Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Physics
2240 Herzberg Building
Telephone: (613) 520-3515
Fax: (613) 520-5613
E-mail: grad_supervisor@physics.carleton.ca
Web site: www.ocip.carleton.ca
The Institute
Director of the Institute: Richard Hodgson
Associate Director: Gerald Oakham
Students pursuing studies in physics at the M.Sc. and Ph.D.
levels in the Ottawa area do so in a cooperative program that
combines the resources of the Departments of Physics of
Carleton University and the University of Ottawa. The two
universities have a joint committee supervising the programs,
regulations, and student admissions.
Students are admitted for graduate work under the general
regulations of the Institute, which include criteria related to
academic performance, research experience, and referees'
appraisals. The choice of program and/or research project and
supervisor will determine the student's primary campus
At Carleton, the research areas of physics available for
programs leading to the M.Sc. or the Ph.D. degree include
high-energy physics and medical physics. In high-energy
physics, both theoretical and experimental programs are
available. At the University of Ottawa, the research interests
include condensed matter physics, biophysics, non-linear
dynamics, statistical mechanics, materials science, photonics,
and surface physics. The graduate courses offered on the two
campuses match this complementarity of research interests, and
the courses listed below are therefore grouped to reflect the
different emphases on the two campuses.
In addition, the M.Sc. degree in the area of physics in
modern technology is offered at both campuses. This program
requires a work term placement rather than a thesis.
The list below of all members of the Institute along with
their research interests can be used as a guide to possible
supervisors. For students in the medical physics stream,
research supervision may be provided by members of other
institutions in the area, such as hospitals, cancer clinics,
and government laboratories.
Requests for information and completed applications should
be sent to the Director or Associate Director of the Institute.
Detailed information is available at our Web site.
Members of the Institute
The home department of each member of the Institute is
indicated by (C) for the Department of Physics, Carleton
University and (O) for the Department of Physics, University of
- J.C. Armitage, Photonics (C)
- Xiaoyi Bao, Photonics (O)
- Alain Bellerive,Solar neutrino physics(C)
- Thomas Brabec, Photonics (O)
- Ian Calder, Experimental condensed matter
- Ian Cameron, Medical physics (C-Adjunct)
- R.K. Carnegie, Experimental high energy
physics (C)
- Sylvain Charbonneau, Semiconductor physics
- Liang Chen, Theoretical condensed matter,
photonics (O)
- R.L. Clarke, Medical physics (C-Adjunct)
- Joanna Cygler, Medical physics (C-Adjunct)
- Robert deKemp, Medical physics (C-Adjunct)
- Serge Desgreniers, High pressure physics
- Marie D'Iorio, Condensed matter (O-Adjunct)
- Madhu Dixit, Experimental high energy physics
- Simon Fafard, Semiconductor physics
- Emery Fortin, Semiconductor physics (O)
- L.H. Gerig, Medical physics (C-Adjunct)
- Stephen Godfrey, Theoretical particle physics
- C.L. Greenstock, Medical physics
- C.K. Hargrove, Experimental high energy physics
- Pawel Hawrylak, Theoretical condensed matter
- R.J. Hemingway, Experimental high energy physics
- R.J.W. Hodgson, Theoretical nuclear physics
- B.J. Jarosz, Medical physics (C)
- P.C. Johns, Medical physics (C)
- Béla Joós, Theoretical condensed matter (O)
- Pat Kalyniak, Theoretical particle physics
- Dean Karlen, Experimental high energy physics
- Gilles Lamarche, Low temperature physics
- M.A.R. LeBlanc, Superconductivity (O)
- Ivan L'Heureux, Nonequilibrium processes in
nonlinear systems (O)
- B.A. Logan, Nuclear physics (O)
- André Longtin, Nonlinear dynamics, biophysics
