Dunton Tower 710
Telephone: 613-520-2388
Fax: 613-520-4427
The Department
Dean of the School: To be announced
Associate Dean (Graduate Programs): Louise
Associate Dean (Research): Nicolas
Ph.D. Program Supervisor: Louise Heslop
M.B.A. Director: Roland Thomas
The Eric Sprott School of Business offers a program of study
and research leading to the degrees of Master of Business
Administration and Ph.D. in Management.
Master of Business Administration
The focus of the M.B.A. program at the Eric Sprott School of
Business is the management of innovation, technology and change
in organizations operating in a global context. It provides
candidates who already have a basic business education with the
conceptual and methodological skills necessary to advance their
management careers and to progress to greater executive
challenges. The program also offers an opportunity for students
to pursue their M.B.A. through a more research-oriented version
of the program.
The core of the program is a set of integrative courses
which build on the preparatory courses that each student must
have completed prior to entry (see admission requirements
below), together with a research project. Students in the
research option will complete a research thesis instead of a
research project. The integrative courses comprise Innovation
Management, Managing Transformational Change, Digital Business,
and Enterprise Development. Each of these subjects will be
presented in an integrative and applied way to enable each
student to relate the material to their own particular
contexts. In addition, students will select elective courses to
develop expertise in one or more areas.
The main areas of specialization within the program are:
- Business Information Systems
- Finance
- International Business
- Management
- Marketing
- Production and Operations
- Research and Development Administration
Graduate students in the School of Business are governed by
the General Regulations section of this Calendar.
Admission Requirements
Admission into the program is judged primarily on the
applicant's ability to successfully undertake advanced study in
business, his/her prospects for successful and timely
completion, work experience and achievement. Applicants to the
Research Thesis option are also assessed in terms of their
potential for independent research.
Admissible applicants fall into two categories, for which
the program requirements (see section below) are different.
Category 1: Applicants in this category are
expected to have the equivalent of an Honours bachelor's
degree, with a minimum of high honours standing. They are also
expected to have credits in mathematics and to have completed
the following core courses, or their equivalents, in the
functional areas of business:
- BUSI 1001 Principles of Financial Accounting
- BUSI 1002 Management Accounting
- BUSI 2101 Introduction to Organizational Behaviour
- BUSI 2208 Introduction to Marketing, or BUSI 2204:
Basic Marketing
- BUSI 2300 Introduction to Management Science
- BUSI 2400 Introduction to Information Systems
- BUSI 2504 Essentials of Business Finance
- ECON 2200 Statistical Methods in the Social
In addition, applicants are expected to have an upper-level
course sequence in their proposed area of business
specialization, and to have an adequate grounding in at least
one supporting fundamental discipline such as economics,
psychology, sociology, mathematics, anthropology, or computer
Category 2: Applicants in this category are
expected to have the equivalent of an Honours bachelor's
degree, with a minimum of high honours standing, but may be
lacking some or all of the business functional area courses
listed above. Applicants in this category may be admitted
directly into the M.B.A. program, but will have to complete
some or all of the graduate level foundation courses listed
below under Program Requirements.
The Sprott School requires that all applicants submit scores
obtained in the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
offered by Educational Testing Services of Princeton, New
Jersey. A minimum GMAT score of 600 is required for admission.
All applicants whose native tongue is not English must be
tested for proficiency in the English language and obtain a
minimum score of 550 on the TOEFL, or its equivalent. (See
Section 3.6 of the General Regulations of this Calendar)
The Sprott School's admission policy is governed by the
availability of graduate student space. Possession of the
minimum admission requirements does not, in itself, guarantee
acceptance. Advanced standing may be granted for required
courses only if previous work is judged to be equivalent to
courses required in the program. Advanced standing and transfer
of credit must be determined on an individual basis in
consultation with the supervisor of graduate studies and must
be approved at the time of admission by the Dean of the Faculty
of Graduate Studies and Research. In general, a grade of B- or
better is required in equivalent courses to obtain advanced
Fast-track M.B.A. for Business Students
Research Thesis Program
Applicants may apply for admission into the M.B.A. program
and may be admitted with an advanced standing of 1.0 credit.
