Carleton University Canada's 
Capital University

Graduate Calendar Archives: 2007 / 2008

Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Electrical and Computer Engineering


Carleton University
Minto Centre, Room 3090
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 5B6
Telephone: 613-520-5659
Fax: 613-520-3899
Web site:

The Institute

Director of the Institute: Roshdy H.M. Hafez

The Institute was established in 1983. By combining the programs and resources of the Departments of Electronics, Systems and Computer Engineering at Carleton University and the School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE) at the University of Ottawa, OCIECE has become one of the largest electrical and computer engineering graduate studies/research groups in Canada. Programs leading to master's and Ph.D. degrees are available through the Institute in a wide range of fields of electrical and computer engineering.

Members of the Institute

The home department of each member is indicated by (DOE) for the Department of Electronics, Carleton University; (SCE) for the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University; (SITE) for the School of Information Technology and Engineering, University of Ottawa.

The following codes identify the Research Fields:

CAD Computer-Aided Design for Electronic Circuits
CSE Computer and Software Engineering
CCN Computer Communication Networks and Distributed Systems
DWC Digital and Wireless Communications
ME Microwave and Electromagnetics
SSIP Signal, Speech and Image Processing
ICD Integrated Circuits and Devices
SMI Systems and Machine Intelligence
PS Photonic Systems
BE Biomedical Engineering

