Institute of Cognitive Science
Dunton Tower 2201
Telephone: 613-520-2368
Fax: 613-520-3985
Email: ics@carleton.ca
The Institute
Director of the Institute: Andrew Brook
Director of the Cognitive Science Doctoral Program:
Andrew Brook
The Institute of Cognitive Science offers a program of study
and research leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in
Cognitive Science.
The Schools of Computer Science and Linguistics and Applied
Language Studies, and the Departments of Psychology and
Philosophy participate in the doctoral program.
Cognitive Science is an interdisciplinary approach to the
study of human and artificial cognition. It integrates research
from experimental psychology, theoretical and computational
linguistics, artificial intelligence, philosophy of mind, and
other related areas to address questions about learning,
knowing, and thinking. Students in the Cognitive Science Ph.D.
program are expected to draw on work from at least three of the
contributing disciplines. The researchers who are involved in
Carleton's program in Cognitive Science have strengths in areas
such as consciousness, cognitive development, mathematical
cognition, cognitive and computational modelling, human
performance, applied cognition, syntax, semantics, pragmatics,
philosophy of mind and language, intelligent information
systems, knowledge representation, natural language
understanding, swarm and collective intelligence, evolutionary
computing, and some areas of experimental and computational
neuroscience. The program also involves researchers from
industry, government agencies, and other post-secondary
Members of the Cognitive Science Doctoral
- Leopoldo Bertossi, Database systems, intelligent
information systems, knowledge representation, logic
- Andrew Brook, Philosophy of mind and language, Kant,
history of cognitive science
- Murray Clarke, Philosophy of mind (Concordia -
- Jean-Pierre Corriveau, Natural language processing,
time-constrained memory and text comprehension
- Steven Davis, Philosophy of language
- Bruno Emond, Artificial intelligence (NRC -
- Babak Esfandiari, Agent-based systems, symbolic
machine learning, algorithms and heuristics
- Helen Goodluck, Language acquisition and
processing (Ottawa - Adjunct)
- Chris Herdman, Human attention and performance,
aviation psychology, human factors
- Marie-Odile Junker, Cognitive semantics, general
- Deepthi Kamawar, Children's representational
- J.B. Kelly, Sensory neuroscience and related issues
in the biological foundations of cognition
- Ann Laubstein, Speech-production models, phonology,
speech recognition algorithms
- Jo-Anne LeFevre, Mathematical cognition,
development of numeracy and literacy
- John Logan, Spoken language perception, history of
cognitive science
- Heidi Maibom, Theory of mind, psychopathology, moral
psychology, tacit knowledge, nature of theories,
- Stephen Marsh, Distributed artificial intelligence
(NRC - Adjunct)
- Stanislas Matwin, Symbolic machine learning (0ttawa
- Adjunct)
- Martin Montminy, Philosophy of mind, philosophy of
language (Ottawa - Adjunct)
- Kumiko Murasugi, Syntax, morphology, Inuit
languages, neurolinguistics
- Franz Oppacher, Genetic approaches to cognition,
genetic algorithms, natural language and knowledge-based
systems, machine learning, computational
- W.M. Petrusic, Psychophysics of cognition
- Charles Reiss, Linguistics (Concordia -
- Monique S�n�chal, Literacy acquisition and language
- Robert Stainton, Philosophy of language and
linguistics, pragmatics and semantics (University of
Western Ontario - Adjunct)
- Lew Stelmach, Vision and attention (Communication
Research Centre - Adjunct)
- Stanislas Szpakowicz, Computational linguistics,
knowledge acquisition, decision support systems (Ottawa -
- Andre Vellino, Artificial intelligence
- Robert West, Cognitive modeling, human-computer
- Helmut Zobl, Knowledge representation,
second-language acquisition and processing
Admission Requirements
The requirements for admission into the Ph.D. program is a
master's degree (or the equivalent) from one of the
participating disciplines, an Honours degree from a
participating discipline, a combined Honours degree (or the
equivalent) from two of the participating disciplines or an
Honours degree in cognitive science. Students with an Honours
bachelor's degree from another discipline with a significant
focus on cognition may also apply. An average of at least A- in
courses in cognition is normally required.
Applicants with a master's degree are normally admitted to a
10.0-credit program while applicants with a bachelor's degree
are admitted to a 15.0 credit program.
Students eligible for admission to the 10.0 -credit program
but with deficiencies may be required to take additional
courses. In some circumstances, these students will be admitted
to the 15.0-credit program. Students admitted to the
15.0-credit program may have some requirements waived based on
courses in cognition already completed.
Applicants whose first language is not English must
demonstrate a fluent knowledge of English. This is normally
satisfied by passing a TOEFL test with a score of 580 or
better, or 70 on the CAEL. (See the Proficiency in English
section in the General Regulations of this Calendar.)
To be admitted, a candidate must submit a description of his
or her proposed area of thesis research and a member of the
core faculty must indicate in writing that he or she is willing
to supervise the student.
Program Requirements
Program requirements for the Ph.D. degree are outlined in
the General Regulations section of this Calendar.
