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Graduate Calendar Archives: 2003 / 2004 |
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Student Services and General InformationAlumni Association510 Robertson Hall The Carleton University Alumni Association represents more than 87,000 Carleton alumni worldwide. Membership is automatically extended to all graduates, and is available upon request to former students who have completed 5.0 credits but are no longer registered at Carleton. The objectives of the association are to advance the excellence and prestige of Carleton University as a distinguished institution of higher learning in Canada, and to encourage a spirit of loyalty, friendship, service and benevolence among the members. The Alumni Association serves the University by promoting its well-being through contact with graduates, government, the public, faculty, students and potential students. Its members are actively involved in various advisory boards, and as ambassadors for Carleton. It is governed by the Executive Council, a volunteer group. The Alumni Association is represented by 13 branches in major cities across North America, international affiliate groups and 18 active chapters. The Department of Development and Alumni Services maintains alumni records to ensure a meaningful dialogue between alumni and the University. All graduates with known addresses receive various correspondences from the University including Carleton University Magazine, news on events and activities such as Homecoming, and fundraising appeals. A great way to stay connected to Carleton is to visit our Web site at: www.carleton.ca/alumni. While there, you can join Carleton's award-winning online community of graduates in the Carleton Cafe. This virtual meeting place is where you'll network with old and new friends, post messages, access career and business opportunities, share your views on issues affecting Carleton, catch up on news and events, donate to the university or volunteer through PATRON (Putting Alumni Talent and Resources Online). PATRON is an online database of volunteers who are willing to share their time and expertise with other alumni, students and members of the university community. The Alumni Association sponsors Homecoming, reunions, an alumni awards program including the graduate and undergraduate Student of the Year Awards, and various chapter and branch activities. In addition, the University partners with a few select businesses to promote a variety of affinity services to alumni. These services are arranged with the support of the Carleton University Alumni Association and offer members a range of benefits, including an alumni affinity card, life, home and auto insurance, extended health, dental care, financial services, apparel and a variety of on-campus discounts. Funds raised from alumni participation in affinity services help to support student awards and other alumni initiatives such as Alumni Park and the Alumni Wall of Fame. Alumni may opt out of affinity mailings by informing the Department of Development and Alumni Services by email at devalum@carleton.ca or by phone at 1-800-461-8972.
Athletics and RecreationTelephone: (613) 520-4480 The mandate of the Department of Physical Recreation and Athletics is to enhance campus life, spirit, and health by providing a variety of opportunities for high-quality physical activity that meets the needs of students and staff. A balance of programs is offered for all skill and competitive levels, including freelance recreation, instructional programs, intramural sports, and inter-university athletics. The athletic facilities include a new 4,500 square metre fieldhouse with two artificial turf fields and a 220 meter jogging track; an L-shaped fifty-metre pool with diving tower; a Fitness Centre with weight-training equipment and cardiovascular machines; nine International squash courts; a double gymnasium; a heavy-weight training room and combatives and multipurpose rooms. Outdoor facilities include football and soccer fields, three other playing fields, and five tennis courts. These facilities may be available to students either for recreational needs or for organized competitions. Instructional classes include group fitness programs such as aerobics, weight-training, and step aerobics; personal training services; fitness appraisals; aquatics programs such as learn-to-swim, aquafit, and masters' swim; dance; martial arts; yoga; and tai chi. For further information on varsity athletics, competitive club teams, and intramurals, contact the Athletics Department or visit our Web site at www.carleton.ca/athletics Full-time graduate students are eligible for inter-university athletics, subject to league regulations. An Athletics Board advises the Department and the University on matters of athletics and recreation policy through the Office of the President. The Board is composed of members from Faculty, Administration, Alumni, the Students' Associations, and the Residence Association. BookstoreTelephone: (613) 520-3832 University textbooks, stationery supplies, magazines, Carleton merchandise, general books, special orders. The following hours are subject to change: Monday to Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Career Services508 University Centre Career Services (CS) is the campus career and employment centre, providing students and alumni with the resources and materials needed to embark upon their job search. Services provided by this office include: Job Postings Through our partnership with MonsterTRAK, Career Services offers a free of charge on-line job posting service called CarletonTRAK. This Internet-based campus recruitment tool provides Carleton students and recent graduates access to full-time, part-time, and summer job postings, internship programs, and Graduate Year Recruitment employment opportunities 24 hours a day, seven days a week. CarletonTRAK provides easy access to job postings, the ability to upload up to ten versions of your personal résumé on-line, to apply electronically to employment opportunities, to research various companies, and to gather information on educational institutions, courses and programs. Visit Career Services for more information about CarletonTRAK. To register and to obtain access simply visit www.carleton.ca/career/carletontrak.html, enter your student # and click 'submit'. Career Counseling and Employment Advising Career counseling assists students in learning to plan wisely and to handle concerns regarding the selection of academic majors and/or career fields. Career planning workshops help students become aware of different career fields and how