The Institution
- 1942
- • The Ottawa Association for the Advancement of Learning
was established to develop Carleton College. The College
offered only evening classes in introductory university
subjects, with some courses in public administration.
- 1943
- • The Ottawa Association for the Advancement of Learning
was incorporated and the Institute for Public
Administration was established.
- 1945
- • Beginning of day classes and full-time teaching in
arts, science, journalism, and first-year engineering.
Establishment of the Faculty of Arts and Science.
- 1946
- • Move from rented premises to First Avenue campus,
formerly Ottawa Ladies' College. First degrees awarded in
journalism and public administration.
- 1947
- • The College committed itself to develop pass and
four-year honours programs.
- 1949
- • First undergraduate pass degrees in arts, science, and
commerce awarded. Formation of Senate.
- 1950
- • First honours degrees in arts and science awarded.
- 1952
- • The Carleton College Act, 1952 passed by the Ontario
Legislature. This changed the corporate name to Carleton
College and confirmed the power to grant degrees. Property
for Rideau River campus acquired.
- 1953
- • Establishment of the School of Public
- 1954
- • Appointment of Architectural Associates for Carleton to
prepare a master plan for Rideau River campus, and to
design the first group of buildings. First honorary degree
(LL.D.) conferred on Dag Hammarskjöld,
Secretary-General of the United Nations.
- 1955
- • First Master of Arts degree awarded.
- 1957
- • The Carleton University Act, 1957. Establishment of the
School of Engineering. Establishment of the Institute of
Canadian Studies.
- 1958
- • First Master of Science degree awarded.
- 1959
- • Move to Rideau River campu s, following construction of
the Henry Marshall Tory Building (science), the Maxwell
MacOdrum Library, and Norman Paterson Hall (arts).
- 1961
- • First Ph.D. degree in science awarded. First degrees in
engineering awarded.
- 1962
- • Southam Hall, the University Commons, Renfrew House and
Lanark House (residences) completed. Norman Paterson Hall
extended, and University Union opened.
- 1963
- • First Master of Engineering degree awarded.
Reorganization into the Faculties of Arts, Engineering,
Science, and Graduate Studies and Research.
- 1964
- • The C.J. Mackenzie Building (engineering)
- 1965
- • The E.W.R. Steacie Building (chemistry), Grenville
House and Russell House (residences), Maintenance Building,
and Heating Plant completed.
- 1966
- • First Ph.D. degree in engineering awarded. The Physics
Building completed (designated in 1972 as the Herzberg
Laboratories for Physics). Establishment of the Schools of
International Affairs and Commerce.
- 1967
- • Loeb Building (social sciences) completed. Integration
of St. Patrick's College as a division of the Faculty of
Arts. Integration of the School of Social Work.
- 1968
- • First Ph.D. degree in arts awarded. First Master of
Social Work degree awarded. Establishment of the School of
- 1969
- • Controlled Environmental Facility (biology),
Administration Building, Glengarry House (residence), and
University Commons (residence cafeteria) completed.
- 1970
- • University Centre and Parking Garage completed.
- 1971
- • Arts Tower completed.
- 1972
- • Architecture Building completed. School of Social Work
accommodated on the Rideau River campus.
- 1973
- • St. Patrick's College moves to new facility on the
Rideau River campus. First degrees in architecture awarded.
New athletic complex containing 50-metre pool and fitness
centre opened. Sch ool of Industrial Design
- 1974
- • Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research expanded into
the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. School of
International Affairs renamed the Norman Paterson School of
International Affairs. Master of Journalism program
approved for September 1974. Master of Arts programs in
anthropology and in religion approved for September 1975.
Program leading to Certificate in the Teaching of English
as a Second Language established.
- 1975
- • Lester B. Pearson Chair for International Affairs
approved for January 1, 1975. Establishment of Gerhard
Herzberg Lecture Series in Science.
- 1976
- • First Dunton Alumni Award presented, January 1976.
Creation of the Paterson Centre for International Programs
in March 1976. Division of the Faculty of Arts into two
separate faculties: the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of
Social Sciences, effective July 1976. First Master of
Journalism degrees awarded, November 1976.
- 1977
- • Opening of the Criminology and Corrections
concentration at St. Patrick's College, April 1977.
