School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE)
(Electrical and Computer Engineering Program)
University of Ottawa
161 Louis Pasteur
Colonel By Hall
Telephone: (613) 562-5800, ext. 6212
Fax: (613) 562-5175
E-mail: gradinfo@trix.genie.uottawa.ca
The School
Director: E. Petriu
Graduate Program Coordinator: A. Yongacoglu
SITE is one constituent of the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for
Electrical and Computer Engineering and also of the
Ottawa-Carleton Institute of Computer Science. Consult the
Institute's entry in this calendar for a faculty list, graduate
program descriptions and admissions requirements.
School Facilities
Computing Facilities
Students registered in the Electrical and Computer
Engineering program have access to leading edge computing
equipment, offering both the popular PC windows environment and
Unix systems. The general-access graduate computing facilities
consist of 25 PCs and a network of Sun workstations and servers
distributed in a number of labs. The operating systems
available to students include Windows, Linux and the Sun
Solarix UNIX environment. Depending on his/her supervisor, a
student may also get access to one of the many research groups'
private computing laboratory.
Communications and Signal Processing (CASP) Research
This laboratory is equipped with a variety of communication
system and signal analysis equipment as well as computing
facilities. This includes some of the latest equipment for data
source simulation, data error rate monitoring, spectrum
analysis, cross and autocorrelation function measurement,
probability density function measurement, noise simulation,
filtering, etc. It also includes prototype digital modulation
and demodulation equipment, and various digital signal
processing hardware and software systems. Two DSP-based
(TMS-Smaster C67x) prototype development platforms are
controlled by workstations with Pentium 3 processors. The
laboratory also features a 14/12 GHz satellite earth station
and associated terminal equipment for testing prototype
equipment on an actual satellite link. The computing facilities
include several high speed PCs and Sun workstations.
Lightwave Communications Research Laboratory
This laboratory is equipped with many modern optical
communications instruments covering wavelengths in the range of
600nm to 1500nm. The laboratory also has several UNIX
workstations, and Macintosh and PC computers interconnected on
the department's networks. The computing facilities are
equipped with software packages used for computer simulation of
various aspects of optical communication systems and networks.
The laboratory is also equipped with audio-video equipment for
image communication over fibre networks and two bench-top fibre
local area networks that use WDM and/or CDM on the physical
Multimedia Communications Research Laboratory
This laboratory has developed many applications in
telemedicine, distance learning and Web-based telecollaboration
and licensed some to industry. It is now focusing on
Distributed and Collaborative Virtual Environments, with
applications to e-commence and industrial training, on Wireless
Multimedia for portable digital devices and on Intelligent
Sensors for Pervasive Computing applications. MCRLab is part of
the National Capital Institute of Telecommunications (NCIT),
and also funded by three centres of excellence (CITO, CITR,
TeleLearning), several government sources and industry.
The laboratory is equipped with: a variety of over twenty
PCs running Windows NT (some with Linux as a second boot
option); two IBM RS-6000, running AIX, with FORE OC-3 ATM
cards, ethernet cards and one equipped with IBM Ultimedia MJPEG
card; one Sun ULTRA 170 workstation, running Solaris 2.51 and
equipped with an ATM OC-3 card; two Sun SPARC 20 workstations,
running Solaris 2.5 and equipped with Parallax and ATM OC-3
cards; one SGI O2, running IRIX; one SGI Indy, running
Visualization equipment includes a major Silicon Graphics
ONYX2 supercomputer and Virtual Reality Facility, as also small
and large TV monitors, video cameras, Electro home projector
with large projection screen for 3D visualization, and one
EPSON video projector.
Networking is provided by IP over Fast Ethernet and ATM.
The Ethernet connectivity is provided through a 3Com
Fast-Ethernet Switch and three Netgear Fast Ethernet hubs.
Multimedia conferencing software and various MPEG decoders
are also available.
Electromagnetic Research Laboratory
This laboratory is equipped with modern co-axial line and
waveguide instruments covering frequencies from 10 MHz to 60
GHz. A computer-controlled frequency domain network analyzer
with error correcting capabilities allows reflection and
transmission measurements from 5 Hz to 60 GHz. The laboratory
is also equipped with a computer-controlled time domain network
analyzer and a modern scalar network analyzer (transmission,
reflection test set) as well as various frequency counters and
spectrum analyzers. A computer controlled three-dimensional
scanning system is located in an anechoic chamber and may be
used for near-field antenna measurement in both frequency and
time domains over the frequency range from 100 MHz to 3GHz. TEM
cells at 100 MHz and 3 GHz are available for field probe
calibration and EMC/I testing of electronic equipment.