they relate to academic majors. Two assessments are used to assist students to acquire knowledge about their personality and interests as they pertain to the world of work. Employment workshops such as Résumé/Cover Letter Writing, Job Search and Networking, and Interview Skills are offered weekly. Drop-in services provide students with individualized guidance on career and/or employment related concerns. To attend our workshops, register with our reception staff. Drop-in sessions are held weekly on a first-come, first-served basis, for up to 20 minutes. Employment Information Events CS organizes career and employment information events for students and recent graduates to gather information on career possibilities. Two of our larger events include the Career Fair, held every September, and the Summer Job Fair, held every January. Other events include on-campus visits from employers and associations to discuss career opportunities; information sessions on government employment programs; and presentations from various representatives to provide students and alumni with information about working abroad. Resource Centre A resource centre is available for students to research educational, employment, and career planning resources. Materials available include: occupational materials, university and community college calendars, company videos and CD-ROM's, job search materials, newspapers, business periodicals, occupational and labour market trends, and starting your own business guides. The resource centre holds work abroad information, salary information, and an assortment of employment directories and information on various associations. Information about other sources of assistance at Carleton and in the greater Ottawa community is also available. Some materials are available for lending through the Centre's library. Our Resource Centre also has a ten-station computer lab. Students and recent graduates have access to these computer stations for résumé and cover letter preparation, researching employers via the Internet and accessing full-time, part-time and summer job postings as well as Graduate Year Recruitment opportunities. All postings have targeted employers seeking to hire Carleton students and recent graduates through CarletonTRAK. Students are required to book computer time and obtain the Carleton password to CarletonTRAK with the front desk staff. Graduate Year Recruitment Employers from both the private and public sectors recruit Carleton University graduating students for permanent employment opportunities, available at the end of the academic terms. Positions advertised through the program are of a professional nature. Students seeking employment through the Graduate Year Recruitment Program must be in their graduating and final year of studies at Carleton University. The recruiting season takes place during the fall and winter terms. Graduate Year Recruitment job postings are advertised on-line through CarletonTRAK under a special feature called InterviewTRAK, which is available only for students who are in the final year of their degree program. To register and to obtain access to CarletonTRAK visit www.carleton.ca/career/carletontrak.html, enter your student # and click 'submit'. Graduate Year Recruitment information and events, as well as other employment activity will also be advertised through CarletonTRAK and through the Charlatan newspaper. Services for Recent Graduates All programs and services offered by Career Services are available for recent graduates up to three years from completion of their degree. Recent graduates are encouraged to post their résumé on-line through CarletonTRAK so that they can search and apply for current job opportunities that have been posted by employers targeting Carleton alumni. Attending our career and employment workshops will help recent grads make the successful transition from school to the world of work. Newsletter Career Services publishes The Explorer, which is filled with invaluable information and articles on career planning, résumé preparation, job searching tips and interview techniques. The Explorer also advertises upcoming employment programs, events and activities scheduled throughout the academic terms. Stay informed: watch for our publication available at Career Services. Carleton InternationalK.J. McGillivray, Director Carleton International co-ordinates the University's efforts in international activities. Carleton has many formal academic linkages with institutions in other countries. Carleton International administers these on behalf of the University, and many allow graduate students while registered at Carleton to spend a term or a year abroad on academic exchange. Information and applications to participate in an exchange as well as information on scholarship and study opportunities abroad are available through Carleton International. Exchange application deadline is November 30. Carleton International is also responsible for the negotiation, management and administration of international grants and contracts, liaison with the international and diplomatic community and for the reception of foreign visitors and delegations to the University. Carleton University Students' Association (CUSA)University Centre 401 The Carleton University Students' Association (CUSA) is an incorporated, student-run organization that promotes the interests of the student body. All registered full or part-time undergraduate students are members of CUSA. CUSA represents the students' interests to all levels of government and administration. It is also a member of the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) and CFS-Ontario. These two organizations are committed to bringing about necessary educational, administrative and/or legislative changes in those areas affecting students. Student services funded wholly or in part or operated by CUSA include: Career and Placement Services (by direct student levy); Carleton Disability Awareness Centre; Carleton Foot Patrol; Food Centre; Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Centre; Information Carleton; International Students' Centre; Mature and Part-time Students' Centre; New University Government; Off-Campus Students' Lounge; Womyn's Centre; and the Volunteer Centre. CUSA business ventures include: Oliver's Pub and Patio; Rooster's Coffeehouse; Unicentre Store; and a Canada Post outlet. The legislative body of CUSA is a 34-member Students' Council made up of representatives from each faculty and a President and Finance Commissioner who are elected annually by the student population. Elections take place in February. The term of office is twelve months