Systems and Computer Engineering
Mackenzie Building 4456
Telephone: (613) 520-5740
Fax: (613) 520-5727
Email: gradinfo@sce.carleton.ca
Web site: www.sce.carleton.ca
The Department
Chair of the Department: R.A. Goubran
Associate Chair for Graduate Studies: S. Majumdar
Director, Telecommunications Technology Management
Program: A.J. Bailetti
In addition to University and Graduate Faculty regulations,
all Engineering departments share common procedures that are
described in Section 18 of the General Regulations section of
this Calendar.
The Department of Systems and Computer Engineering has a
large and active graduate program. We offer five graduate
programs of study:
- M.A.Sc. in Electrical Engineering
- M.Eng. in Electrical Engineering
- M.Eng. in Telecommunications Technology Management
- M.Sc. in Information and Systems Science
- Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering.
In addition, certain faculty members in the department are
members of the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Computer Science,
which offers a program leading to the M.C.S. degree. This
program is more fully described in the Institute's section of
this Calendar.
The programs are described in more detail below.
Fields of Research and Study
Research in the Department centres upon the analysis and
design of engineering systems which process and transmit
information and have computers as components. Within this
context, several interrelated areas of study receive major
Communication Systems
- Broadband, ATM, and Multimedia Networks
- Wireless Data Networks
- Portable and Mobile Communication Systems
- Signal Processing
- Network Management
- Software Methods
- Coding and Information Theory
Computer Systems
- CAD/CASE of Software and Systems
- Real-Time and Distributed Computing
- Software Engineering
- Object-Oriented Systems
- Design and Management of Distributed Application
- Computer Resource Management
- Modeling of Client-Server Systems
- Data Base Systems
- Knowledge-based Systems
- Image Processing Systems
- Signal Processing Systems
- Robotic Systems
- Control Systems
Analysis Techniques
- Modeling and Simulation
- Performance Analysis
- Optimization
Management of Engineering Processes
- Management of Design Systems
- Software Project Management
- Business and Technology Opportunities
- Integrated Product Development
Course work provides students with the fundamental material
and allows specialization in one or more of the above areas as
desired. Thesis topics include both theoretical studies and the
related problems of practicable realizations.
Industrial Connections
The Department is a member of several Centres of
- The Canadian Institute for Telecom-munications
- Communications and Information Technology Ontario
(CITO) (this replaces the older Telecommunications Research
Institute of Ontario of which we were founding
- TeleLearning Network (TLN), a National Centre of
Current research areas of the centres with major
participation from the Departments are: broadband ISDN access
networks, transmission methods for ISDN, methods for
telecommunications software, mobile and portable wireless
networks, VLSI in communications and network management using
artificial intelligence methods, and wireless indoor digital
Full advantage is taken of the technology-oriented
industry-government-university complex in the Ottawa area.
Co-operative projects are in progress with Nortel, Newbridge,
Mitel, Stentor, the Department of Communications,
Communications Research Centre, NRC, Bell Canada and the
Department of National Defence. We are also involved in the
Research Program in Managing Technological Change (MATCH),
which is of particular interest to students in the M.Eng. in
Telecommunications Technology Management.
Research Facilities
The Department has an excellent collection of facilities for
advanced research in systems and computer engineering. There
are about 100 engineering workstations, primarily SUN, but also
NT and other types, on an Ethernet local area network,
multiprocessor target systems, and many other stand-alone and
networked workstations. The network is part of the Internet and
so has access to the World Wide Web, electronic mail, network
news, and much public domain research software. There are also
numerous high-end PCs and Macintosh computers, many equipped
for desktop video conferencing.
Software includes all of the standard programming and AI
languages, symbolic algebra systems, wordprocessors, and
various packages specific to telecommunications, signal
processing, performance analysis, software engineering, and
other areas of research.
The communications and image and signal processing labs
provide state-of-the-art test, measurement, and prototyping
facilities which include radio transmission and test equipment
(up to EHF frequencies), co-processor boards, audio equipment,
data acquisition hardware, interactive video conferencing lab
equipment, robots, etc.
The main research laboratories include the following:
- Broadband Networks
- Digital Signal Processing
- Image Processing
- Internet System Software Performance
- Managing Technological Change
- Mobile and Portable Communications
- Network Management and Artificial Intelligence
- Personal Communication Systems
- Radio Communications
- Real-Time and Distributed Systems
- Robotics, Automation, and Control
- TeleLearning
Master of Applied Science and Master of Engineering in
Electrical Engineering
The M.A.Sc. and M.Eng. in Electrical Engineering are offered
through the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Electrical and
Computer Engineering (OCIECE) which is jointly administered by
the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering and the
Department of Electronics at Carleton University, and the
School of Information Technology and Engineering at the
University of Ottawa. For further information about the M.A.Sc.
and the M.Eng. in Electrical Engineering, including admission
and program requirements, please see the Institute's section in
this Calendar.