- Rejean Manger, Medical photonics (C)
- Barry McKee, Medical physics (C-Adjunct)
- H.J.A.F. Mes, Experimental high energy physics
- Cheng Ng, Medical physics (C-Adjunct)
- F.G. Oakham, Experimental high energy physics
- Peter Piercy, Condensed matter physics (O)
- G.P. Raaphorst, Medical physics (C-Adjunct)
- D.G. Rancourt, Solid state magnetism (O)
- Sylvain Raymond, Semiconductor physics(C)
- D.W.O. Rogers, Medical physics (C-Adjunct)
- Alain Roth, Condensed matter (O-Adjunct)
- Giles Santyr, Medical physics (C)
- Ken Shortt, Medical physics (C-Adjunct)
- W.D. Sinclair, Solar neutrino physics (C)
- G.W. Slater, Polymer physics (O)
- A.K.S. Song, Theoretical studies in solid state
- Z.M. Stadnik, Electronic structure and magnetism
- M.K. Sundaresan, Theoretical particle physics
- John Tse, Theoretical material sciences
- Y.P. Varshni, Theoretical solid state,
astrophysics (O)
- P.J.S. Watson, Theoretical particle physics
- A.J. Walker, Medical physics (C-Adjunct)
- David Wilkins, Medical physics (C-Adjunct)
- Robin Williams, Semiconductor physics
- J.C. Woolley, Semiconductor physics (O)
Master of Science
An Honours B.Sc. in Physics or a closely related field at a
standard acceptable to the two universities is normally
required for admission to the M.Sc. program. The admissions
committee may require students to take an orientation
examination during the first weeks of residence. The results of
this examination may indicate the need for a student to
register in undergraduate courses to fill gaps in his/her
knowledge. It is strongly recommended that all students have
had at least one course in computing.
Program Requirements
The options for the M.Sc. program are described below.
Normally the requirements for the research M.Sc. with thesis
consist of:
- 2.5 credits of course work
- A thesis (2.5 credits) defended at an oral
- Participation in the seminar series of the
Students with academic preparation particularly well suited
for their chosen field of study may have their course credit
requirements reduced to 2.0 credits. In this case, a 3.0-credit
thesis will be required.
The minimum number of courses is 1.5 credits. At least 1.0
credit must consist of lecture courses at the graduate level.
The courses PHYS 5900 and PHYS 5901 are courses on Selected
Topics, normally given as directed studies, and cannot fulfil
this lecture course requirement. Most students will be expected
to take PHYS 5002, or another equivalent computing physics
course. Students in experimental, theoretical, or high-energy
physics streams will normally include PHYS 5601, PHYS 5602,
PHYS 5701 and PHYS 5702 among their courses.
For the medical physics stream the three areas of
specialization are: imaging, therapy, and biophysics. All
students are required to take PHYS 5203 and 0.5 credit
appropriate physics course from an area of physics other than
medical physics. In addition:
- For imaging, PHYS 5204 is required
- For therapy, PHYS 5206 is required
- For biophysics, 0.5 credit chosen from PHYS 5207, cell
biology, physiology or anatomy is required
Students with a medical/health physics background may have
the selection of required courses adjusted to reflect their
preparation and may receive advanced standing for equivalent
A selection from PHYS 5208, PHYS 5209, or, (with approval)
other appropriate courses in physics, engineering, computer
science, business or law can be used to complete the
In special cases, the requirements may also be met by taking
5.0 credits of course work and no thesis. 1.0 credit must be
the selected topics course PHYS 5900. A comprehensive
examination and participation in the seminar series will also
be required.
Students in the physics in modern technology stream must
successfully complete the following requirements:
- 3.0 credits of course work
- PHYS 5905
- Students will normally include two of PHYS 5002, PHYJ
5003, PHYJ 5004, PHYJ 5005 among their courses.