commencing the following May. CUSA also sponsors more than 100 clubs and societies, alternate education programs, speaker series, and concerts. The Students' Association is continually working to improve and expand its scope of activities. Students are encouraged to communicate ideas and opinions to members of their elected representatives in CUSA, to participate and become actively involved in the activities of the Association, and to exercise their voting privileges. The ChaplaincyProtestant-Ecumenical Chaplaincy Roman Catholic Chaplaincy For over three decades a chaplaincy service has existed at Carleton. Part of its function is to share experiences, insights, friendships and our faith. We are also involved in study and discussion groups, community projects, development education, marriage preparation and religious services. In addition, we have connections with many organizations and resources on campus as well as with churches and religious groups in the Ottawa area. The two principal chaplains (Protestant-Ecumenical and Roman Catholic) are supported by a number of people in the Chaplaincy offices, which are open most days. Appointments are not necessary but at times they are advisable. People are encouraged to visit the offices at any time. Next to the offices in the Tory Tunnel there is a Quiet Room, which is used for individual meditation, religious services (times posted), and prayer group activity. It is open all day, five days a week. Check with the Chaplaincy office regarding special services. Colonel By Child Care CentreLocated by the Athletics Complex Colonel By Child Care Centre, a non-profit parent cooperative located on the university campus, has been providing quality child care to children and their families for over twenty-five years. Our skilled teaching staff provides care and education for 57 children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years year round from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. The centre is governed by the parents of enrolled children; cooperative partnerships between parents and staff enrich our programs and promote quality care. Enrolment priority is given to the students, staff and faculty of the university and the centre offers a number of subsidized spaces to families who qualify. Computer Store315 Southam Hall The Computer Store carries a full range of computer products, (including Apple, IBM, NEC Bell, and Compaq computers, printers, modems, and other peripherals) at very competitive prices. Software is also available with educational discounts up to 60% for students, faculty and staff with valid ID card. Store hours: Summer hours are posted at the entrance. Computing and Communications Services401 Robertson Hall A wide range of computer services is available to students. Several public computer labs provide access to over 80 different applications software packages, including the Microsoft and Corel Office Suites. Comprehensive data analysis packages such as SAS, SPSS, Maple, NVivo, ArcView and ArcInfo are available for general research applications. All students are eligible for accounts that provide access to e-mail, calendar, course discussion groups, and the Internet. Laser printing facilities and CD-ROM services are available at the labs on campus. The Campus Help Desk provides assistance to students during regular business hours as well as evenings and weekends during the school term. Complete information about computing on campus is available on the Web at: www.carleton.ca/ccs. For information or assistance, please visit the CCS Campus Help Desk at MacOdrum Library 4th floor, or call 520-3700. Copyright ComplianceCarleton University is committed to compliance in all copyright matters. Noncompliance is a violation of the Canadian Copyright Act. In addition to any actions that might be taken by any copyright owner or its licensing agent, the University will take steps against any breach of this policy. See www.carleton.ca/ims/copyrig1.html for guidelines on copyright compliance. DisclosureThe Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities and Statistics Canada require that Carleton University provide to them information pertaining to a student's status and other selected personal information. Upon registration as a student, one is deemed to agree to the disclosure by Carleton University of the student's status and other selected personal information pursuant to any such requirement. Equity Services421 Tory Building Equity Services consists of the Centre for Aboriginal Education, Research and Culture, the Mediation Centre, the Race Equity Office and the Status of Women Office. The role of Equity Services at Carleton is to promote equity, accommodate diversity and prevent discrimination. Proactive work includes workshops on diversity, cultural sensitivity, anti-racism, conflict resolution, mediation, harassment prevention as well as research on aboriginal issues. Each office has an extensive collection of publications and up-to-date research in their respective areas. Staff mediate conflict between individuals or among groups, work to resolve complaints of harassment or discrimination and provide advice to students, staff and faculty. Equity Services is largely responsible for the implementation of Carleton's new comprehensive Human Rights Policies and Procedures passed by Senate in May 2001. This policy outlines our commitment to prevent discrimination and harassment, in sections entitled: "Anti-Racism and Ethnocultural Relations Policy; Gender Equality Policy; Sexual Orientation Equality Policy; and Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy." The new policy also includes a section on Educational Equity which reinforces the university's commitment to "equity in educational programs and services" and designates Equity Services as a resource for students needing accommodation based on religious or parental and family obligations. This policy can be found on our Web site - go to www.carleton.ca/equity. Equity Services: Centre for Aboriginal Education, Research and Culture (CAERC) Suite 421 Tory Building The Centre for Aboriginal Education, Research and Culture exists to provide Aboriginal students, both from the reserves and from the cities, with a home away from home, a place to connect with other Aboriginal peoples for mutual support and encouragement. CAERC as an Aboriginal organization provides indigenous resources and information to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal researchers alike, thus fostering a sense of community and respect among all cultures. CAERC assures Aboriginal representation and presence on campus, provides a base for keeping in