  • A. Aboulnasr, SSIP (SITE)
  • R. Achar, CAD, ME, ICD (DOE)
  • C. Adams, CSE, CCN, DWC (SITE)
  • A. Adler, SSIP, BE (SCE)
  • N.U. Ahmed, DWC, SSIP (SITE)
  • V. Aitken, SMI, SSIP (SCE)
  • S.A. Ajila, CSE, SMI (SCE)
  • J. Albert, PS, ME (DOE)
  • S. Ali, DWC, SSIP (SCE - Adjunct)
  • D. Amyot, CSE (SITE)
  • H. Anis, PS, BE (SITE)
  • A. Banihashemi, DWC, SSIP (SCE)
  • J. Bardwell, ICD (DOE - Adjunct)
  • C. Barrière, SMI (SITE-Adjunct)
  • P. Berini, PS, ME (SITE)
  • G. von Bochmann, CSE, CCN (SITE)
  • M. Bolic, SSIP, CSE (SITE)
  • M. Bouchard, SSIP, SMI, DWC (SITE)
  • A. Boukerche, CSE (SITE)
  • L. Briand, CSE (SCE)
  • R.J.C. Bultitude, DWC (SCE - Adjunct)
  • A. Chan, BE, SSIP (SCE)
  • C. Charalambous, DWC, SMI (SITE-Adjunct)
  • S. Charbonneau, PS (DOE - Adjunct)
  • J.W. Chinneck, SMI, CSE (SCE)
  • J. Chouinard, DWC, SSIP, CCN (SITE-Adjunct)
  • D.C. Coll, CCN, SSIP (SCE)
  • A. Cuhadar, SSIP, BE (SCE)
  • C. D'Amours, DWC, SSIP (SITE)
  • F. Danilo-Lemoine, DWC (SCE)
  • R.M. Dansereau, SSIP, BE, DWC (SCE)
  • S.R. Das, CAD, ICD, CSE (SITE)
  • R. Dekemp, BE (SITE)
  • G.Y. Delisle, DWC (SITE - Adjunct)
  • H. Ding, SSIP (SITE - Adjunct)
  • E. Dubois, SSIP, SMI, DWC (SITE)
  • A. El Saddik, CCN, CSE, BE (SITE)
  • M.S. El-Tanany, DWC, SSIP, CCN (SCE)
  • M. Elhadef, SMI, CSE (SITE)
  • B. Esfandiari, SMI, CSE, CCN (SCE)
  • D.D. Falconer, DWC (SCE)
  • F. Famili, SMI (SITE-Adjunct)
  • M. Filiol, DWC, ICD (DOE-Adjunct)
  • N. Fong, ICD (DOE-Adjunct)
  • R.G. Franks, CSE, CCN (SCE)
  • M. Frize, BE, SMI, SSIP (SITE and SCE)
  • E. Gad, CAD, ME (SITE)
  • P.A. Galko, DWC, PS (SITE)
  • R. Gauthier, DWC, ISD (DOE)
  • N.D. Georganas, CCN, CSE (SITE)
  • D.T. Gibbons, BE, SSIP, CSE (SITE)
  • C. Giguere, BE, SSIP (SITE)
  • R.A. Goubran, SSIP, BE, DWC (SCE)
  • J.R. Green, SMI, SSIP (SCE)
  • V. Groza, CSE, SMI, BE (SITE)
  • W. Gueajeb SMI (SITE)
  • P. Gunupudi, CAD (DOE)
  • R. Habash BE (SITE)
  • R.H.M. Hafez, BWC, CCN (SCE)
  • T. Hall PS (SITE)
  • R. Harrison, ME, ICD (DOE)
  • C. Huang, CCN, PS (SCE)
  • J. Huang, CCN (SCE - Adjunct)
  • D. Inkpen, SMI (SITE)
  • D. I.A. Ionescu, CCN, CSE (SITE)
  • S. Janz, PS (DOE - Adjunct)
  • N. Japkowicz, SMI (SITE)
  • P. Jay, SSIP (SITE - Adjunct)
  • C. Joslin, CSE, SMI (CSIT & SCE)
  • A. Karmouch, CCN, CSE, SMI (SITE)
  • J.P. Knight, SMI, CAD, DWC (DOE)
  • T. Kunz, CCN, CSE (SCE)
  • T.A. Kwasniewski, ICD, DWC (DOE)
  • Y. Labiche, CSE (SCE)
  • R. Laganière, SSIP, SMI (SITE)
  • I. Lambadaris, CCN (SCE)
  • B. Lamontagne, PS (DOE - Adjunct)
  • D. Landheer, ICD (DOE - Adjunct)
  • J. Lang, CSE, SSIP, SMI (SITE)
  • W. Lee, CSE, SSIP, SMI (SITE)
  • T. Lethbridge, CSE (SITE)
  • R. Liscano, CSE, CCN, SMI (SITE)
  • P. Liu, SMI, BE, CCN (SCE)
  • S. Loyka, DWC, ME (SITE)
  • C.H. Lung, CSE, CCN (SCE)
  • L. MacEachern, ICD, DWC, PS (DOE)
  • S.A. Mahmoud, DWC, CCN, SSIP (SCE)
  • S. Majumdar, CSE, CCN (SCE)
  • D. Makrakis, CCN, DWC (SITE)
  • Y. Mao, DWC (SITE)
  • I. Marsland, DWC (SCE)
  • R. Mason, ICD (DOE)
  • A. Matrawy, CCN, CSE (SCE)
  • S. Matwin, SMI (SITE)
  • S.P. McAlister, ICD (DOE - Adjunct)
  • D. McNamara, ME (SITE)
  • A. Miri, CCN, CSE, DWC (SITE)
  • H.T. Mouftah, DWC, CCN (SITE )
  • L. Moura, CSE, CCN (SITE)
  • M.S. Nakhla, CAD, ME, ICD (DOE)
  • A. Nayak, CSE, CCN (SITE)
  • B. Pagurek, CSE, CCN (SCE)
  • P. Payeur, SMI, SSIP (SITE)
  • T. Pearce, CSE (SCE)
  • S. Periyalwar, DWC (SCE - Adjunct)
  • A. Petosa, ME (DOE - Adjunct)
  • D.C. Petriu, CSE, CCN (SCE)
  • E.M. Petriu, SMI, CAD, BE (SITE)
  • L. Peyton, CSE, SMI (SITE)
  • C. Plett, ICD, DWC, ME (DOE)
  • B. Raahemi, CCN, SMI (Management)
  • J. Rogers, DWC, ME, ICD (DOE)
  • S. Roux, PS, ME (SITE-Adjunct)
  • L. Roy, ME, ICD, PS (DOE)
  • H.M. Schwartz, SMI, SSIP (SCE)
  • M. Shams, ICD, BE, CAD (DOE)
  • S. Shirmohammadi, CCN, CSE (SITE)
  • T.J. Smy, ME, ICD (DOE)
  • A. Steele, PS (DOE)
  • I. Stojmenovic, CCN, DWC (SITE)
  • M.G. Stubbs, ICD (DOE - Adjunct)
  • B.A. Syrett, ME, PS (DOE)
  • S. Szpakowicz, SMI (SITE)
  • V. Szwarc, ICD, SSIP (DOE - Adjunct)
  • N. Tait, ICD, PS, ME (DOE)
  • J. Talim, CCN (SCE)
  • N.G. Tarr, ICD (DOE)
  • T.T. Tran, CSE (SITE)
  • M. Turcotte, BE, SMI (SITE)
  • I. Uzunov, ME (SITE-Adjunct)
  • G. Wainer, CSE, BE, SMI (SCE)
  • D.J. Walkey, ICD, CAD, ME (DOE)
  • S. Wang, ICD, CAD (DOE-Adjunct)
  • A.D. Whitehead, CSE (CSIT & SCE)
  • J.S. Wight, ME, DWC (DOE)
  • C.M. Woodside, CSE (SCE)
  • Y. Wu, DWC, SSIP (SCE - Adjunct)
  • D. Xu, PS (DOE - Adjunct)
  • M. Yagoub, ME, CAD (SITE)
  • O.W. Yang, CCN, DWC, PS (SITE)
  • H. Yanikomeroglu, DWC, CCN (SCE)
  • J. Yao, PS, ME, DWC (SITE)
  • Q. Ye, ME (DOE - Adjunct)
  • T.Yeap, DWC, ICD, PS (SITE)
  • A. Yongaçoglu, DWC, SSIP (SITE)
  • Q.J. Zhang, CAD, ME, ICD (DOE)
  • J. Zhao, SSIP, CCN, DWC (SITE)

