Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Civil Engineering
University of Ottawa
Room C406A Colonel By Hall
770 King Edward Avenue
Ottawa, ON, Canada K1N 6N5
Telephone: (613) 562-5800 Ext. 6189
Fax: (613) 562-5174
Email: labelle@genie.uottawa.ca
Web site: www.ocice.ca
The Institute
Director of the Institute: V.K. Garga
Associate Director of the Institute: S. Sivathayalan
Established in 1984, the Institute combines the research strengths and resources of the Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Carleton University and the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Ottawa. Programs leading to a Master of Engineering, a Master of Applied Science, and Ph.D. degrees are available through the Institute in a wide range of fields of civil engineering. Programs in transportation engineering, and in water resources engineering are centred at Carleton University and the University of Ottawa, respectively. Programs in environmental, geotechnical, and structural engineering are available at both universities. Graduate students may pursue their research on either university campus, depending upon the choice of program and supervisor. Registration will be at the university to which the student's supervisor is affiliated. Requests for admission may be sent to the Director of the Institute. Graduate studies in Environmental Engineering are also available through the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Environmental Engineering, which offers graduate degrees in Environmental Engineering (www.ociene.ca).
Members of the Institute
The "home" department of each member is indicated by (C) for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Carleton University and (O) for the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Ottawa.
- A.O. Abd El Halim, Transportation management, airport design and planning, engineering economics, management pavements and materials (C)
- K. Adamowski, Hydrology, stochastic and statistical analyses (O)
- A. Baskaran, Building science, computational fluid dynamics (O - Adjunct)
- J.J. Beaudoin, Cement chemistry, strength of composite materials (O - Adjunct)
- P. Champagne, Environmental engineering, passive treatment systems, acid mine drainage (AMD) mitigation, composting and solid waste management (C-Adjunct)
- M.S. Cheung, Finite element analysis, bridge engineering (C/O - Adjunct)
- R.L. Droste, Environmental engineering, water and wastewater treatment (O)
- S.M. Easa, Highway geometry, reliability concept, planning (C - Adjunct)
- E. Evgin, Finite elements, soil plasticity, environmental geomechanics (O)
- G.Y. Felio, Performance and rehabilitation of urban infrastructure, water distribution system (C - Adjunct)
- L. Fernandes, Environmental engineering, agricultural waste management (O)
- S. Foo, Seismic risk assessment and management (O - Adjunct)
- R. Frenette, Water resources (O)
- N.J. Gardner, Structures, reinforced concrete, earthquake engineering, construction loads (O)
- V.K. Garga, Geotechnical engineering, dams, earth structures (O)
- L. Graham, Environmental engineering, mobile and stationary source emissions (C - Adjunct)
- G.V. Hadjisophocleous, Fire safety engineering, fire risk analysis, fire modeling (C)
- G.A. Hartley, Structural analysis, finite elements, boundary elements (C)
- Y. Hassan, Transportation planning and technology, geometric design, traffic safety, winter mainte nance (C)
- N.M. Holtz, Computer-aided structural engineering (C)
- J.L. Humar, Structures, earthquake engineering, computer-aided design (C)
- B.O. Isgor, Structures, computer-aided design, advanced composite materials, service life prediction (C)
- W.F. Johnson, Urban transportation planning and management (C - Adjunct)
- D. Karman, Environmental engineering, motor vehicle emissions and urban air quality (C)
- K.J. Kennedy, Environmental engineering, waste water treatment (O)
- A.M. Khan, Transportation, systems planning, engineering and management (C)
- H.A. Khoo, Behaviour of pipelines, structural steel connections, constitutive relationships of material properties, composite materials (C)
- G.L. Larose, Industrial aerodynamics (O-Adjunct)
- D.T. Lau, Earthquake engineering, experimental and numerical methods for modeling of structures, performance assessment and field monitoring of bridges, liquid storage tank design (C)
- K.T. Law, Geotechnical engineering, landslide study, in-situ testing, geoseismic hazards (C)
- B. Martin-Perez, Structural engineering (O)
- J.R. Mehaffey, Fire protection engineering (C - Adjunct)
- E.H.H. Mohamed, Transportation engineering, pavement and materials (C - Adjunct)
- M.E. Mohareb, Structural engineering (O)
- R.M. Narbaitz, Solid waste management, ground water contamination (O)
- N. Naumoski, Earthquake engineering (O - Adjunct)
- S. S. F. Ng, Structures, numerical methods, dynamic behaviour (O)
- D. Palermo, Reinforced concrete structures, finite element analysis of reinforced concrete, post-damage retrofitting of concrete structures (O)
- W.J. Parker, Environmental engineering, waste water treatment, fate of contaminants in engineered and natural systems, biological processes (C - Adjunct)