touch with Aboriginal events and issues, and promotes awareness of indigenous communities and peoples as participants in ancient, living cultures which remain powerful from time immemorial and into the distant future. Equity Services: The Mediation Centre 421 Tory Building The Mediation Centre offers assistance to individuals and groups in conflict at the University. Students, staff and faculty can access the Centre free. Training, group facilitation, mediation, conciliation, chairing of meetings, strategic planning leadership, prevention and de-escalation, team building and problem-solving facilitation, consultation and advice are available upon request from the Centre. The Mediation Centre uses a collaborative problem-solving process by which individuals and groups in conflict identify and resolve their problems with their conflicts with the help of an impartial third party who has no decision-making power. Roommate, landlord-tenant, interpersonal relationships, neighborhood, sexual harassment, and human rights are some of the disputes handled through the Centre. Every September, the Centre recruits volunteers among faculty, staff, students and Ottawa South residents and trains them as mediators. Please contact the Centre if you are interested in becoming a volunteer. The Centre also offers academic and teaching support and hosts an annual Symposium on Conflict Resolution in February. Please contact the Centre for more information. Equity Services: Race Equity Office 421 Tory Building Carleton University is host to students from various racial, cultural and ethnic backgrounds. The University has a well-established reputation for its commitment to excellence in diversity, and the Race Equity Co-ordinator works collaboratively with a wide range of students, faculty, staff and senior administrators to promote diversity as an institutional value and develop campus-wide educational programs to assist in broadening their knowledge and sensitivity to cultural and racial diversity. The Office deals with complaints of racial discrimination and harassment and provides a confidential adviser service to complainants. The Office also offers workshops on topics such as employment and educational equity, 'chilly climate,' and racism. These workshops are available to campus groups, student organizations, departments, classes, or by request. Equity Services: Status of Women 421 Tory Building Staff in the Status of Women Office work with various committees on campus to improve women's access to education, employment and services. Assistance is provided in locating childcare, resolving harassment complaints, personal and campus safety, date rape and sexual assault, lack of accessibility, sexism, employment and education equity, and chilly climate. Services are available to all students, faculty and staff. FeesTuition Fees and Charges 2003-04 Tuition fees, late charges, and other fees and charges are reviewed in the spring of each year. At the time of printing, tuition fees and charges for 2003-04 were not yet determined. Once fees and charges have been set, specific details will be published on Carleton's Web site by May 1 (www.carleton.ca/fees/) and in the Registration Instructions and Class Schedule booklet which is made available to all incoming and returning students in July. Students are advised to familiarize themselves with this information. Dates Relating to Fees and Charges Dates relating to tuition fee payments, cancellations of course selections, late charges, and other fees or charges are published in the Important Dates and Deadlines section of the 2003-04 Registration Instructions and Class Schedule booklet. Graduate Students' AssociationUniversity Centre 600 The Graduate Students' Association (GSA) represents the collective interests and promotes the general welfare of the graduate students of Carleton University. The Association promotes and maintains communications between the graduate students and the University administration and represents graduate students within the University. The GSA can aid individual graduate students with specific problems related to the University community. The Association also acts to stimulate social, intellectual and political contact among graduate students. The GSA Council is comprised of annually elected student representatives from each department, a four-member Executive (Internal Directors) and two External Directors. The Council meets on a monthly basis. For more information on becoming a GSA Councilor, contact the GSA office. The Association owns and operates two separate lounges: Mike's Place (613) 520-6681), a pub on the second level of the Unicentre; and the Gekko Grotto (ext. 8783), a coffee and computer lounge on the sixth level of the Unicentre. For full information on GSA services, please refer to the Graduate Student Handbook: Manual and Daily Planner, available from the GSA, your department, or Graduate Studies. Health and Counselling ServicesSuite 2600 Health and Counselling Services is your wellness centre at Carleton University. The centre offers a wide range of services, including treatment of illness, immunizations, birth control information, a health education program, and much more. Our counselling services has professionally trained counsellors and psychiatrists to help with personal and emotional difficulties. All health records are confidential and will not be released to anyone without client written consent. Our hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (May - August) and 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (September - April). Appointments are encouraged and may be made in person or by calling (613) 520-6674. If you feel you need medical attention before an available appointment, you may drop in and see a member of our health care team who will make an initial assessment and direct further care as needed. After-hours medical services are available from Holland-Carling After Hours Clinic located at 476 Holland Ave. (at Carling), phone 722-9689. When you call to book an appointment please identify yourself as a Carleton student. Counsellors are available to see students on a self-referral basis. Along with regular counselling appointments, our counselling staff offers "drop-in" times daily, for students needing short but immediate contact with a counsellor. Personal counselling can help individuals deal more effectively with emotional and social concerns. A Health Education Program, promoting healthy lifestyles and wellness, offers on-going workshops presented by trained student peer educators. Topics include, but are not limited to, nutrition, alcohol, sexuality, stress management and smoking cessation. For more information, call the Health Educator at (613) 520-6676. Health Insurance 1. Ontario Students Carry your health insurance number with you at all times. If you do not have one, application for coverage must be made directly with the Ministry of Health at 75 Albert Street in Ottawa. 