)
Finite Element Analysis
Review of matrix algebra and structural mechanics. Direct and variational approaches in the FE analysis of a continuum. Elastic plane stress, plane strain, axisymmetric and three-dimensional elasticity. Elementary FE programming. Isoparametric concept, conforming and non-conforming elements. Thin and thick plates. Thin and thick shells, axisymmetric shells. Steady-state field problems. Intermediate FE programming. Introduction to FE software. Applications in mechanical engineering.
MAAJ 5009 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5109)
Advanced Topics in Finite Element Analysis
Finite elements and their solution techniques. Multilayered plate, shell and continua. Eigenvalue and transient analysis, material and geometric non-linearities. Applications to fracture mechanics. Steady and transient state heat conduction. Potential flow. Creeping flow and incompressible viscous flow with inertia.
MAAJ 5100 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5110)
Micromechanics of Solids
Introduction. Classes of materials in micromechanics. Cartesian tensor notation. Random theory of deformation. Analysis of stress, strain and motion. The stochastic deformation process. Structured materials and intelligent systems. Experimental approaches.
MAAJ 5101 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5111)
Gas Dynamics
Review of thermodynamics of perfect gases. Conservation equations. Wave propagation in compressible media. Normal and oblique shock waves. Prandtl-Meyer expansion fans. Applications. Ideal gas flow in ducts of variable section, friction, heat transfer. Method of characteristics. Imperfect gas effects, dissociation, ionization. Methods of measurement.
MAAJ 5104 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5114)
Analysis and Design of Pressure Vessels
Principles of design, materials, preliminary layout. Elastic analysis of axisymmetric shells. Discontinuity analysis. Numerical methods, nozzle-shell analysis. Plastic collapse, fatigue, fracture, creep, buckling.
MAAJ 5105 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5115)
Non-Linear Optimization
Formulation of optimization problems. Unconstrained optimization: direct search techniques, gradient techniques. Constrained optimization: by unconstrained minimization, by direct methods. Mathematical programming. Geometric programming. Dynamic programming. Examples and applications in Mechanical Engineering topics.
MAAJ 5107 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5117)
Introduction to Composite Materials
Review of strengthening mechanism in metals and polymers. Fibre-reinforced composite materials: strengthening mechanisms, prediction of strengths and moduli, specific properties, fracture mechanisms, toughness, fatigue, creep, effect of environment; fabrication methods and engineering applications. Laminates; mechanical properties and engineering applications.
MAAJ 5108 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5118)
Introduction to Plasticity
The analysis of stress and strain in elastic and plastic continuum. Time independent plastic deformation. The microscopic basis of plastic behaviour. Rate dependent deformation. The effect of temperature. Materials testing. Applications.
MAAJ 5109 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5119)
Fracture Mechanics
Stress concentration in elastic and plastic media. The energy condition, crack resistance, compliance, the J. integral. Crack arrest. Plain strain and plain stress behaviour. The microscopic aspects of crack propagation. The effect of temperature. Fatigue, stress corrosion cracking, and creep fracture. Probabilistic fracture.
MAAJ 5206 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5126)
Deformation of Materials
The deformation and fracture properties of metals, ceramics and polymers. Introduction to dislocation theory. Rheological models. Analysis and interpretation of constant strain rate, constant stress and stress relaxation tests in terms of the material structure.
MAAJ 5209 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5129)
Hot Working of Metals
High temperature mechanical properties in metal. Types of recovery, recrystallization and precipitation in metals and their effects on hot strength and structure. Hot rolling metals. Selection of rolling schedules. Influence of as-rolled structures on room temperature tensile and fracture stresses, impact strength.
MAAJ 5301 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5131)
Heat Transfer by Conduction
Steady one-dimensional systems. Equations of Bessel and Legendre. Extended surface. Fourier series and integration of partial differential equations. Steady two-dimensional systems. Steady-state numerical methods. Steady heat source systems. Steady porous systems. Transient systems; stationary and moving sources. Transient numerical methods
MAAJ 5302 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5132)
Heat Transfer by Convection
General problems of convection. Fundamental equations. Boundary layer equations. Forced convection in laminar flow. Forced convection in turbulent flow. Free convection. Condensing and boiling. Heat transfer to liquid metals. Heat transfer in high-speed flow. Special topics.
MAAJ 5303 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5133)
Heat Transfer by Radiation
Thermal radiation and radiation properties. Radiant interchange among surfaces separated by radiatively non-participating media. Radiant energy transfer through absorbing, emitting and scattering media. Combined conduction and radiation. Combined convection and radiation.
MAAJ 5304 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5134)
Heat Transfer with Phase Change
Pool boiling. Hydrodynamics of two-phase flow. Flow boiling and flow boiling crisis. Instability of two-phase flow. Condensation.