- G.G. Patry, Wastewater treatment process simulation and control (O)
- A.G. Razaqpur, Concrete, finite elements, fibre reinforced polymers, bridges (C-Adjunct)
- C. Rennie, Environmental engineering, sediment transport, fluid mechanics, river hydraulics (O)
- M. Saatcioglu, Building structures, reinforced concrete, earthquake analysis and design (O)
- J.J. Salinas, Building structures, wood engineering, structural reliability (C)
- A. Sarkar, Structures, probabilistic risk and reliability assessment, transport in random heterogeneous media: poroelasticity, structural acoustics (C)
- S. Sivathayalan, Geotechnical earthquake engineering, constitutive relations, liquefaction, laboratory testing, geofoams and geotextiles, static and dynamic behaviour of soils (C)
- Y. Soucy, Structural dynamics, modal testing and vibration-based health monitoring (C - Adjunct)
- T.S. Sridhar, Environmental impact assessment, wastewater treatment, hazardous and radioactive waste, pollution control (C-Adjunct)
- H. Tanaka, Structures, wind engineering (O)
- D.R. Townsend, Water resource engineering, applied hydraulics, river engineering (O)
- S.K. Vanapalli, Unsaturated soil mechanics, geotechnical engineering (O)
- P.J. Van Geel, Environmental engineering, groundwater flow and contaminant transport, waste disposal (C)
- B. Wang, Geotechnical engineering, rock mechanics, northern engineering, numerical analyses (O-Adjunct)
- M.A. Warith, Environmental engineering(O - Adjunct)
Master's Degree
Admission Requirements
The normal requirement for admission to a master's program is a bachelor's degree with at least high honours standing in civil engineering.
- Graduates from engineering programs other than civil engineering, or Honours science programs with a mathematics content equivalent to the civil engineering program will have to take a minimum of four qualifying undergraduate civil engineering courses in their area of graduate specialty.
- Graduates from other science programs will have to take all the core engineering undergraduate mathematics courses in addition to the requirements specified in (1) above.
The undergraduate courses required will be specified in the Certificate of Admission.
Undergraduate civil engineering courses will not be accepted towards a graduate degree. Graduate students may still be required to take undergraduate courses for credit to fulfil the admission requirements.
No more than one half of the program credit requirements or that stipulated in the regulations of the university in which the student is registered, whichever is less, can be transferred at admission. At least one half of the course work must be taken at the Institute.
Program Requirements
Study at the master's level can be pursued through either a thesis leading to a M.A.Sc., a project option leading to a M.Eng., or a course work option leading to a M.Eng. At Carleton University, 1.0 credit typically comprises three hours of lectures or seminars a week for two terms, or the equivalent. At the University of Ottawa, 1.0 credit is one hour of instruction per week for one term.
Requirements are stated in terms of Carleton University credits.
Master's degree by thesis (M.A.Sc.)
- 3.0 course credits
- Thesis equivalent to 3.0 course credits
- Participation in the civil engineering seminar series
- Successful oral defence of the thesis
Master's degree by project (M.Eng.):
- 4.5 course credits
- A project equivalent to 1.5 course credits
Master's degree by course work (M.Eng.):
Doctor of Philosophy
Admission Requirements
The normal requirement for admission into the Ph.D. program is a master's degree with thesis in civil engineering. Students who have been admitted to a master's program may be permitted to transfer into the Ph.D. program if they show outstanding academic performance and demonstrate significant promise for advanced research.
Program Requirements
At Carleton University, 1.0 credit typically comprises three hours of lectures or seminars a week for two terms, or the equivalent. At the University of Ottawa, 1.0 credit is one hour of instruction per week for one term.
Requirements are stated in terms of Carleton University credits.
- A minimum of 2.5 course credits
- Participation in the civil engineering seminar series
- Successful completion of written and oral comprehensive examinations in subject areas determined by the student's advisory committee
- Successful completion of a thesis proposal examination
- Thesis
- Successful oral defence of the thesis. The examination board for all theses will include an external examiner, and, when possible, professors from both departments.
- Subject to approval of his/her advisory committee, a Ph.D. student may take, or be required to take, courses in other disciplines.
Students who have been permitted to transfer into the Ph.D. program from a master's program without having completed the master's degree will require 5.0 course credits for the Ph.D. degree which include transfer of credits from the incomplete master's program.