- 1978
- • School of Continuing Education established. Credit
courses offered on cable television for the first time.
Institute of Biochemistry established.
- 1979
- • St. Patrick's College ceased to operate as an academic
unit of the University. Academic programs of the college
continue as University programs, except for the Unified
Liberal Arts Program.
- 1980
- • Establishment of the School of Computer Science.
Establishment of the Chair of Office Automation in the
Faculty of Engineering.
- 1981
- • Establishment of the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for
Graduate Studies and Research in Chemistry, a joint program
with the University of Ottawa. Establishment of a joint
Ph.D. program in economics with the University of
- 1982
- • Establishment of the Ottawa-Carleton Centre for
Geoscience Studies, representing the combin ed research
strengths of Carleton University and the University of
Ottawa, with programs leading to M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in
most areas of geology. Establishment of a joint master's
program in computer science with the University of
- 1983
- • Establishment of four joint graduate programs with the
University of Ottawa: the Ottawa-Carleton Centre for
Graduate Studies and Research in Biology; the
Ottawa-Carleton Centre for Graduate Studies and Research in
Physics; the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Graduate Studies
and Research in Electrical Engineering; and the
Ottawa-Carleton Graduate Specialization in
- 1984
- • Establishment of three joint graduate programs with the
University of Ottawa in the areas of civil engineering,
mechanical and aeronautical engineering, and mathematics
and statistics.
- 1985
- • Master of Management Studies program established in the
School of Business. The School of Public Administration
offers a concentration in development administration in
conjunction with the Norman Paterson School of
International Affairs. An additional floor on one wing of
the Herzberg Laboratories for Physics is constructed to
house the School of Computer Science.
- 1986
- • The Social Sciences Research Building, the first new
building on campus in a decade, is built to accommodate the
rapidly-expanding research activity in the Faculty of
Social Sciences. Construction of an annex on top of the
Architecture Building to provide additional space for the
Faculty of Engineering.
- 1987
- • The Institute of Women's Studies is established. The
Arts Tower is renamed Davidson Dunton Tower/Édifice
Davidson Dunton in honour of Arnold Davidson Dunton, former
Carleton University President and Director of the Institute
of Canadian Studies. Major revisions to the Undergraduate
Exchange Agreement with the University of Ottawa extend
opportunities for students to study at both universities.
The University launches the Carleton University Challenge
Fund, the largest fund-raising campaign in its
- 1988
- • Canada's first full Bachelor of Engineering program in
Aerospace Engineering is established. Bell-Northern
Research Limited and the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council provide funding for an Industrial Research
Chair in Computer-Aided Engineering within the Department
of Electronics. The Departments of Electronics and Systems
and Computer Engineering are major partners in the
Telecommunications Research Institute of Ontario (TRIO),
one of seven "centres of excellence" chosen by the
provincial government for scientific research. The Faculty
of Science introduces cooperative education programs in
computer science and biochemistry/biotechnology.
- 1989
- • The University launches its first major program of
construction and renovation in more than 20 years. Four
capital projects are initiated: an addition to the MacOdrum
Library; the Minto Centre for Advanced Studies in
Engineering; a 400-bed residence building; and an addition
to Southam Hall. A fifth project, the Life Sciences
Research Building, is completed in 1989. The Institute of
Political Economy is established. The Canadian Centre for
Trade Policy and Law, a joint initiative of the Norman
Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton and
the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa, is
- 1990
- • A new Ph.D. program in computer science, offered
jointly with the University of Ottawa, is established. The
University introduces a Bachelor of Social Work degree
program. The Paul Menton Centre for Persons with
Disabilities is opened. The Centre for Research in Particle
Physics is established to carry on the work of the National
Research Council's large-scale physics projects.
- 1991
- • Establishment of the Carleton University Development
Corporation. $11 million extension to the MacOdrum Library
opened. The university's $30 million Challenge Fund
campaign surpassed its goal; $1.5 mil lion "enhancement"
campaign announced. Registrarial services for arts and
social sciences re-organized into two separate offices.
Establishment of the Centre for Analytical and
Environmental Chemistry. Establishment of the School of
Comparative Literary Studies. Establishment of the School
for Studies in Art and Culture (bringing together the
Departments of Art History, Film Studies, and Music).
