Graduate Calendar Updates
2003-2004 Graduate Calendar
Visit this page to check for updates made to the 2003-2004 Graduate Calendar
after its print publication.
In the case of any discrepancy between any section of the print and Web editions
of the Graduate Calendar, the Web edition shall be considered to be the
University's official statement.
The following updates have been made to the Web edition of the Graduate
Calendar after publication of the print edition.
General Regulations: changes
to the application fee structure were implemented in the following areas: Section
3.2 - Application Forms, Section 8.4 - Reinstatement, Section 8.5 - Exemption
from Registration, Section 13.4 - Exemption from Time Limit, Section 13.5 -
Extension of Time Limit. The Web edition of the Graduate Calendar reflects
the current application fee structure.
Computer Science: Senate-approved
late curricular and program changes for implementation in 2003-04 academic session
have been made to the School of Computer Science section. Three new courses,
COMP 5305, COMP 5408 AND COMP 5409 have been added, and the prerequisites for
COMP 5406 and COMP 5407 have been updated.
Ottawa-Carleton Institute for
Computer Science: Senate-approved late curricular and program changes for
implementation in the 2003-04 academic session have been made to the Ottawa-Carleton
Institute for Computer Science section. Guidelines for completion of the Master's
Degree and Doctoral Degree have been updated. The course title for COMP 5501
has changed; the course lists have been updated.
Special Topics - course descriptions for Special Topics in various disciplines
may be added throughout the year. Check the relevant course listing for information.