Applicants from Carleton University may apply without having to
write an otherwise-required GMAT test. This applies to
applicants who have the following:
- an Honours business degree (equivalent to a B.Com. from
Carleton University) or the expectation of completing the
course requirements for such a degree by May of the year in
which they plan to join the M.B.A. program;
- a minimum GPA of 10.0 in their Business courses and 9.0
GPA or better overall in their Business degree
- successfully completed courses in research methods
(equivalent to BUSI 5902, Business Research Methods) and
multivariate statistics (equivalent to BUSI 5903,
Multivariate Statistics for Business Research).
Research Project Program
Applicants may apply for admission into the M.B.A. program
and may be admitted with an advanced standing of 1.0 credit.
Applicants from Carleton University may apply without having to
write an otherwise-required GMAT test. This applies to
applicants who have:
- an Honours Business degree (equivalent to a B.Com. from
Carleton University) or the expectation of completing the
course requirements for such a degree by May of the year in
which they plan to join the M.B.A. program;
- a minimum GPA of 10.0 in their Business courses and 9.0
GPA or better overall in their business degree
- successfully completed a course in research methods
(equivalent to BUSI 5902, Business Research Methods) or
multivariate statistics (equivalent to BUSI 5903,
Multivariate Statistics for Business Research), and
- an integrative course (equivalent to BUSI 5805
Innovation Management; or BUSI 5806 Managing
Transformational Change; or BUSI 5807 Digital Business; or
BUSI 5808 Enterprise Development).
Fast-track M.B.A. for Honours Degrees with a Minor In
Research Thesis Program
Applicants may apply for admission into the M.B.A. program
and may be admitted with an advanced standing of 1.0 credit.
Applicants from Carleton University may apply without having to
write an otherwise-required GMAT test. This applies to
applicants who have:
- completed a four-year degree (equivalent to an Honours
bachelor's degree from Carleton) or who expect to complete
the course requirements for such a degree by May of the
year in which they plan to join the M.B.A. program;
- successfully completed the Minor in Business with a
minimum GPA of 10.0 in their business courses and 9.0 GPA
or better overall in their degree program;
- successfully completed an undergraduate statistical
methods course (equivalent to STAT 2606, Business
Statistics I, and STAT 2607, Business Statistics II);
- successfully completed an undergraduate operations
management course (equivalent to BUSI 2300, Introduction to
Management Science);
- successfully completed a course in research methods
(equivalent to BUSI 5902, Business Research Methods) and
multivariate statistics (equivalent to BUSI 5903,
Multivariate Statistics for Business Research).
Research Project Program
Applicants may apply for admission into the M.B.A. program
and may be admitted with an advanced standing of 1.0 credit.
Applicants from Carleton University may apply without having to
write an otherwise-required GMAT test. This applies to
applicants who have:
- completed a four-year degree (equivalent to an Honours
bachelor's degree from Carleton) or who expect to complete
the course requirements for such a degree by May of the
year in which they plan to join the M.B.A. program;
- successfully completed the Minor in Business with a
minimum GPA of 10.0 in their business courses and 9.0 GPA
or better overall in their degree program;
- successfully completed an undergraduate statistical
methods course (equivalent to STAT 2606, Business
Statistics I, and STAT 2607, Business Statistics II);
- successfully completed an undergraduate operations
management course (equivalent to BUSI 2300, Introduction to
Management Science);
- successfully completed a course in research methods
(equivalent to BUSI 5902, Business Research Methods) or
multivariate statistics (equivalent to BUSI 5903,
Multivariate Statistics for Business Research) and an
integrative course (equivalent to BUSI 5805 Innovation
Management; or BUSI 5806 Managing Transformational Change;
or BUSI 5807 Digital Business; or BUSI 5808 Enterprise
Program Requirements
The requirement for the Master of Business Administration
degree is the equivalent of 5.0 credits, of which at least 4.0
credits must be at the 5000-level or above. Candidates are
required to select and follow one of the program patterns
below, chosen in consultation with, and subject to the approval
of, the supervisor of graduate studies at the Sprott
Program requirements differ, depending on the admissions
category under which the student is admitted.
Category 1: The program requirement for the
Master of Business Administration degree for students admitted
under Category 1 is the equivalent of 5.0 credits, of which at
least 4.0 credits must be at the 5000-level or above.
Candidates are required to select and follow one of the program
patterns below, chosen in consultation with, and subject to the
approval of, the Director of the M.B.A. program.