Graduate Courses
In all programs, the student may choose graduate courses from either university with the approval of the adviser or the advisory committee. Graduate courses are listed below, grouped by subject area. Course descriptions may be found in the departmental section of the calendar concerned. All courses are of one term duration. The codes given in parentheses are those used by the University of Ottawa. Courses beginning with "CIVE" and «ENVE» are offered at Carleton University and those beginning with "CIVJ" and «ENVJ» are offered at the University of Ottawa. Not all courses listed are necessarily given during one academic year.
- Geotechnical and Soils
- CIVE 5209 (CVG 7100) Geotechnical Case Studies
- CIVE 5300 (CVG 7101) Advanced Soil Mechanics
- CIVE 5500 (CVG 7104) Earth Retaining Structures
- CIVE 5501 (CVG 7105) Foundation Engineering
- CIVE 5502 (CVG 7106) In-Situ Geotechnique
- CIVE 5503 (CVG 7107) Num. Methods in Geomechanics
- CIVE 5504 (CVG 7108) Seepage through Soils
- CIVE 5505 (CVG 7109) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
CIVE 5800 - CIVE 5804 (CVG 7305 - CVG 7309) Topics in Geotechnique
- (CVG 5100) CIVJ 5000 Deep Foundations
- (CVG 5103) CIVJ 5003 Dam Engineering
- (CVG 5106) CIVJ 5006 Site Improvements
- (CVG 5108) CIVJ 5008 Pile Dynamics
- (CVG 5171) CIVJ 5102 Strength and Deformation Behaviour of Soil and Rock
- (CVG 5174) CIVJ 5104 Soil Plasticity
- (CVG 5175) CIVJ 5105 Numerical Methods for Geotechnical Engineers
- (CVG 5177) CIVJ 5107 Offshore Geotechnique
- (CVG 5178) CIVJ 5108 Ice Mechanics
- Structural Engineering
- CIVE 5101 (CVG 7120) Introductory Elasticity
- CIVE 5102 (CVG 7121) Advanced Elasticity
- CIVE 5103 (CVG 7122) Finite Element Analysis 1
- CIVE 5104 (CVG 7123) Earthquake Engineering
- CIVE 5105 (CVG 7124) Finite Element Analysis 2
- CIVE 5106 (CVG 7137) Dynamics of Structures
- CIVE 5200 (CVG 7138) Masonry Behaviour and Design
- CIVE 5203 (CVG 7125) Theory of Structural Stability
- CIVE 5204 (CVG 7126) Advanced Steel Structures
- CIVE 5205 (CVG 7127) Advanced Structural Analysis
- CIVE 5206 (CVG 7128) Prestressed Concrete
- CIVE 5208 (CVG 7130) Advanced Reinforced Concrete
- CIVE 5600 (CVG 7131) Project Management
- CIVE 5601 (CVG 7140) Eng. Stats. and Probabilities
- CIVE 5602 (CVG 7141) Advanced Computer-Aided Design
- CIVE 5605 (CVG 7143) Design of Steel Bridges
- CIVE 5606 (CVG 7144) Design of Concrete Bridges
- CIVE 5607 (CVG 7145) Introduction to Bridge Design
- CIVE 5609 (CVG 7170) Fundamentals of Fire Safety Engineering
- CIVE 5610 (CVG 7171) Fire Dynamics I
- CIVE 5611 (CVG 7173) People in Fires
- CIVE 5612 (CVG 7174) Fire Modeling
- CIVE 5613 (CVG 7172) Fire Dynamics II
- CIVE 5614 (CVG 7175) Design for Fire Resistance
CIVE 5705 - CIVE 5709 (CVG 7300-7304) Topics in Structures
- (CVG 5142) CIVJ 5201 Advanced Structural Dynamics
- (CVG 5 143) CIVJ 5202 Advanced Structural Steel Design
- (CVG 5144) CIVJ 5300 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design
- (CVG 5145) CIVJ 5203 Theory of Elasticity
- (CVG 5146) CIVJ 5302 Numerical Methods of Structural Analysis
- (CVG 5147) CIVJ 5204 Theory of Plates and Shells
- (CVG 5148) CIVJ 5305 Prestressed Concrete Design
- (CVG 5149) CIVJ 5304 Structural Stability
- (CVG 5150) CIVJ 5206 Advanced Concrete Technology