Graduate Courses
Not all of the following courses are offered in a given
year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for
2003-2004, please consult the Registration Instructions and
Class Schedule booklet, published in the summer.
Course Designation System
Carleton's course designation system has been restructured.
The first entry of each course description below is the new
alphanumeric Carleton course code. The old Carleton course
number (in parentheses) is included for reference, where
applicable. To determine the term of offering, consult the
Registration Instructions and Class Schedule booklet, or online
at: www.carleton.ca/cu/programs/sched_dates/
- EACJ 5005 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.505) (ELG
- Knowledge-Based Systems: Principles and
- Introduction to Lisp and Objective C. Knowledge
representation using rules, semantic nets, frames. State
space representation. Procedural and declarative knowledge.
Demons. Production systems. Solution searching algorithms.
Expert system components. Inferecne engine principle and
representation. Knowledge-based system design. Case study:
expert system for process control.
- EACJ 5006 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.506) (ELG
- Topics in Electronics I
- Current topics in the field.
- EACJ 5007 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.507)(ELG 7133)
- Topics in Electronics II
- Current topics in the field.
- EACJ 5008 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.508) (ELG
- Sujets choisis en électronique
- Sujets d'intérêt courant dans la matière.
- EACJ 5100 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.510)(ELG 5163)
- Machine Vision
- Image acquisition. Structured light and stereo ranging.
Grey-scale and binary images: geometric and topological
properties. Image segmentation, preprocessing, edge
finding, processing. Image recognition. Mathematical
models. Morphology. Representation of 3-D objects, scene
understanding, motion detection. Massively parallel
computers architectures. Machine vision for
- Prerequisite: ELG 4153 or equivalent.
- EACJ 5101 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.511) (ELG
- Directed Studies
- Various possibilities exist for pursuing directed
studies on topics approved by the Department and which a
full-time faculty member has agreed to direct, including
any of the courses listed in the Graduate Calendar that are
not being offered on a formal basis in the current academic
- EACJ 5102 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.512) (ELG
- Introduction to Embedded Systems
- Embedded systems' general characteristics, niche, and
design alternatives. Simple embedded systems: sequential
event response systems, cyclic executives. Prototype based
designs, multitasking and multactivity paradigms.
Multitasking system design: elements of real-time operating
systems and harmony. Multiactivity system design: PAL and
PAL-based design tools.
- Prerequisite: ELG 4161 or the equivalent.
- EACJ 5103 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.513) (ELG
- Parallel Processing with VLSI
- Parallel processing architectures: array, vector,
associative, and orthogonal processors. Switch lattice
architecture, hypercubes, systolic arrays, wavefront
arrays, pyramid structures, data flow architectures. Memory
organization, buses, I/O and interconnection networks.
Connection machine processing hardware, RISC and VLSI
processors. GaAs technology. Examples of parallel
processing architectures.
- EACJ 5104 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.514) (ELG
- Design of Multimedia Distributed Database
- Database concepts and architectures. Data modeling,
Relational technology and distributed databases. Examples
of the new generation of databases for advanced multimedia
applications such as multimedia information retrieval, VOS
and the limitations of the conventional models for managing
multimedia information (graphics, text, image, audio and
- EACJ 5105 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.515) (ELG
- Secure Communications and Data Encryption
- Secure communications: encryption and decryption.
Entropy, equivocation and unicity distance. Cryptanalysis
and computational complexity. Substitution, transposition
and product ciphers. Data Encryption Standard (DES): block
and stream cipher modes. Modular arithmetics, Public key
cryptosystems: RSA, knapsack. Factorization methods.
Elliptic curve cryptopgraphy. Authentication methods and
cryptographic protocols.
- Prerequisite: ELG 5119 or SYSC 5503 or the
- EACJ 5106 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.516) (ELG
- Stochastic Systems
- Wiener processes. Poisson random measures. Stochastic
Wiener-Ito integrals. Stochastic integrals relative to
Poisson measures. Stochastic differentials. Diffusion
processes. Ito-stochastic differential equations:
existence, uniqueness of solutions, continuous dependence
of solutions to parameters. Semigroup theory. Generation of
semigroups applied to stochastic differential equations.
Applications to engineering systems modeling.
- Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.
- EACJ 5107 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.517) (ELG
- Multimedia Communications
- Introduction, applications, standards. Networking
technologies. Image, video and audio compression. Quality
of service and resource management. Scheduling issues for
real-time MM transport. Multimedia synchronization.