Master's Degree

Admission Requirements

The normal requirement for admission to a master's program is a bachelor's degree with at least high honours standing in electrical engineering or a related discipline.

Program Requirements

The requirements for course work are specified in terms of credits: one credit = one hour/week for one term. Subject to the approval of the departmental chair, a student may take up to half of the course credits in the program in other disciplines (e.g., Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics). Master's programs with a thesis earn the Master of Applied Science degree, while other master's programs earn the Master of Engineering degree.

Master's Degree by Thesis
Eighteen course credits plus thesis
Master's Degree by Course Work
Twenty-seven course credits plus a project (nominally six credits)
Cooperative Master's Degree by Thesis
Eighteen course credits plus a thesis
Cooperative Master's Degree by Course Work
Twenty-four course credits plus two projects (each conducted in one work term)
Participation in the cooperative master's program is subject to acceptance by a suitable sponsoring organization.

Doctor of Philosophy

Admission Requirements

The normal requirement for admission into the Ph.D. program is a master's degree with thesis in electrical engineering or a related discipline.

Program Requirements

The requirements for course work are specified in terms of credits: one credit = one hour/week for one term. Subject to the approval of the advisory committee, a student may take up to half of the course credits in the program in other disciplines (e.g., Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics).

  • A minimum of nine course credits
  • A comprehensive examination involving written and oral examinations and a written thesis proposal, to take place before the end of the fourth term of registration
  • A thesis which must be defended at an oral examination

Graduate Courses

In all programs, the student may choose graduate courses from either university with the approval of the adviser or advisory committee. Course descriptions may be found in the departmental section of the calendar. All courses are of one term duration. Only a selection of courses listed is given in a particular academic year. The following codes identify the department offering the course.

Carleton University

  • ELEC Department of Electronics
  • SYSC Department of Systems and Computer Engineering

University of Ottawa

  • EACJ Department of Electrical Engineering

The CSI designation refers to the Department of Computer Science at the University of Ottawa. The ELG designation refers to the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Ottawa.

