Loeb Building C877
Telephone: (613) 520-3743
Fax: (613) 520-3906
E-mail: economics@carleton.ca
Web site: www.carleton.ca/economics/
The Department
Chair of the Department: A.R.M. Ritter
Supervisor of M.A. Studies: F.R. Woolley
Supervisor of Ph.D. Studies: Z. Chen
Director of Joint Doctoral Program with the University of
Ottawa: Z. Chen
The Department of Economics offers programs of study and
research leading to the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees.
Graduate students in economics undertake a thorough review
of economic theory, together with an analysis of the Canadian
economy, its institutions and history, and the working of
public policy. Stress is placed on the understanding and
application of quantitative methods to all aspects of
economics. Although the programs are generally oriented towards
policy problems, there is considerable opportunity for the
development of specialized interests.
The main areas of study within the Department include the
- Economic Development Economic Theory
- Economics of the Environment
- Industrial Organization
- International Economics
- Monetary Economics
- Public Economics
- Quantitative Methods
Qualifying-Year Program
Applicants who have a general (3-year) bachelor's degree, or
who otherwise lack the required undergraduate preparation may
be admitted to a qualifying-year program designed to raise
their standing to honours status. If successful, they may be
permitted to proceed to the master's program the following
Refer to the General Regulations section of this Calendar
for details of the regulations governing the qualifying
Master of Arts
Admission Requirements
The normal requirement for admission to the master's program
is a B.A. (Honours) (or the equivalent) in Economics, with at
least high honours standing.
Applicants are expected to have had adequate preparation in
microeconomic and macroeconomic theory, econometrics, and
mathematics. This could be satisfied, for example, by the
following four undergraduate courses: advanced microeconomic
theory, advanced macroeconomic theory, econometrics, and
mathematics for economists. Students with deficiencies in these
requirements may have their program requirements extended
The Department may require certain applicants to write the
Graduate Record Examination Aptitude Test and the Advanced Test
in Economics offered by the Educational Testing Service.
Program Requirements
All master's students in economics must fulfil the following
requirements :
Economics ECON 5001, ECON 5002, ECON 5005
In addition, each candidate must select and complete one of
the following:
- Approved courses for 2.5 credits, 1.0 of which may be
selected from among those offered in a related discipline,
with approval of the Department, through the supervisor of
M.A. Studies, or
- A thesis equivalent to 1.5 credits and approved
course(s) for 1.0 credit
All approved course(s) normally will be taken at the 5000
ECON 5903 is not normally allowed for credit towards an M.A.
degree except when listed as an additional requirement.
Internship Placement
An Internship option is available to full-time students in
the M.A. program who are eligible to work in Canada.
Registration in the Internship option requires departmental
permission and is also limited by availability of placements.
Students may apply to the M.A. Supervisor for the Internship
option after completing ECON 5001, ECON 5002 and ECON 5005 or
after completing 3.0 credits.
Internship placements will locate students for at least one
term in the public service, the private sector, or
non-governmental organizations. Students will integrate
theoretical and applied economic analysis in their work
experience. During their work term, students are required to
register in ECON 5902: Internship Placement, which is
additional to the existing program requirements. While taking
ECON 5902, students are considered to be part-time, and may
register for not more than 1.0 credit in total.
Academic Standing
A grade of B- or better must normally be received in each
credit counted towards the master's degree. With respect to the
required core credits in the program, ECON 5001, ECON 5002 and
ECON 5005, there will be no exceptions. A candidate may, with
the recommendation of the Department and the approval of the
Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, be
allowed a grade of C+ in 1.0 credit.
Guidelines for Completion of Master's Degree
Full-time master's students are expected to complete their
requirements within two terms. Part-time students will take a
minimum of five terms but must complete within an elapsed
period of six calendar years, as set out in Section 13 of the
General Regulations of this Calendar.
Doctor of Philosophy
The doctoral program is offered jointly by the Departments
of Economics at Carleton University and the University of
The Ph.D. program stresses the application of economic
theory to the analysis of Canadian economic policy and economic
development. Six areas of specialization are available for
intensive study and thesis research: economic development,
economics of the environment, industrial organization,
international economics, monetary economics, and public
economics. The program of courses and thesis guidance, drawing
upon the faculty of the two departments, will encompass course
requirements, policy-oriented workshops, comprehensive
examinations, and a thesis. Students are expected to have, or
to acquire, proficiency in mathematics and statistics before
proceeding with the program.