Students enrolled in the physics in modern technology stream
are required to complete a work term rather than a research
thesis. Students in this stream who wish to pursue a research
degree should consult with the graduate supervisor. Although
every effort is made to find a work term position for every
student enrolled in the physics in modern technology stream, no
guarantee of employment can be made. To minimize the likelihood
of a work term position not being found, enrolment will be
limited to reflect the availability of work term placements. In
the event that a work term placement cannot be found, students
may fulfil the M.Sc. requirements with courses only as
described above.
Candidates admitted to the M.Sc. program with more than the
minimum course requirements may be permitted to credit towards
the degree a maximum of 1.0 credit at the senior undergraduate
level. This maximum does not apply to qualifying-year
Guidelines for Completion of Master's Degree
With the exception of those students in the physics in
modern technology stream, full-time master's candidates are
expected to complete all requirements in six terms of
registered full-time study. Part-time master's candidates are
expected to complete their degree requirements within an
elapsed period of three to four calendar years after the date
of initial registration.
Students in the physics in modern technology stream are
normally expected to complete all their requirements in three
successive terms of registered full-time study.
Doctor of Philosophy
Admission Requirements
An M.Sc. in Physics, or a closely related field, is normally
required for admission into the Ph.D. program. Students who
have been admitted to the M.Sc. program may be permitted to
transfer into the Ph.D. program if they demonstrate academic
abilities for advanced research in their field.
In exceptional cases, an outstanding student who has
completed the honours B.Sc. will also be considered.
Program Requirements (from M.Sc.)
The normal requirements for the Ph.D. degree (after M.Sc.)
- A minimum of 2.0 credits at the graduate level
- Students who lack any of the relevant courses
recommended for the M.Sc. program will be expected to have
completed them (or the equivalents) by the end of their
Ph.D. program. In addition, students in experimental,
theoretical, high energy physics, or theoretical physics
should complete PHYS 6601 and PHYS 6602, and students in
medical physics should complete PHYS 5209.
- A comprehensive examination designed to demonstrate
overall ability in physics and in the candidate's research
area, normally within the first year of study. This takes
the form of a written examination followed, if necessary,
by an oral examination.
- A thesis which will be defended at an oral examination.
The examining board for all theses will include members of
the Institute from both Departments of Physics. The
external examiner of the thesis will be external to both
Departments of Physics.
- Participation in the seminar series of the
Guidelines for Completion of Doctoral Degree
Full-time Ph.D. candidates admitted on the basis of an M.Sc.
are expected to complete all requirements within an elapsed
period of four to five years after the date of initial
registration. Part-time Ph.D. candidates are expected to
complete all requirements within an elapsed period of six years
after the date of initial registration.
Residence Requirements
For the M.Sc. degree:
- At least one year of full-time study (or the
For the Ph.D. degree (from B.Sc.):
- At least three years of full-time study (or the
For the Ph.D. degree (from M.Sc.):
- At least two years of full-time study (or the
Graduate Courses
- Not all of the following courses are offered in a given
year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for
2003-2004 and to determine the term of offering, consult
the Registration Instructions and Class Schedule booklet,
published in the summer and also available online at
Course Designation System
Carleton's course designation system has been restructured.
The first entry of each course description below is the new
alphanumeric Carleton course code, followed by its credit value
in brackets. The old Carleton course number (in parentheses) is
included for reference, where applicable.
University of Ottawa course numbers (in parentheses) follow
the Carleton course number and credit information.
- The following course is offered either at Carleton or
the University of Ottawa:
- PHYS 5701 [0.5 credit] (formerly 75.571) (PHY
- Intermediate Quantum Mechanics with
- Angular momentum and rotation operations; Wigner and
Racah coefficients; several and many electron problem in
atoms; variational and Hartree-Fock formalism; introduction
to second quantized field theory; scattering theory.
- Prerequisites: PHYS 4707 and PHYS 4708 and permission
of the Department.
