1401 Dunton Tower
Telephone: 613-520-6655
Fax: 613-520-2889
Email: international_affairs@carleton.ca
Web site: carleton.ca/npsia/
The School
Director of the School: Fen O. Hampson
Associate Director: Dane Rowlands
The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA)
was established in the mid-1960s with the generous support of
the late Senator Norman M. Paterson to encourage and promote
graduate study and professional research and publications in
the field of international affairs. The NPSIA program is
interdisciplinary, reflecting the philosophy that exposure to a
range of disciplines is necessary to develop an understanding
of our complex global environment.
NPSIA is a long-standing member of the Association of
Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA), an
association of the leading graduate programs in international
affairs in countries that include the United States, France,
Japan, and Russia. Like other APSIA schools NPSIA's raison
d'être is the training of students for leadership in a world in
which the destinies of all countries are increasingly linked by
considerations of conflict resolution and peacebuilding,
international trade and finance, development, and the sharing
of human and natural resources. Many professionals currently
working in the sphere of international affairs are alumni of
APSIA graduate programs. Like its peers in APSIA, NPSIA is
proud of its reputation for producing diverse, well-educated
and sophisticated international affairs professionals.
NPSIA offers programs leading to a Qualifying Year, M.A. and
Ph.D. Degrees.
NPSIA's M.A. program emphasises imparting professional
skills as well as knowledge. Our courses are policy as opposed
to theoretically oriented and frequently involve the use of
case studies and simulations. The majority of our students see
the M.A. as their path to the workforce. NPSIA graduates find
employment in Canada and abroad in government departments,
non-governmental and international organizations, and the
private sector. More detailed information on the range of jobs
held by NPSIA graduates can be found on our Web site.
The M.A. program is organized around seven clusters:
- International Trade Policy
- Global Political Economy
- Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution
- Intelligence and National Security
- International Institutions and Global Governance
- International Dimensions of Development
- Human Security and Development
Students are encouraged to include at least one regional
course in their degree program to provide an area focus to
their studies. NPSIA offers a range of regional courses that
can be linked to relevant course clusters to give students some
regional expertise. NPSIA cooperates closely with the Institute
of European and Russian Studies and with committees organized
to encourage and coordinate faculty and student interests in
Africa, Asia and Latin America.
NPSIA's Ph.D. is an interdisciplinary degree focusing on
international policymaking processes and institutions. The
Ph.D. program is designed to equip our students with advanced
training and research skills suitable for an academic career,
or for more senior policy analysis and research positions in
government and non-governmental institutions.
NPSIA has a specialized Resource Centre staffed by a
full-time information specialist. Students and faculty have
access to a broad range of current research materials, using
the resources of the national capital area as well as
internet-based bibliographic services across the range of
issues and regions on which courses are offered.
Qualifying-Year Program
Admission Requirements
The qualifying-year program is designed to enable students
with at least high honours standing, but with an inadequate
background in the disciplines relevant to the M.A. program, to
make up deficiencies. The qualifying year program is not
intended as a grade raising opportunity. Candidates with a high
standing in a general (3-year) bachelor's degree, in a
discipline closely related to international affairs, will be
required to take five full qualifying-year credits before being
eligible to enter the master's program. Those with a
B.A.(Honours) degree in an unr elated discipline may be
required to take at least three full qualifying-year credits
before being eligible to enter the master's program.
Students in the qualifying year are encouraged to select a
cluster or clusters in which they are interested and to take
courses that will prepare them for graduate work in that
cluster. Courses in anthropology, economics, geography,
history, law, political science, and sociology, among other
disciplines, are recommended. Students may also wish to select
an area emphasis and to take courses that will enable them, in
the M.A. year, to engage in specialized study of a region
having particular relevance to the cluster(s) they have
identified. Students should also be cognizant of the language
requirement at the M.A. level and, if necessary, take the
appropriate courses to enable them to fulfil that
Students who have not previously completed a full-year
introductory course in economics must do so as part of their
Qualifying Year program.
Other courses will be selected in consultation with the
Associate Director.
Admission to the qualifying year does not guarantee
admission to the M.A. program. To be considered for admission
to the M.A. program, students in the qualifying year are
expected to achieve the equivalent of high honours standing.
Students in the qualifying year are considered for admission to
the M.A. program at the same time as other applicants; if
qualifying-year students are not admitted to the M.A. program
in the first round of admissions, subsequent decisions on their
admission will depend on performance and the availability of
space in the M.A. program.
Guidelines for Completion of Qualifying Year
Candidates admitted to the qualifying-year program on a
full-time basis must complete all requirements during the fall
and winter terms after initial registration.
Master of Arts
Admission Requirements
The minimum requirement for admission into the master's
program is a B.A. (Honours) degree in a discipline related to
international affairs.
Under current practice, at least a high honours standing is
normally required for consideration for admission to the
Applicants may submit Graduate Record Examination aptitude
test scores; in some circumstances, students may be required to
submit GRE scores.
The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research requires
applicants whose native tongue is not English to be tested for
proficiency in English. NPSIA applicants must submit a CAEL
Assessment™ score of a minimum of 70 or a TOEFL score of
250 computer-based or 600 regular.
Students admitted to the NPSIA M.A. program must have
successfully completed 1.0 credit in introductory economics
(microeconomics and macroeconomics) before starting the
program. Students who have not completed one credit of
introductory economics at the time of their application will
have their admission into the program made conditional upon its
successful completion prior to registration. In some cases
where the student is deemed by the admissions committee to have
an insufficient background in international affairs they may be
required to complete up to two additional courses as part of
their M.A. program. Students who are uncertain about whether
they meet the background requirements are encouraged to contact
the School of International Affairs.
The deadline for completed applications is January 31. The
deadline for consideration for financial assistance is also
January 31. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that their
completed applications are received at NPSIA by the
Program Requirements
Students may follow either a thesis/research essay program
or a course work program.