Course List by Research Area

Computer and Software Engineering

SCE SYSC 5003 (ELG 6103) Discrete Stochastic Models
SCE SYSC 5005 (ELG 6105) Optimization Theory and Methods
SCE SYSC 5006 (ELG 6106) Design of Real-Time and Distributed Systems
SCE SYSC 5101 (ELG 6111) Design of High Performance Software
SCE SYSC 5102 (ELG 6112) Performance Measurement and Modeling of Distributed Applications
SCE SYSC 5103 (ELG 6113) Software Agents
SCE SYSC 5104 (ELG 6114) Methodologies for Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation
SCE SYSC 5105 (ELG 6115) Software Quality Engineering and Management
SCE SYSC 5108 (ELG 6118) Topics in Information Systems
SCE SYSC 5301 (ELG 6131) Advanced Topics in Biomedical Engineering
SCE SYSC 5305 (ELG 6135) Representations, Methods and Tools for Concurrent Systems
SCE SYSC 5508 (ELG 6158) Digital Systems Architecture
SCE SYSC 5701 (CSI 5117) Operating System Methods for Real-Time Applications
SCE SYSC 5703 (ELG 6173) Integrated Database Systems
SCE SYSC 5704 (ELG 6174) Elements of Computer Systems
SCE SYSC 5706 (ELG 6176) Analytical Performance Models of Computer Systems
SCE SYSC 5708 (ELG 6178) Development of Real-Time and Distributed Software with Reusable Components
SCE SYSC 5709 (ELG 6179) Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
SCE SYSC 5806 (ELG 6186) Object Oriented Design of Real-Time and Distributed Systems
SCE SYSC 5807 (ELG 6187) Advanced Topics in Computers Systems
SITE EACJ 5102 (ELG 5197) Introduction to Embedded Systems
SITE EACJ 5104 (ELG 5199) Design of Multimedia Distributed Database Systems
SITE EACJ 5203 (ELG 5191) Design of Distributed System Software
SITE EACJ 5204 (ELG 5124) Virtual Environments
SITE EACJ 5205 (ELG 5125) Quality of Service Management for Multi-media Applications
SITE EACJ 5703 (ELG 5194) Design and Testing of Reliable Digital Systems
SITE EACJ 5705 (ELG 5195) Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices
SITE EACJ 5807 (ELG 7186) Topics in Computers I
SITE EACJ 5807 (ELG 7187) Topics in Computers II
SITE EACJ 5900 (ELG 7573) Sujets choisis sur les ordinateurs

Systems and Machine Intelligence

SCE SYSC 5001 (ELG 6101) Simulation and Modeling
SCE SYSC 5004 (ELG 6104) Mathematical Programming for Engineering Applications
(ELG 6107)
Expert Systems
SCE SYSC 5401 (ELG 6141) Adaptive and Learning Systems
SCE SYSC 5402 (ELG 6142) Advanced Dynamics with Applications to Robotics
SCE SYSC 5502 (ELG 6152) Advanced Linear Systems
SITE EACJ 5100 (ELG 5163) Machine Vision

Digital and Optical Communications

DOE ELEC 5605 (ELG 6365) Optical Fibre Communications
DOE ELEC 5606 (ELG 6366) Phase-Locked Loops and Receiver Synchronizers
SCE SYSC 5200 (ELG 6120) Algebraic Coding Theory
SCE SYSC 5403 (ELG 6143) Network Access Techniques
SCE SYSC 5503 (ELG 6153) Stochastic Processes
SCE SYSC 5504 (ELG 6154) Principles of Digital Communication
SCE SYSC 5506 (ELG 5170) Information Theory
SCE SYSC 5605 (ELG 6165) Advanced Digital Communication
SCE SYSC 5606 (ELG 6166) Introduction to Mobile Communications
SCE SYSC 5607 (ELG 6167) Source Coding and Data Compression
SCE SYSC 5608 (ELG 6168) Wireless Communications Systems Engineering
SCE SYSC 5609 (ELG 6169) Digital Television
SCE SYSC 5700 (ELG 6170) Spread Spectrum Systems
SCE SYSC 5802 (ELG 6182) Introduction to Information and Systems Science
SCE SYSC 5804 (ELG 6184) Advanced Topics in Communications Systems
SITE EACJ 5002 (ELG 5380) Advanced Channel Coding
SITE EACJ 5003 (ELG 5106) Fourier Optics
SITE EACJ 5105 (ELG 5373) Data Encryption
SITE EACJ 5106 (ELG 5113) Stochastic Systems
SITE EACJ 5109 (ELG 5119) Stochastic Processes
SITE EACJ 5132 (ELG 5132)