Establishment of the international exchange agreement
between Carleton University, four Swedish universities, and
three other Canadian universities (Laval, York, and the
University of British Columbia). Establishment of the
Carleton University/Polish faculty exchange agreement.
Establishment of the Chair for Management in Technological
Change. Establishment of M.A. programs in political
economy, communication, legal studies, and applied language
studies. Establishment of the women's history field in the
Ph.D. program in history. Establishment of the Ph.D.
program in public policy in the School of Public
- 1992
- • The University celebrates its 50th anniversary.
Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, which includes a
new B.A. program in environmental studies, is established.
Department of Civil Engineering renamed Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering to reflect emphasis on the
environment and new undergraduate program in environmental
engineering. School of Journalism renamed School of
Journalism and Communication, and Institute of Canadian
Studies becomes School of Canadian Studies. The Centre for
Aboriginal Education, Research and Culture is established.
A new Ph.D. program in public policy, the first of its kind
in Canada, is offered by the School of Public
Administration, and a master's program in Canadian art
history is introduced. The Carleton University Art Gallery
and the Minto Centre for Advanced Studies in Engineering
are opened. The Governor General of Canada and Head of the
Canadian Heraldic Authority, His Excellency the Right
Honourable Ramon John Hnatyshyn, grants th e arms and flag
of Carleton University at the fall convocation
- 1993
- • Centre for Memory Assessment and Research established.
Teaching and Learning Resource Centre established.
Institute of Soviet and East European Studies renamed
Institute for Central/East European and Russian Area
Studies. Carleton University hosts the 1993 Learned
Societies Conference. Construction begins on new Inco
Centre. Institute of Women's Studies renamed Pauline Jewett
Institute of Women's Studies. Administration Building
renamed Robertson Hall.
- 1994
- • New Industrial Research Chair in Performance
Engineering of Real-Time Software established. The Inco
Centre officially opened. Research Facility for Electron
Microscopy opened. New Ph.D. program in Public Policy
established. New Bachelor of International Business program
approved. Colonel By Child Care opened. Construction begins
on the new Carleton Technology and Training Centre.
- 1995
- • Carleton Technology and Training Centre opened.
Bachelor of Humanities undergraduate degree program
established. College of the Humanities approved.
- 1997
- • Two new faculties created: the Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences and the Faculty of Public Affairs and
Management. Department of Religion joined the College of
the Humanities. School of Architecture modified its program
to create a four-year degree program, with the professional
designation provided by the two-year master's program.
Bachelor of Arts program improved with standardization of
programs across all departments and introduction of
programs to allow students to improve their academic skills
and to "tailor" their degrees to specific goals. Physics
undergraduate degree program replaced with an applied
physics program. Several small language programs closed:
German, Italian, Russian, Spanish) and undergraduate
programs in Comparative Literary Studies and Classics. New
undergraduate program in Communications Engineering
established. Co-operative education programs offered in all
engineering programs.
- • The following graduate programs were established: Ph.D.
in Cognitive Science; Ph.D. in Communications; Master of
Arts in Film Studies; Master of Arts in Public
Administration (with a Concentration in Innovation,
Science, and Technology Policy); and the Graduate
Certificates in Conflict Resolution and in Health and
Social Policy in Development.
- 1998
- • Faculty of Science realigned its departments into the
College of Natural Sciences and the School of Mathematics
and Statistics. Centre for Initiatives in Education added
to the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Department of
Geography renamed the Department of Geography and
Environmental Studies.
- • Two new degree programs created: Bachelor of
Mathematics and Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy
Management. Two new programs added to the Bachelor of Arts
degree program: Art and Culture, and Criminology and
Criminal Justice.
- • New programs established in Computational Chemistry,
Engineering Physics and Software Engineering. Master of
Science in Information and Systems Science (M.Sc.I.S.S.)
program expanded.
- • School of Computer Science established a computer
retraining certificate program. Office to coordinate co-op
placements for engineering and science students
- 1999
- • A $6.4 million expansion to the Minto Centre for
Advanced Studies in Engineering is approved. The addition
of three floors will provide additional teaching and
research space to accommodate the significant growth in
informational technology programs.