Thesis/Research Essay Program
The program requirements for M.A. students in international
affairs are:
- Completion of INAF 5001 Policy and Methods for
International Affairs and one of INAF 5009, INAF 5205, INAF
5308, INAF 5309 or INAF 5600 depending on a student's
choice of cluster. If a student is deemed to have completed
the equivalent of the NPSIA economics course associated
with his/her cluster an alternative NPSIA economics course
must be taken. If the student has taken the equivalent of
the designated economics course for his/her cluster and has
completed the equivalent of INAF 5009, INAF 5308 and INAF
5309 he/she must substitute another NPSIA course;
- A student deemed to have completed the equivalent of
the NPSIA economics course associated with his/her cluster
must take an alternative NPSIA economics course. If the
student has taken the equivalent of INAF 5009, INAF 5308
and INAF 5309 he/she must substitute another NPSIA
- Completion of at least two designated courses from the
student's chosen cluster;
- 1.0 approved course work credits in international
affairs or related disciplines, if a student elects to
write a thesis;
- 2.0 approved course work credits in international
affairs or related disciplines, if a student elects to
write a research essay;
- A thesis (equivalent to 2.0 credits) or a research
essay (equivalent to 1.0 credit) involving original
research on an approved subject in international affairs
relating to the student's cluster choice;
- Full-time students are expected to submit a
thesis/research essay proposal by the end of January
following their first term of study in the program;
part-time students are expected to submit a thesis/research
proposal after completion of half of their course
- An ability to read a second major international
language, or a language appropriate to a student's major
research interest;
- English-speaking Canadian students are expected to
develop a proficiency in French;
- An oral comprehensive examination on the thesis or
research essay in their general field of study to determine
the candidate's ability to relate various disciplines to
the study of international affairs.
Course Work Program
- Completion of INAF 5001 Policy and Methods for
International Affairs and one of INAF 5009, INAF 5205, INAF
5308, INAF 5309 or INAF 5600 depending on a student's
choice of cluster. If a student is deemed to have completed
the equivalent of the NPSIA economics course associated
with his/her cluster an alternative NPSIA economics course
must be taken. If the student has taken the equivalent of
the designated economics course for his/her cluster and has
completed the equivalent of INAF 5009, INAF 5308 and INAF
5309 he/she must substitute another NPSIA course;
- A student deemed to have completed the equivalent of
the NPSIA economics course associated with their his/her
cluster must take an alternative NPSIA economics course. If
the student has taken the equivalent of INAF 5009, INAF
5308 and INAF 5309 he/she must substitute another NPSIA
- Completion of at least two designated courses from the
student's chosen cluster;
- Three approved courses selected as in thesis/research
essay program excluding INAF 5908/INAF 5909;
- Language requirement as in thesis/research essay
- An oral comprehensive examination (INAF 5907) to
determine the candidate's ability to relate various
disciplines to the study of International Affairs. The
examination will be taken in a term designated by the
student that allows them to complete the Master's program
within the stipulated period referred to in Guidelines for
the Completion of the Master's Degree, after completing at
least three full credits and all required courses. Students
will identify five courses as the basis for their defence.
These courses include the required economics course, INAF
5001, two courses from the student's designated cluster,
and any other course from the student's program. Students
will submit a three page note (750 words) describing their
main interest in their NPSIA cluster and explain how the
courses chosen for the exam relate to that interest.
Candidates should specify the key issues that are involved,
and indicate clearly how the five identified classes
provide insight into these issues, and how their central
themes, debates, theories, ideas and concepts contribute to
their understanding of the topic.
Academic Standing
A grade of B- or better must be obtained in each credit
counted towards the master's degree. The School does not permit
exceptions to this rule.
Students will be required to withdraw from the program if
their grade point average falls below 7.0 (B-), or if they
receive a grade of less than B- in any two courses they have
registered in. For these purposes, a grade of Unsatisfactory in
INAF 5907 counts as a failed class.
Co-op Option
A co-op option is available to full-time students in the
M.A. program after the completion of 3.0 credits. Students
admitted to this option must satisfactorily complete at least
two work terms in order to graduate with a co-op designation on
their transcripts. These work terms are four months in duration
and locate students in government departments or other
organizations in order to work at a junior officer level.
Information about co-op placements is coordinated through the
Carleton University Co-op Office. The work terms provide
students with opportunities to integrate the theoretical and
practical aspects of international affairs. During a work term,
students will register in one of the co-op work term courses:
INAF 5911, or INAF 5912. While on a work term, students are
limited to an additional 0.5 credit course.
Note: credit weight for co-op courses is zero.
Career Planning
Information on job opportunities is available to all
students and recent graduates through NPSIA's Resource Centre
Coordinator. Services to assist students in obtaining jobs in
International Affairs after graduation also includes assistance
with resumes, and information on alumni career paths. The
on-line guide NPSIA WORKS outlines the major areas of alumni
employment. Recent experience suggests that a strong background
in research methods and economics as well as strong
communication skills enhance job placement.
Students interested in continuing to doctoral programs
should plan their programs to include courses in their
discipline, if other than international affairs, which may be
deemed necessary for their admission to doctoral programs.
Interdisciplinary doctoral programs in international affairs
are given in a number of institutions, and the faculty can
provide guidance in planning for these programs.
Guidelines for the Completion of the Master's
Candidates can complete the M.A. program in twelve months of
full-time study. However, most students require an additional
one or two terms to complete the research essay or thesis
requirement. Full-time master's students must complete all
degree requirements within six terms of registered full-time
Students admitted into the Master's program on a part-time
basis must complete the degree requirements within an elapsed
period of six calendar years after the date of initial
registration. Students must successfully complete INAF 5001 -
Policy and Methods for International Affairs in the first year
in which they are admitted, and must complete their economic
and cluster course requirements in their first six half
Students who elect to complete the program by a combination
of full-time and part-time study are governed by the following
elapsed time limitations: five calendar years if the candidate
is registered as a full-time student for two or three terms and
part-time for the balance; four calendar years if the candidate
is registered for four or five terms as a full-time student and
part-time for the balance.
