Linguistics and Applied Language Studies |
Paterson Hall 215
Telephone: 613-520-2802
Fax: 613-520-6641
E-mail: linguistics@carleton.ca
Web site: carleton.ca/slals
The School
Director: To be announced
Supervisor of Graduate
Studies: Graham Smart
The School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies
offers programs of study leading to the degree of Master of
Arts in Applied Language Studies. Applied language studies may
be distinguished by a focus on language use and the development
of language abilities in educational, professional and social
contexts. This focus includes:
- The acquisition of additional languages and the
development of multilingualism
- Written language and discourse and the critical
analysis of their use in various contexts
- The development of writing abilities and
- The teaching and assessment of language abilities and
the analysis of the contexts in which these abilities are
Concentration is possible in one of the following
- The Teaching and Acquisition of Additional
- The Nature, Acquisition and Teaching of Written
Students are also able to combine these fields in their
course work and research options.
The program is geared toward practitioners in these fields,
and to theory- and research-oriented students interested in
pursuing doctoral studies in related areas.
The M.A. in Applied Language Studies is a 5.0-credit
program. Students may take one of three optional program paths:
a thesis option (in which the thesis counts as two full
credits), a research essay option (where the research essay
counts as one credit), and a course work option.
Additional information may be obtained by consulting the
supervisor of graduate studies.
Qualifying-Year Program
Applicants in the following categories may be admitted to a
qualifying year program to be determined in accordance with
university entrance regulations and the guidance of the
supervisor of graduate studies, or advised to apply for the
CTESL program as an equivalent to the qualifying year:
- applicants who hold a three-year degree with the
equivalent of honours standing (at least B overall);
- applicants who hold an honours degree but lack academic
background in relevant disciplines;
- applicants with a slightly lower academic standing (B-)
but with relevant professional experience.
At the end of the qualifying year program, the School will
determine the student's eligibility to enter the master's
program. Courses taken as part of a qualifying year or
equivalent are not eligible for advanced standing in the M.A.
Master of Arts
Admission Requirements
The normal minimum requirement for admission to the master's
program is a B.A.(Honours) degree in a discipline involving the
analysis of language or the study of language use or learning;
or a 3 year B.A. in a relevant discipline together with a B.Ed.
or C.T.E.S.L. Students must have achieved high honours standing
(a minimum of B+ in related courses and B overall) in their
academic work. Relevant professional experience may also
enhance a candidate's application.
For other admission regulations not specific to the School
of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, refer to the
General Regulations section of the Graduate Calendar, in
particular the subsection on Admission Requirements and
Program Requirements
Students will establish their programs in consultation with
the School's supervisor of graduate studies.
Each candidate will select one of the following program
- LALS 5001; LALS 5002 plus 2.0 credits from the School's
graduate listing; and a master's thesis (LALS 5909).
- LALS 5001; LALS 5002 plus 3.0 credits from the School's
graduate listing; and a research essay (LALS 5908).
- LALS 5001; LALS 5002 plus 4.0 credits from the School's
graduate listing.
The choice of thesis, research essay, or credit program path
will be made by the student, with the advice of the Supervisor.
Relevant factors will include the student's academic goals,
professional goals, and background knowledge.
LALS 5001 is normally to be taken in the first fall term
after admission to the program.
Permission may be granted for enrolment in 1.0 credit
offered in another department.
Graduate students may take courses at the senior
undergraduate (4th year) level up to a maximum of 1.0 credit.
Permission of the School's graduate supervisor is required.
Students may take a combination of senior undergraduate courses
and 'piggybacked' courses (fourth-year courses also offered,
with different requirements, at the graduate level) up to a
maximum of 1.5 credits.
Guidelines for Completion of Master's Degree
It is expected that students will progress steadily towards
the completion of requirements for the degree. In particular,
it is normally expected that:
- a full-time student will complete 3.0 credits of course
work within two terms of study, and an acceptable thesis
proposal early in the third term of study; or 4.0 credits
of course work within three terms, and an acceptable
research essay proposal early in the fourth term; and all
degree requirements within six terms of study
- a part-time student will complete 3.0 credits of course
work within three years of initial registration, and an
acceptable thesis proposal early in the fourth year; or 4.0
credits of course work within four years, and an acceptable
research essay proposal early in the fifth year; and all
degree requirements within six years of initial
- a student who registers in a combination of full-time
and part-time study will, in consultation with an adviser,
develop a schedule for completion of course requirements
and a thesis or research essay proposal, consistent with
times to completion stated above and with the overall time
limits specified in the General Regulations section in this
Academic Standing
A standing of B- or better must be obtained in each credit
counted towards the master's degree.
Graduate Courses
Not all of the following courses are offered in a given
year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings and to
determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at
For an updated description of Special Topics offerings,
refer to the on-line version of the Linguistics and Applied
Language Studies calendar entry at
- LALS 5001 [0.5 credit]
- Directions in Applied Language Studies
- A survey of current research directions in applied
language studies and an introduction to ongoing research in
the School. The course introduces students to the scope of
theory and practice in the field.