- The following courses are offered only at
- PHYS 5002 [0.5 credit] (formerly 75.502) (PHY
- Computational Physics
- Computational methods used in analysis of experimental
data. Introduction to probability and random variables.
Monte Carlo methods for simulation of random processes.
Statistical methods for parameter estimation and hypothesis
tests. Confidence intervals. Multivariate data
classification. Unfolding methods. Examples taken primarily
from particle and medical physics. Also offered at the
undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PHYS
4807, for which additional credit is precluded.
Prerequisite: an ability to program in FORTRAN, Java, C, or
C++ and permission of the Department.
- PHYS 5101 [0.5 credit] (formerly 75.511) (PHY
- Classical Mechanics and Theory of Fields
- Hamilton's principle; conservation laws; canonical
transformations; Hamilton-Jacobi theory; Lagrangian
formulation of classical field theory.
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYS 5202 [0.5 credit] (formerly 75.522) (PHY
- Special Topics in Molecular Spectroscopy
- Topics of current interest in molecular spectroscopy.
In past years, the following areas have been covered:
electronic spectra of diatomic and triatomic molecules and
their interpretation using molecular orbital diagrams;
Raman and resonance Raman spectroscopy; symmetry aspects of
vibrational and electronic levels of ions and molecules in
solids; the presence of weak and strong resonant laser
radiation. (Also listed as CHEM5009/CHM 8150).
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYS 5203 [0.5 credit] (formerly 75.523) (PHY
- Medical Radiation Physics
- Basic interaction of electromagnetic radiation with
matter. Sources: X-ray, accelerators, nuclear. Charged
particle interaction mechanisms, stopping powers, kerma,
dose. Introduction to dosimetry. Units, measurements,
dosimetry devices.
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYS 5204 [0.5 credit] (formerly 75.524) (PHY
- Physics of Medical Imaging
- Outline of the principles of transmission X-ray
imaging, computerized tomography, nuclear medicine,
magnetic resonance imaging, and ultra-sound. Physical
descriptors of image quality, including contrast,
resolution, signal-to-noise ratio, and modulation transfer
function are covered and an introduction is given to image
- Prerequisites: PHYS 5203 and PHYS 4203, or permission
of the Department.
- PHYS 5206 [0.5 credit] (formerly 75.526) (PHY
- Medical Radiotherapy Physics
- Terminology and related physics concepts. Bragg-Gray,
Spencer-Attix cavity theories, Fano's theorem. Dosimetry
protocols, dose distribution calculations. Radiotherapy
devices, hyperthermia.
- Prerequisite: PHYS 5203 and permission of the
- PHYS 5207 [0.5 credit] (formerly 75.527) (PHY
- Radiobiology
- Introduction to basic physics and chemistry of
radiation interactions, free radicals, oxidation and
reduction, G values. Subcellular and cellular effects:
killing, repair, sensitization, protection. Measurement
methods. Survival curve models. Tissue effects, genetic and
carcinogenic effects, mutations, hazards. Cancer therapy.
Radiation protection considerations.
- Prerequisite: PHYS 5203 must have been taken, or be
taken concurrently and permission of the Department.
- PHYS 5208 [0.5 credit] (formerly 75.528)< (PHY
- Radiation Protection
- Biophysics of radiation hazards, dosimetry and
instrumentation. Monitoring of sources, planning of
facilities, waste management, radiation safety, public
protection. Regulatory agencies.
- Prerequisite: PHYS 5203 and permission of the
- PHYS 5209 [0.5 credit] (formerly 75.529) (PHY
- Medical Physics Practicum
- Experience with current clinical medical imaging and
cancer therapy equipment, and dosimetry and biophysics
instrumentation. The course requires completion of
experimental projects on medical imaging, radiotherapy,
dosimetry, and biophysics, conducted at local clinics and
NRC laboratories.
- Prerequisites: PHYS 5203. Also, as appropriate to the
majority of projects undertaken, one of PHYS 5204, PHYS
5206, PHYS 5207, or other biophysics courses, or permission
of the Department.