These limitations are calculated from the date of initial
registration in the master's program.
Master of Arts/Bachelor of Laws
The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs and the
Common Law Section of the Faculty of Law at the University of
Ottawa offer a joint Master of Arts in International Affairs
and Bachelor of Laws degree M.A./LL.B.).
Admission Requirements
A student must make separate applications to the School of
International Affairs at Carleton Univ ersity and to the
Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa and be accepted by
both institutions in accordance with the normal admission
requirements of each program. Interest in pursuing the joint
program must be specified in each application.
Program Requirements
A student will complete both the M.A. and the LL.B. programs
over four calendar years. Students will be expected to fulfil
the normal requirements of both the M.A. and LL.B. programs. In
addition, students in the joint program will be required to
complete courses in international law to be specified by the
Faculty of Law.
In undertaking the M.A./LL.B. research essay, students will
be expected to integrate both components of the joint program
into their research essay and will be assigned supervisors from
both institutions.
The normal sequence of courses for the two degrees is as
First Year
Second Year
- Normal M.A. first year (required course work to include
a 0.5 credit course in international law)
Third Year
- Normal LL.B. second year, including 0.5 credit course
from the School of International Affairs for which credit
will be given in both programs and spring/summer
registration in M.A./LL.B. research essay.
Fourth Year
- Normal LL.B. third year, including 0.5 credit course
from the School of International Affairs for which credit
will be given in both programs and spring/summer
registration, conclusion and defence of M.A./LL.B. research
Doctor of Philosophy in International
Admission Requirements
Admission into the Ph.D. program will be judged primarily on
the applicant's ability to undertake research successfully and
his/her prospects for completion of the program. Admission to
the Ph.D. program is governed by the requirements stated in the
General Regulations section of this Calendar.
The normal requirement for admission to the doctoral program
in International Affairs is a Master's degree in a social
science with at least an A- average. A number of years of work
experience is also desirable. Students who lack sufficient
background at the graduate level in international affairs will
be required to take supplementary courses extra to degree prior
to admission. Students with no formal training in economics
must complete introductory economics plus at least one full
credit at the senior undergraduate level to be considered for
admission. Students who are admitted to the doctoral program
but lack sufficient specialization in their fields of study may
be required to take additional courses at the graduate level in
preparation for their field seminars.
All applicants whose first language is not English will be
required to obtain an overall score of 70 or over on the
Canadian Academic English Language Assessment with a minimum
score of 70 for the writing section or a TOEFL score of 250
Residence Requirement
All Ph.D. candidates must be registered full time for a
minimum of six terms to satisfy the residence
requirement. Program Requirements
The program requirements for the Ph.D. in International
Affairs are a minimum of 10.0 credits, comprised of the
following and outlined in further detail below:
- Doctoral course requirements (2.0 credits);
- Two field seminars corresponding to their declared
fields of study (0.5 credit each);
- Two comprehensive examinations, one in each of their
fields (0.5 credit each);
- Doctoral Research Workshop (0.5 credit);
- Public defence of a research prospectus (0.5
- A dissertation (5.0 credits);
- A foreign language requirement. Details of Program
Doctoral Course Requirements (2.0 credits)
- INAF 6001 Introduction to Research Methods and
- INAF 6002 Policy Analysis and Quantitative Methods
- 1.0 credit in economics courses offered by the School.
At the School's discretion, a student with substantial
economics training may be permitted to substitute other
courses for all or part of this requirement.
Two Field Seminars (0.5 credit each)
- two field seminars, at least one of which is in a field
offered by NPSIA faculty (INAF 6100, INAF 6200, and INAF
6300), with a grade of Satisfactory.
- These seminars must be completed by the end of the
second year after admission to the Doctoral program. The
field seminars provide the foundation for the field
comprehensive examinations.
- Students may be required to take additional courses
upon admission in preparation for their field seminars, up
to a maximum of 1.0 credit for each seminar.
Two Field Comprehensive Examinations (0.5 credit each)
- two written comprehensive examinations corresponding to
the field seminars, with a satisfactory grade of
Satisfactory or Distinction.
- The comprehensive examination will be based on the
readings in the associated field seminar. Students must
pass their comprehensive examinations with a grade of
Satisfactory by the end of their second year of admission
to the doctoral program. At the discretion of the examining
board, a candidate whose performance is not fully
satisfactory may be required to take an oral examination or
a second written examination. Students who have not
successfully completed their field comprehensives by the
end of the first term of their third year will be required
to withdraw from the program.
Doctoral Program Fields
- International Conflict Management and Resolution
- Interdisciplinary and policy-oriented research on
international and intrastate conflict management and
resolution. Sources of and responses to conflict, drawing
from traditional and non-traditional frameworks with an
emphasis on diagnostic and analytical skills. Topics
include conflict management, peacekeeping, crisis
decision-making, the management of terrorism, arms control,
concepts of security, peace-building, and conflict
- International Development Policy
- Interdisciplinary and policy-oriented research on
international development. Global, regional, community and
institutional dimensions of development as a social,
economic and political process. Topics include the linkages
between development and trade, finance, regional
integration, technology transfer and transnational
enterprises, the environment and natural resources, health,
education, labour, and institutions.
- International Economic Policy
- Interdisciplinary and policy-oriented research on the
relationship between the global markets, civil society, and
states. Theories and policy approaches to international
political economy, drawn from economics, political science
and other disciplines. Topics include trade, finance,
multinational corporations, international migration, and a
critical analysis of the issues surrounding the phenomenon
of global integration.