- (CVG 5153) CIVJ 5209 Wind Engineering
- (CVG 5155) CIVJ 5306 Earthquake Engineering
- (CVG 5156) CIVJ 5301 Finite Element Methods I
- (CVG 5157) CIVJ 5303 Finite Element Methods II
- (CVG 5158) CIVJ 5307 Elements of BridgeEngineering
- (CVG 5154) CIVJ 5308 Random Vibrations
- (CVG 5159) CIVJ 5309 Long Span Structures
- Transportation
- CIVE 5303 (CVG 7103) Pavements and Materials
- CIVE 5304 (CVG 7150) Intercity Transportation
- CIVE 5305 (CVG 7151) Traffic Engineering
- CIVE 5306 (CVG 7152) Highway Materials
- CIVE 5307 (CVG 7153) Urban Transportation
- CIVE 5308 (CVG 7154) Geometric Design
- CIVE 5309 (CVG 7155) Transportation Supply
- CIVE 5401 (CVG 7156) Transportation Economics
- CIVE 5402 (CVG 7159) Transportation Terminals
- CIVE 5403 (CVG 7158) Airport Planning
- CIVE 5805- CIVE 5809 (CVG 7310 - 7314) Topics in Transportation
- Water Resources
- (CVG 5111) CIVJ 5501 Hydraulic Structures
- (CVG 5112) CIVJ 5502 Numerical Modeling in Water Resources
- (CVG 5119) CIVJ 5803 Computational Hydraulics
- (CVG 5120) CIVJ 5506 Water Resources Systems
- (CVG 5122) CIVJ 5508 Groundwater andSeepage
- (CVG 5123) CIVJ 5509 Advanced Topics in Hydrology
- (CVG 5125) CIVJ 5601 Statistical Methods in Hydrology
- (CVG 5126) CIVJ 5602 Stochastic Hydrology
- (CVG 5127) CIVJ 5603 Hydrologic Systems Analysis
- (CVG 5128) CIVJ 5604 Water Resources Planning and Policy
- (CVG 5131) CIVJ 5606 River Engineering
- (CVG 5135) CIVJ 5608 Water Supply and Sanitation in Developing Countries
- (CVG 5140) CIVJ 5607 Irrigation and Drainage
- Environmental
- ENVE 5001 (CVG 7160) Biofilm Processes
- ENVE 5101 (EVG 7101) Air Pollution Control
- ENVE 5102 (CVG 7161) Traffic-Related Air Pollution
- ENVE 5103 (CVG 7162) Air Quality Modeling
- ENVE 5104 (EVG 7104) Indoor Air Quality
- ENVE 5201 (EVG 7201) Geo-Environmental Engineering
- ENVE 5202 (EVG 7202) Contaminant Fate Mechanisms
- ENVE 5203 (CVG 7164) Hazardous & Radioactive Wastes
- ENVE 5301 (EVG 7301) Contaminant Hydrogeology
- ENVE 5302 (CVG 7163) Case Studies in Hydrogeology
- ENVE 5303 (EVG 7303) Multiphase Flow in Soils
- ENVE 5401 (EVG 7401) Env. Impacts of Major Projects
- ENVE 5402 (EVG 7402) Finite Elements in Field Problems
- (CVG 5130) ENVJ 5900 Wastewater Treatment Process Design
- (CVG 5132) ENVJ 5901 Unit Operations of Water Treatment
- (CVG 5133) ENVJ 5906 Solid Waste Disposal
- (CVG 5134) ENVJ 5907 Chemistry for Environmental Engineering
- (CVG 5135) CIVJ 5608 Water Supply and Sanitation in Developing Countries
- (CVG 5136) ENVJ 5904 Water and Wastewater Treatment Laboratories
- (CVG 5137) ENVJ 5905 Water and Wastewater Treatment Process Analysis
- (CVG 5179) ENVJ 5908 Anaerobic Digestion
- (CVG 5180) ENVJ 5909 Biological Nutrient Removal
- (CVG 5331) ENVJ 5902 Sludge Utilization and Disposal
- Directed Studies and Seminars
- CIVE 5906 (CVG 6108) Individual I
- CIVE 5907 (CVG 6109) Individual II
- CIVJ 6000 - CIVJ 6020 (CVG 6300 - CVG 6320) Special Topics
- ENVE 5701-ENVE 5705 (EVG 7301- EVG 7305) Topics in Environmental Engineering
- Projects and Theses
- CIVE 5900 Civil Engineering Project
- CIVE 5909 M.A.Sc. Thesis
- CIVE 6909 Ph.D. Thesis
- (CVG 6000) Civil Engineering Report
- (CVG 7999) M.A.Sc.Thesis
- (CVG 9998) Comprehensive Exam (Ph.D.)
- (CVG 9999) Ph.D. Thesis