Smart Antennas

SITE EACJ 5133 (ELG 5133)    

Introduction to Mobile Communications

SITE EACJ 5201 (ELG 5103) Optical Communications Systems
SITE EACJ 5206 (ELG 5126) Source Coding and Data Compression
SITE EACJ 5500 (ELG 5371) Digital Communications by Satellite
SITE EACJ 5501 (ELG 5170) Information Theory
SITE EACJ 5503 (ELG 5179) Detection and Estimation
SITE EACJ 5504 (ELG 5372) Error Control Coding
SITE EACJ 5506 (ELG 5375) Principles of Digital Communication
SITE EACJ 5605 (ELG 7177) Topics in Communications I
SITE EACJ 5606 (ELG 7178) Topics in Communications II
SITE EACJ 5702 (ELG 7572) Sujets choisis en télécommunications et en traitement de signaux
SITE EACJ 5704 (ELG 5180) Advanced Digital Communication

Signal, Speech and Image Processing

SCE SYSC 5300 (ELG 6130) Health Care Engineering
SCE SYSC 5302 (ELG 6320) Principles and Design of Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation  
SCE SYSC 5600 (ELG 6160) Adaptive Signal Processing
SCE SYSC 5601 (ELG 6161) Neural Signal Processing
SITE EACJ 5360 (ELG 5360)

Digital Watermarking

SCE SYSC 5602 (ELG 6162) Digital Signal Processing
SCE SYSC 5603 (ELG 6163) Digital Signal Processing: Microprocessors, Software and Applications
SCE SYSC 5604 (ELG 6164) Advanced Topics in Digital Signal Processing
SITE EACJ 5303 (ELG 5123) Health Care Engineering
SITE EACJ 5304 (ELG 5127) Medical Image Processing
SITE EACJ 5507 (ELG 5376) Digital Signal Processing
SITE EACJ 5508 (ELG 5776) Traitement numérique des signaux
SITE EACJ 5509 (ELG 5378) Image Processing and Image Communications
SITE EACJ 5600 (ELG 7172) Topics in Signal Processing I
SITE EACJ 5601 (ELG 7173) Topics in Signal Processing II
SITE EACJ 5603 (ELG 7179) Topics in Signal Processing III
SITE EACJ 5800 (ELG 5377) Adaptive Signal Processing

Computer Communication Networks and Distributed Systems

SCE SYSC 5109 (ELG 6119) Teletraffic Engineering
SCE SYSC 5201 (ELG 6121) Computer Communication
SCE SYSC 5207 (ELG 6127) Distributed Systems Engineering
SCE SYSC 5306 (ELG 6136) Mobile Computing Systems
SCE SYSC 5800 (ELG 6180) Network Computing
SCE SYSC 5801 (ELG 6181) Advanced Topics in Computer Communications
SCE SYSC 5808 (ELG 6188) Communications Network Management
SITE EACJ 5004 (ELG 5381) Photonics Networks
SITE EACJ 5009 (ELG 5383) Survivable Optical Networks
SITE EACJ 5107 (ELG 5121) Multimedia Communications
SITE EACJ 5200 (ELG 5120) Queuing Systems
SITE EACJ 5201 (ELG 5121) Multimedia Communications
SITE EACJ 5202 (ELG 5122) Modeling, Analysis and Performance Evaluation in Computer Communications
SITE EACJ 5607 (ELG 5374) Computer-Communication Networks