Students may, with the School's permission, apply to
complete a field and an associated comprehensive examination in
another discipline. The field would have to be in a discipline
related to the student's program of study, and would need the
approval of the host department. The student would be required
to fulfil all of the host department's requirements for the
equivalence of a field designation, including any course work
and the associated comprehensive examination.
Doctoral Research Workshop (0.5 credit)
- Students must receive a grade of Satisfactory in the
Doctoral Research Workshop in their second year, in which
they begin the preparation of their thesis prospectus.
Research Prospectus Defence (0.5 credit)
- Students must successfully defend a Research Prospectus
by the end of their second year in the program. Students
who have not satisfactorily defended their Research
Prospectus by this time will be required to withdraw from
the doctoral program.
Dissertation (5.0 credit)
- All Ph.D. candidates are required to successfully
complete and defend a dissertation equivalent to 5.0
credits on a topic approved by the School.
Language Requirement
- All students must demonstrate an ability to read
academic material in a language other than English
sufficient to conduct doctoral research in international
affairs. This requirement will be fulfilled before the
defence of the research prospectus. To fulfil the language
requirement, a student must pass a written examination
administered by the School, or meet the equivalent standard
as determined by the School.
- Academic Standing
To successfully complete the doctoral program, students must
obtain a grade of B- or better in each course credit, and
Satisfactory or Distinction in the field seminars,
comprehensive examinations, doctoral workshop, the research
prospectus defence, and the Ph.D. thesis and its oral
Graduate Courses
Not all of the following courses are offered in a given
year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings and to
determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at
Part-time students are permitted to enrol in a maximum of
1.0 credit per term.
Required Courses
- INAF 5001 [0.5 credit]
- Policy and Methods for International
- Policy formulation and research methods in an
international context. The policy component reviews key
theories of policy formulation and their relationship to
applied policy analysis and evaluation. The methods
component examines the principles of social sciences
research, basic research design, and techniques of
- Prerequisite: M.A. standing in the Norman Paterson
School of International Affairs or permission of the School
of International Affairs.
- INAF 5009 [0.5 credit]
- International Aspects of Economic
- Economic theory and policy dimensions of key issues in
international economic development. Topics include: trade
theory and policy for developing countries; debt,
adjustment and macroeconomic stabilization; the role of
international financial institutions; financial flows and
the role of multinational corporations. Prerequisite: M.A.
standing in the Norman Paterson School of International
Affairs or permission of the School.
- INAF 5205 [0.5 credit]
- Economics of Conflict
- The economic dimensions of conflict and the application
of economic methods to understanding conflict and conflict
management.Precludes additional credit for INAF 5409
[formerly 46.549R] (taken in 2002-03).
- INAF 5214 [0.5 credit]
- Economics for Defence and Security
- Examines the economic analysis of defence and security,
applying economic analysis to topics such as defence
production, procurement, offence and defence balance,
alliance theory, deterrence, arms races, terrorism and
terrorist financing.
- INAF 5308 [0.5 credit]
- International Trade: Theory and Policy
- The pure theory of international trade and selected
policy issues. Topics include theories of the pattern of
trade, the gains from trade, the theory of distortions and
welfare, and theories of endogenous trade policy
- Prerequisite: M.A. standing in the Norman Paterson
School of International Affairs or permission of the
- INAF 5309 [0.5 credit]
- International Finance: Theory and Policy
- Theory and policy in open economy macroeconomics and
international finance. Topics include: exchange rate and
output determination, balance of payments adjustment,
monetary and fiscal policy under different exchange rate
regimes, and the structure and performance of the
international monetary system.
- Prerequisite: M.A. standing in the Norman Paterson
School of International Affairs or permission of the
- INAF 5600 [0.5 credit]
- Human Resource Development
- The economic analysis and theory of the major areas of
human development in developing areas, including demography
and population, education, health, nutrition, women and
development, social security, labour markets, and human
resources planning.
- Prerequisite: M.A. standing in the Norman Paterson
School of International Affairs or permission of the
- Note: students are required to take the economics
course associated with their cluster as noted below.
Students deemed to have completed a similar course must
take an alternative NPSIA economics course. Students who
have successfully completed the equivalent of INAF 5009,
INAF 5308 and INAF 5309 must substitute another NPSIA
NPSIA's M.A. program is organized around seven clusters.
Each student must select a cluster and enrol in two of the
designated cluster courses.
- International Trade Policy
- Designated economics course: INAF 5308
- Designated Courses:
- INAF 5101 The Politics and Institutions of
International Trade
- INAF 5306 Trade Policy in North America
- INAF 5400 Trade Policy Analysis
- INAF 5500 Comparative Trade Policy
- INAF 5507 International Economic Law
- INAF 5508 Law, Politics, and Economics in International
- Global Political Economy
- Designated economics course: INAF 5309
- Designated Courses:
- INAF 5300 The Political Economy of Multinational
- INAF 5401 International Financial Institutions and
- INAF 5407 International Relations Theory
- INAF 5501 Global Political Economy
- INAF 5502 State Sovereignty and Globalization
- Conflict Analysis and Conflict
- Designated economics course: INAF 5205
- Designated Courses:
- INAF 5108 Conflict Analysis
- INAF 5109 Conflict Management: Theory and Evidence
- INAF 5200 Peacebuilding and Reconstruction: Theory and
- INAF 5201 Disarmament, Arms Control and
- INAF 5202 International Security after the Cold
- INAF 5203 International Mediation and Conflict
- INAF 5209 Conflict and Development
- INAF 5506 International Law: Use of Force
- Intelligence and National
- Designated economics course: INAF 5214
- Designated Courses:
- INAF 5202 International Security after the Cold
- INAF 5204 Intelligence, Statecraft, and International
- INAF 5224 Intelligence and National Security: Policies
and Operations
- INAF 5234 National Security Policy and Law
- International Institutions and Global
- Designated economics course: any one of INAF 5009, INAF
5205, INAF 5308, INAF 5309 or INAF 5600, chosen in
consultation with the NPSIA faculty advisor.