- PHYS 5302 [0.5 credit] (formerly 75.532) (PHY
- Classical Electrodynamics
- Covariant formulation of electrodynamics;
Lenard-Wiechert potentials; radiation reaction; plasma
physics; dispersion relations.
- Prerequisite: PHYS 4307 and permission of the
- PHYS 5601 [0.5 credit] (formerly 75.561) (PHY
- Experimental Techniques of Nuclear and Elementary
Particle Physics
- The interaction of radiation and high energy particles
with matter; experimental methods of detection and
acceleration of particles; use of relativistic kinematics;
counting statistics.
- Prerequisites: PHYS 4307 and PHYS 4707 and permission
of the Department.
- PHYS 5602 [0.5 credit] (formerly 75.562) (PHY
- Physics of Elementary Particles
- Properties of leptons, quarks, and hadrons. The
fundamental interactions. Conservation laws; invariance
principles and quantum numbers. Resonances observed in
hadron-hadron interactions. Three body phase space. Dalitz
plot. Quark model of hadrons, mass formulae. Weak
interactions; parity violation, decay of neutral kaons; CP
violation; Cabibbo theory. Also offered at the
undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PHYS
4602, for which additional credit is precluded.
- Prerequisite: PHYS 4707 and permission of the
- PHYS 5604 [0.5 credit] (formerly 75.564) (PHY
- Intermediate Nuclear Physics
- Properties of the deuteron and the neutron-proton
force. Nucleon-nucleon forces, isospin and charge
independence. Nuclear models. Scattering theory.
Interpretation of n-p and p-p scattering experiments.
Interaction of nucleons with electrons. Interaction of
nuclei with radiation.
- Prerequisite: PHYS 4608 and permission of the
- PHYS 5702 [0.5 credit] (formerly 75.572) (PHY
- Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
- Relativistic wave equations. Expansion of S matrix in
Feynman perturbation series. Feynman rules. An introduction
to quantum electro-dynamics with some second quantization.
Gauge theories. May include introduction to Standard
- Prerequisite: PHYS 5701 and permission of the
- PHYS 5801 [0.5 credit] (formerly 75.581) (PHY
- Methods of Theoretical Physics I
- This course and PHYS 5802 are designed for students who
wish to acquire a wide background of mathematical
techniques. Topics can include complex variables,
evaluation of integrals, approximation techniques,
dispersion relations, Pade approximants, boundary value
problems, Green's functions, integral equations.
- PHYS 5802 [0.5 credit] (formerly 75.582) (PHY
- Methods of Theoretical Physics II
- This course complements PHYS 5801.Topics include group
theory, discussion of SU2, SU3, and other symmetry groups.
Lorentz group.
- PHYS 5900T [1.0 credit] (formerly 75.590) (PHY
- Selected Topics in Physics (M.Sc.)
- A student may, with the permission of the Department,
take more than one selected topic, in which case each full
course is counted for credit.
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYS 5901 [0.5 credit] (formerly 75.591) (PHY
- Selected Topics in Physics (M.Sc.)
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYS 5905 [1.0 credit] (formerly 75.595) (PHY
- Physics in Modern Technology Work Term
- Experience for students enrolled in the physics in
modern technology stream. To receive course credit,
students must receive satisfactory evaluations for their
work term employment. Written and oral reports describing
the work term project are required.
- Prerequisites: Registration in the physics in modern
technology stream of the M.Sc. program and permission of
the Department.
- PHYS 5909 (formerly 75.599) (PHY 7999)
- M.Sc. Thesis
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYS 6601 (formerly 75.661) (PHY 8161)
- Particle Physics Phenomenology
- This course covers much of the required knowledge for
research in particle physics from both the experimental and
theoretical points of view. Topics may include: standard
model, parton model, quark model, hadron spectroscopy, and
tests of QCD.