The requirements of the doctoral program are:
- CGSC 6001 Theory and Methods of Cognitive Science (0.5
- CGSC 6800 Proseminar (1.0 cred it)
- CGSC 6905 Methodology Rotation (1.0 credit)
- CGSC 6909 Prospectus and Thesis (equivalent to 5.0
The prospectus must be defended at an oral comprehensive
examination on the subject-matter of the thesis. The thesis
must also be defended at an oral examination.
- 2.5 credits in cognition from three different cognitive
disciplines, including at least 0.5 credit in neuroscience
if not already completed.
- Preparation in first year of a research paper for
presentation at the Cognitive Science Ph.D Conference (see
below). Usually prepared as an assignment for one of a
student's graduate courses in cognition.
- Preparation in second year of a research paper for
presentation at the Cognitive Science Ph.D. Conference (see
below). Usually prepared as an assignment for one of a
student's graduate courses in cognition.
Program to be selected in consultation with the Director of
Graduate Studies.
Each year in April or May a student Cognitive Science Ph.D.
Conference takes place. The Conference is devoted to new
student research done during the year. All 1st and 2nd year
students must present. Other students may present if they have
new research and there is room on the program.
In addition, students in the 15.0-credit doctoral program in
cognitive science must successfully complete:
- CGSC 5001, CGSC 5002, CGSC 5003 and CGSC 5004 (2.0
- A course in neuroscience (0.5 credit);
- 2.5 credits in courses on cognition offered by at least
three different participating academic units.
Students with a strong background in any of these required
areas may apply to be exempted.
Any student planning a dissertation with an applied
cognitive emphasis is required to work for at least one term at
a facility approved by the student's research supervisor and
the Director of the Cognitive Science Program. Such a facility
may include any institution, governmental laboratory,
corporation, hospital or educational centre conducting research
in the area of the student's specialization. Students should
complete this work while registered in either the Methodology
Rotation (CGSC 6905) or the Ph.D. Thesis (CGSC 6909).
Methodology Rotation
The methodology rotation consists of three parts. Students
spend one term each in three laboratories or other research
venues using three different methods for studying cognition
(behavioural, linguistic-theoretic, computational, conceptual,
The purpose of the methodology rotation is to give students
sufficient background in three different approaches to
cognition to allow the student to use work from these
approaches in his or her own research.
Assignments will be as specified by each rotation
supervisor. Each rotation will be graded separately by the
supervisor, Passed with Distinction
(PWD)/Satisfactory(S)/Unsatisfactory (U). The grade for the
course will be the most frequent passing grade. In the event of
a grade of U the student may repeat a rotation only once.
Prospectus, Comprehensive Examination, Thesis and
When a student is ready to begin work on a thesis
(dissertation), the Director of Graduate Studies appoints a
dissertation committee which must have at least three members
from two different approaches to cognition, including the
advisor or co-advisors plus the Director of the Cognitive
Science doctoral program ex officio. Preparation of the thesis
has two stages. First the student prepares a prospectus, which
is examined at a comprehensive examination on the subject
matter of the thesis. Then the student prepares the thesis,
which is defended at a public oral examination.
- Prospectus
- The prospectus must describe the proposed research and
review the relevant literature in the field of the
research. The research proposal must be sufficiently
detailed to allow the examining committee to judge the
likelihood of a successful dissertation ensuing from it.
Preparation of the prospectus will follow the practices
common in the advisor's area of research. The committee may
add further requirements.
- Comprehensive Examination
- The prospectus is examined orally by a board consisting
of the members of the dissertation committee. The committee
may add further examiners. The examination is a
comprehensive examination of the thesis subject matter, to
ensure that the student has a sound understanding of the
context of his or her proposed research, and of appropriate
methods, ethical considerations, and so on. The examining
board will also consider the research that the student is
proposing, which must be of sufficiently high quality and
described in sufficient detail to allow the committee to
judge whether, if completed successfully, it would be
likely that the student would be awarded the degree. Should
a student fail the comprehensive exam or his or her
prospectus is unacceptable, the student may resubmit the
prospectus and be reexamined once.
- Thesis
- The completed thesis is examined orally by an examining
board consisting at minimum of the dissertation committee,
an examiner at arm's length to the project from within
Carleton (the 'internal external') and an examiner from
another university who is at arm's length to the student
and the committee and who is a recognized expert in the
area of the dissertation. All university regulations
Residence Requirement
All Ph.D. candidates must be registered full-time in a
minimum of six terms to satisfy the residence requirement (nine
terms in the case of a 15.0- credit program).
Language Requirement
A second language is required when relevant to the student's
program of research. Whether a second language is required and
the level of proficiency expected is determined at the time of
admission, based on the student's description of his or her
proposed area of thesis research.
Guidelines for Completion of the
Ph.D. Degree
Whether in the 15.0-credit or 10.0-credit program, students
admitted in the same year enrol in CGSC 6800 Proseminar and
CGSC 6001 Theories and Methods of Cognitive Science together in
their first year. The research requirements in first and second
year apply to all students. Students in the 10.0-credit program
must make substantial progress on the methodology rotations in
their second year, students in the 15.0-credit program in their
third year. Students should allow two to three years to prepare
their dissertation after all course work and the methodology
rotations are complete. Thus, students in the 10.0-credit
program can expect to take five years to finish, students in
the 15.0-credit program, six years.