2. Students from Another Province If you are from outside of Ontario, check that your health insurance is active and carry your number with you at all times. We don't bill you; we bill your provincial insurance plans directly. 3. Students from Outside Canada The University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) is compulsory for all international students upon registration. Further information regarding UHIP may be obtained from the foreign student advisor, the International Student Centre or Carleton International. If you do not have any health insurance, you may be billed for services rendered. The University may withhold the marks of students with outstanding accounts. Immunization Record It is recommended that new students: 1. Check with your family physician to ensure adequate immunization. An updated tuberculin skin test is recommended. 2. Obtain documentation of vaccination to red measles, German measles, mumps, polio and tetanus from your family physician. A booster dose of measles/mumps/rubella vaccine is recommended if you have not been re-immunized since infancy. 3. Discuss Hepatitis B vaccine with your family physician. The Medical Office of Health for Ottawa-Carleton region strongly recommends it for all adolescents and young adults. Housing and Food Services261 Stormont House Residences Carleton's on campus residences house 2180 students in two types of accommodation. The traditional residence hall offers accommodation to undergraduate students in single and shared (double) study bedrooms. Bathrooms are also shared. As the traditional residence hall makes no provision to permit the preparation of meals, all students assigned to this accommodation must participate in a Residence food service meal plan. The second type of accommodation is a suite style residence that offers single room accommodation, clustered around shared kitchenette and bathroom facilities. There are two types of suite clusters, consisting of two or four single bedrooms. The suite style residence is reserved for graduate students and senior undergraduate students enrolled in their third and fourth year of study. The kitchenettes in the suite style residence include refrigerators and counter top burners located beneath kitchen exhaust hoods. Students who are assigned to live in these units may purchase a Residence food services meal plan, at their option. Regardless of accommodation type, all study bedrooms are furnished with bed and mattress, desk and chair, study lamp, closet and drawer space. Local telephone service for each resident is provided in the Residence fee. Each bed also has access to the Residence Ethernet system, which can be activated for an additional fee. Current offerings of Residence food services meal plans include: Plan A providing lunch and dinner seven days a week in the Residence dining hall; Plan B providing any 12 meals per week (lunch and dinner) in the Residence dining hall and a $300 cash credit on the Campus Card, to be used at any University-operated food service outlet on campus; Plan C providing any nine meals per week (lunch and dinner) in the Residence dining hall and a $750 cash credit on the Campus Card. Plan D is available only for those assigned to live in the suite style residence. It provides any five lunches and dinners in a week, with a cash credit of$400 applied to the Campus Card. There are no facilities on campus for married students. Graduate students wishing to apply to live in residence should make inquiries to the office of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. Off-Campus Housing Telephone: (613) 520-5614 The Off-Campus Housing Service is designed to provide assistance in finding suitable accommodation to students who cannot be accommodated on campus or who are interested in off-campus housing. This service mainly operates on a self-help basis, with listings of accommodation posted outside 261 Stormont House for viewing 24 hours per day, seven days a week. During normal office hours, staff members are pleased to assist with information, advice, etc. In addition, the Off Campus Centre, located in 211 Residence Commons Building, operates from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. in July and August. Staff of the Centre provide personal assistance and further information. Details regarding each listing include rates and amenities provided. The University does not undertake to inspect or approve any of the facilities listed, so it is strongly advised that the search be undertaken in person. The listings can also be viewed on the Housing and Conference Services web site at www.carleton.ca. A section titled "Faculty and Staff Listing" is published on the Web site, listing accommodations of staff members going on sabbatical leave for periods ranging from four months to two years. In addition to the available rental accommodations, a 'looking for' section is also posted. Food Services À-la-carte food service is available in seven locations across campus: The Food Court, offering Mr. Submarine, Arrriba, Harvey's, Market Grill and Pizza Pizza, second level, University Centre; Ritazza, first level, University Centre; Tim Horton's, fourth level, University Centre The Loeb Cafe, first level, Loeb Building; The Junction, Library precinct, Tunnel level; The Oasis Cafeteria, first level, Residence Commons; The Bent Coin, fifth level, Robertson Hall. In addition, "all-you-care-to-eat" lunch and dinner is available in the Residence Dining Halls, third level Residence Commons for the price of admission. Students with Campus Cash plans are entitled to reduced prices and tax exemption where permitted. Vending machines provide off-hour service. Students with Campus Cash plans can make cash purchases without using cash from many of these machines. A variety of "Campus Cash" plans are available to students offering savings on campus food purchases through both discounts and tax exemptions. "Care Packages" provide an easy means for friends and families to send birthday cakes, exam study snacks, or celebrate other special occasions with a food treat. The catering division of food services is equipped to provide banquet services, receptions, party trays or beverage service for groups of up to 800 guests. Tour and Conference Centre Each year from May to August, the Housing and Conferences Services Department