- Designated Courses:
- INAF 5405 International Organizations
- INAF 5505 International Law: Theory and Practice
- INAF 5701 Global Environmental Change: Human
- INAF 5702 International Environmental Affairs
- INAF 5705 International Social Policy
- INAF 5805 The EU in International Affairs
- International Dimensions of Development
- Designated economics course: INAF 5009
- Designated Courses:
- INAF 5002 Issues in International Development
- INAF 5303 Science, Technology and International
Affairs: The Third World
- INAF 5601 Historical Dimensions of Development and
- INAF 5602 Development Assistance: Theory and
- INAF 5609 Development Project Evaluation and
- INAF 5801 Regional Integration Among Developing
- Human Security and Development
- Designated economics course: INAF 5600
- Designated Courses:
- INAF 5003 National and Domestic Dimensions of
- INAF 5006 Agriculture and Rural Development
- INAF 5200 Peacebuilding and Reconstruction: Theory and
- INAF 5209 Conflict and Development
- INAF 5408 Gender in International Affairs
- INAF 5606 Indigenous Peoples and Development
- INAF 5704 Human Security: From Policy to Practice
Other Courses
- INAF 5002 [0.5 credit]
- Issues in International Development
- International political, social and economic aspects of
development. Approaches to trade policies, finance,
regional integration, technology transfer and transnational
enterprises, global governance, international civil society
and development, the environment and natural resources, and
social and labour issues in the international context.
- Precludes additional credit for INAF 5004 (taken prior
to 2001).
- INAF 5003 [0.5 credit]
- National and Domestic Dimensions of
- Theoretical foundations and central policy issues of
the domestic, economic, social, political, cultural and
environmental aspects of development. Topics include
theories of the developmental process, human resource
development, national development strategies, sectoral
issues, and governance and human rights and their
interaction with the international system.
- Precludes additional credit for INAF 5004 (taken prior
to 2001).
- INAF 5006 [0.5 credit]
- Agriculture and Rural Development
- A study of the agricultural sector, rural areas, and
rural welfare in developing countries, including structural
change in agriculture, agrarian reform, rural development
strategies in various countries, and public policies
affecting agriculture, activities ancillary to agriculture,
rural industry, and public service.
- INAF 5007 [0.5 credit]
- Theories of Development and
- A comparative analysis of approaches to the study of
development processes and underdevelopment, including
structural-functional, neo-classical, Marxist, and
dependency theories.
- Prerequisite: enrolment in the Development
Administration stream of the M.A. program in the School of
Public Policy and Administration, or permission of the
School of International Affairs.
- INAF 5008 [0.5 credit]
- Economic Development Policy and Planning
- Developing country policies and planning and their
impacts, including macro and sectoral techniques employed
in development planning, budgeting, and problems in
development administration.
- Prerequisite: enrolment in the Development
Administration stream of the M.A. program in the School of
Public Policy and Administration, or permission of the
School of International Affairs.
- INAF 5100 [0.5 credit]
- Canada in International Affairs
- Canada's role in international affairs; issues of
conflict and conflict resolution, international political
economy, and international development. Analysis of the
content and formulation of Canada's international
- INAF 5101 [0.5 credit]
- The Politics and Institutions of International
- Canadian trade practice; trade policy within the
broader context of Canadian policy-making, comparison of
Canadian policy and practice with that in the United
States, Europe, Japan, and the major developing
- Precludes additional credit for INAF 5409 (taken prior
to 1997-98).
- INAF 5102 [0.5 credit]
- Canada-U.S. Relations
- The relationship between Canada and the United States
from political, economic, diplomatic, military, and
cultural perspectives. The history of Canada's relations
with the United States, as our neighbor, trading partner,
ally, and sometime antagonist.
- Precludes additional credit for INAF 5409, if taken
2003/04, 2004/05.
- INAF 5108 [0.5 credit]
- Conflict Analysis
- Sources of international and intrastate conflict.
Students will gain practical insight and understanding of
the causes of conflict by drawing on frameworks from a
number of social sciences disciplines, with a focus on
diagnostic and analytical skills in the decision making
- Precludes additional credit for INAF 5105 (taken prior
to 2001).
- INAF 5109 [0.5 credit]
- Conflict Management: Theory and Evidence
- Evaluation of process and content-oriented measurements
of effectiveness in the practice of conflict management;
third-party intervention such as peacekeeping, crisis
decision making, the management of terrorism and conflict
prevention with applications to regional and intrastate
- Precludes additional credit for INAF 5105 (taken prior
to 2001).
- INAF 5200 [0.5 credit]
- Peacebuilding and Reconstruction: Theory and
- Social, economic and military dimensions of
post-conflict reconstruction with special attention to the
role of local and international government and
non-government organizations in the peacebuilding process.
Evidence is drawn from recent cases.
- INAF 5201 [0.5 credit]
- Disarmament, Arms Control and
- Origins, theory and practice, with a focus on so-called
weapons of mass destruction and current controversies.
Emphasis on treaty negotiation and implementation,
including monitoring, verification, facilitation and
enforcement of compliance.
- INAF 5202 [0.5 credit]
- International Security After the Cold War
- The evolving strategic and security environment since
the end of the Cold War, encompassing both traditional and
non-traditional concepts. Topics include hegemonism; the
rise of new powers; terrorism; multilateralism; human
security; and new security threats, including climate
- INAF 5203 [0.5 credit]
- International Mediation and Conflict
- Exploration of various approaches to the prevention,
management and resolution of international conflict
including peacekeeping, preventive diplomacy, mediation and
peacebuilding, as well as less formal mechanisms for third
party collaborative problem solving.