MAAJ 5306 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5136)
Special Studies in Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
Current topics in the field.
MAAJ 5307 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5137)
Special Studies in Solid Mechanics and Materials
Current topics in the field.
MAAJ 5308 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5138)
Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering
Current topics in the field.
MAAJ 5401 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5141)
Statistical Thermodynamics
Kinetic theory of an ideal gas. The distribution of molecular velocities. Transport phenomena. Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics. Quantum mechanics. Quantum statistics. Partition functions. Partition functions and thermodynamic properties. Derivations of specific heats of gases. Gas mixtures. Law of mass action.
MAAJ 5408 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5551)
Théorie d'Écoulement Visqueux
Dérivation des solutions exactes des équations de Navier-Stokes. Écoulement à petit nombre de Reynolds. Écoulement de Stokes. Écoulement d'Oseen. Théorie de lubrification. Couches limites laminaires. Introduction à la stabilité hydrodynamique.
MAAJ 5409 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5552)
Théorie de Turbulence
Révision des théories fondamentales et des résultats expérimentaux des théorie isotropique locale. Turbulence isotropique, contrainte homogène des écoulements, écoulements turbulents dans les tuyaux et les canaux, jets, sillages, couches limites. Diffusion turbulente. Modèles de turbulence.
MAAJ 5500 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5557)
Méthodes Numériques en Mécanique des Fluides
Équations primitives. Méthodes de différences finies. Méthodes intégrales. Critère de stabilité. Calcul des écoulements transitoires laminaires tri-dimensionnels. Méthodes MAC de Los Alamos. Calcul des écoulements multidimensionnels turbulents. Modèles de turbulence. Méthode numérique de Gosman.
MAAJ 5501 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5151)
Laminar Flow Theory
Derivation and exact solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. Low Reynolds number flows, Stokes flow. Oseen flow, lubrication theory. Laminar boundary layers. Introduction to hydrodynamic stability.
MAAJ 5502 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5152)
Theory of Turbulence
Review of the basic theories and experimental results of turbulent flow. Universal equilibrium theory, locally isotropic theories, isotropic turbulence, homogeneous shear flow, turbulent pipe and channel flow, jets, wakes, boundary layers. Turbulent diffusion of passive contaminants. Modeling of turbulence.
MAAJ 5505 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5155)
Inviscid Flow Theory
Langrangian and Eulerian description of fluid motion. Euler equations, velocity potential, irrotational flow, stream function, singular flows. Conformal mapping, Schwarz-Christoffel theorems. Airfoil theory, circulation and lift.
MAAJ 5506 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5156)
Measurement in Fluid Mechanics
Review of the common experimental techniques used in fluid mechanical research and applications. Flow visualization techniques. Hot-wire anemometry. Laser-Doppler anemometry. Measurement of concentration, temperature, force, pressure.
MAAJ 5507 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5157)
Numerical Computation of Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer
Governing equations. Explicit, implicit, finite difference and control volume procedures for approximating the parabolic and elliptic sets of partial differential equations and boundary conditions. Numerical solution by direct and iterative Gauss-Seidel relaxation methods. Considerations of stability, convergence, and numerical diffusion. Computational problems.
MAAJ 5508 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5158)
Industrial Fluid Mechanics
Application of simple flows to analysis of more complex systems. Pipe and duct systems, flow separation and control, aerosols, separation of particulates from flow, cavitation, unsteady flow.
MAAJ 5509 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5159)
Advanced Production Planning and Control
The principles of production management. Methods engineering, manufacturing control. Recording and evaluation of operations. Financial and production planning. Inventory control. Automation. Factory planning.
MAAJ 5601 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5161)
Environmental Engineering
Thermodynamic considerations. Physiological reactions of humans to different environments. Principles of ventilation, distribution and cleaning of air. Illumination and acoustics.
MAAJ 5608 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5168)
Industrial Organization
Principles of organization. Production processes. Organization and planning production. Evaluation of production activities. The economics of production. Planning for economy. Information engineering. Standardization.
MAAJ 5609 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5169)
Advanced Topics in Reliability Engineering
Overview of classical reliability concepts. Fault tree construction and evaluation. Common-cause failure analysis of engineering systems. Human reliability modeling in engineering systems. Human unreliability data banks. Three state device systems. Delta-star and Mellin transforms reliability determination techniques. Models to compute reliability of on-surface transportation vehicles. Reliability techniques applications in advanced engineering systems.
MAAJ 5700 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5170)
History and current technologies of CAD/CAM. Design software; graphical representation analysis, and optimization. Parameter design and software integration. Course is project oriented.
MAAJ 5701 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5171)
Applied Reliability Theory
Coherent systems. Paths and cuts representation. State-space representation. Observability and controllability. Failure rate. Repair time. System reliability estimation: binomial model. Strength stress model. Failure detection and isolation. Multiple sensors. Model based methods. Expert system approach. Analytical redundancy. Applications.
