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Capital University

Graduate Calendar Archives: 2007 / 2008

Institute for Comparative Studies in Literature, Art and Culture: Comparative Literary Studies


201 St. Patrick's Building
Telephone: 613-520-2177
Fax: 613-520-2564

The Institute

Director of the Institute: Christopher Faulkner
Graduate Supervisor of Comparative Literary Studies: Francesco Loriggio

The Institute for Comparative Studies in Literature, Art, and Culture offers a program of graduate study leading to the Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Literary Studies.

The purpose of the program in comparative literature is to study literature in its international context, and to relate and compare literary phenomena usually studied in isolation because of linguistic barriers and the traditional departmental division of academic disciplines. Thus, taking into account the interrelation of all humanistic studies, such as the various literatures, philosophy, psychology, sociology, the visual arts, and history, comparatists view literary creation within the total complex evolution of world literature. The historical flow of literary archetypes, the role of folklore and myth in literature, recurrent problems of literary theory, and consideration of the less well known literatures of the world are some of the objects of comparative literary studies.

Doctor of Philosophy

Admission Requirements

Please note: admission to the Ph.D. program in Comparative Literary Studies has been suspended.

The normal requirement for admission to the Ph.D. program is an M.A. degree in literary studies (or in related subjects approved by Comparative Literary Studies) with at least high honours standing, normally with no grade below B-.

Each applicant must supply proof, by means of a research effort that has resulted in an extensive essay, that he or she is capable of producing a publishable paper. Such proof will be submitted at the time of application to the program.

Students admitted into the program with a master's degree earned in another department or institution will be required to make up any deficiencies in course work as required by Comparative Literary Studies.

In exceptional cases, an outstanding student who has completed the B.A. Honours degree and who meets the language requirements outlined below, may be admitted directly to the doctoral program. The program requirement for these students is normally 15.0 credits.

A student who transfers from the master's program in Comparative Literary Studies must meet the language requirements on admission and those listed under program requirements.

Applicants must demonstrate a capacity to work at the graduate level in at least two languages other than English. The two languages must be approved by Comparative Literary Studies. Normally, one of the two languages must be French. Applicants must also be proficient in English. Students whose native tongue is not English may be required to pass the TOEFL test with a minimum score of 600.

Program Requirements

  • 3.0 credits at the 6000-level to be chosen from courses offered by the discipline. (0.5 credit may be at the 5000-level.)
  • 0.5 credit at either the 5000- or 6000-level in the social sciences to be approved by the graduate adviser.
  • 0.5 credit at the 6000-level outside the area of specialization of the student to be chosen from the courses offered by the discipline.
  • A 1.0-credit comprehensive examination, both oral and written parts to be taken prior to the approval of the Ph.D. thesis prospectus.
  • A thesis equivalent to 5.0 credits.

Comprehensive Examinations

The comprehensive examination is designed to test the candidate's competence both in comparative literary theory and in the chosen area of specialization. The comprehensive examination is to be completed after course requirements for the Ph.D. have been completed.

Students admitted to the program who have a master's degree in the area of literary studies (or in related subjects approved by Comparative Literary Studies) must normally satisfy the comprehensive examination requirement by the end of the third term in the program.

Those students either admitted directly into the program from the B.A. Honours program or transferring from the master's to the doctoral program must satisfy the comprehensive examination requirement no later than the end of the third year or ninth term of study.

Normally the comprehensive examination must be completed no later than four years or twelve terms after the initial part-time registration following the M.A. (or equivalent).

Students admitted directly from the B.A. Honours program or transferring from the master's to the doctoral program must earn 15.0 credits beyond the B.A. honours and most of the master's program in Comparative Literary Studies, with the exception of the comprehensive examination which may be replaced by course work equivalent to 1.0 credit.


The Institute appoints a thesis supervisor and an advisory committee for each doctoral candidate. A minimum of two faculty members will constitute the thesis advisory committee and one of the two members will be from outside Comparative Literary Studies. Both the thesis supervisor and the advisory committee determine when a thesis proposal may proceed to the graduate committee of Comparative Literary Studies for approval.

Specialization Requirements

Each candidate must demonstrate competence in an area of specialization chosen from the following list: postmodernism, post-colonialism, feminism, gender and literature, the Hebrew Bible, intellectual history, Latin American literature, literary history, literary theory, literature and historical studies, literature and linguistics, literature and religious studies, literature of the Francophonie, literature written in English, language and social sciences, medieval and early renaissance Hispanic literature, modern theatre and dramatic literature, nineteenth- and twentieth-century French literature, nineteenth- and twentieth-century German literature, nineteenth- and twentieth-century Italian literature.