- INAF 5204 [0.5 credit]
- Intelligence, Statecraft and International
- The role of intelligence in foreign and security policy
after the Cold War. Evolution of intelligence as regards
strategic and policy requirements, the capabilities of
selected services, interactions within government and civil
society. Emphasis on the structure and functions of
Canada's intelligence community.
- INAF 5206 [0.5 credit]
- Civil-Military Relations
- Theoretical and practical issues of civil-military
relations; analysis of the multidisciplinary and
multidimensional nature of the relationship between
society, political authority and the military, using
comparative and global frames of reference.
- Precludes additional credit for INAF 5409 sections R
and S (taken 2002/03, 03/04).
- INAF 5207 [0.5 credit]
- Middle East Economic and Political
- Economic and political relations among countries of the
Middle East; emphasis on the peace process and arrangements
for regional security and regional economic cooperation;
prospects for regional collaboration.
- INAF 5208 [0.5 credit]
- U.S. Foreign and Security Policy
- Causes and consequences of U.S. foreign and security
policy. Explanation and evaluation of past and present U.S.
policies. Cases will be drawn from 20th century wars,
interventions and crises; post-Cold War and post 9-11 U.S.
- Precludes additional credit for INAF 5409 section 'X'
(taken 2001/02, 02/03).
- INAF 5209 [0.5 credit]
- Conflict and Development
- Examination of competing interpretations of conflict in
developing countries; material conditions, institutional
factors, and ideological, or identity-based framing
processes. The impact of war on development, and
implications for policy.
- INAF 5224 [0.5 credit]
- Intelligence and National Security:
- Policies and Operations
- The roles and activities of intelligence services of
selected countries. Their performance will be assessed in
the light of historical experience, and in the context of
the policy, legal and ethical constraints.
- INAF 5234 [0.5 credit]
- National Security Policy and Law
- The international legal and policy implications of
identifying and responding to national security threats.
Topics include: intelligence gathering; verification
regimes; military and counter-terrorism operations;
criminal prosecution; and, balancing human rights and
security concerns.
- INAF 5300 [0.5 credit]
- Political Economy of Multinational
- Recent economic and political developments in the
fields of international economics and industrial
organization as they affect multinational enterprises. The
course develops concepts and analytical approaches to
examine the impact of multinational enterprises on
international affairs and the implications for public
- INAF 5302 [0.5 credit]
- Science, Technology and International Affairs: The
Advanced, Industrial Countries
- The process of technological change since the
industrial revolution and its consequences for development
in the advanced industrial countries and for relations
among these countries.
- INAF 5303 [0.5 credit]
- Science, Technology and International Affairs: The
Third World
- The problem of building indigenous technological
capabilities in the Third World. The role of MNCs in the
transfer of technology, the generation of appropriate
technologies locally and the role of the state in the
formulation of technology policy for development.
- INAF 5305 [0.5 credit]
- International Bargaining and Negotiation: Theory and
- An examination of bargaining and negotiation in
international economic, political, and security issue
areas, using case studies and theoretical analysis.
- INAF 5306 [0.5 credit]
- Trade Policy in North America
- Canadian, American and Mexican trade and trade policy
from colonial times to present, emphasizing the development
of trade relations and the negotiation and operation of
bilateral, regional (NAFTA), and multilateral trade
- Precludes additional credit for INAF 5409, section 'F'
(taken in 2005/06).
- INAF 5307 [0.5 credit]
- Macroeconomics in a Development Context
- Macroeconomic theory and policy in the context of the
developing countries, with special emphasis upon theory and
policy for open economies, structural adjustment to
international disequilibration, exchange rate and balance
of payments management, fiscal and financial policy.
- Prerequisite: enrolment in the Development
Administration stream of the M.A. program of the School of
Public Policy and Administration, or permission of the
School of International Affairs.
- INAF 5400 [0.5 credit]
- Trade Policy Analysis
- Selected trade and trade-related policy issues. Topics
are drawn from current policy debates, and may include:
multilateral vs. preferential trade liberalization;
standards harmonization as a precondition for free trade;
and globalization and the rising skill wage premium.
- Prerequisites: M.A. standing in the Norman Paterson
School of International Affairs, or permission of the
School of International Affairs.
- INAF 5401 [0.5 credit]
- International Financial Institutions and
- Institutional arrangements, international financial
flows, and critical events in international finance;
development and operation of international financial
institutions, and how they have shaped modern financial
markets, events, and policy.
- Precludes additional credit for INAF 5409 (taken prior
to 1997-98).
- INAF 5402 [0.5 credit]
- Territory and Territoriality
- Contemporary geographical and internatio nal relations
theorizing is challenging conventional notions of
boundaries and territories in the political organization of
modernity. Using contemporary writings on geopolitics,
security, sovereignty, self-determination and identity
politics, this course investigates territoriality as a
political and intellectual strategy. (Also listed as GEOG
- INAF 5404 [0.5 credit]
- The Environment for International
- Analysis of the international economic environment for
public and private sector managers. The growing economic
interdependence of nations, problems faced by managers and
the effectiveness of emerging international rules and
standards for trade, investment and intellectual
- INAF 5405 [0.5 credit]
- International Organizations in International
- A critical analysis of the roles played by the United
Nations and other international organizations in the field
of international conflict, development, and political
- INAF 5406 [0.5 credit]
- Policy Analysis and Evaluation
- Examination of international public policies of a
number of countries, including Canada; approaches to the
policy process and case studies of the formulation and
evaluation of economic, political, and security
- INAF 5407 [0.5 credit]
- International Relations Theory
- Overview of theories of international relations.
Organized both historically and conceptually, the course
will examine a variety of theoretical approaches to
international relations, among them the realist, liberal,
structural, neo-realist, and critical perspectives.