The M.Eng. is also available as part of ConGESE (Consortium
for Graduate Education in Software Engineering), a
collaborative program offering a specialization in software
engineering. This program is geared towards software
professionals working for participating industrial partners.
The ConGESE program imposes further regulations and
requirements on the existing program. The degree awarded will
in each case specify the discipline of the participating unit
with specialization in software engineering. Additional
information is available from the graduate supervisor.
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering
The Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering is offered through the
Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Electrical and Computer
Engineering (OCIECE) which is jointly administered by the
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering and the
Department of Electronics at Carleton University, and the
School of Information Technology and Engineering at the
University of Ottawa. For further information about the Ph.D.
in Electrical Engineering, including admission and program
requirements, please see the Institute's section of this
Master of Science in Information and Systems Science
The M.Sc. in Information and Systems Science is specifically
designed for those who do not have a background in electrical
engineering or computer science. This program is offered in
cooperation with the School of Computer Science and the School
of Mathematics and Statistics at Carleton University. Please
see the Information and Systems Science section of this
Calendar for details.
Master of Engineering in Telecommunications Technology
The Department of Systems and Computer Engineering offers a
program of study and research leading to the degree of Master
of Engineering in Telecommunications Technology Management.
The objective of the program is to train engineers and
computer scientists to become competent and efficient managers
of the engineering processes that deliver innovative
telecommunications systems, products, and services. The
emphasis is on design, development, manufacture, and technical
support, areas for which engineers are normally responsible and
where their technical expertise and practical knowledge are
The program focuses on research in the synthesis between
communication systems engineering and management of engineering
processes. Within this context the following areas receive
major attention:
- Management of Engineering Processes
- Network Design, Protocols and Performance
- Software Engineering
- Wireless and Satellite Communications
- Manufacturing Systems Analysis Close links are
maintained with the engineering and technological
communities, and an effort is made to direct students to
thesis and project work of current theoretical and
practical significance. The research results should provide
useful contributions to the efficient management of
engineering processes and the related activities in the
telecommunications field.
Admission Requirements
The normal requirement for admission to the master's program
is a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering, computer
science or a related discipline, with at least high honours
standing. Candidates are required to have two years experience
in technical work in telecommunications prior to admission.
Candidates applying for admission with degrees not in the
discipline of engineering will be considered by the admissions
committee. The committee is responsible for establishing
criteria for degree equivalencies.
Program Requirements
Subject to the approval of the admissions committee,
students in the master's program may choose to complete the
degree by successfully completing either a thesis or a
Master's Degree by Thesis
All master's students in the thesis option are required to
complete a total of 5.5 credits as follows:
- 1.5 compulsory credits including: TTMG 5001; TTMG 5002;
and TTMG 5003
- 2.0 approved credits from the list of restricted
elective courses below
- a thesis equivalent to 2.0 credits
Master's Degree by Project
All master's students in the project option are required to
complete a total of 5.5 credits of which at least 5.0 must be
at the 5000-level or above, as follows:
- 1.5 compulsory credits including: TTMG 5001; TTMG 5002;
and TTMG 5003
- 2.0 approved credits from the list of restricted
elective courses below
- 1.0 credit of approved non-restricted electives
- a graduate project equivalent to 1.0 credit
Restricted Elective Courses
Students in the master's program must complete 1.0 credit in
the field of management of engineering processes and 1.0 credit
in communication systems engineering. Courses in each of the
four sub-fields and the field of management of engineering
processes are listed below.
The sub-fields in communication systems engineering are:
- Software Engineering
- Wireless and Satellite Communications
- Network Design, Protocols and Performance
- Manufacturing Systems Analysis
All courses in the field of communication systems
engineering are offered by the Department of Systems and
Computer Engineering and begin with the prefix SYSC.
Communication Systems Engineering
- Software Engineering
- SYSC 5007, SYSC 5101, SYSC 5301, SYSC 5305, SYSC 5503,
SYSC 5701, SYSC 5703, SYSC 5704, SYSC 5706, SYSC 5707, SYSC
5709, SYSC 5802
- Wireless and Satellite Communications
- SYSC 5503, SYSC 5504, SYSC 5606, SYSC 5608
- Network Design, Protocols and Performance
- SYSC 5001, SYSC 5004, SYSC 5005, SYSC 5007, SYSC 5101,
SYSC 5109, SYSC 5201, SYSC 5207, SYSC 5503, SYSC 5607, SYSC
5706, SYSC 5801, SYSC 5808
- Manufacturing Systems Analysis
- SYSC 5001, SYSC 5004, SYSC 5802, EAJC 5207
- Management of Engineering Processes
- TTMG 5004, TTMG 5005, TTMG 5006, TTMG 5008, TTMG 5100,
TTMG 5101, TTMG 5102, TTMG 5103, TTMG 5104
Non-Restricted Elective Courses
All students in the project option of the master's program
are required to complete 1.0 credit from those offered by the
Department of Electronics, Department of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering, Department of Systems and Computer
Engineering, School of Industrial Design, or School of Computer
Graduate Courses
Not all of the following courses are offered in a given
year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for
2003-2004, please consult the Registration Instructions and
Class Schedule booklet, published in the summer.