Graduate Courses
Not all of the following courses are offered in a given
year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings and to
determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at:
Area Seminars
The purpose of an area seminar is to offer an advanced
survey of one of the four participating disciplines.
- CGSC 5001 [0.5 credit]
- Cognition and Artificial Cognitive Systems
- An introduction to the contribution of artificial
intelligence and computer modeling of cognitive processes
to cognitive science.
- CGSC 5002 [0.5 credit]
- Experimental Research in Cognition
- An introduction to the contribution of experimental
psychology and neuroscience to cognitive science.
- CGSC 5003 [0.5 credit]
- Cognition and Language
- An introduction to the contribution of theoretical
linguistics and linguistic research to cognitive
- CGSC 5004 [0.5 credit]
- Cognition and Conceptual Issues
- An introduction to the contribution of philosophy of
mind, philosophy of language, and other conceptual
investigations to cognitive science.
- CGSC 5900 [0.5 credit]
- Special Topics in Cognitive Science
- Seminar course on a topic of interest to students in
Cognitive Science. The topics of this course will vary from
year to year.
- Lectures three hours per week.
Core Seminars
- CGSC 6001 [0.5 credit]
- Theory and Methods of Cognitive Science
- Introduction to the main epistemological issues in
cognitive science and to the diverse methods that
researchers use to study cognition.
- CGSC 6501 [0.5 credit]
- Special Topics in Cognitive Science
- Seminar course on a topic of interest to students in
Cognitive Science. The topics of this course will vary from
year to year.
- Lectures three hours per week.
- CGSC 6800 [1.0 credit]
- Proseminar in Cognitive Science
- An intensive survey of the central problems and issues
of natural and artificial cognition and a brief examination
of contemporary neuroscience. Compulsory in the first year
of registration.
- CGSC 6901 [0.5 credit]
- Directed Studies in Cognitive Science I
- CGSC 6902 [0.5 credit]
- Directed Studies in Cognitive Science II
- CGSC 6905 [1.0 credit]
- Methodology Rotation
- Students spend one term each in three laboratories or
other research venues using three different methods for
studying cognition (behavioural, linguistic-theoretic,
computational, conceptual, neuroscientific). Assignments
will be as specified by each rotation supervisor. Each
rotation will be graded separately by the supervisor.
- CGSC 6909
- Ph.D. Thesis
Selection of Courses in Related Disciplines
Students may register in courses in the area of cognition
offered by any of the participating departments, including
Computer Science, Psychology, Linguistics, and Philosophy.
Students may also register in courses offered by the University
of Ottawa, subject to the General Regulations. Please note that
not all courses are offered every year and some courses have
limited enrolment. Students are advised to consult the
Institute for scheduling details.
Courses with a four-letter prefix are Carleton University
courses; those with a three-letter prefix are University of
Ottawa courses.
Computer Science
- COMP 5005 (CSI 5390) COMP 5006 (CSI 5306) COMP
5100 (CSI 5180) COMP 5206 (CSI 5183) COMP 5807 (CSI
5104) COMP 6604 (CSI 7162) COMP 6901 (CSI
- COMP 5601 (CSI 5101)
- Formal Models of Computational Systems
- CSI 5162 (COMP 5702)
- Order: Its Algorithms and Graphical Data
- CSI 5181 (COMP 5705)
- Artificial Intelligence in Software
- CSI 5184 (COMP 5804)
- Logic Programming
- CSI 5304 (COMP 5602)
- Knowledge Engineering
- CSI 5386 (COMP 5505)
- Natural Language Processing
- CSI 5387 (COMP 5706)
- Data Mining and Concept Learning
- CSI 5388 (COMP 5801)
- Topics in Machine Learning
- CSI 5510 (COMP 5707)
- Formal Principles of Software
- CSI 5580 (COMP 5100)
- Subject in Artificial Intelligence
- Cognitive Psychology
- PSYC 5106, PSYC 5300, PSYC 5301, PSYC
5403, PSYC 5407, PSYC 5700, PSYC 5703, PSYC
5704, PSYC 6601, PSYC 6602, PSYC 6603, PSYC
- Neuroscience
- PSYC 5200, PSYC 6200, PSYC 6204, PSYC 6604
Linguistics and Applied Language Studies
- LALS 5405, LALS 5601, LALS 5604, LALS 5701, LALS 5902,
LALS 5907
- LIN 5915 Phonology I
- LIN 5917 Syntax I
- LIN 5918 Semantics I
- LIN 6915 Phonology II
- LIN 6917 Syntax II: Verb Syntax, Cases and Clitics
- LIN 7901 Psycholinguistics I
- LIN 7951 Topics in Applied Linguistics
- PHIL 5200, PHIL 5104, PHIL 5105, PHIL 5204, PHIL 5205,
PHIL 5304, PHIL 5305