- INAF 5408 [0.5 credit]
- Gender in International Affairs
- The role of gender differences in international affairs
gender in the social sciences and feminist theories
regarding war, nationalism, human rights, development, and
the global economy.
- INAF 5409 [0.5 credit]
- Selected Topics in International Affairs
- INAF 5419 [0.5 credit]
- Selected Topics in International Affairs
- INAF 5429 [0.5 credit]
- Selected Topics in International Affairs
- INAF 5439 [0.5 credit]
- Selected Topics in International Affairs
- INAF 5449 [0.5 credit]
- Selected Topics in International Affairs
- INAF 5459 [0.5 credit]
- Selected Topics in International Affairs
- INAF 5500 [0.5 credit]
- Comparative Trade Policy
- Examination of trade policies of various states, and
their associated institutional arrangement. Countries and
country groupings to be examined include the United States,
Japan, the European Union, and key developing
- INAF 5501 [0.5 credit]
- Global Political Economy
- Theories and approaches to global political economy,
and how they illuminate the interaction and co-evolution of
states and markets. Topics include the post war systems and
patterns of production, investment, trade and finance in
developed and developing countries.Precludes additional
credit for INAF 5000 (taken prior to 2001).
- INAF 5502 [0.5 credit]
- State Sovereignty and Globalization
- How increased political, social and economic
integration internationally affects a government's ability
to formulate policy; examination of domestic and
international policy issues and whether and how global
forces and their domestic counterparts shape the
policy-making environment.
- Precludes additional credit for INAF 5000 (taken prior
to 2001).
- INAF 5505 [0.5 credit]
- International Law: Theory and Practice
- Theoretical perspectives on international law and the
role international law plays in the international system.
Topics include basis, creation and sources of international
law, international dispute resolution, and international
law and world order transformation. (Also listed as LAWS
- INAF 5506 [0.5 credit]
- International Law: Use of Force
- How legal constraints govern the use of force in
international relations. Topics include legal options
available to states and the international community, the
use of weapons of mass destruction, terrorism,
peacekeeping, and humanitarian intervention.
- Precludes additional credit for INAF 5409 (taken in
- INAF 5507 [0.5 credit]
- International Economic Law: Regulation of Trade and
- Study of regulation of international economic
relations. International institutions, legal aspects of
integration, governmental regulation of trade and
investment. (Also listed as LAWS 5200.)
- Prerequisite: open only to graduate students in their
master's year who have not previously studied international
economic law.
- INAF 5508 [0.5 credit]
- Law, Politics and Economics in International
- The linkages and differences among the disciplines of
law, politics and economics as they relate to international
affairs; the underlying assumptions of each discipline and
how they affect the way different issues in international
affairs are considered.
- Precludes additional credit for INAF 5409 (section F,
taken 2003/04, 04/05).
- INAF 5601 [0.5 credit]
- Historical Dimensions of Development and
- Comparative studies in the economic and social history
of selected developed and developing countries.
Identification of conditions that have fostered or
inhibited development in the past, assessment of
contemporary development strategies in the light of
historical experience.
- INAF 5602 [0.5 credit]
- Development Assistance: Theory and Practice
- Economic, moral, and political arguments for
development assistance, aid effectiveness; the role of
bilateral and multilateral donors; aid accounting, human
development and human rights; NGOs and international
- INAF 5603 [0.5 credit]
- Issues in Development in Africa
- Analysis of structures and processes of political,
social, and economic change in intertropical Africa at
scales ranging from the intrahousehold and local community
to the state and international system. An objective will be
to integrate gender and the environment into analyses which
draw on theories of political economy.
- INAF 5604 [0.5 credit] (formerly 46. 564)
- Issues in Development in Latin America
- Principal developmental trends, problems, and policies
in the region since 1945; the design and implementation of
future alternative developmental strategies.
- INAF 5605 [0.5 credit]
- The Ethical Dimension of International
- Critical examination of the ethical dimensions of
development, global conflict, and international political
economy; beliefs and values, rights and obligations,
individual and state morality.
- INAF 5606 [0.5 credit]
- Indigenous Peoples and Development
- Major issues of the development, in its social,
economic, political and environmental dimensions, of
Indigenous peoples, including those of North America, Latin
America, Australasia, India, Africa and the Polar
- INAF 5607 [0.5 credit]
- Issues in Development in Southeast Asia
- Comparative analysis of development in selected
Southeast Asian countries. Processes of continuity and
change in political culture, governance, economic
management, social and environmental policy, and regional
ASEAN relations; historical and contemporary issues.
- INAF 5608 [0.5 credit]
- Indigenous Perspectives on Third World
- Some of the major perspectives and theories on Third
World Development that have emerged from within the Third
World. Included are authors representing structural,
dependency, and radical theories of development, and those
who see development as psychological or spiritual
- INAF 5609 [0.5 credit]
- Development Project Evaluation and Analysis
- Examination of social cost-benefit analysis and other
micro-economic methods of project evaluation in the context
of the project cycle in developing countries with emphasis
on policy analysis and implementation practice, case
studies of development projects, including those of
non-governmental organizations.
- INAF 5701 [0.5 credit]
- Global Environmental Change: Human
- Global environmental change; its significance for
societies, economies and international relations. Value
systems underlying environmental discourse; political
economy of the environment; sustainability and security.
Environmental diplomacy and grassroots environmentalism.
Regionalized impacts of pressures on natural environments;
challenges of adaptation. (Also listed as GEOG 5005.)
- INAF 5702 [0.5 credit]
- International Environmental Affairs
- International environmental issues, with a focus on
policy options and institutions relevant to addressing
these issues. Topics include the relationship between the
environment and trade, investment, globalization,
development and conflict.
- Precludes additional credit for INAF 5409 [formerly
46.549U] (taken in 2002/03).