Research Project Program :
- • 0.5 credit from
- BUSI 5902 Business Research Methods
- BUSI 5903 Multivariate Statistics for Business
as approved by the supervisor of graduate studies at the
Sprott School;
- • 2.0 credits integrative courses:
- BUSI 5805 Innovation Management
- BUSI 5806 Managing Transformational Change
- BUSI 5807 Digital Business
- BUSI 5808 Enterprise Development
- • 1.5 credits approved electives, selected from
those offered by the Sprott School or by other academic
- • BUSI 5908 (1.0 credit) Research Project
Research Thesis Program
- • 1.5 credits required courses:
- BUSI 5902 Business Research Methods
- BUSI 5903 Multivariate Statistics for Business
- BUSI 5907 M.B.A. Thesis Tutorial
- • 1.0 credit integrative courses:
- One of:
- BUSI 5805 Innovation Management, or
- BUSI 5806 Managing Transformational Change
And one of:
- BUSI 5807 Digital Business, or
- BUSI 5808 Enterprise Development
- • 1.0 credit in approved electives, selected from
those offered by the Sprott School or by other academic
- • BUSI 5909 (1.5 credits) Research Thesis
Category 2: In addition to the program requirements
described above, students admitted under Category 2 must first
complete some or all of the following graduate level
quarter-credit foundation courses:
- BUSI 5004 Accounting I
- BUSI 5005 Accounting II
- BUSI 5104 Organizational Behaviour
- BUSI 5204 Marketing
- BUSI 5404 Information Systems
- BUSI 5504 Finance
- BUSI 5604 Management Science
- BUSI 5904 Data Analysis
Which foundation courses should be taken will be determined
by the Director of the M.B.A. program, based on the student's
previous education. The sequencing of each student's program
will also depend on the completion of foundation courses and
will be determined by the Director of the M.B.A. program.
The total credit value of the M.B.A. program for students
admitted in Category 2 will be the 5.0 credits plus the
foundation course credits, to a maximum of 7.0 credits.
Under exceptional circumstances, a student may, with the
permission of the Sprott School, switch from the Research
Thesis program to the Research Project program, and vice versa,
subject to completion of the required courses. In such a case,
a student enrolled in the fast track M.B.A. may be required to
forego the 1.0 credit of advanced standing.
Research Project
The research project (BUSI 5908) is equivalent to 1.0
credit. It normally focuses on a real business problem, and
will be carried out under the direct supervision of one or more
faculty members, and where possible, in collaboration with a
manager at a cooperating business or other organization. All
students require the Sprott School's approval for their
proposed research project topic. Each candidate undertaking a
research project will be required to submit a formal research
project report for evaluation.
Research Thesis
The M.B.A. thesis (BUSI 5909) is equivalent to 1.5 credits,
and should relate to issues consistent with the general focus
of the M.B.A. program. The thesis must represent the results of
the candidate's independent research undertaken after being
admitted to graduate studies at Carleton University's Eric
Sprott School of Business. Previous work of the candidate may
be used only as introductory or background material for the
A candidate may carry on research work related to the thesis
off-campus, provided that the work is approved in advance and
arrangements have been made for regular supervision of research
thesis activities with the Sprott School's supervisor of
graduate studies.
All students require the Sprott School's approval for their
research topic.
Each candidate submitting a thesis will be required to pass
an oral examination on the subject of the thesis.
Academic Standing
A grade of B- or better is required in each credit counted
towards the degree. A candidate may, with the recommendation of
the School and the approval of the Dean of the Faculty of
Graduate Studies and Research, be allowed a grade of C+ in 1.0
credit (or the equivalent).
Doctor of Philosophy
The focus of the Ph.D. program in Management is applied and
basic research on complex management problems in a rapidly
changing and globally oriented environment. The doctoral
program in management is designed to develop graduates skilled
in research with both a theoretical and practical understanding
of the complex problems of business and managers. These
graduates will pursue careers in university education and
research, in training and research in private and public sector
organizations, and in business management.
The program is designed to accomplish its objectives by its
orientation to a holistic, integrative, and
discipline-supported approach to management problem solving,
focused on critical issues facing managers in organizations in
both the private and public sectors.
The degree will normally be pursued on a full-time basis for
the first two years.
Admission Requirements
Admission into the Ph.D. program will be judged primarily on
the applicant's ability to undertake research successfully and
his/her prospects for completion of the program. Admission to
the Ph.D. program is governed by the requirements stated in the
General Regulations section of this Calendar.
