Dunton Tower 1419
Telephone: 520-6645
Fax: 520- 2622
Web site: www.carleton.ca/womensstudies/
The Institute
Director, L. Pauline Rankin
The Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's Studies does not
offer a program at the graduate level. However, it does offer
graduate-level courses which can, with the permission of the
school, institute, or department in which the student is
enrolled, be used towards a degree program.
Graduate Courses
Not all of the following courses are offered in a given
year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for
2003-2004 and to determine the term of offering, consult the
Registration Instructions and Class Schedule booklet, published
in the summer and also available online at
Course Designation System
Carleton's course designation system has been restructured.
The first entry of each course description below is the new
alphanumeric Carleton course code, followed by its credit value
in brackets. The old Carleton course number (in parentheses) is
included for reference, where applicable.
- WOMN 5000 [0.5 credit] (formerly 09.500)
- Issues for Feminist Scholarship
- An interdisciplinary examination of the development of
feminist scholarship. Critical analysis of such questions
as the connection between feminist scholarship and
activism; the interconnections between gender and social
class, race/ethnicity, and sexual orientation; the
challenge of integrating feminist research into the
traditional disciplines.
- Prerequisite: Graduate standing and permission of the
- WOMN 5001 [0.5 credit] (formerly 09.501)
- Research Seminar in Women's Studies
- A seminar in which each student undertakes a
cross-disciplinary research project for which gender is a
primary category of analysis.
- Prerequisite: WOMN 5000 and permission of the