- INAF 5704 [0.5 credit]
- Human Security: From Policy to Practice
- Human security issues including perspectives of key
governmental, international and non-governmental actors.
Micro-disarmament, the protection of civilians, war
economies, and post-conflict security issues.
- Precludes additional credit for INAF 5409, section 'W'
if taken in 2004/05 or 2005/06.
- INAF 5705 [0.5 credit]
- International Social Policy
- Concepts of and approaches to international social
policy. Concepts of social justice, comparative welfare
regimes and citizenship. Topics include social reform,
changes in the public/private provision of social services,
participation in social policy, poverty reduction, health
and education.
- INAF 5800 [0.5 credit]
- Asia Pacific Economic and Political
- The evolving pattern of economic and political
relations in the Asia-Pacific region. Topics will include
security issues; trade and investment; and development
cooperation; institutional arrangements, including ASEAN,
APEC, AFTA, and Canada's role in the regional affairs.
- INAF 5801 [0.5 credit]
- Regional Cooperation Among Developing
- A comparative study of selected regional cooperation
and integration schemes, including those in Africa, Asia,
Latin America, and the Caribbean, as well as between higher
and lower income countries.
- INAF 5802 [0.5 credit]
- The International Political Economy of
- Problems of reintegration into the world economy and
dilemmas of transition from command to market economies.
Topics may include new trade and investment patterns, role
in regional and international economic organizations,
search for appropriate exchange rate policies, impact of
Western assistance. (Also listed as EURR 5102.)
- INAF 5804 [0.5 credit]
- International Relations in Europe
- International relations and organizations in Europe
from theoretical and historical perspectives. Origins and
development of European organizations such as the European
Union and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in
- INAF 5805 [0.5 credit]
- The EU in International Affairs
- The impact of the EU on international affairs; the
internal development of the EU, the evolution of
integration theory, and the growth of the EU's external
relations capabilities.
- INAF 5901 [0.5 credit]
- Tutorials in International Affairs
- To be chosen in consultation with the director.
- INAF 5905 [0.5 credit]
- Research Workshop
- Problems inherent to research design in the
interdisciplinary field of international affairs, with
materials drawn from both the established literature and
the practice of leading members of the School's
- INAF 5906 [1.0 credit]
- M.A./LL.B. Research Essay
- INAF 5907 [2.0 credits]
- Course Work Comprehensive in
- International Affairs
- Required for students in a course work M.A. who by the
third term in their M.A. program have not yet completed
their comprehensive examination. Completion of this course
does not reduce the formal requirement of 5.0 credits.
- INAF 5908 [1.0 credit]
- Research Essay
- INAF 5909 [2.0 credits]
- M.A. Thesis
- INAF 5911 [0.0 credit]
- Co-operative Work Term
- Prerequisites: registration in the Co-operative
Education Option of the Master of Arts program and
permission of the School.
- INAF 5912 [0.0 credit]
- Co-operative Work Term
- Prerequisites: registration in the Co-operative
Education Option of the Master of Arts program and
permission of the School.
- INAF 6001 [0.5 credit]
- Introduction to Research Methods and Design
- Problem statements, research questions and approaches
to knowledge acquisition in international affairs, focusing
on policy relevance. Topics include advantages and
limitations of inductive and deductive research methods,
variable selection and hypothesis development, case studies
and field research, data gathering, and methodology
Precludes additional credit for INAF 6000 (taken
- Prerequisite: standing in the NPSIA Ph.D. program or
permission of the School.
- INAF 6002 [0.5 credit]
- Policy Analysis and Quantitative Methods
- Approaches to understanding policy processes and
econometrics. Policy processes, the policy cycle and policy
studies in an international setting. Applied basic
econometrics allowing the construction and analysis of data
sets with standard software packages.
Precludes additional credit for INAF 6000 (taken
- Prerequisite: standing in the NPSIA Ph.D. program or
permission of the School.
- INAF 6100 [0.5 credit]
- Field Seminar: Conflict Management and
- Interdisciplinary and policy-oriented research on
international and intrastate conflict management and
resolution. Conflict management, peacekeeping, crisis
decision-making, the management of terrorism, concepts of
security, arms control, peacebuilding, and conflict
- Prerequisite: standing in the NPSIA Ph.D. program or
permission of the School.
- INAF 6101 [0.5 credit]
- Comprehensive Examination in Conflict Management and
- INAF 6200 [ 0.5 credit]
- Field Seminar:
- International Development Policy
Interdisciplinary and policy-oriented research on
international development. Linkages between development and
trade, finance, regional integration, technology transfer
and transnational enterprises, the environment and natural
resources, health, education, labour, and
- Prerequisite: standing in the NPSIA Ph.D. program or
permission of the School.
- INAF 6201 [0.5 credit]
- Comprehensive Examination in International
Development Policy
- INAF 6300 [ 0.5 credit]
- Field Seminar: International Economic
- Interdisciplinary and policy-oriented research on the
relationship between the global economy, civil society, and
states. Trade, finance, multinational corporations,
international migration, and a critical analysis of the
issues surrounding the phenomenon of global
- Prerequisite: standing in the NPSIA Ph.D. program or
permission of the School.
- INAF 6301 [0.5 credit]
- Comprehensive Examination in International Economic
- INAF 6900 [0.5 credit]
- Doctoral Research Workshop
- A workshop for second-year doctoral students to develop
their dissertation topic and present and critique
preliminary research findings.
- Prerequisite: second-year standing in the NPSIA Ph.D.
- INAF 6901 [0.5 credit]
- Research Prospectus
- Preparation and public defence of a research prospectus
that will be the basis for the dissertation. The grade
awarded will be that obtained at the defence.
- INAF 6909 [5.0 credits]
- Ph.D. Dissertation
Selection of Courses
In addition to the graduate courses offered in the School,
qualified students may choose from among courses in
international affairs offered by related departments, schools,
and institutes.