In cases of exceptional merit, Ph.D. candidates may be
accepted on a part-time basis.
Admission Requirements
The normal requirement for admission into the Ph.D. program
is a master's degree (or the equivalent) from a recognized
university, with high honours standing. The Department may
require certain applicants to write the Graduate Record
Examination Aptitude Test and the Advanced Test in Economics
offered by the Educational Testing Service.
Transfer from Master's to Ph.D. Program
A student who shows outstanding academic performance, and
who demonstrates high promise for advanced research during the
master's program may, subject to meeting the requirements
below, be permitted to transfer into the Ph.D. program without
completing the M.A. program;
- The student will have completed ECON 5001, ECON 5002
and ECON 5005.
- The student must make formal application to the
graduate studies committee.
- Students permitted to transfer into the Ph.D. program
will be required to complete the equivalent of 13.5 credits
of which 6.0 or 7.0 credits will be assigned to the Ph.D.
Thesis, depending on the student's background and grades at
the time of the transfer.
- Students who have taken ECON 6000 and/or ECON 6001 as
part of the M.A. curriculum will be granted advanced
standing in these courses.
Program Requirements
Students admitted to the joint Ph.D. program are required to
complete 10.0 credits (unless additional course work is
required), including 1.5 compulsory credits in ECON 6000 (ECO
7922), ECON 6001 (ECO 7923) and ECON 5701 (ECO 7126; 7526).
Students are also required to do course work in two of six
fields of specialization leading to field comprehensive exams
and the writing of a thesis. To fulfil this requirement,
students are expected to assimilate the material in 1.5 credits
(or the equivalent) in each of two fields of specialization.
However, the Department expects that a typical student entering
the program with a completed M.A. will have taken the
equivalent of 1.5 credits during his or her M.A. course work.
If a student entering the program meets this expectation, the
student is required to take only 1.5 credits (or the
equivalent) over two fields of specialization. If the student's
background is not consistent with this expectation, the
admissions committee may require, as a condition of entry, that
a student take up to 1.5 additional credits. Courses in the
fields of specialization will be:
- Economic Development
- ECON 5500, ECON 5504, ECON 5505
- Economics of the Environment
- ECON 5305, ECON 5306, ECON 5507
- Industrial Organization
- ECON 5301, ECON 5302, ECON 5303
- International Economics
- ECON 5601, ECON 5602, ECON 5603, ECON 5505
- Monetary Economics
- ECON 5606, ECON 5607, ECON 5608, ECON 5609
- Public Economics
- ECON 5401, ECON 5402, ECON 5403, ECON 5404
Comprehensive Examinations
Oral examinations are not compulsory, but a candidate may be
required by the examining committee to sit an oral
Each student will register in ECON 6900 (ECO 7990) and ECON
6901 (ECO 7990), in order to write the comprehensive
examinations in microeconomic and macroeconomic theory. These
two examinations are to be written within twelve months of
beginning full-time study.
Students will be required to write comprehensive
examinations in two fields.
Thesis and Workshop Requirements
Doctoral students will write and defend a Ph.D. thesis. In
preparing the thesis, the student is required to give two
thesis workshops. In the first, a research proposal for the
thesis will be presented, for evaluation by at least three
faculty members. In the second, a substantial portion of the
research for the thesis will have been completed and will be
presented and evaluated as above. The workshops are
requirements for graduation, and students will receive 1.0
credit for them.
Students are encouraged to attend and participate in the
regular departmental workshops relevant to their fields of
interest and research. Such workshops are conducted in six
- Economic Development
- Economics of the Environment
- Industrial Organization
- International Economics
- Monetary Economics
- Public Economics
Further details about this joint Ph.D. program may be
obtained by writing to the Director of Doctoral Studies, joint
Ph.D. program in Economics, either at the Department of
Economics, Carleton University, or at the Department of
Economics, University of Ottawa.
Academic Standing
Doctoral students normally must obtain a grade of B- or
better in each credit counted towards the degree.
Guidelines for Completion of Ph.D. Degree
Full-time Ph.D. students are expected to complete their
requirements within four calendar years. Students who undertake
the program by a combination of full-time and part-time study
must complete their degree requirements within an elapsed
period of eight calendar years, as set out in the General
Regulations section of this Calendar.