- • Two new computational science programs are
introduced--Computational Biology and Computational
Biochemistry. Senate approves new M.Eng. and Ph.D. programs
in Environmental Engineering, and the establishment of
minors in Classics, German, Spanish, Italian, and Russian.
Other new programs include a B.A. (Honours) in Geographic
Information Processing, a Combined Honours in Human Rights,
a B.A. and B.A. (Honours) in History and Theory of
Architecture, and a new Ph.D. in Cultural Mediation. New
guidelines are approved for applicants from community
- • The Institute of Comparative Studies in Literature, Art
and Culture is established within the Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences.
- • The Nortel Networks-Carleton University Laboratory for
Advanced Materials Research at Carleton University opens,
allowing researchers to create the next wave of information
technology products.
- • Arthur Kroeger College of Public Affairs is opened in
October. The new College, named in honour of Carleton
University's Chancellor and one of Canada's leading experts
in public affairs, Arthur Kroeger, is the home of the new
Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management
(B.P.A.P.M.) program.
- • The Texas Instruments and Nortel Networks DSP Lab for
Advanced Communications Research and Education opens in
September, making Carleton the first university in Canada
to become a Texas Instruments (TI) digital signal
processing (DSP) «elite» laboratory.
- • The Carleton University School of Social Work
celebrates its 50th anniversary.
- • The wind tunnel in the MacKenzie Building is renamed to
illustrate the long-established relationship between
Carleton and Pratt and Whitney Canada (PWC). The lab gives
graduate students, researchers and PWC engineers the
opportunity to collaborate on leading-edge turbine
aerodynamics research.
- • The Institute of Central/East European and Russian-Area
Studies is renamed the Institute of European and Russian
Studies. The B.A. (Honours) in CERAS is changed to European
and Russian Studies.
- 2000
- • The Faculty of Science introduces a new Seminar in
Science to support first-year students entering Science at
Carleton. The Enriched Support Program is expanded to
include the sciences. A new five-credit Sonic Design
Diploma is launched to provide focused training in musical
applications in the computing field. Carleton's introduces
a new B.A. program in Classics, Religion, and Humanities.
Comput ational Geophysics is added to the Computational
Sciences programs. A new joint Ph.D. program in Canadian
Studies with Trent University is approved. The B.A. in
Religion and the Certificate in Law Enforcement Studies are
closed. A Minor in Technology, Society, and Environmental
Studies is introduced.
- • New University-wide regulations for academic standing,
promotion, and graduation are approved.
- • Construction begins on several new campus initiatives,
including a new Residence, a Biology building, and a Light
Rail Project.
- • The three-storey addition to the Minto CASE Building is
- • Carleton is awarded $40 million by the provincial
government for extra classroom and lab space, improved
Science facilities, and enhanced research and private
sector partnerships.
- • The first class of Carleton Humanities students
graduates at Spring Convocation.
- • For the first time in Carleton's history, the average
first-year high school entrance grade is more than 80
- 2001
- • The School of Public Administration is formally renamed
the School of Public Policy and Administration.
- • The Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Environmental
Engineering is created to house the new Masters and Ph.D.
programs in Environmental Engineering. Thesis-based Master
of Applied Science degrees in Engineering are approved to
distinguish them from the course-based Master of
Engineering degrees in all the joint graduate programs with
the University of Ottawa.
- • A Minor in Aboriginal Studies is introduced in Canadian
- • The Master of Management Studies program is changed to
the Master of Business Administration. (M.B.A.)
- • The School of Computer Science becomes the first in
Canada to make the Information Systems Professional
(I.S.P.) designation an integral part of the Bachelor of
Computer Science degree program.
- • A new graduate diploma in European Integration Studies
is introduced.
- • Over $120 million in building projects are undertaken
on campus. Th ese include new state-of-the-art biology
facilities and a six-storey residence with beds for an
additional 395 students. Construction begins on centralized
student services facilities, and a new classroom
- • The University becomes a major stop on Ottawa's new
Light Rail system.
- • The Eric Sprott School of Business is born. The School
is named after Carleton alumnus Eric Sprott, Chairman of
Sprott Securities Inc., who made a $10-million donation to
the School this year.