operates a successful Tour and Conference Centre. Residence facilities accommodate up to 1,800 guests. A wide range of services including accommodation, catering, meeting rooms, lecture theatres, all at very reasonable rates, are available to conferences and tour groups. Accommodation is also available to short-term summer visitors from the single traveler staying only one night to students and their families who wish to attend or participate in such University functions as Convocation and first-year student Welcome programs. Long-term summer residence (four to sixteen weeks) can be reserved in conjunction with one of four available meal plans. Arrangements for special functions such as wedding receptions, banquets, parties (large and small) and meetings or other special events are also co-ordinated by the Tour and Conference Centre. Such events may be booked throughout the year. For further information please contact the Tour and Conference Centre. Inventions, Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property and the Graduate StudentTechnology and Research Development Office In the course of their research activities, graduate students at Carleton University sometimes make discoveries that have commercial potential. There is a process that enables inventors at Carleton University to seek protection for their ideas and to enter partnerships to seek commercial possibilities. As soon as preliminary research results exist or when outsiders have expressed interest in your research area or technology, graduate students should contact the Technology and Research Development Office. This office identifies, evaluates, and, in some cases, protects the inventions and technologies developed on campus. If you have any questions regarding intellectual property, patents, confidentiality agreements, etc. please contact the Technology and Research Development Office or visit their Web page at: www.carleton.ca/trdo. LibraryMacOdrum Library
Fall/Winter Terms Monday to Friday 8:00 A.M. - 11:00 P.M. Spring/Summer Intersessions Monday to Friday 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. Summer Term
The Library closes for all holidays except Good Friday and Easter Monday. Library Senior Staff
The Maxwell MacOdrum Library provides access to a wide variety of materials in support of teaching, learning, and research at Carleton. The collection includes more than three million books, journals (print and electronic), government documents, maps, newspapers, music scores, CDs, microforms, archives, and rare materials. Individual and group study space is available for more than 875 readers. The building is open daily, including evenings and weekends, for over 100 hours a week. Detailed information on the collection, services, and hours can be found in a series of printed guides available in the Library and on the Library Web site. Access to Resources Patrons may access the collection through an online Library Catalogue, which can be searched from computer workstations on each floor of the Library, from computer labs on-campus and personal computers in residence, and via dial-in or Internet from any location off campus. The Library Web site is specially designed to help students and faculty locate information from a variety of sources. It offers direct access to the on-line catalogue, a large number of Web and CD-ROM databases, electronic journals, catalogues from other libraries, and additional subject-oriented resources. Assistance in Using the Library Library staff are available 7 days a week, at two locations on the Main floor: the main Information Desk and MADGIC (Maps, Data and Government Information Centre). Assistance in the use of the collection and other resources is provided. Individual and group orientation tours are given at the beginning of term. Library instruction and subject-related seminars are arranged on request throughout the year. Services for Students with Disabilities The Library is wheelchair accessible. The Joy Maclaren Adaptive Technology Centre, which is available to students who are referred by the Paul Menton Centre, is furnished with specialized equipment, adjustable workstations and study carrels. Services offered include use of an elevator key, access to talking book material, and assistance from staff in retrieving library materials and/or using equipment. Other Library Services Debit card photocopy machines are located throughout the Library. Equipment is available for reading and printing microform materials. Special requests may be submitted to staff in the Photocopy Centre: colour copies, enlargements, and print copies of exams for the last three years. On the 4th floor, there are three computer labs where students may access email, the Web and course-related software. Specialized Collections
Borrower Information Books may be borrowed at the Circulation Desk or by using a self-serve machine located on the Main floor. Items, with the exception of reserve materials, circulate 2 weeks (undergraduates) or 4 weeks (4th year Honours and graduates, faculty, staff). Examination grades and transcripts will be withheld from students who owe library fines. Items not available in the Library may be borrowed from other libraries through our Interlibrary Loans Department, or from a commercial Document Delivery Service. Reciprocal library agreements also allow Carleton students access and borrowing privileges at most university libraries in Canada. Some restrictions may apply. For users' convenience, these books can be returned to the Carleton Library. Students (Graduate and Honours) in science and engineering and selected programs have been granted special onsite and photocopying privileges at CISTI, the premiere science collection in Canada. To use this service, students must have their library card validated at the Carleton University Circulation Desk. Ombuds Services511 University Centre Ombuds Services deals with a variety of grievances and complaints as well as with requests for information. A few examples of the on-campus and off-campus problems include academic appeals, graduation appeals, fee disputes and tenant issues. Financing of this service is provided equally by the University and the Students' Association (CUSA). Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities500 University Centre Larry McCloskey Nancy McIntyre Somei Tam Matthew Cole Academic Accommodation Carleton University has an Academic Accommodation Policy for Students with Disabilities. This policy promotes efforts to accommodate students with disabilities so that they will have the opportunity to meet learning objectives and be fairly evaluated in their performance. The University is strongly committed to providing access and accommodation for all individuals with identified and duly assessed disabilities. In no case, however, does academic accommodation negotiate away, lower or remove the academic standards and learning objectives of any course or program at the University. Publications A series of brochures and flyers on resources and services available to students with disabilities at Carleton University may be obtained from the Paul Menton Centre free of charge. Information is also available online from www.carleton.ca/pmc. Of particular interest to teaching assistants, the PMC also publishes an Instructor and TA Information Booklet that provides useful information for accommodating students with disabilities in the classroom. Contact the PMC to obtain a copy of this booklet or view the same information online from our Web site. : Requests for Service The Paul Menton Centre provides individualized support services, based on appropriate and current documentation, to persons who are deaf or hard of hearing, with learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), visual impairments, head injuries, physical disabilities including mobility impairments, or who have psychiatric or other medical disabilities. Students are responsible for applying for special services by making an appointment with the appropriate coordinator. All requests will be considered on an individual needs basis. Students are advised to come to the Centre early in the term to discuss service requests. Examination Accommodations Examination accommodations for all tests and examinations (in-class, itv, or formally scheduled) must be arranged by specific deadline dates. Please contact the Paul Menton Centre or visit our Web-site for a list of deadlines for all examinations. Accommodation requests not made prior to the specified deadlines will not be fulfilled. Library Services for Students with Disabilities Students referred by the Paul Menton Centre have access to the Joy Maclaren Adaptive Technology Centre, located on the main floor of the MacOdrum Library, Room 232. Heather Cross, Coordinator of Library Services for Students with Disabilities, is located in the department of Reference Services, Room 206 (520-2600, extension 8186). Students are advised to contact her for a complete list of services available in the Library including use of the Centre, research assistance, stacks retrieval, assistance with photocopying, and reserves assistance. Services at the University of Ottawa for students with disabilities are also available to Carleton students. Students must obtain a letter of referral from Heather Cross for each academic year to have access to services at the University of Ottawa. The Joy Maclaren Adaptive Technology Centre has six workstations on which students have access to various software applications (word processing and spreadsheets), SS-Labs, CUBE, Chat Accounts, Internet Access, the Campus Network, large screen monitors, adjustable-height computer tables, a voice recognition system, screen magnification, screen reading and a scanner. The Library's contact for alternate format material is Margaret McLeod of the department of Reference Services (520-2600, extension 8943). It is essential to obtain course outlines as early as possible, and to get your requests in early. Students may scan printed material using the Kurzweil 3000, a reading system that converts printed material into an electronic text format that could read by a voice synthesizer. This reading system is housed in the Joy Maclaren Adaptive Technology Centre. Assistive Technical Devices A limited number of note-taking keyboards, two and four-track tape recorders, and personal FM systems are available for loan from the Paul Menton Centre. Speak to a coordinator about your needs. Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing It is the student's responsibility to initiate early inquiries. If specialized equipment or services, such as personal FM systems or sign language interpreters, are required, please contact the Centre at least a month prior to the start of classes. Students with Learning Disabilities It is required that the student have a recent psychoeducational assessment available which has been administered after the age of 16 or within three years of initial registration at the Paul Menton Centre. This will allow Paul Menton Centre staff to organize services that address each individual's particular learning disability. The Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities has recently funded two positions to provide an enhanced service to students with learning disabilities. The Enhanced Services Fund has made possible the creation of a Learning Strategist and an Assistive Learning Technologist. The Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities has funded an intensive Summer transition program for students with learning disabilities. The Summer Institute is intended for students with learning disabilities who are continuing directly to post-secondary education in the fall term. For more information, please contact the Paul Menton Centre. Students with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) To receive accommodation, students with ADD are required to have formal identification from a psychiatrist, psychologist or physician. For further information contact the Paul Menton Centre. Students with Mobility Impairments The campus of Carleton University is well equipped for accommodating persons with physical disabilities. The buildings are in close proximity to each other and most are connected by tunnels. All of the main buildings have elevators and are ramped for outside entrance and egress. Most sidewalks have been made accessible by curb-cut renovations. A building-by-building accessibility inventory is available from the Centre or on the Web site. Students with Non-Visible Disabilities Students with non-visible disabilities may have legitimate needs which are not easily recognized or understood within the University community. Students with psychiatric or medical disabilities may wish to contact the Paul Menton Centre to discuss issues of concern to them. Appropriate documentation is required. Attendant Services Program in Residence for Students with Disabilities The Attendant Services Program in Residence offers 24-hour assistance with activities of daily living such as personal care, room chores, cafeteria assistance, etc. The program is available to students with various levels of disability and attempts to respond to individuals according to their specific needs. In order to provide comprehensive services only a limited number of program