Course Designation System
Carleton's course designation system has been restructured.
The first entry of each course description below is the new
alphanumeric Carleton course code, followed by its credit value
in brackets. The old Carleton course number (in parentheses) is
included for reference, where applicable. To determine the term
of offering, consult the Registration Instructions and Class
Schedule booklet, or online at:
The list of courses in the field of communication systems
engineering, beginning with the prefix SYSC, are described
below. Courses in the field of management of engineering
processes, beginning with the prefix TTMG are described
following this list.
- SYSC 5001 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.501) (ELG
- Simulation and Modeling
- Simulation as a problem solving tool. Random variable
generation, general discrete simulation procedure: event
table and statistical gathering. Analyses of simulation
data: point and interval estimation. Confidence intervals.
Overview of modeling, simulation and problem solving using
SIMSCRIPT, MODSIM and other languages.
- SYSC 5003 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.503) (ELG
- Discrete Stochastic Models
- Models for software, computer systems, and
communications networks, with discrete states,
instantaneous transitions and stochastic behaviour.
Communicating finite state machines and Petri Nets. Review
of concepts of probability, and of Markov Chains with
discrete and continuous parameters. Basic queuing theory.
Numerical methods for Markov Models.
- SYSC 5004 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.504) (ELG
- Mathematical Programming for Engineering
- Introduction to algorithms and computer methods for
optimizing complex engineering systems. Includes linear
programming, networks, nonlinear programming, integer and
mixed-integer programming, genetic algorithms and search
methods, and dynamic programming. Emphasizes practical
algorithms and computer methods for engineering
- SYSC 5005 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.505) (ELG
- Optimization Theory and Methods
- Advanced theory, algorithms and computer methods for
optimization. Interior point methods for linear
optimization, advanced methods for nonlinear and
mixed-integer optimization. Search methods. Applications in
- Prerequisite: SYSC 5004 or the equivalent.
- SYSC 5006 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.506) (ELG
- Design of Real-Time and Distributed Systems
- Characteristics of real-time and distributed systems.
Modern midware systems, such as CORBA, DCE, RMI for
building distributed applications: advantages and
disadvantages. Analyzing designs for robustness,
modularity, extensibility, portability and performance.
Implementation issues. Major course project.
- Prerequisites: SYSC 3303 and SYSC 5708 or similar
- SYSC/COMP 5007 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.507) (ELG
- Expert Systems
- Survey of some landmark expert systems; types of
architecture and knowledge representation; interferencing
techniques; approximate reasoning; truth maintenance;
explanation facilities; knowledge acquisition. A project to
implement a small expert system will be assigned.
- Prerequisite: COMP 4007 or COMP 5001 or permission of
the Department.
- SYSC 5101 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.511) (ELG
- Design of High Performance Software
- Designing software to demanding performance
specifications. Design analysis using models of
computation, workload, and performance. Principles to
govern design improvement for sequential, concurrent and
parallel execution, based on resource architecture and
quantitative analysis.
- Prerequisite: SYSC 5704 and a course in software
engineering, or the equivalent.
- SYSC 5102 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.512) (ELG
- Performance Measurement and Modeling of Distributed
- Performance measurements, metrics and models of midware
based systems and applications. Benchmarks, workload
characterization, and methods for capacity planning and
system sizing. Performance monitoring infrastructures for
operating systems and applications. Introduction to the
design and analysis of experiments and the interpretation
of measurements.
- Prerequisite: SYSC 5101 or the equivalent.
- SYSC 5103 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.513) (ELG
- Software Agents
- Agent-based programming; elements of Distributed
Artificial Intelligence; beliefs, desires and
intentions;component-based technology; languages for agent
implementations; interface agents; information sharing and
coordination; KIF; collaboration; communication;
ontologies; KQML; autonomy; adaptability; security issues;
mobility; standards; agent design issues and frameworks,
applications in telecommunications.
- Prerequisite: Knowledge of Java, C/C++ or
- SYSC 5105 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.515) (ELG
- Software Quality Engineering and Management
- All aspects of software quality engineering. Software
testing, at all stages of the software development and
maintenance life cycle. Software reviews and inspections.
