Senate Policy RegardingEducational Equity
This policy supports Carleton University's commitment to
Sections 15 and 28 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms, Sections 1, 5 and 14 of the Ontario Human Rights
Code, and the University's Statement on Conduct and Human
Statement of Principles Carleton
University is committed to excellence in teaching, scholarship
and research and to providing equity in its educational
programs and services.
The University Strives to provide the best possible
educational experience for all of its students and to encourage
and assist all students to succeed academically and as members
of the University community.
The commitment to provide educational equity extends to
members of disadvantaged groups as outlined in the University's
Statement on Conduct and Human Rights, and includes
international students within these categories.
Educational Equity Policy
Statement Carleton University is committed to
identifying University policies, programs and services that
need to be changed, enhanced or created (subject to the
availability of resources) in order to:
Increase the access, retention and graduation of groups of
students who have traditionally been under-represented,
underserved and/or disadvantaged in University programs;
Provide and maintain a supportive, hospitable and welcoming
educational environment for all students, faculty, staff and
associated professionals in the University.
The University is committed to providing accommodation on
human rights grounds to students to the point of undue hardship
(considering cost, outside sources of funding, if any, and
health and safety requirements) and to implementing special
measures as required to achieve the University's educational
equity goals.
The University undertakes to provide education and training
to faculty, staff and students on human rights issues as these
relate, inter alia, to curriculum and pedagogy and, through the
Office of the Vice-President (Academic), to provide seed
funding and/or release time for an initial five-year period to
support the development of courses and research within the
disciplines reflecting an interest in pluralism and