spaces are available each year. A guide describing the program in detail is available free of charge by contacting the Attendant Services Co-ordinator at (613) 520-6615. For students who need an accessible room in residence but do not require attendant services, a limited number of rooms are available based on the following criteria: the need for special accommodation, level of disability, whether the applicant has housing alternatives in the area, and the date of application. For further information contact the Accommodations Officer in the Department of Housing and Food Services at (613) 520-5612. Student Life Services501 University Centre Student Life Services offers a wide range of programs and services to assist students in their adjustment to academic life, in improving their learning strategies, and in making decisions with regard to academic and career concerns. Four units comprise Student Life Services. They are Campus Life Program, Career Services, International Student Advisory, and the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities. Campus Life Program The goal of the Campus Life Program is to assist new students in a variety of areas (e.g., academic, social, emotional, leadership) thereby easing the transition to life at Carleton University. In addition to orientation activities, services and programs are offered throughout the year to support students' academic success, to introduce them to the many resources available on campus and to increase involvement in university life. Campus Life Programming is available to both undergraduate and graduate students. Study Skills Program The Study Skills Program coordinates a series of workshops and drop-in hours, which begin in early September. Topics include: Active Reading, Essay Writing, Oral Presentations, as well as general Study Skills workshops covering Note-taking, Time Management and Exam Preparation. These workshops are offered in small groups to accommodate discussion and interaction, and participants have access to individual follow-up if needed. For individual assistance in a specific study skill area, drop-in times are scheduled. Free brochures on topics such as Time Management, Active Reading, Note-taking, Exam Preparation, and Study Skills for itv students are available. Students may also view the variety of study skills videotapes offered through the program. International Student Advisory The International Student Adviser is available to discuss particular concerns international students may have. An orientation program is held every September and January for incoming international students. Information and assistance concerning university education, financial assistance, UHIP health coverage, immigration regulations, and the general adjustment to a new living situation are available. Please call for drop-in and appointment times. Student Participation in Academic AffairsStudents may become involved in academic issues on campus in several ways. Students may join the New University Government (NUG). NUG is an organization which gives students direct input into academic decisions by filling the student representative positions at departmental meetings. Students then have direct input into curriculum committees and hiring boards, as well as routine departmental issues. Each department has at least one graduate NUG representative. Departmental NUG representatives also sit on their (specific/respective) Faculty Boards. Each faculty is entitled to send two representatives to the Graduate Faculty Board, and two of these student representatives are elected to the University Senate where most of the general academic decisions are made. Several Senate policy committees have graduate student representation. These include the Library, Computer, Admission and Studies, University Government, and the Academic Planning committees. There are other Senate committees, but to date they do not have spaces reserved specifically for graduate students. The Graduate Students Association (GSA) council provides a forum in which representatives from every department meet not only to discuss academic issues, but to formulate GSA policies on academic matters that may be presented to Senate or other University committees. To obtain more information on any of these, please call the GSA at 520-6616, or drop by the office, 600 Unicentre. Study AbroadCarleton has many formal academic linkages with institutions in other countries. Carleton International administers these on behalf of the University. Students have the opportunity to spend a term or a year abroad in partner institutions in Australia, Austria, Brazil, England, Germany, Finland, France, Hungary, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Tanzania, Scotland, Slovakia or Wales and take courses accredited towards their Carleton degree. Application forms and scholarship information for study abroad is available through Carleton International, Room 1506 Dunton Tower. Application deadline is usually late November. University CentreThe University Centre (Unicentre) is a non-academic, student-oriented building, which serves as the hub of the campus. It is home to the Carleton University Students' Association and most of its operations (i.e. coffeehouse, pub, convenience store). Its location and atmosphere makes it the perfect meeting place and an ideal setting for events of interest to all students. In addition to housing CUSA services, the Unicentre is home to: Student Life Services, Information Carleton, Ombuds Services, the Graduate Students' Association, a division of the Ontario Public Information Research Group, and the Paul Menton Centre. Porter Hall, which is available for both on- and off-campus groups to rent, is also located within the Unicentre. For a more complete list of the services available, please see the section entitled Carleton University Students' Association. Writing Tutorial ServiceThe Writing Tutorial Service offers individual and small group tutorials to students who want advice on the writing of university essays. Tutors provide practical instruction on all aspects of the writing process from the initial research and data gathering, to the exploration and organization of ideas, through to the final preparation of the manuscript. The service regularly presents workshops on style and the general principles of essay writing at the request of faculty and/or teaching assistants. The service is offered free of charge to all Carleton students. For an appointment or information, call (613) 520-6632 or visit 215 Paterson Hall from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. |
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