Use of software measurement and quantitative modeling for
the purpose of software quality control and
- Precludes additional credit for CSI 5111
- (COMP 5501).
- Prerequisites: An undergraduate course in software
engineering such as SYSC 4800 or SEG 3300, or equivalent,
and basic statistics.
- SYSC 5108 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.518) (ELG
- Topics in Information Systems
- Recent and advanced topics in the field of Information
Systems and its related areas.
- SYSC 5109 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.519) (ELG
- Teletraffic Engineering
- Congestion phenomena in telephone systems, and related
telecommunications networks and systems, with an emphasis
on the problems, notation, terminology, and typical
switching systems and networks of the operating telephone
companies. Analytical queuing models and applications to
these systems.
- Prerequisite: SYSC 5503 or ELG 5119 or the
- SYSC 5200 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.520) (ELG
- Algebraic Coding Theory
- Review of Algebra, Finite Fields, Linear Block Coldes
and their Properties, Hamming Codes, Cyclic Codes, Hadamard
Matrices and Hadamard Codes, Golay Codes, Reed-Muller
Codes, BCH and Reed-Solomon Codes, Decoding Algorithms,
Coding Bounds.
- Precludes additional credit for SYSC 5507 (ELG
- SYSC 5201 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.521) (ELG
- Computer Communication
- Computer network types, introductory queuing theory and
performance analysis. OSI layering and BISDN layering
modifications. Data link layer. Local area networks and
random access (CSMA- CD, switched ethernet, token ring,
wireless LAN). Public Networks. IP networks, addressing,
routing. Transport layer, flow control. Introduction to
- Precludes additional credit for EACJ 5607
- (ELG 5374) or SYSC 4602 (ELG 4181).
- Prerequisite: Undergraduate preparation in probability
theory equivalent to Mathematics 69.352.
- SYSC 5207 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.527) (ELG 6127)
- Distributed Systems Engineering
- Techniques for representing distributed systems:
precedence graphs, petrinets, communicating state-machines
etc. Processes, threads, synchronization and inter-process
communication techniques, RPC. Protocol: OSI model,
application and presentation layers. Middleware for
client-server application management, CORBA. Resource
management: processor allocation and load sharing.
Real-time issues and scheduling.
- Prerequisites: Permission of the Department.
- SYSC 5300 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.530) (ELG
- Health Care Engineering
- Overview of health care system/participants;
biophysical measurements for diagnosis/monitoring;
biomedical sensors/technology; telemedicine and
applications; safety considerations; managing medical
technologies/funding models for clinical engineering
departments; considerations for developing countries.
- Precludes additional credit for ELG 5123 (COMP
- Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.
- SYSC 5305 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.535) (ELG
- Representations, Methods and Tools for Concurrent
- Selected representations and methods for concurrent
systems, such as UML, UML-RT, SDL, supported by current and
emerging CASE tools. Comparison, differences, advantages
and disadvantages. A colloquium course with most lectures
consisting of student presentations based on experience
with different CASE tools. Limited enrolment.
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- SYSC 5306 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.536) (ELG
- Mobile Computing Systems
- Systems to build mobile applications. Covers data link
layer to application layer. Emphasis on existing wireless
infrastructure and IETF protocols. Focuses on view of
mobile application developer; communication systems,
middleware and application frameworks, defacto standards
proposed/developed by industry consortia.
- Precludes additional credit for COMP 5402 (CSI
- Prerequisites: EACJ 5607 (ELG 5374) or SYSC 5201 (ELG
6121) or permission of the Department.
- SYSC 5401 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.541) (ELG
- Adaptive and Learning Systems
- System identification. Least squares and recursive
identification techniques. Asymptotic and theoretical
properties. Model structure selection. Prediction and
estimation. Model reference adaptive control and
self-tuning regulators. Nonlinear adaptive systems.
Stability. Neural networks and neuro-control. Applications
to robotics, control and pattern recognition.
- Prerequisite: SYSC 5502 or equivalent.
- SYSC 5402 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.542) (ELG
- Advanced Dynamics With Applications to
- Lagrange equations and Hamilton's principle. Dynamics
of lumped parameter and continuous systems. Natural modes
and natural frequencies. Forced vibrations. Stability and
bifurcation. Kinematics and dynamics of rigid bodies.
Gyroscopic effects. Forward and inverse kinematics of robot
manipulators. Denavit-Hartenberg notation. Derivation of
manipulator dynamics.
- SYSC 5502 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.552) (ELG
- Advanced Linear Systems
- Modeling and state space realization. Review of signals
and systems. Solution to the matrix DE. Discrete time
systems and the Z transform. Canonical representations and
transformations. Controllability, observability and
controller and observer design. LQR design and the Kalman
filter. Numerous examples and applications.