- 2002
- • The University creates the >Chancellor's Professors
designation. The purpose of this new designation is to
recognize individuals whose scholarly activities have been
of outstanding merit.
- • Carleton opens the renovated Tory Building, and the
Azrieli Theatre and Pavilion. The H.H.J. Nesbitt Biology
Building opens, a state-of-the-art biology facility named
in honour of one of Carleton's longest-serving faculty
members. Carleton's Student Academic Success Centre is
created to offer improved undergraduate academic advising.
The Educational Development Centre is created to promote
the advancement of teaching and learning at Carleton. The
National Wildlife Research Centre opens, bringing 50
federal scientists to the Carleton campus for research and
- • The University secures more than $74 million in
multi-year external research grants and contracts, the
highest in the University's history.
- • Construction begins on a covered multi-sport field and
indoor track facility, and a 400-bed residence at the
corner of Library Road and Campus Avenue.
- • The Banner Student Information System and the
personalized student intranet «Carleton Connect» are
launched. Carleton's Maxwell MacOdrum Library launches a
new integrated library management system.
- • The French department introduces a new Concentration in
French Language Teaching and Learning Studies. The Bachelor
of International Business (Hon ours) program introduces new
Concentrations in International Marketing and Trade,
Strategic Management and International Human Resources, and
International Investment, Finance and Banking. New minors
are introduced in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, and
Physics. The School of Public Policy and Administration
develops an undergraduate Certificate in Nunavut Public
Service Studies in cooperation with the Government of
Nunavut. The Master of Science in Geography is
- 2003
- • Carleton's amalgamated registrarial services open.
- • Carleton's new covered fieldhouse opens to the Carleton
community and the public; the second phase of the athletic
facilities expansion begins.
- • Carleton's new residence, Prescott House, welcomes new
students in September.
- • The School of Information Technology is created; the
Bachelor of Information Technology accepts its first
students. Computer Science creates a new stream in
Information Systems Security. A new Certificate in French
Language Teaching and Learning is created, as well as a new
Minor in French Interdisciplinary Studies. A new
Concentration in Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleocology is
offered in the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Geology.
Carleton begins to offer the Bachelor of Social Work at Sir
Sanford Fleming College. The Mention: Français is made
available to Law students who complete part of their
program requirements in French.
- • The Canada Foundation for Innovation announces it will
invest $38.9 million to create a major new international
facility for underground science called SNOLAB. The project
is an international collaborative effort involving Carleton
University, Laurentian University, Queen's University, the
University of British Columbia, the University of Guelph,
and the Université de Montréal, and will link with partners
from around the world. The facility will transform the
already renowned Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO)
experiment into a permanent, world-class research
- 2004
- • A Web site for new students, featuring a first-year
checklist, is created.
- • The University secured $5.6 million in funding for ten
new research labs. Two labs formally opened in the fall:
the Carleton Laboratory for Laser Induced Photonic
Structures (CLLIPS) and the Geomatics and Ecology Research
- • The Bachelor of Commerce now offers two new
Concentrations: Managing people and Organizations and
Operations Management. The Bachelor of Computer Science
offers a new Minor available to all undergraduates and two
new Concentrations: Bioinformatics and Psychology. The
Bachelor of Science offers two new programs in Physics:
Experimental or Theory. The Master of Arts in Canadian Art
History was renamed Art History: Art and its Institutions.
The Aboriginal Enriched Support Program, launched as a
pilot project in 2003, becomes a full program. A new MBA
program is launched in China. The Collaborative Chemical
and Environmental Toxicology program was expanded to
include a Ph.D. program.
- 2005
- • The University introduced a new Collaborative Ph.D.
program with a Specialization in Political Economy,
involving six academic units: Canadian Studies, Geography,
History, Political Science, Public Policy and
Administration, and Sociology. The first phase of the
Learning Commons in the MacOdrum Library opened. The $13
million Ice House (a double-pad ice facility) was opened.
The Bachelor of Science now offers a Concentration in
Nanotechnology within the undergraduate Chemistry program.
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences introduced ArtsOne,
a new academic program for first-year Bachelor of Arts
students. The new First Year Experience Office (FYEO) is
established. The FYEO is responsible for assisting new
students in making the transition to the Carleton
University community.