- Prerequisite: PHYS 5602 and permission of the
- PHYS 6602 (formerly 75.662) (PHY 8162)
- Advanced Topics in Particle Physics
- This course will consist of a variety of seminars and
short lecture courses, and will cover topics of immediate
interest to the research program of the department.
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYS 6701 [0.5 credit] (formerly 75.671) (PHY
- Quantum Electrodynamics
- Relativistic quantum field theory; second quantization
of Bose and Fermi fields; reduction and LSZ formalism;
perturbation expansion and proof of renormalizability of
quantum electrodynamics; calculations of radiative
corrections and applications.
- Prerequisites: PHYS 5101, PHYS 5302, PHYS 5701 and PHYS
5702 and permission of the Department.
- PHYS 6900 (formerly 75.690T) (PHY 8490)
- Selected Topics in Physics (Ph.D.)
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYS 6901 (formerly 75.691) (PHY 8391)
- Selected Topics in Physics (Ph.D.)
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYS 6909 (formerly 75.699) (PHY 9999)
- Ph.D. Thesis
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- The following courses are offered only at the
University of Ottawa:
- PHYJ 5001 (formerly 74.501) (PHY 5130)
- Experimental Characterization Techniques in
Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, and
- Survey of experimental techniques used in materials
science, condensed matter physics, solid state chemistry,
and mineralogy to characterize materials and solid
substances. Diffraction. Spectroscopy. Microscopy and
imaging. Other analytic techniques.
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYJ 5003 (formerly 74.503) (PHY 5342)
- Computer Simulations in Physics
- This course covers advanced numerical methods used to
study large scale problems in the natural sciences, with
emphasis on Molecular Dynamics, Langevin Dynamics and
Brownian Dynamics methods. Examine the use of different
thermodynamic ensembles, to compute experimentally relevant
physical properties, and to work with non-equilibrium
situations. Methods required to handle very large problems
on parallel computers.
- Prerequisite: PHY 3355 (PHY 3755), PHY 3370 (PHY 3770)
and familiarity with FORTRAN, Pascal or C.
- PHYJ 5004 (formerly 74.504) (PHY 5340)
- Computational Physics I
- Deterministic numerical methods in physics.
Interpolation methods. Numerical solutions of Newton's,
Maxwell's and Schrödinger's equations. Molecular dynamics.
Non-linear dynamics. Numerical solutions of partial
differential equations in physics. Finite elements. This
course cannot be combined for credit with PHY 4340 (PHY
- PHYJ 5005 (formerly 74.505) (PHY 5341)
- Computational Physics II
- Interpolation, regression and modeling. Random number
generation. Monte Carlo methods. Simulations in
thermo-statistics. Fractals, percolation, cellular
automation. Stochastic methods. This course cannot be
combined for credit with PHY 4341 (PHY 4741).
- PHYJ 5006 (formerly 74.506) (PHY 5362)
- Computational Methods in Material Sciences
- Introduction to modern computational techniques used in
material science research. Classical molecular dynamics,
classical and quantum Monte Carlo methods, plane-wave based
electronic band structure calculations, Carr-Parrinello
quantum molecular dynamics. Applications to condensed
matter systems: basic simulation techniques, force-field
based methods, first-principles quantum mechanical
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYJ 5102 (formerly 74.512) (PHY 5361)
- Nonlinear Dynamics in the Natural Sciences
- Differential and difference equations, Fourier series
and data analysis, stability analysis, Poincaré maps, local
bifurcations, routes to chaos and statistical properties of
strange attractors. Applications of these concepts to
specific problems in condensed matter physics, molecular
physics, fluid mechanics, dissipative structures, and
evolutionary systems.