- SYSC 5503 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.553) (ELG
- Stochastic Processes
- Basic concepts of randomness, as applied to
communications, signal processing, and queuing systems;
probability theory, random variables, stochastic processes;
random signals in linear systems; introduction to decision
and estimation; Markov chains and elements of queuing
- Precludes additional credit for EACJ 5109 (ELG
- SYSC 5504 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.554) (ELG
- Principles of Digital Communication
- Elements of communication theory and information theory
applied to digital communications systems. Characterization
of noise and channel models. Optium Receiver theory.
Modulation and coding for reliable transmission: MPSK,
MQAM, M-ary orthogonal modulation. Channel coding, trellis
coded modulation. Spread spectrum and CDMA
- Precludes additional credit for EACJ 5506 (ELG
- Prerequisite: SYSC 5503 or ELG 5119 or the equivalent
(may be taken concurrently).
- SYSC 5506 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.556) (ELG
- Information Theory
- Measure of information: entropy, relative entrophy,
mutual information, asymptotic equipartition property,
entropy rates for stochastic processes; Data compression:
Huffman code, arithmetic coding; Channel capacity: random
coding bound, reliability function, Blahut-Arimoto
algorithm, Gaussian channels, coloured Gaussian noise and
"water-filling"; Rate distortion theory; Network
information theory.
- Prerequisite: SYSC 5503 (ELG 6153) or ELG 5119 (ISYS
5109) or equivalent.
- Precludes credit for EACJ 5501 (ELG 5170).
- SYSC 5508 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.558) (ELG
- Digital Systems Architecture
- New architectural concepts are introduced. Discussion
of programmable architectures (micro-controllers, DSPs, GP)
and FPGAs. Memory interfacing. Scalable, superscalar, RISC,
CISC, and VLIW concepts. Parallel structures: SIMD, MISD
and MIMD. Fault tolerant systems and DSP architectures.
Examples of current systems are used for discussions.
- Prerequisite: SYSC 4507 or the equivalent.
- SYSC 5600 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.560) (ELG
- Adaptive Signal Processing
- Theory and techniques of adaptive filtering, including
Wiener filters, gradient and LMS methods; adaptive
transversal and lattice filters; recursive and fast
recursive least squares; convergence and tracking
performance; implementation. Applications, such as adaptive
prediction, channel equalization, echo cancellation, source
coding, antenna beamforming, spectral estimation.
- Precludes additional credit for EACJ 5800 (ELG
- Prerequisites: SYSC 5503 or ELG 5119 or equivalent;
SYSC 5602 or ELG 5376 or equivalent.
- SYSC 5601 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.561) (ELG
- Neural Signal Processing
- Multidimensional function approximation. The least
squares adaptive algorithm and the generalized dela rule.
Multi-layered perceptrons and the back-propagation
algorithm. Approximation of non-linear functions. Radial
basis functions. Self-organizing maps. Applications of
neural signal processing to control, communications and
pattern recognition.
- Precludes additional credit for EACJ 5709 (ELG
- Prerequisite: SYSC 5503 or ELG 6153 or equivalent. May
be taken concurrently with SYSC 5503.
- SYSC 5602 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.562) (ELG
- Digital Signal Processing
- Review of discrete time signals and systems, A/D and
D/A conversions, representation in time, frequency, and Z
domain, DFT/FFT transforms, FIR/IIR filter design,
quantization effects. Correlation functions. Cepstrum
analysis. Multi-rate signal processing. Power spectrum
estimation. Introduction to joint time-frequency analysis.
DSP architecture: implementation approaches.
- Precludes additional credit for EACJ 5507 (ELG
- SYSC 5603 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.563) (ELG
- Digital Signal Processing: Microprocessors, Software
and Applications
- Characteristics of DSP algorithms and architectural
features of current DSP chips: TMS320, DSP-56xxx, AD-21xxx
and SHARC. DSP multiprocessors and fault tolerant systems.
Algorithm/software/hardware architecture interaction,
program activity analysis, development cycle, and design
tools. Case studies: LPC, codecs, FFT, echo cancellation,
Viterbi decoding.
- Prerequisite: SYSC 5602 or ELG 5376 or equivalent.
- SYSC 5604 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.564) (ELG
- Advanced Topics in Digital Signal
- Recent and advanced topics in the field of digital
signal processing and its related areas.
- Prerequisites: SYSC 5602 or ELG 5376 or the
- SYSC 5605 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.565) (ELG
- Advanced Digital Communication
- Techniques and performance of digital signalling and
equalization over linear bandlimited channels with additive
Gaussian noise. Fading multipath channels: diversity
concepts, modeling and error probability performance
evaluation. Synchronization in digital communications.