Multimedia and the Internet. Multimedia conferencing.
Multimedia to the home. Satellites and multimedia.
Multimedia applications.
- EACJ 5108 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.518) (ELG
- Switching and Traffic Theory for Integrated
Broadband Networks
- Principles of switching theory. Asynchronous Transfer
Mode switching architectures. Principle of teletraffic
engineering. Queueing theory and performance evaluation
techniques as applied to the study of computer network
architectures. Current topics in computer network modeling
analysis and traffic control for high-speed multimedia
- Prerequisite: ELG 5374 (EACJ 5607) or ELG 6121 (SYSC
5201) or the equivalent.
- Corequisite: ELG 5119 (EACJ 5109) or ELG 6153 (SYSC
5503) or ELG 6103 (SYSC 5003) or the equivalent.
- EACJ 5109 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.519) (ELG
- Stochastic Processes
- Probability. Random variables. Distribution and density
functions. Expectation. Functions of random variables.
Moments and characteristic functions. Random vectors.
Sequences of random variables and convergence. Limit
theorems. Stochastic processes: basic notions.
Stationarity. Ergodicity. Poisson and Gaussian processes.
Second order processes. Representation theorems. Markov
processes and chains.
- Precludes additional credit for SYSC 5503 (ELG
- EACJ 5200 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.520) (ELG
- Queuing Systems
- Resource sharing issues: delay, through-put and queue
length. Basic queuing theory: Markov chains, birth and
death processes. M/M/m/k/n queues, bulk arrival/service
systems. Little's Rule. Intermediate queuing theory: M/G/1,
G/M/m queues. Advanced queuing theory: G/Gm queue, priority
queue, network of queues, etc. Queueing applications.
- Precludes additional credit for SYSC 5107 (ELG
- Prerequisite: One of ELG 5119, SYSC 5003 or SYSC 5503
or the equivalent.
- EACJ 5201 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.521) (ELG
- Multimedia Communications
- Introduction, applications, standards. Networking
technologies, Image, video and audio compression. Quality
of service and resource management. Scheduling issues for
real-time MM transport. Multimedia synchronization.
Multimedia and the Internet. Multimedia conferencing.
Multimedia to the home. Satellites and multimedia.
Multimedia applications.
- EACJ 5202 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.522) (ELG
- Modeling, Analysis and Performance Evaluation in
Computer Communications
- Network performance issues and their mathematical
analysis techniques. Intermittently available server model,
probing and tree search techniques, delay cycle,
switch/network topology and reliability. Analysis of
controlled and random access methods, routing
allocation/control, topological design. Selected topics
from current literature on various network
- Precludes additional credit for ELG 7186 (EACJ
- Prerequisites: ELG 5120 (EACJ 5200), ELG 5374 (EACJ
5607) or SYSC 5201 (ELG 6121); or equivalents.
- EACJ 5203 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.523) (ELG
- Design of Distributed System Software
- Distributed systems design and programming issues;
distributed computing. Basics of object oriented technology
for distributed computing. Distributed objects
technologies; CORBA and JAVA. Object oriented models for
distributed programming. Distributed client server
architecture design. Scalability, interoperability,
portability and CORBA services. CASE tools for designing
distributed applications.
- Precludes additional credit for ELG 7186 (EACJ 5807)
(if taken in 1997-98).
- Prerequisites: an undergraduate degree in Computer
Engineering, or Computer Science, or practical experience
in system software design.
- EACJ 5207 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.527) (ELG
- Robotics: Control, Sensing and Intelligence
- Robotics as the intelligent connection of perception to
action. Advanced robotics technologies. Robot arm
kinematics and dynamics. Planning of manipulator
trajectories. Control of robot manipulators. Robot-level
programming. Sensors and sensory perception. Control
problems for sensory controlled robotic-based flexible
manufacturing systems. Task-level programming.
Knowledge-based control for mobile robots.
- Prerequisite: ELG 4161 or the equivalent.
- EACJ 5209 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.529) (ELG
- Topics in Systems and Control I
- Current topics in the field, including linear semigroup
theory and optimal feedback control.
- EACJ 5300 (formerly 92.530) (ELG 7114)
- Topics in Systems and Control II
- Current topics in the field, including linear and
non-linear filtering and optimal control of stochastic
- EACJ 5301 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.531) (ELG
- Sujets choisis en systèmes et réglage
- Sujets d'intérêt courant dans le domaine.