The normal requirement for admission to the doctoral program
in management is a master's degree (or equivalent) in business
or a related field with an A- average. A number of years of
work experience is desirable.
A student enrolled in the M.B.A. program (or a similar
research-based master's program in business) who has completed
a minimum of 2.5 credits and who has shown outstanding academic
performance and research promise may be admitted to the Ph.D.
program without completing the master's program. Normal Ph.D.
program requirements, as stated below, will apply. Each case
will be considered on an individual basis for advanced standing
in the Ph.D. program. Advanced standing will be considered for
a maximum of 1.5 credits.
Applicants who have completed a thesis-based master's
program in business or a related area may have their program
requirements, as set out below, adjusted at the time of
All Ph.D. candidates, regardless of their previous field of
specialization, are expected to have or to acquire a basic
knowledge of statistics and at least two of the following areas
of management: finance, marketing, organizational behaviour,
management science, information systems, and
productions/operations management. Students will be admitted to
the program with a course of study designed where appropriate
to supplement previous education, experience, and training.
The School requires that all applicants submit scores
obtained in the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
offered by the Education Testing Service of Princeton, New
Jersey. Successful candidates will normally have a GMAT score
of at least 600. All applicants whose native tongue is not
English must be tested for proficiency in the English language
and obtain a minimum score of 550 on the TOEFL, or its
equivalent. See Section 3.6 of the General Regulations section
of this Calendar for details.
Deadline for applications is March 1 for fall term
admissions and October 1 for winter term admissions. Applicants
for fall term wishing to be considered for financial assistance
must submit their completed applications before December 1.
Program Requirements
The program requirements for the Ph.D. in Management
- 10.0 credits comprised of: 1.5 credits in research and
analysis methods; 1.5 credits of seminar courses in
functional areas of business; 1.0 credit from a selection
of advanced course electives in the School of Business; and
1.0 credit of free electives which must be approved by the
thesis supervisor;
- A thesis normally equivalent to 5.0 of the 10.0
required credits, which must be defended at an oral
- One written and one oral comprehensive
- Participation in the School of Business seminar series
on current business issues for one year;
- Participation in a seminar series on, and classroom
experience in, teaching methods;
- Presentation and oral defence of the thesis
Course Requirements
All students in the doctoral program are required to
complete successfully:
The following 0.5-credit courses:
- BUSI 6902, BUSI 6907 and either BUSI 6905 or BUSI
Note: students who have not successfully completed BUSI
5903 (or the equivalent) must do so before enrolling in
BUSI 6905;
- 1.5 credits of advanced seminars including at least one
two-course sequence, from the following doctoral seminar
courses: BUSI 6100 and BUSI 6101; BUSI 6200 and BUSI 6201;
BUSI 6300 and BUSI 6301; BUSI 6400 and BUSI 6401; BUSI 6500
and BUSI 6501;
- 1.0 credit from the following advanced seminars: BUSI
6701, BUSI 6702, BUSI 6703, BUSI 6704, BUSI 6801, BUSI
6802, BUSI 6803, BUSI 6804, BUSI 6805.
Students are strongly encouraged to complete 0.5 credit from
BUSI 6701, BUSI 6702, BUSI 6703, or BUSI 6704, a series of
courses which focuses on the dimensions of complex problem
representation and analysis. Students are also strongly
encouraged to complete 0.5 credit from BUSI 6801, BUSI 6802,
BUSI 6803, BUSI 6804, or BUSI 6805, a series of courses
oriented to specific management issues.
The remaining 1.0 credit elective, chosen with the approval
of the thesis supervisor to assist in the thesis research
process, normally will be chosen from either those courses at
the 5000- or 6000-level in the School of Business listed above,
or from outside the School in a supporting discipline or in the
area of statistics. Thesis
All Ph.D. candidates are required to complete successfully a
thesis normally equivalent to a minimum of 5.0 credits on a
topic approved by the School. Students with appropriate
background will be reviewed for possible adjustment of thesis
Comprehensive Examinations
All Ph.D. candidates are required to successfully complete
one written and one oral examination. The written examination
will consist of a major essay that provides a comprehensive
analytical review of the literature in an area of the student's
specialization. The issues dealt with in the essay will be
distinct from the student's thesis topic. The submission of the
essay will be followed within three to four weeks by a
comprehensive oral examination. In addition to questions based
on the written portion, the oral comprehensive will include
questions on peripheral topics previously assigned by the
student's comprehensive examination committee.