Spread spectrum in digital transmission over multipath
fading channels.
- Precludes additional credit for EACJ 5704 (ELG
- Prerequisite: SYSC 5504 or the equivalent.
- SYSC 5606 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.566) (ELG
- Introduction to Mobile Communications
- Mobile radio channel characterization: signal strength
prediction techniques and statistical coverage; fading;
delay spread; interference models and outage probabilities.
Digital modulation and transmission system performance.
Signal processing techniques: diversity and beamforming,
adaptive equalization, coding. Applications to TDMA and
CDMA cellular systems.
- Co-requisite: Can be taken concurrently with SYSC 5503
and SYSC 5504.
- SYSC 5607 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.567) (ELG
- Source Coding and Data Compression
- Discrete and continuous sources. Discrete sources:
Huffman coding & run length encoding. Continuous
sources: waveform construction coding; PCM, DPMC, delta
modulation; speech compression by parameter extraction;
predictive encoding; image coding by transformation and
block quantization. Fourier and Walsh transform coding.
Applications to speech, television, facsimile.
- Prerequisite: SYSC 5503 or ELG 5119 or the
- SYSC 5608 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.568) (ELG
- Wireless Communications Systems Engineering
- Multi-user cellular and personal radio communication
systems; frequency reuse, traffic engineering, system
capacity, mobility and channel resource allocation.
Multiple access principles, cellular radio systems,
signalling and interworking. Security and authentication.
Wireless ATM, satellite systems, mobile location, wireless
LANs, wireless local loops, broadband wireless, etc.
- Corequisites: SYSC 5503 or ELG 5119, and SYSC 5504 or
ELG 5375, or their equivalents.
- SYSC 5609 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.569) (ELG
- Digital Television
- Television standards: NTSC, PAL, SECAM, and HDTV.
Sampling and quantization of television signals: rec 601-1.
Digital video compression: inter and intra-frame methods,
spatial and transform/wavelet coding; H.261 and MPEG
standards. Video conferencing systems and other digital
video processing applications.
- SYSC 5700 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.570) (ELG
- Spread Spectrum Systems
- Types of spread spectrum systems, FH and DS-SS, Hybrid
DS/FH-SS. Pseudo-noise generators: statistical properties
of M sequences, Galois field connections, Gold codes. Code
tracking loops, initial synchronization of receiver
spreading code. Performance in jamming environments and
fading channels. Code division multiple access
- Prerequisite: SYSC 5504 or (ELG 6154) or the
- SYSC 5701 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.571) (CSI
- Operating System Methods for Real-Time
- Principles and methods for operating system design with
application to real-time, embedded systems. Concurrent
programming: mechanisms and languages; design approaches
and issues; run-time support (kernel). Methods for hard
real-time applications. Methods for distributed systems.
Programming assignments in a suitable programming
- Prerequisites: SYSC 3303 or SYSC 5704 or equivalent
courses and/or experience. Programming experience in high
level and assembly languages.
- SYSC 5703 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.573) (ELG
- Integrated Database Systems
- Database definitions, applications, architectures.
Conceptual design based on entity-relationship,
object-oriented models. Relational data model: relational
algebra and calculus, normal forms, data definition and
manipulation languages. Database management systems:
transaction management, recovery and concurrency control.
Current trends: object-oriented, knowledge-based,
multimedia, distributed databases.
- Prerequisite: SYSC 5704 or the equivalent.
- SYSC 5704 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.574) (ELG
- Elements of Computer Systems
- Concepts in basic computer architecture, assembly
languages, high level languages including object
orientation, compilers and operating system concepts
(including concurrency mechanisms such as processes and
threads and computer communication). Designed for graduate
students without extensive undergraduate preparation in
computer system engineering (or the equivalent
- Prerequisites: Programming experience with at least one
high level language and permission of the Department.
- SYSC 5706 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.576) (ELG
- Analytical Performance Models of Computer
- Analytical modeling techniques for performance analysis
of computing systems. Theoretical techniques covered
include single and multiple class queuing network models,
together with a treatment of computational techniques,
approximations, and limitations. Applications include
scheduling, memory management, peripheral devices,
databases, multiprocessing, and distributed computing.
- Prerequisite: SYSC 5003, SYSC 5503 or ELG 5119, or the
- SYSC 5708 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.578) (ELG
- Development of Real-Time and Distributed Software
with Reusable Components
- Advanced object-oriented design and programming of
real-time and distributed systems using C++ and/or Java.
Object-oriented features: inheritance, polymorphism,
templates, exception handling. Concurrency issues. Design
patterns and frameworks for distributed systems, with
examples from communication applications. Design issues for
reusable software.