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYJ 5308 [0.5 credit] (PHY 5384)
- Physics of Fiber Optic Systems
- Physics of electromagnetic waves in fiber-optic
systems. Laser modulation, chirp effects, noise. Amplitude,
frequency, phase modulation. Optical dispersion (chromatic
dispersion, polarization mode dispersion and
polarization-dependent losses). Fiber losses and nonlinear
effects. Optical detectors, receivers, signal to noise
ratio, power penalties. Overall system design.
- PHYJ 5401 (formerly 74.541) (PHY 5100)
- Solid State Physics I
- Periodic structures, Lattice waves. Electron states.
Static properties of solids. Electron-electron interaction.
Dynamics of electrons. Transport properties. Optical
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYJ 5402 (formerly 74.542) (PHY 5110)
- Solid State Physics II
- Elements of group theory. Band structure, tight binding
and other approximations, Hartree-Fock theory. Measuring
the Fermi surface. Boltzmann equation and semiconductors.
Diamagnetism, paramagnetism and magnetic ordering.
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYJ 5403 (formerly 74.543) (PHY 5151)
- Type I and II Superconductors
- Flux flow and flux cutting phenomena. Clem general
critical state model. Flux quantization, Abrikosov vortex
model and Ginzburg-Landau theory. Superconducting
tunnelling junctions (Giaevar and Josephson types).
- Prerequisite: PHY 4370 and permission of the
- PHYJ 5404 (formerly 74.544) (PHY 6371)
- Topics in Mössbauer Spectroscopy
- Recoilless emission/absorption, anisotropic
Debye-Waller factors, second order Doppler shifts.
Mössbauer lineshape theory with static and dynamic
hyperfine interactions. Distributions of static hyperfine
parameters. Physics of the hyperfine parameters: origin of
the hyperfine field, calculations of electric field
gradients. Applications of Mössbauer spectroscopy.
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYJ 5407 (formerly 74.547) (PHY 5380)
- Semiconductor Physics I
- Brillouin zones and band theory. E-k diagram, effective
mass tensors, etc. Electrical properties of semiconductors.
Conduction, hall effect, magneto-resistance. Scattering
processes. Multivalley models and non-parabolic bands.
- Prerequisite: PHY 4380 and permission of the
- PHYJ 5408 (formerly 74.548) (PHY 5381/PHY 5781)
- Semiconductor Physics II: Optical
- Optical constants and dispersion theory. Optical
absorption, reflection and band structure. Absorption at
band edge and excitons. Lattice, defect and free carrier
absorption, Magneto-optics. Photo-electronic properties,
luminescence, detector theory. Experimental methods.
- Prerequisite: PHY 4380 and permission of the
- PHYJ 5409 (formerly 74.549) (PHY 5951)
- Low Temperature Physics II
- Helium 3 and Helium 4 cryostats. Dilution
refrigerators. Theory and techniques of adiabatic
demagnetization. Thermometry at low temperatures. Problems
of thermal equilibrium and of thermal isolation. Properties
of matter at very low temperature.
- Prerequisite: PHY 4355 and permission of the
- PHYJ 5501 (formerly 74.551) (PHY 5125)
- Charged Particle Dynamics
- A course on the acceleration, transport and focusing of
charged particles in vacuum using electric magnetic fields.
Beam optics. Phase space of an assembly of particles.
Applications to experimental systems.
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYJ 5502 (formerly 74.552) (PHY 5740)
- Physique Numérique I
- Méthodes numériques déterministes en physique.
Techniques d'interpolation. Solutions numérique des
équations de Newton, de Maxwell et de Schrödinger.
Dynamique moléculaire. Dynamique non-linéaire. Solutions
numériques des équations aux dérivées partielles en
physique. Éléments finis.
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYJ 5503 (formerly 74.553) (PHY 5741)
- Physique Numérique II
- Interpolation, régression et modeler. Nombres
aléatoires. Techniques de Monte-Carlo. Simulations
thermo-statistiques. Percolation, fractales, et
automisation cellulaire. Méthodes numériques
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYJ 5504 (formerly 74.554) (PHY 5387)
- Physics of Materials
- Microscopic characteristics related to the physical
properties of materials. Materials families: metals and
alloys, ceramics, polymers and plastics, composites,
layered materials, ionic solids, molecular solids, etc.