- EACJ 5305 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.535) (ELG
- Electromagnetic Compatibility and
- Interference phenomena. Shielding of conductors.
Grounding. Other noise reduction techniques. EMI filters.
Noise sources: narrowband and broadband. Electromagnetic
pulse as an interference source. Modeling EMI/C circuit
boards and backplanes.
- Prerequisite: ELG 4103 or the equivalent.
- EACJ 5308 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.538) (ELG
- Sujets choisis en électromagnétisme.
- Sujets d'intérêt courant dans la matière.
- EACJ 5401 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.541) (ELG
- Electromagnetic Waves: Theory and
- The homogeneous wave equation. Uniform and non-uniform
plane waves. Inhomogeneous wave equations. Green's
functions. Theory of potentials. Scattering problems.
Numerical methods. Boundary value problems. Perturbation
and variational techniques.
- Prerequisite: ELG 4101 or the equivalent.
- EACJ 5402 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.542) (ELG
- Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic
- Review of electromagnetic and potential theory.
Formulation of static and electrodynamic problems.
Introduction to numerical and field-theoretical modeling
techniques. Numerical methods considered: FD, MoL, SDA,TLM
and BPM. Examples of commonly encountered electromagnetic
problems at microwave, millimeter-wave and optical
- Prerequisites: ELG 4103 or the equivalent.
- EACJ 5403 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.543) (ELG
- Ondes électromagnétiques: théorie et
- Équation homogène d'ondes. Ondes planes uniformes et
non uniformes. Équation non homogène d'ondes. Fonctions de
Green. Théories des potentiels. Problèmes de diffraction.
Méthodes numériques. Problèmes avec conditions aux limites.
Méthodes des perturbations et variation.
- Prerequisite: ELG 4103 or the equivalent.
- EACJ 5404 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.544) (ELG
- Topics in Electromagnetics I
- Current topics in the field.
- EACJ 5405 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.545) (ELG
- Topics in Electromagnetics II
- Current topics in the field.
- EACJ 5406 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.546) (ELG
- Méthodes numériques en génie
- Revue de l'électromagnétisme et de la théorie des
potentiels. Formulation de problèmes statiques et
electrodynamiques. Introduction aux methodes numériques et
théoriques. Méthodes numeriques considerées: FD, MoL, SDA,
TLM et BPM. Exemples de problèmes types rencontres en
électromagnétisme aux hyperfréquences et en optique.
- Prerequisite: ELG 4103 and ELG 4104, or the
- EACJ 5500 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.550) (ELG
- Digital Communications by Satellite
- Propagation and interference considerations. Link
budget calculations. GEO, LEO, HEO systems. Transponders.
Earth stations; modems (PSK,MSK,etc.), low noise
amplifiers, high power amplifiers. Error control. Access
techniques; FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, random access. Switching,
onboard processing. Networking. ATM over satellites. Mobile
satellite communications and IMT 2000.
- Prerequisite: ELG 4171 or the equivalent.
- EACJ 5501 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.551) (ELG
- Information Theory
- Measure of information: entropy, relative entropy,
mutual information, asymptomatic equipartition property,
entropy rates for stochastic processes; Data compression:
Huffman code, arithmetic coding; Channel capactiy: random
coding bound, reliability function, Blahut-Arimoto
alorithm, Gaussian channels, coloured Gaussian noise and
"water-filling"; Rate distortion theory; Network
information theory.
- Prerequisite: ELG 5119 (EACJ 5109) or SYSC 5503 (ELG
5119) or the equivalent.
- EACJ 5503 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.553) (ELG
- Detection and Estimation
- Binary, M-ary, composite hypothesis testing. Bayes risk
and Neyman-Pearson criteria. Parameter estimation:
Cramer-Rao bounds; maximum-likelihood estimation. Detection
in additive white Gaussian noise and coloured noise. Noise
in noise problems. Classical estimation problems. Linear
filtering problem. Weiner/Kalman filtering. Sequential and
non-parametric detection.
- Prerequisites: ELG 5119 or SYSC 5503; and ELG 5375 or
SYSC 5504; or the equivalents.
- EACJ 5504 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.554) (ELG
- Error Control Coding
- General introduction Algebraic concepts. Linear block
codes. Cyclic codes, BCH and Reed-Solomon codes.
Convolutional codes. Maximum likelihood decoding, and
sequential decoding of convolutional codes. Burst-error
correcting confolutional and block codes. Automatic repeat
request. Trellis Coded Modulation. Trubo codes and
iterative decoding.