- Prerequisites: Knowledge of C++ and/or Java, of
operating system concepts, and permission of the
- SYSC 5709 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.579) (ELG
- Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
- Recent and advanced topics in the field of software
engineering and related areas. Primary references are
recent publications in the field.
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- SYSC 5800 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.580) (ELG
- Network Computing
- Design and Java implementation of distributed
applications that use telecommunication networks as their
computing platform. Basics of networking; Java networking
facilities. Introduction to open distributed processing;
CORBA, JavalDL, JavaRMI, CGI/HTTP, DCOM, Componentware;
Enterprise JavaBeans, ActiveX. Agents: Java code mobility
facilities. Security issues; Java security model.
- SYSC 5801 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.581) (ELG
- Advanced Topics in Computer Communications
- Recent and advanced topics in computer-communication
networks intended as a preparation for research. Students
are expected to contribute to seminars or present lectures
on selected topics.
- Prerequisites: SYSC 5201 or ELG 5374 or equivalent and
permission of the Department.
- SYSC 5802 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.582) (ELG
- Introduction to Information and System
- An introduction to the process of applying computers in
problem solving. Emphasis on the design and analysis of
efficient computer algorithms for large, complex problems.
Applications in a number of areas are presented: data
manipulation, databases, computer networks, queuing
systems, optimization. (Also listed as MATH 5802, COMP 5802
and ISYS 5802.)
- SYSC 5803 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.583) (ELG
- Logic Programming
- Review of relational databases, first order predicate
calculus, semantics of first order models, deductive
querying. Proof theory, unification and resolution
strategies. Introduction to Prolog, and/or parallelism and
Concurrent Prolog. Applications in knowledge representation
and rule-based expert systems.
- SYSC 5804 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.584) (ELG
- Advanced Topics in Communications Systems
- Recent and advanced topics in communications
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- SYSC 5806 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.586) (ELG
- Object Oriented Design of Real-Time and Distributed
- Advanced course in software design dealing with design
issues at a high level of abstraction. Design models: use
case maps for high-level behaviour description; UML for
traditional object-oriented concerns. Design patterns.
Forward, reverse, and re-engineering. Substantial course
project on applications chosen by students.
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- SYSC 5807 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.587) (ELG
- Advanced Topics in Computer Systems
- Recent and advanced topics in computer systems. The
course will generally focus on one or more of the following
areas: specification, design, implementation, and
modeling/analysis. Students may be expected to contribute
to lectures or seminars on selected topics.
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- SYSC 5808 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.588) (ELG
- Communications Network Management
- Network management issues. WANs and LANs. The internet
and ISO models of network management. Network management
protocols SNMP, CMIP, CMOT, etc. Events, Managed Objects
and MIBs. Fault management techniques. Current diagnostic
theory and its limitations. AI and Machine learning
approaches. Monitoring and fault management tools.
- Prerequisite: SYSC 5201 or equivalent.
- SYSC 5900 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.590)
- Systems Engineering Project
- Students pursuing the non-thesis M.Eng. program conduct
an engineering study, analysis, and/or design project under
the supervision of a faculty member.
- SYSC 5901 [1.0 credit] (formerly 94.591)
- Systems Engineering Project
- Project similar to SYSC 5900, but either of greater
scope or longer duration.
- SYSC 5903 [1.0 credit] (formerly 94.593)
- Cooperative Program Project
- A one-term course, carrying a full-course credit, for
students pursuing the cooperative M.Eng. program. An
engineering study, analysis, and/or design project under
the supervision of a faculty member. This course may be
repeated for credit.
- MATH/SYSC/COMP 5905 [2.0 credits] (formerly
- M.C.S. Thesis
- SYSC 5906 [0.5 credit] (formerly 94.596) (ELG
- Directed Studies
- MATH/ISYS/SYSC/COMP 5908 [1.5 credits] (formerly
- M.Sc. Thesis in Information and Systems Science
- SYSC 5909 [2.0 credits] (formerly 94.599)
- M.Eng. Thesis
- SYSC 6909 (formerly 94.699)
- Ph.D. Thesis
- The following are courses in the field of management of
engineering processes, and begin with the prefix TTMG.
- TTMG 5001 [0.5 credit] (formerly 96.501)
- Management Principles for Engineers
- Develops a common level of knowledge among students on
topics in project management, leadership, industrial
marketing, managerial economics and organizational
behaviour. These topics are relevant for engineers and
computer scientists who manage the engineering processes
that deliver innovative telecommunications systems,
products and services.