Candidates who enter the Ph.D. program with a master's degree in a special area or discipline, and who wish to either continue in that area or discipline or choose another specialization in their doctoral program, will be tested in their chosen area in the specialization portion of the comprehensive examination.

Candidates admitted directly from a B.A. Honours program or transferring from the master's to the doctoral program will be required to take the equivalent of 3.0 credits in the area of specialization, and will be tested in this area in the specialization portion of their comprehensive examination.

Language Requirement

Doctoral students must acquire a reading knowledge in a third language, to be approved by Comparative Literary Studies, before beginning the comprehensive examination. Candidates must successfully complete either 0.5 credit at the master's level in the literature(s) of that language (extra-to-the-degree) or a reading proficiency test administered by Comparative Literary Studies.

Academic Standing

All candidates are required to maintain a GPA of B-.

Of the 10.0 credits required beyond the master's level, no more than 1.0 credit may be at the 5000-level.

Guidelines for Completion of Doctoral Degree

Students admitted with a B.A. (Honours) degree and registered full-time must normally complete the comprehensive examination requirement by the end of the third year or ninth term of full-time study. The thesis proposal must normally be presented after three and one-half years or ten terms of study.

Students admitted with a master's degree and registered full-time must normally complete the comprehensive examination requirement by the end of the third term of study. The thesis proposal must normally be presented no later than the fourth term of study.

Students admitted with a B.A. (Honours) degree and registered part-time must normally complete the comprehensive examination requirement by the end of the ninth year or after twenty-seven terms of study after their initial part-time registration. The thesis proposal must normally be presented no later than ten years or thirty terms of study following the initial part-time registration.

Students admitted with a master's degree and registered part-time must normally complete the comprehensive examination requirement by the end of the fourth year or after twelve terms of study after the initial part-time registration. The thesis proposal must normally be presented no later than five years or fifteen terms of study after the initial part-time registration.

Graduate Courses

Not all of the following courses are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at:

A prerequisite for all graduate-level courses is appropriate linguistic ability and approval of Comparative Literary Studies.

A student will not receive credit for both a 0.5 credit course and a 1.0 credit course which bears the same topic title.

CLST 6001 [0.5 credit]
Doctoral Seminar I: Literature and Other Discourses
Topic may vary from year to year. Students should consult Comparative Literary Studies regarding the topic offered.
CLST 6002 [0.5 credit]
Doctoral Seminar II: Literature and Other Discourses
Topic may vary from year to year. Students should consult Comparative Literary Studies regarding the topic offered.
CLST 6003 [0.5 credit]
Topic may vary from year to year. Students should consult Comparative Literary Studies regarding the topic offered.
CLST 6004 [0.5 credit]
Topic may vary from year to year. Students should consult Comparative Literary Studies regarding the topic offered.
CLST 6100 [0.5 credit]
Narrative and Non-Fiction
Topic may vary from year to year. Students should consult Comparative Literary Studies regarding the topic offered.
CLST 6200 [0.5 credit]
Literary History
Topic may vary from year to year. Students should consult Comparative Literary Studies regarding the topic offered.
CLST 6205 [0.5 credit]
Hermeneutics and Aesthetic Experiences of Literature
Topic may vary from year to year. Students should consult Comparative Literary Studies regarding the topic offered.
CLST 6300 [0.5 credit]
Text Theory
Topic may vary from year to year. (Also listed as ENGL 5000.)
Prerequisite: permission of Comparative Literary Studies.
CLST 6305 [0.5 credit]
Translation Studies: Theory and Practice
Topic may vary from year to year. Students should consult Comparative Literary Studies regarding the topic offered.
CLST 6400 [0.5 credit]
Gender and Literature
Topic may vary from year to year. Students should consult Comparative Literary Studies regarding the topic offered.
CLST 6500 [0.5 credit]
Rhetoric and Literature
Topic may vary from year to year.
Prerequisite: permission of Comparative Literary Studies.
CLST 6505 [0.5 credit]
Iconicity and Medieval and Early Renaissance Literature
Topic may vary from year to year.
Prerequisite: permission of Comparative Literary Studies.
CLST 6600 [0.5 credit]
Sign, Language and Society
Topic may vary from year to year. Students should consult Comparative Literary Studies regarding the topic offered.
CLST 6803 [0.5 credit]
Seminar in Comparative Literary Studies
Topic may vary from year to year. Students should consult Comparative Literary Studies regarding the topic offered.
CLST 6804 [0.5 credit]
Seminar in Comparative Literary Studies
Topic may vary from year to year. Students should consult Comparative Literary Studies regarding the topic offered.
CLST 6903 [1.0 credit]
CLST 6909
Ph.D. Thesis
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