- LALS 5002 [0.5 credit]
- Inquiry Strategies in Applied Language
A consideration of various approaches to the design of
studies and the collection and analysis of data.
Naturalistic and quasi-experimental methods will be
discussed. The role of statistics in disciplined inquiry,
including an introduction to elementary procedures.
- Precludes additional credit for LALS 5502.
- LALS 5005 [0.5 credit]
- Theoretical Foundations for Applied Language
- Overview of the works of 20th and 21st-century
theorists such as Bakhtin, Bourdieu, Burke, Foucault,
Latour and Vygotsky.
- LALS 5102 [0.5 credit]
- Systemic-Functional Linguistics
Functions of language in the exchange of meanings between
people in a wide variety of communicative situations.
Semantic and syntactic resources at risk in these different
contexts. Interactions between language and the social
context. Also offered at the undergraduate level as LALS
4709, for which additional credit is precluded.
Precludes additional credit for LALS 5709 if taken prior
to 2007-08.
- Prerequisite: restricted to graduate students in
Applied Language Studies and Journalism and
- LALS 5103 [0.5 credit]
- Major Structures of English
The structure of English language, highlighting important
contrasts between English and other languages, and
grammatical difficulties for ESL Learners. Also offered at
the undergraduate level, with different requirements as
LALS 4801, for which additional credit is precluded.
- Precludes additional credit for LALS 5801 if taken
prior to 2007-08.
- LALS 5201 [0.5 credit]
- Language Classroom Research
- Research into language learning in the classroom;
methods for evaluating classroom practices and
- LALS 5202 [0.5 credit]
- Curriculum in Language Teaching
- Current theory and practice in language curriculum
development and evaluation in the light of recent research
in linguistics, sociolinguistics, language acquisition and
language education policy.
- LALS 5203 [0.5 credit]
- Issues in English Language Teaching/Teacher
- A research seminar to explore current issues in English
language teaching/teacher education.
- LALS 5204 [0.5 credit]
- Seminar in University Teaching
Theoretical and empirical work related to teaching in
higher education. Analysis of instructional discourse, use
of language in classroom decision-making, bases of
effective practice and methods of instruction.
Constructivist principles of teaching and learning. Role of
teaching in university scholarship.
- Precludes additional credit for LALS 5905 (Section T,
1997-98), LALS 5905 (Section X, 1998-99), LALS 5905
(Section W, 1999-2000), LALS 5905 (Section W, 2000-01),
LALS 5905 (Section X, 2001-02) and LALS 5905 (Section W,
- LALS 5205 [1.0 credit]
- Teaching English as a Second Language:
- Classification of classroom teaching methods and
materials; adaptation of teaching materials for particular
situations; creation of teaching materials; teaching
techniques and strategies. Also offered at the
undergraduate level, with different requirements, as LALS
4205, for which additional credit is precluded. Must be
taken concurrently with LALS 5806.
- LALS 5207 [0.5 credit]
- Pedagogical Grammar in Second and
- Foreign Language (SL/FL) Teaching
The concept of pedagogical grammar in SL/FL teaching.
Critical examination of recent theories of 'focus on form'
in communicative language classrooms, and related empirical
- Precludes additional credit for LALS 5905 (Summer
1999), LALS 5905 (Summer 2002) and LALS 5603 (if taken
prior to 2007-08).
- LALS 5208 [0.5 credit]
- Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP)
Introduction to LSP, a sub-field of applied linguistics
tailoring language instruction to specific groups of
learners. Developments in strands of LSP (English for
Science, Business, etc.). Research and teaching
methodology. Emphasis on English for Academic
Purposes/English for Specific Purposes research and
instruction at Carleton.
- Also offered at the undergraduate level with different
requirements as LALS 4208, for which additional credit is
- LALS 5209 [0.5 credit]
- Social Theories of Language Learning
- Social theories of language and language learning.
Major theorists and paradigms, recent applications in
language learning research and pedagogical implications for
language teaching.
- LALS 5301 [0.5 credit]
- Language and Cognition
- Structure and representation of linguistic knowledge in
human cognition. Evidence from child language acquisition,
language processing and language impairment. Also listed as
CGSC 5003, for which additional credit is precluded.
- LALS 5302 [0.5 credit]
- Language Acquisition
Recent models of first and second language acquisition,
with in-depth analysis of theoretical issues of current
relevance and related empirical studies.
- Precludes additional credit for LALS 5601 if taken
prior to 2007-08.
- LALS 5303 [0.5 credit]
- Linguistic Analysis, Culture and Cognition
- Universals of language from a cross-cultural
perspective. Study of lesser-known languages leading to
critical understanding of universal human concepts and
communication practices in culture-specific configurations.
Cross-linguistic analysis as a means to general
understanding of diversity and universality in human
- LALS 5404 [0.5 credit]
- Aspects of Bilingualism
Linguistic, psycholinguistic and cultural issues in
bilingualism and bilingual education.
Prerequisite: fourth-year courses in linguistics or
permission of the School.
- Precludes additional credit for LALS 5701 if taken
prior to 2007-08.