Computer Aided Design for Electronic Circuits

DOE ELEC 5503 (ELG 6353) Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design
DOE ELEC 5504 (ELG 6354) Analysis of High-Speed Electronic Packages and Interconnects
DOE ELEC 5506 (ELG 6356) Simulation and Optimization of Electronic Circuits
DOE ELEC 5508 (ELG 6358) Computer Methods for Analysis and Design of VLSI Circuits
DOE ELEC 5803 (ELG 6383) Behavioural Synthesis of IC's

Microwaves and Electromagnetics

DOE ELEC 5404 (ELG 6344) Neural Networks for High-Speed/High-Frequency Circuit Design
DOE ELEC 5409 (ELG 6349) Microwave and Millimeterwave Integrated Circuits
DOE ELEC 5501 (ELG 6351) Passive Microwave Circuits
DOE ELEC 5602 (ELG 6362) Microwave Semiconductor Devices and Applications
DOE ELEC 5604 (ELG 6364) Radar Systems
DOE ELEC 5607 (ELG 6367) Antennas and Arrays
DOE ELEC 5608 (ELG 6368) Fourier Optics
DOE ELEC 5609 (ELG 6369) Nonlinear Microwave Devices and Effects
DOE ELEC 5702 (ELG 6372) Optical Electronics
DOE ELEC 5709 (ELG 6379) Advanced Topics in Electromagnetics
SITE EACJ 5305 (ELG 5108) Electromagnetic Compatibility and Interference
SITE EACJ 5308 (ELG 7500) Sujets choisis en électromagnetisme
SITE EACJ 5401 (ELG 5104) Electromagnetic Waves: Theory and Applications
SITE EACJ 5402 (ELG 5379) Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic Engineering
SITE EACJ 5403 (ELG 5504) Ondes électromagnetiques : théorie et applications
SITE EACJ 5404 (ELG 7100) Topics in Electromagnetics I
SITE EACJ 5405 (ELG 7101) Topics in Electromagnetics II
SITE EACJ 5406 (ELG 5779) Méthodes numériques en génie électromagnetique

Solid State Devices and Integrated Circuit Fabrication

DOE ELEC 5200 (ELG 6320) Advanced Topics in Integrated Circuits and Devices
DOE ELEC 5509 (ELG 6359) Integrated Circuit Technology
DOE ELEC 5703 (ELG 6373) Advanced Topics in Solid State Devices and IC Technology
DOE ELEC 5707 (ELG 6377) Microelectronic Sensors
DOE ELEC 5800 (ELG 6380) Theory of Semiconductor Devices
DOE ELEC 5802 (ELG 6382) Surface-Controlled Semiconductor Devices
SCE SYSC 5803 (ELG 6183) Logic Programming
SITE EACJ 5001 (ELG 5107) Semiconductor Optical Logic
SITE EACJ 5006 (ELG 7132) Topics in Electronics I
SITE EACJ 5007 (ELG 7133) Topics in Electronics II
SITE EACJ 5008 (ELG 7575) Sujets choisis en électronique
SITE EACJ 5208 Advanced Topics in Integrated Circuits and Devices


DOE ELEC 5502 (ELG 6352) Analog Integrated Filters
DOE ELEC 5600 (ELG 6360) Digital Integrated Circuit Testing
DOE ELEC 5704 (ELG 6374) Advanced Topics in CAD
DOE ELEC 5705 (ELG 6375) Advanced Topics in VLSI
DOE ELEC 5706 (ELG 6376) Submicron CMOS and BiCMOS Ciruits for Sampled Data Applications
DOE ELEC 5708 (ELG 6378) ASICs in Telecommunications
DOE ELEC 5804 (ELG 6384) VLSI Design
DOE ELEC 5805 (ELG 6385) VLSI Design Project
DOE ELEC 5808 (ELG 6388) Signal Processing Electronics
DOE ELEC 5809 (ELG 6389) Nonlinear Electronic Circuits
SITE EACJ 5103 (ELG 5198) Parallel Processing with VLSI
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