The comprehensive examinations must be completed
successfully before the Ph.D. proposal defence is scheduled. In
normal circumstances, the oral defence must occur within four
calendar terms of the student's initial registration in the
Ph.D. program. Students who do not fulfil this requirement may
be asked to withdraw from the program. Academic Standing
Doctoral students must normally obtain a grade of B- or
better in each credit, and Satisfactory on the comprehensive
examinations, the Ph.D. thesis and its oral defence.
Graduate Courses
Not all of the following courses are offered in a given
year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings and to
determine the term of offering, consult central.carleton.ca
- BUSI 5000 [0.5 credit]
- Strategic Performance Measurement and
- Effective performance measurement is essential for
strategic management of organizational change in an
increasingly dynamic environment. Emphasis is on the design
and use of balanced, strategically aligned, performance
measures for resource allocation, risk management, control,
performance evaluation, and incentive compensation.
- BUSI 5004 [0.25 credit]
- Accounting I
- Concepts of asset valuation and income measurement
underlying the preparation of financial statements; how to
use and interpret information found in financial statements
and understand how accounting policy choice affects
financial results and financial decision making.
- BUSI 5005 [0.25 credit]
- Accounting II
- Development, use and interpretation of accounting
information by managers within an organization for
planning, control and performance evaluation. Topics
include cost concepts, cost-volume-profit relationships,
product and service costing, budgeting, relevant costing,
responsibility accounting and balanced scorecard.
- BUSI 5100 [0.5 credit]
- Theories in Organizational Behaviour
- Theories and issues related to the management of
individuals, teams, and small groups in organizations.
Potential topics include personality and individual
differences, attitudes, motivation, learning, job design,
leadership, communication, decision-making, teams and small
group behavior, careers, conflict and stress.
- BUSI 5101 [0.5 credit]
- Theories of Organizational Design
- A study of theories explaining and shaping the modern
organization designs in the technologically advanced
countries. Management structures and processes and with
potential for meeting the challenges of global economy are
- BUSI 5104 [0.25 credit]
- Organizational Behaviour
- Individual and small group behaviour in organizations.
Topics include perception, motivation, communication, group
dynamics and organizational politics to understand employee
and managerial behaviour.
- BUSI 5200 [0.5 credit]
- Seminar in Marketing
- Builds awareness of key marketing theory; assesses
emerging thinking about the functioning, role, and tools of
marketing. Topics include innovation theory, relationship
marketing, new product introduction, marketing in a variety
of sectors, such as, technology, services, and government,
and the application of technology in marketing.
- BUSI 5201 [0.5 credit]
- Contemporary Marketing Thought
- Topics may include the development of paradigms in
marketing, business to business marketing, recent advances
in consumer behaviour, acquisition of information from the
external environment, the influence of societal and
environmental developments upon marketing, and new
directions in marketing theory and practice.
- BUSI 5204 [0.25 credit]
- Marketing
- An overview of the marketing function within the firm.
Buyer behaviour, market segmentation and targeting;
promotion, product/service strategy, pricing and
distribution channels.
- BUSI 5300 [0.5 credit]
- Managing the Multinational Enterprise
- Issues in the management of Canadian and foreign
multinational enterprises, including productivity in
multi-site environments, international human resource
management, international strategic planning,
cross-national business negotiations, and managing cultural
differences and their impact on the basic managerial
- BUSI 5301 [0.5 credit]
- Seminar in International Business
- Current international business topics. These change
over time and may include management and marketing across
different cultures, market selection and expansion modes,
financing and marketing strategies, international diffusion
of innovations, free trade blocs, and trends in global and
Canadian trade and investment.
- BUSI 5400 [0.5 credit]
- Seminar in Information Systems Management
- Major issues in the management of information
technology, including: organization of information
services, planning, management, and administration of
information resources, assimilation and diffusion of
information technology, integration of information
services; and current opportunities and concerns in
information services.
- BUSI 5401 [0.5 credit]
- Current Topics in Business Information
- Trends and issues associated with business information
systems within organizations. It covers topics such as
analysis and design of information systems, end-user
computing, databases, and telecommunications. It may also
include topics such as emerging technologies,
knowledge-based systems and electronic commerce.
- BUSI 5404 [0.25 credit]
- Information Systems
- Management issues associated with information systems.