- LALS 5407 [0.5 credit]
- Language Policy and Planning
Interaction of political, social, and cultural factors in
the planning and implementation of language policy in
international contexts.
Prerequisite: fourth-year courses in linguistics or
permission of the School.
- Precludes additional credit for LALS 5707 if taken
prior to 2007-08.
- LALS 5408 [0.5 credit]
- Critical Discourse Analysis
Discourse in the structuring of social and cultural change
and in a wide range of contexts such as the media and
- Precludes additional credit for LALS 5905W (1998-99),
LALS 5905W (1999-2000), and LALS 5708 (if taken prior to
- LALS 5409 [0.5 credit]
- Policy and Practice in Literacy and
- Language Education
Regulation of literacy and language education programs and
teaching through public discourse, government policy, and
institutional accountability; institutional ethnography as
a method for investigating this regulation.
- Precludes additional credit for LALS 5704 if taken
prior to 2007-08.
- LALS 5501 [0.5 credit]
- Language Testing and Assessment
- Issues in language testing and classroom assessment,
including validity theory and current validation research;
challenges in test development; washback; models of
alternative assessment.
- LALS 5504 [0.5 credit]
- Evaluation in Applied Language Programs
- An examination of various evaluation paradigms and
their application to problems of program and curriculum in
applied language settings; the connections among and
differences between research and evaluation models of
- LALS 5602 [0.5 credit]
- Features and Principles of Academic
Examination of features and underlying principles of
academic writing in various disciplines. Analysis of
disciplinary texts in their particular social
- Precludes additional credit for LALS 5905 (2001-02) and
LALS 5406 (if taken prior to 2007-08).
- LALS 5605 [0.5 credit]
- Research and Theory in Workplace Writing
- Cognitive, social, and cultural approaches to research
and theory in workplace writing from 1980s to the present.
Writing as used in accomplishing work and how novices in
professional sites learn to write effectively.
- LALS 5606 [0.5 credit]
- Adult Literacy Practices and Learning
- Theory and research of adult literacy as diverse social
practices within text-mediated social organization and
action, and literacy through active engagement in that
social action.
- LALS 5607 [0.5 credit]
- Research and Theory in Academic Writing
Cognitive, social, and cultural approaches to research and
theory in academic writing from 1970s to present. Nature
and functions of academic writing, and implications for
writing pedagogy.
- Precludes additional credit for LALS 5605 if taken
prior to 2007-08.
- LALS 5702 [0.5 credit]
- Qualitative Research Methodologies in Writing
- Various qualitative methodologies employed for studying
writing in school, workplace, and community. Examples may
include case-study research, ethnography, discourse
analysis, participatory action research, narrative
analysis, mixed methods. Assumptions and principles
underlying different methodologies.
- LALS 5703 [0.5 credit]
- Rhetorical Genre Studies
- Overview of recent reconceptualizations of genre as
social action; genre-based research into the nature of
school and professional discourse; issues relating to genre
acquisition and pedagogy.
- LALS 5705 [0.5 credit]
- Second Language Writing: Research and
- Second language writing: research, theory, and
- LALS 5706 [0.5 credit]
- Social Theories of Learning for Writing
Recent social theories of learning and practice;
application of these theories to writing research;
pedagogical implications for writing in school and
workplace settings.
- Precludes additional credit for LALS 5702 (taken prior
to 1997-98).
- LALS 5802 [0.5 credit]
- Learning Across the Disciplines: A Research
For teachers or graduate student teachers, or tutors.
Theories about and research into the role of language in
learning and pedagogic situations which optimize that
relationship. Also offered at the undergraduate level, with
different requirements, as LALS 4402, for which additional
credit is precluded.
- Precludes additional credit for LALS 5402 if taken
prior to 2007-08.
- LALS 5806 [0.5 credit]
- Practicum in Teaching English as a Second Language:
Experience in an ESL Teaching Situation
Integrates the academic dimension of the program with
practical work. Observation in ESL classes and possible
assistance with teaching materials or classes. Must be
taken concurrently with LALS 5205.
- Precludes additional credit for LALS 5206 if taken
prior to 2007-08.
- LALS 5902 [0.5 credit]
- Tutorial in Applied Language Studies
- A one-term tutorial to study applications of
linguistics in such areas as first-language education and
second-language teaching.
- LALS 5903 [0.5 credit]
- Special Topics in the Teaching and Acquisition of
Additional Languages
- Exploration of topics from current research into the
teaching and acquisition of additional languages. Topic to
be announced.
- LALS 5904 [0.5 credit]
- Special Topics in Written
- Exploration of topics from current research into the
nature, acquisition and teaching of written
discourse/literacies. Topic to be announced.
- LALS 5905 [0.5 credit]
- Special Topics in Applied Language Studies
- Exploration of a topic from current research in applied
language studies. Topic to be announced.
- LALS 5907 [1.0 credit]
- Tutorial in Applied Language Studies
- A two-term tutorial to study applications of
linguistics in such areas as first-language education and
second-language teaching.
- LALS 5908 [1.0 credit]
- Research Essay
- LALS 5909 [2.0 credits]
- M.A. Thesis