- Co-requisite: ELG 4171 or the equivalent.
- EACJ 5506 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.556) (ELG
- Principles of Digital Communication
- Elements of communication theory and information theory
applied to digital communications systems. Characterization
of noise and channel models. Analysis of digital data
transmission techniques for additive Gaussian noise
channels. Efficient modulation and coding for reliable
transmission. Spread spectrum and line coding techniques.
Precludes additional credit for SYSC 5504.
- Prerequisite: SYSC 5503 or ELG 5119 or the equivalent
(may be taken concurrently).
- EACJ 5507 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.557) (ELG
- Digital Signal Processing
- Review of discrete time signals and systems, A/D and
D/A conversions, representation in time, frequency, and Z
domain, DFT/FFT transforms, FIR/IIR filter design,
quantization effects. Correlation functions. Cepstrum
analysis. Multi-rate signal processing. Power spectrum
estimation. Introduction to joint time-frequency analysis.
DSP architecture: implementation approaches.
- Precludes additional credit for SYSC 5602 (ELG
- EACJ 5508 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.558) (ELG
- Traitement numérique des signaux
- Revue des signaux/systèmes en temps discret,
conversions A/N et N/A, représentation en temps, fréquence
et domaine Z, transformées DFT/FFT, design filtres FIR/IIR,
effets de quantification. Fonctions de corrélation. Analyse
cepstrale. Traitement à taux multiple. Estimation de
puissance spectrale. Introduction analyse temps-fréquence.
Architectures DSP: réalisations. Applications.
- Precludes additional credit for SYSC 5602 (ELG
- EACJ 5509 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.559) (ELG
- Image Processing and Image Communications
- Image acquisition, display and perception: sampling and
reconstruction, quantization, human vision. Discrete image
representations.: colour spaces, blick, subband and wavelet
representations. Image transformation, enhancement and
restoration. Image analysis: edge detection, motion
estimation. Image and video compression: loseless coding,
predictive and transform coding, motion compensation.
- Prerequisite: ELG 5376 or SYSC 5602 or equivalent.
- EACJ 5600 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.560) (ELG
- Topics in Signal Processing I
- Current topics in the field.
- EACJ 5601 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.561) (ELG
- Topics in Signal Processing II
- Current topics in the field.
- EACJ 5603 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.563) (ELG
- Topics in Signal Processing III
- Current topics in the field.
- EACJ 5605 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.565) (ELG
- Topics in Communications I
- Current topics in the field.
- EACJ 5606 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.566) (ELG
- Topics in Communications II
- Current topics in the field.
- EACJ 5607 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.567) (ELG
- Computer-Communication Networks
- Network applications, structures and their design
issues. Resource sharing/access methods. Network
transmission and switching techniques. OSI model. Error
control, flow control and various issues related to the
physical, data link and network layers. Local area
networks. Performance issues of delay-throughput in various
- Precludes additional credit for SYSC 5201.
- Prerequisite: an undergraduate course in probability
and statistics such as MAT 2377.
- EACJ 5702 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.572) (ELG
- Sujets choisis en télécommunications et en
traitement de signaux
- Sujets d'intérêt courant dans le domaine.
- EACJ 5703 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.573) (ELG
- Design and Testing of Reliable Digital
- Introduction. Test generation for combinatorial
circuits. Fault detection in sequential circuits. Memory
testing. LSI/VLSI circuit testing. Deterministic and random
testing of digital circuits. Design for testability.
Self-checking circuits. Design of fault-tolerant systems.
Case studies.
- Prerequisite: ELG 5195 or the equivalent.
- EACJ 5704 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.574) (ELG
- Advanced Digital Communication
- Techniques and performance of digital signalling and
equalization over linear bandlimited channels with additive
Gaussian noise. Fading multipath channels; diversity
concepts, modeling and error probability performance
evaluation. Synchronization in digital communications.
Spread spectrum in digital transmission over multipath
fading channels.
- Precludes additional credit for SYSC 5605.
- Prerequisite: SYSC 5504 or ELG 5375 or the
- EACJ 5705 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.575) (ELG
- Digital Logic Design: Principles and
- Switching algebra. Combinational circuit design
including PLA and MSI techniques. Special
properties-symmetric functions, unate functions, threshold
functions, functional decomposition. Sequential
circuits-state reduction, incompletely specified machines,
state assignments and series-parallel decomposition.
Fundamental mode sequential circuits-race, hazards, and
state assignment. Semicustom and MSI design. Special
sequential circuits.
