Carleton University Senate Policy Regarding Discrimination
and Sexual Harassment
Carleton University is a community of faculty, staff, and
students who are engaged in teaching, learning and research.
Its members are part of the community at large and are governed
by the law common to all persons. But membership in the
academic community also entails certain rights and
responsibilities. The University respects the rights of speech,
assembly, and dissent; it prohibits discrimination on the basis
of race, ancestry, place or origin, colour, ethnic origin,
national origin, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital
status, family status, political affiliation or belief, or
handicap that is defined as such in the Ontario Human Rights
Code; it requires tolerance and respect for the rights of
others; and it promotes an environment conducive to personal
and intellectual growth. (Please refer to the Offences of
Conduct and Academic Standing sections of this Calendar.)