Electronic commerce, types and development of information
systems, fundamental technology impacts, information
systems alignment, and associated ethical issues.
- BUSI 5500 [0.5 credit]
- Seminar in Finance
- Analysis of contemporary theory of finance. This
analysis includes: the examination of innovations in
corporate financing, financial planning, financing
strategies, valuation of contingent claims, implications of
agency theory, etc. Emphasis on financial decision of
technology-based firms.
- BUSI 5501 [0.5 credit]
- Current Topics in Financial Research
- This course examines research and empirical issues in
investments, portfolio management, corporate finance, and
capital markets. Particular emphasis will be placed on
innovative research methods and financial innovations.
- BUSI 5504 [0.25 credit]
- Finance
- Areas of decision-making typically analysed and
executed within the Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
organization. Topics may include financing and CAPEX
decisions; working capital management; role of capital
markets, financial planning and forecasting; mergers and
- BUSI 5600 [0.5 credit]
- Seminar in Production and Operations
- An introduction to the philosophies, methods, and
techniques of modern production and operations management.
Design issues involving products, plants, equipment,
layout, work organization, and their interrelations.
Operational questions involving the planning and control of
production, inventories, and product quality.
- Prerequisite: graduate standing with BUSI 3300 or
- BUSI 5601 [0.5 credit]
- Strategic Management of Manufacturing Technology and
- Manufacturing strategies related to changes in
facilities, location, production technologies, sourcing
arrangements and manufacturing infrastructure. Other topics
include adoption and implementation of new technologies,
and interactions with research and development.
- BUSI 5604 [0.25 credit]
- Management Science
- Management science techniques for business
decision-making. Model formulation, computer
implementation, analysis of model results.
- BUSI 5700 [0.5 credit]
- Seminar in Management of Research and
- The mission of research and development, the management
of research and development groups, the creation of
technology and its deployment, specific managerial problems
in the management of design and development activities, and
the basic and applied research which supports these
- Prerequisite: Graduate standing with BUSI 3300 or
- BUSI 5701 [0.5 credit]
- Current Topics in Research and Development and
Innovation Diffusion
- Concepts, theories, and methods of efficiently managing
the technological innovation cycle, the innovation
monitoring system incorporating the critical factors that
signal the possible success or failure of a developing
project, quality in research and development, technology
transfer and models of the diffusion of an innovation.
- BUSI 5800 [0.5 credit]
- Seminar in Decision Analysis
- The analysis of decisions and the assessment of the
quality of management systems based on the decisions they
make. Topics include decision making and decision modeling,
problem representation, and multi-attribute utility theory.
All theoretical concepts will be illustrated using
intuitive examples and practical applications.
- BUSI 5805 [0.5 credit]
- Innovation Management
- The commercialization of product, service and process
innovation, and change management for the strategic
advantage of the organization. Draws from the areas of
organizational behaviour, marketing, and management of
- BUSI 5806 [0.5 credit]
- Managing Transformational Change
- Business problems and opportunities related to change
management that arise from a number of sources both inside
and outside the organization. Draws primarily on the
disciplines of strategy, micro and macro organizational
behaviour, and marketing.
- BUSI 5807 [0.5 credit]
- Digital Business
- Strategic and operational issues of value chain
management driven by information networks. The combination
of market positioning issues (the front end) with
operational capabilities (the back end). Draws mainly from
information systems, strategy, marketing and operations
- BUSI 5808 [0.5 credit]
- Enterprise Development
- The profitable growth of an enterprise from startup
through to maturity. Specific topics include financing and
managing growth, and the role of entrepreneurial leaders in
the creation of value. Draws mainly from finance,
organizational behaviour, strategy and marketing.
- BUSI 5900 [0.5 credit]
- Tutorials/Directed Studies in Business
- Tutorials or directed readings in selected areas of
business, involving presentation of papers as the basis for
discussion with the tutor. A requirement for the course may
be participation in an advanced business course at the
undergraduate level.
- BUSI 5901 [0.5 credit]
- Special Topics
- New and emerging issues in selected areas of business
studies will be examined. Integrative problems involving
two or more areas of business studies may also be explored.
The topics covered may vary from year to year.
- Prerequisite: permission of the School.
- BUSI 5902 [0.5 credit]
- Business Research Methods
- A consideration of the basic issues of scientific
research as applied to business problems. The course
includes a discussion of the logic of scientific research,
proof and verification, hypothesis testing, the logic of
statistical inference, and research design.