- EACJ 5709 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.579) (ELG
- Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
- Neuro-fuzzy and soft computing. Fuzzy set theory:
regression and optimization; derivative-based optimization
- genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, downhill simplex
search. Neural Networks: adaptive networks; bidirectional
associateive memories; supervised and unsupervised
learning, learning from enforcement. Applications:
neuro-fuzzy modeling and control, pattern recognition.
Precludes additional credit for MCG 5356.
- EACJ 5800 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.580) (ELG
- Adaptive Signal Processing
- Theory and techniques of adaptive filtering, including
Wiener filters, gradient and LMS methods; adaptive
transversal and lattice filters; recursive and fast
recursive least squares; convergence and tracking
performance; implementation. Applications , such as
adaptive prediction; channel equalization; echo
cancellation; source coding; antenna beamforming; spectral
- Precludes additional credit for Engineering ELG
- Prerequisite: SYSC 5503 or ELG 5119 or the equivalent;
SYSC 5602 or ELG 5376 or the equivalent.
- EACJ 5807 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.587) (ELG
- Topics in Computers I
- Current topics in the field.
- EACJ 5807 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.587) (ELG
- Topics in Computers II
- Current topics in the field.
- EACJ 5900 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.590) (ELG
- Sujets choisis sur les ordinateurs.
- Sujets d'intérêt courant dans la matière.
- EACJ 5206 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.526) (ELG
- Health Care Engineering
- Overview of health care system/participants:
biophysical measurements for diagnosis/monitoring;
biomedical sensors/technology; telemedicine and
applications; safety considerations; managing medical
technologies/funding models for clinical engineering
departments; considerations for developing countries.
- Prerequisites: Permission of the Department.
- EACJ 5204 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.524) (ELG
- Virtual Environments
- Basic concepts. Virtual worlds. Hardware and software
support. World modeling. Geometric modeling. Light
modeling. Kinematic and synmaic models. Other physical
modeling modalities. Multi-sensor data fusion.
Anthropomorphic avatars. Animation: modeling languages,
scripts, real-time computer architectures. VE interfaces.
Case studies.
- EACJ 5205 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.525) (ELG
- Quality of Service Management for Multi-media
- Design principles: layering, protocols, interfaces;
open distributed processing models; real-time requirement;
request-response and stream processing, real-time
scheduling, design for performance and scalability; user
perspective versus system performance, cost/performance
trade-offs, negotiations; adaptive and mobile applications;
examples of multimedia applications, protocols.
- Prerequisite: Engineering EACJ 5607 (ELG 5374) or SYSC
5201 (ELG 6121) or equivalent.
- EACJ 5206 [0.5 credit] (formerly 92.526) (ELG
- Source Coding and Data Compression
- Discrete and continuous sources. Discrete sources:
Huffman coding and run length encoding. Continuous sources:
waveform construction coding: PCM, DPMC, delat modulation,
speech compression by paramater extraction; predictive
encoding; image coding by transformation and block
quantization. Fourier and Walsh transform coding.
Applications to speech, television, facsimile.
- Prerequisite: SYSC 5503 (ELG 6153) or ELG 5119 (EACJ
5109), or equivalent.
- ELG 6000
- Engineering Report/Rapport technique
- For students in the course work master's program
working on the Engineering Report. Pour les étudiants et
les étudiantes à la maîtrise qui préparent un rapport
- ELG 7999
- M.A.Sc. Thesis/Thèse de M.Sc.A.
- For students working towards their master's thesis.
Pour les étudiants et les étudiantes qui travaillent à leur
thèse de maîtrise.
- ELG 8000
- Co-Op Work Term I/Travail coopératif 1er
- For students in a cooperative master's program who are
on their first work term.
- Pour les étudiants et les étudiantes à un programme
coopératif de maîtrise qui font leur première session de
- ELG 8001
- Co-Op Work Term II/Travail coopératif 2e
- For students in a cooperative master's program who are
on their second work term.
- Pour les étudiants et les étudiantes à un programme
coopératif de maîtrise qui font leur deuxième session de
- ELG 9998
- Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam/Examen de synthèse du
- For students undergoing the Ph.D. comprehensive
- Pour les étudiants et les étudiantes qui doivent passer
l'examen de synthèse du doctorat.
- ELG 9999
- Ph.D. Thesis/Thèse de doctorat
- For students working towards their Ph.D. thesis. Pour
les étudiants et les étudiantes qui travaillent à leur
thèse de doctorat.