MAAJ 5702 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5172)
Introduction to Management of Automation (Robotics and Numerical Control)
Administrative concept of automation, robotics and numerical control; elements of flexible manufacturing systems. Process design in automation. Role of automation in the administration of manufacturing and project engineering. Optimization in the design of computer assisted manufacturing (CAM). State of art review.
MAAJ 5703 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5173)
Systems Engineering and Integration
State space representation. Observability, controllability, state estimation. Parameter identification. Steady-state and transient performance. Stability. Monitoring and regulation. Discretization effects. System integration. Bandwidth coordination. Technological systems design examples.
MAAJ 5706 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5176)
Industrial Control Systems
Concept, analysis and design of classical and modern industrial control systems. Computer based control systems for robotics, automation, manufacturing and instrumentation applications. Design project of industrial control and automation systems. Precludes additional credit for MCG 4108.
MAAJ 5707 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5177)
Robot Mechanics
Robotics overview. Transformations. Basics of robot kinematics, statics and dynamics. Introduction to practical robots, control and programming. Project in analysis, design or application of manipulators. Precludes additional credit for MCG 4132.
MAAJ 5708 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5178)
Advanced Topics in CAD/CAM
Overview of totally integrated CAD/CAM systems. Details of design and manufacturing software tools. Methods of linking design and manufacturing tools to form an integrated CAD/CAM system. Students will undertake projects that will provide them with hands-on experience.
MAAJ 5709 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5179)
Manufacturing System Analysis
Manufacturing systems, system selection, cost justification. Flexible and agile, group technology cellular manufacturing operations. Transfer and assembly line systems. Material transport and storage systems. Process planning, tolerance analysis, Taguchi methods. Manufacturing and assembly. Just-in-time production. Quality function deployment.
MAAJ 5800 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5180)
Fibre Composite Materials II
Computer-automated manufacturing techniques. Advanced topics in composite design: lamination theory. interlaminar stresses and free edge effects, lamina and laminate failure theories. Principles of non-destructive testing. Individual projects involving the design, manufacturing and testing of a fibre composite component or material. Limited enrolment.
Prerequisite: MCG5117 (MAAJ 5107) or permission of the instructor.
MAAJ 5801 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5181)
Advanced Vibrations
Kinematics of vibrations, the single-degree-of-freedom system, without and with damping, two degrees of freedom, several degrees of freedom, vibration of shafts, critical speeds, complex presentation, influence coefficients, matrix method, stability of solution, approximate methods.
MAAJ 5802 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5182)
Theory of Elastic Instability
Considerations of instability with respect to small deformation. Differential equations for linear elements. Conservative and non-conservative force systems. Energy methods. Instability in beams. Instability of elements curved in a plane. Applications of trigonometric series. Stability of linear members in the inelastic zone.
MAAJ 5804 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5184)
Models for passive and active components for electro-mechanical systems. Network representation of signals and energy transmission and conversion. Selection of sensors and actuators for the control of mechanical systems. Modelling and simulation for the design of mixed dynamic systems. Precludes additional credit for MCG 4136.
MAAJ 5805 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5185)
Multivariable Digital Control
Quantization. Z-Transform. State equations. Jordan canonical form. Multirate and nonsynchronous samplings. Controllability and observability of digital systems. Digital controllers design using bilinear transformation. Digital PID controller. Stability. Optimal control of digital systems. Examples of controlling mechanical system actuators.
MAAJ 5806 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5186)
Non-Linear Discontinuous Dynamics and Control
Hamiltonian dynamics. Hamiltonian control systems. Lyapunov dynamics. Decoupling. Phase space analysis. Switching and sliding mode control. Boundary layer continuous approximation. Actuator, sensors and controller requirements. Manipulation control examples.
MAAJ 5901 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5191)
Combustion in Premixed Systems
Stoichiometry, thermo-chemistry, ignition, flame propagation, flame stabilization, diffusion flames, turbulent combustion, modeling.
MAAJ 5902 [0.5 credit] (MCG 5192)
Combustion in Diffusion Systems
Gaseous jet flames, combustion of liquid droplets, atomization, spray flames, coal combustion, fluidized bed combustion.
MCG 6000
Mechanical Engineering Report
For students in the course work master's program working on the Engineering Report.
MCG 7999
M.A.Sc. Thesis
For students working towards their master's thesis.
MCG 9997
Preparation for Ph.D. Thesis Proposal
Following completion of the comprehensive examination, registration required for all Ph.D. candidates until the thesis proposal is accepted by the advisory committee.
MCG 9998
Preparation for Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination
Registration required for all Ph.D. candidates until the comprehensive examination is passed.
MCG 9999
Ph.D. Thesis
For students working towards the Ph.D. thesis.
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