- TTMG 5002 [0.5 credit] (formerly 96.502)
- Telecommunications Technology
- Fundamentals of telecommunications technology with
emphasis on importance of bandwidth, communications
reliability and networks. Topics include: information
sources and coding of outputs; channel characteristics;
signals; networks, signalling and switching; standards and
regulation; major world systems and operators; and the
thrust of new and future technology.
- TTMG 5003 [0.5 credit] (formerly 96.503)
- Issues in Telecommunications
- Discussion of key readings relevant to the
telecommunications industry. Topics include the
introduction of new products to the global market,
technology sourcing, intellectual property rights, industry
trends, technology and ethics, user interface design, new
business opportunities and product identification, industry
characteristics, regulation and international
- TTMG 5004 [0.5 credit] (formerly 96.504)
- Management of Design Systems
- The focus is on how to design, maintain, expand and
evolve organizations that deliver hardware, software and
systems designs, and on the methods and tools used to
improve their performance. Topics include: essence of
design; how to set-up and lead fast-to-market
- Prerequisite: TTMG 5001 and TTMG 5002.
- TTMG 5005 [0.5 credit] (formerly 96.505)
- Management of Telecommunications System
- The focus is on the groups that evolve the architecture
and technological infrastructures of firms and on product
management. Topics include: relationship between
architecture and product management; appropriability
regimes; technology and complementary assets; managing
projects that deliver products at different stages of their
life cycles.
- Prerequisite: TTMG 5001 and TTMG 5002.
- TTMG 5006 [0.5 credit] (formerly 96.506)
- Management of Software Engineering Projects
- Models for the development of software. Software
project management tools. Quality control. Risk assessment
and management. Examples are drawn from software
development in telecommunications applications.
- Prerequisite: TTMG 5001 and TTMG 5002.
- TTMG 5008 [0.5 credit] (formerly 96.508)
- Corporate Communications Networks
- Communications networks as a vital resource within
organizations. Private networks as an infrastructure for
information flow within a firm and across its interfaces.
Applications and operations of corporate telecommunications
networks. Networks as a source of competitive advantage.
Implementation issues.
- Prerequisite: TTMG 5001 and TTMG 5002.
- TTMG 5100 [0.5 credit] (formerly 96.510)
- Communications Standards
- Importance of global standards in telecommunications
and information technology for product development and
business. Relevant public standards classified by type. The
standards setting process. Formulation and execution of
standards setting strategies. Integrating the firm's
standards program with engineering processes, product
management, systems groups and marketing.
- Prerequisite: TTMG 5001 and TTMG 5002.
- TTMG 5101 [0.5 credit] (formerly 96.511)
- Integrated Product Development
- The new product introduction process and time-based
competition, basic concepts of integrated product
development (concurrent engineering), the voice of the
customer, quality function deployment, cross-functional
teams, integrating information systems and technical tools,
organizational support, manufacturing and design, cost
estimation, implementation problems.
- Prerequisite: TTMG 5001 and TTMG 5002.
- TTMG 5102 [0.5 credit] (formerly 96.512)
- Managing Full-Scale Production
- Overall philosophy of just-in-time and time-based
competition; just-in-time production and manufacturing
resource planning; total quality management;
socio-technical systems and employee participation;
advanced manufacturing; manufacturing and facilities
strategy, capacity planning; manufacturing flexibility;
product/process evolution and the experience curve; service
aspects of manufacturing.
- Prerequisite: TTMG 5001 and TTMG 5002.
- TTMG 5103 [0.5 credit] (formerly 96.513)
- Advanced Topics in Telecommunications Technology
- In-depth exploration of an advanced topic in the field
of telecommunications technology management. A different
topic is covered each semester and more than one section,
with different topics, may be offered in the same
- Prerequisite: One of TTMG 5004, TTMG 5005, TTMG 5101,
or TTMG 5102.
- TTMG 5104 [0.5 credit] (formerly 96.514)
- Directed Studies in Design and Manufacturing
- The student explores, through extensive literature
surveys, specific topics in the areas of design and
manufacturing management. The objective is to acquire a
suitable background to initiate and complete thesis work
requiring this preparation. Precludes credit for any other
directed studies in the program.
- TTMG 5901 [1.0 credit] (formerly 96.591)
- M.Eng. Project
- TTMG 5909 [2.0 credits] (formerly 96.599)
- M.Eng. Thesis
- TTMG 5104 [0.5 credit] (formerly 96.514)
- Directed Studies in Design and Manufacturing
- The student explores, through extensive literature
surveys, specific topics in the areas of design and
manufacturing management. The objective is to enable study
on a specific topic to acquire a suitable background to
initiate and complete thesis work. Precludes credit for any
other directed studies.
- TTMG 5901 [1.0 credit] (formerly 96.591)
- M.Eng. Project
- TTMG 5909 [2.0 credits] (formerly 96.599)
- M.Eng. Thesis