- BUSI 5903 [0.5 credit]
- Multivariate Statistics for Business
- Classical methods of multivariate statistics, including
multiple regression, with an emphasis on: assumptions and
coping with violations; developing a theoretical
understanding of the methods; developing practical
computer-based data analysis skills. Provides the
background for studying more advanced statistical
- BUSI 5904 [0.25 credit]
- Data Analysis
- Statistical inference and data analysis and their
relevance to managerial decision-making. Topics include
statistical significance, practical significance,
estimation, modeling, forecasting, sampling and error,
non-sampling errors and bias, and causality.
- BUSI 5907 [0.5 credit]
- M.B.A. Thesis Tutorial
- A seminar designed to help the student formulate and
evaluate specific research topics. The successful
submission of a thesis proposal is necessary for the
completion of the course.
- BUSI 5908 [1.0 credit]
- M.B.A. Research Project
- BUSI 5909
- M.B.A. Thesis Research
- Prerequisite: BUSI 5907.
- BUSI 6100 [0.5 credit]
- Seminar in Modern Organization Theory
- The development of post-structuralist organization
theory is examined. Theories of organizational culture and
symbolism, political theories of organization,
ethnomethodological, decision-based and population ecology
approaches are investigated. The social, economic, and
intellectual forces shaping organization theory provides a
major focus.
- BUSI 6101 [0.5 credit]
- Current Topics in Organizational Behaviour
- Current topics and debates in the research on
organizational behaviour. Potential topics include
motivation, learning, communication, decision-making, small
group behaviour, leadership, careers, power and
- BUSI 6200 [0.5 credit]
- Seminar in Marketing I
- Marketing theory, history, and developments through the
analysis, synthesis, and extension of theoretical and
empirical papers on: the marketing concept, the role of
marketing in various types of organizations, defining and
segmenting markets; managing new product introductions,
established products and marketing planning.
- BUSI 6201 [0.5 credit]
- Seminar in Marketing II
- Marketing decision-making practice and theory in
business and not-for-profit organizations in such areas as
consumer decision-making, organizational decision-making,
analytical methods, and research methods to aid in
marketing decision-making.
- BUSI 6300 [0.5 credit]
- Seminar in Management of Production/Operations I:
Strategic Management of Production Systems
- Developing the firm's strategies with respect to
facilities, locations, production technologies, and
sourcing arrangements. Recent developments in management
policies and practices that enable production systems to
operate at full potential in the wake of time- and
quality-based competition.
- BUSI 6301 [0.5 credit]
- Seminar in Management of Production/Operations II:
Production/Technology/Strategy Interface
- The evolution and management of process innovation;
management of productivity using production technologies;
integration of production strategy and technology; and
interactions with research and development. Topics include
quality function deployment and the deployment of process
- BUSI 6400 [0.5 credit]
- Seminar in Information Systems I: Information and
Computing Technologies in Management
- The role of computing and communications technologies
and information systems in the functioning of organizations
and managers. Current developments in the information
systems field.
- BUSI 6401 [0.5 credit]
- Seminar in Information Systems II: Analysis and
Design of Information Systems
- Theory and practice concerning factors determining the
effective use of computing technologies, particularly on
the match between the information systems and its
- BUSI 6500 [0.5 credit]
- Seminar in Finance I
- Selected topics in financial theory. Topics are chosen
according to new developments in theory and with the
interests of the students in mind. These may include theory
of derivatives, pricing theory, information asymmetries,
agency theory, economic efficiency, and empirical
- BUSI 6501 [0.5 credit]
- Seminar in Finance II
- Emerging areas in finance such as total quality
management, left-hand financing, activity-based costing,
multi-criteria decision-making, neural networks, etc.
Integrative problems spanning two or more functional
disciplines in management, such as taxation.
- BUSI 6701 [0.5 credit]
- Choice Behaviour
- Examines choice behaviour from a variety of
disciplines. Topics covered may include individual choice
models in economics, Von-Neumann-Morgenstern utility, Luce
Choice Axiom and its extensions, multi-criteria individual
choice behaviour, and multi-criteria group choice
- BUSI 6702 [0.5 credit]
- Analysis and Representation of Complex
- This course uses qualitative and quantitative
techniques and theoretical frameworks to represent
organizational systems, problems and decisions that
executives and managers face. The qualitative models are
viewed as primary, providing the setting for the
quantitative models, selection of choice mechanism, and
interpretation of solutions.