Specific materials groups. Equilibrium phase diagrams and
their relation to microstructure and kinetics. Experimental
methods of characterization. Interactions and
- Prerequisite: PHY 4382 or equivalent. Cannot be
combined with PHY 4387.
- PHYJ 5505 (formerly 74.555) (PHY 5355)
- Statistical Mechanics
- Ensemble Theory. Interacting classical and quantum
systems. Phase transitions and critical phenomena.
Fluctuations and linear response theory. Kinetic
- Prerequisites: PHY 4370 and PHY 3355 and permission of
the Department.
- PHYJ 5506 (formerly 74.556) (PHY 5742)
- Simulations Numériques en Physique
- Un cours ayant but d'étudier des méthodes numériques
avancées employées dans les problèmes à grande échelle dans
les sciences naturelles. Emploi d'ensembles
thermo-dynamiques différents, calculs de propriétés
physiques expérimentalement pertinentes, et extension aux
situations hors d'équilibre. Techniques pour ordinateurs
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYJ 5507 (formerly 74.557) (PHY 5922)
- Advanced Magnetism
- Study of some of the experimental and theoretical
aspects of magnetic phenomena found in ferro-, ferri-,
antiferro-magnetic and spin glass materials. Topics of
current interest in magnetism.
- Prerequisite: PHY 4385 and permission of the
- PHYJ 5508 (formerly 74.558) (PHY 5320)
- Introduction to the Physics of
- The chemistry of macromolecules and polymers; random
walks and the static properties of polymers; experimental
methods; the Rouse model and single chain dynamics; polymer
melts and viscoelasticity; the Flory-Huggins theory; the
reptation theory; computer simulation algorithms;
biopolymers and copolymers.
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYJ 5509 (formerly 74.559) (PHY 5347)
- Physics, Chemistry and Characterization of Mineral
- The materials science of mineral systems such as the
network and layered silicates. In-depth study of the
relations between mineralogically relevant variables such
as: atomic structure, crystal chemistry, site populations,
valence state populations, crystallization conditions.
Interpretation and basic understanding of characterization
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- PHYJ 5603 (formerly 74.563) (PHY 5310)
- Ion Collisions in Solids
- Energy loss of energetic particles in passing through
solids. Stopping cross sections. The influence of crystal
lattice on nuclear stopping. Crystal lattice effects at
high energies. Channelling and blocking. The collision
cascade. Charge states of fast ions in solids from thin
foil and X-ray measurements.
- PHYJ 5703 (formerly 74.573) (PHY 6170)
- Advanced Quantum Mechanics II
- Systems of identical particles and many-body theory.
Lattice and impurity scattering. Quantum processes in a
magnetic field. Radiative and non-radiative transitions.
Introduction to relativistic quantum mechanics.
- Prerequisite: PHY 5170 and permission of the
- PHYJ 6406 (formerly 74.646) (PHY 6382)
- Physics of Semiconductor Superlattices
- Fundamental physics of two-dimensional quantized
semiconductor structures. Electronic and optical properties
of superlattices and quantum wells. Optical and electronic
applications. This course is intended for students
registered for the Ph.D. in semiconductor physics
- Prerequisite: advanced undergraduate or graduate course
in solid state physics and permission of the
- PHYJ 6407 (formerly 74.647)(PHY 6782
- Physique des super-réseaux à
- Physique fondamentale des structures quantiques
bi-dimensionnelles à semiconducteurs. Propriétés
électroniques et optiques des super-réseaux et puits
quantiques. Applications à l'électronique et à l'optique.
Ce cours est destiné aux étudiants et aux étudiantes
inscrits au doctorat en physique des semiconducteurs.
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.