- BUSI 6703 [0.5 credit]
- Systems Concepts in Management
- A unified outlook toward management theory is developed
through specifying system variables, components, boundaries
and limitations. The importance of computer-based systems
for analyzing and managing integrated systems in the
context of control, decision-making and
- BUSI 6704 [0.5 credit]
- Managing the Change Process
- The process of organizational change and the external
forces which drive such changes. Topics include both micro
and macro theories of change and issues around change
management such as leadership and resistance to
- BUSI 6801 [0.5 credit]
- Management of Technology
- Introduction to issues in the management of technology.
Topics include: technology strategy and policy, technology
forecasting and planning, the process of technology
innovation from concept to market, research and development
management, technology adoption, diffusion and
implementation, technology transfer, and technology and
social issues.
- BUSI 6802 [0.5 credit]
- Women in Management
- An exploration of the research and organizational
challenges arising from changing gender roles. Topics
include: the sex segregation of work, gender differences in
management styles, work-family conflict, women's careers,
managing sexual harassment, employment equity and pay
- BUSI 6803 [0.5 credit]
- Corporate Strategy and Policy
- Theories of the firm, origins of the modern
corporation, analysis of the external environment, industry
analysis, value chain analysis, resource-based theory,
distinctions between corporate and business strategy,
economies of scope, diversification and sustainable
competitive advantage.
- BUSI 6804 [0.5 credit]
- International Business Strategy
- An advanced examination of contemporary theory on
international business expansion. Topics include trade and
investment flow interactions; expansion modes, location
theory, and sequential expansion; globalization, consumer
behaviour, and culture; trans-border information flows;
internationalization by firm size; strategic alliances; and
free trade blocs.
- BUSI 6805 [0.5 credit]
- Canadian Business Competitiveness
- Competitiveness at the country, industry, and firm
levels, examined in the context of Canada's unique
characteristics from various domestic and international
perspectives including industrial organization theory,
comparative perspectives on industrial concentration,
internalization theory, Porter's competitiveness diamond,
business-government interactions,and government support
programs for business.
- BUSI 6806 [0.5 credit]
- Entrepreneurship
- An examination of research in entrepreneurship focusing
on theory building and empirical testing of factors that
shapes the identification, evaluation and exploitation of
opportunities and the creation of new organizations. Topics
include: environmental influences on formation and growth,
theories of growth and entrepreneurial clustering.
- BUSI 6900 [0.5 credit]
- Directed Readings
- Directed readings in selected areas of business,
involving presentation of papers as the basis for
discussion. A part of the requirement for the course may be
participation in an advanced course at the
undergraduate/graduate level.
- Prerequisite: permission of the School.
- BUSI 6901 [0.5 credit]
- Special Topics
- Designed to expose students to new and emerging issues
in selected areas of business research. Integrative
problems involving two or more areas of business research
are also explored. The topics covered may vary from year to
- Prerequisite: permission of the School.
- BUSI 6902 [0.5 credit]
- Research Methodology in Business
- The study of research techniques commonly used in
research on business and management issues. The development
of knowledge of these methodologies and their application,
and their possible use in the thesis research of the
student are the two main goals of this course.
- BUSI 6905 [0.5 credit]
- Advanced Statistical Methods for Business
- A practical introduction to advanced statistical
methods used in business research, with particular focus on
discrete categorical data. Topics include the analysis of
two-way and three-way tables; loglinear modeling; logistic
regression; generalized linear models. Students will
analyze real data using appropriate software packages.
- BUSI 6906 [0.5 credit]
- Advanced Methods and Models of Management
- Advanced study of decision-making under certainty and
uncertainty. Topics include: constrained and unconstrained
optimization; project management; scheduling and facilities
location; multi-objective dynamic programming;
multi-attribute utility theory; discrete choice. Links
between theory and application will be illustrated through
case studies and applied modeling.
- BUSI 6907 [0.5 credit]
- Ph.D. Thesis Tutorial
- An intensive preparation for Ph.D. thesis research,
under the direction of one or more members of the School.
The successful submission of a thesis proposal is necessary
for the completion of the course.
- BUSI 6908
- Ph.D. Comprehensives
- Preparation for comprehensive examinations.
- BUSI 6909
- Ph.D. Thesis