Graduate Courses
- Not all of the following courses are offered in a given
year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for
2003-2004 and to determine the term of offering, consult
the Registration Instructions and Class Schedule booklet,
published in the summer and also available online at
Course Designation System
Carleton's course designation system has been restructured.
The first entry of each course description below is the new
alphanumeric Carleton course code, followed by its credit value
in brackets. The old Carleton course number (in parentheses) is
included for reference, where applicable.
Enrolment in graduate courses requires the permission of the
Department, through the supervisor of graduate studies.
University of Ottawa courses, where applicable, appear in
parentheses following the Carleton course information.
- ECON 5001 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.501)
- Microeconomic Theory I
- An examination of the theories of the behaviour of
individual economic agents: consumers and producers and
their relation to the theories of price determination.
- ECON 5002 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.502)
- Macroeconomic Theory I
- Macroeconomic theory and its implications for economic
policy are surveyed in this course, comparing alternative
approaches for a variety of topics.
- ECON 5003 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.503)
- Microeconomic Theory II
- A continuation of Microeconomic Theory I.
- ECON 5004 [0.5 credit]S (formerly 43.504)
- Macroeconomic Theory II
- A continuation of Macroeconomic Theory I.
- ECON 5005 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.505)
- Econometrics I
- Estimation and testing of the general linear model,
with emphasis on problems such as auto-correlation,
heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity, and problems due to
distributed lags and errors in variables. Introduction to
simultaneous equations systems, identification, and
- ECON 5007 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.507)
- Directed Readings
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- ECON 5008 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.508)
- Special Topics
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- ECON 5009 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.509)
- Directed Research
- At least one paper will be required from a student
enrolled in any one of these courses.
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- ECON 5101 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.511)
- Canadian Economy I
- An examination of aspects and problems of the Canadian
economy. Topics may include the economic development of
Canada, regional development, industrial organization,
factor market, income distribution, international trade and
capital flows, and macroeconomic stability.
- ECON 5102 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.512)
- Canadian Economy II
- Economic theory applied to the workings of the Canadian
economy. Empirical estimation of various aspects of factor
market operation, production, distribution, and aggregate
economy. Participants are expected to prepare and present
papers for discussion.
- ECON 5201 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.521)
- History of Economic Thought I
- Crucial achievements in economic theory and doctrine in
the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Emphasis on the
interrelationship between the social environment and
economic thought, especially the role of economics in the
development of the national state and international
institutions. Also offered at the undergraduate level, with
different requirements, as part of ECON 4105, for which
additional credit is precluded.
- ECON 5202 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.522)
- History of Economic Thought II
- A continuation of ECON 5201. Also offered at the
undergraduate level, with different requirements, as part
of ECON 4105, for which additional credit is
- Prerequisite: ECON 5201 or permission of the
- ECON 5205 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.525) (ECO 7125;
- Mathematical Economics
- General equilibrium; dynamic optimization; game
- ECON 5301 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.531) (ECO 6140;
- Firms and Markets
- An examination of theories pertaining to industrial
organization and their application to industries in Canada
and elsewhere by way of empirical studies.
- ECON 5302 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.532) (ECO 6141;
- Competition Policy
- An examination of the rationale and application of
competition policy with particular attention to the
Canadian economy.
- ECON 5303 [0.5 credit]S (formerly 43.533) (ECO 6142;
- Regulation and Public Enterprise
- An examination of regulation and public enterprise as
alternative approaches for influencing industry conduct and
- ECON 5305 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.535) (ECO 6143;
- Economics of Natural Resources
- Dynamic optimization; theory of renewable and
non-renewable natural resources, including the environment;
policy options for correcting market failures.
- ECON 5306 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.536) (ECO 6151;
- Economics of the Environment
- The environment as natural capital; environmental
valuation techniques; elements of environmental income
accounting; sustainable development theories and practice;
institutional questions and policy issues.
- Prerequisite: ECON 5305.
- ECON 5307 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.537)
- Labour Economics
- The application of price theory to the labour market.
Topics include models of labour supply and labour demand,
human capital and the economics of education and unions and
their impact on the labour market. Also offered at the
undergraduate level, with different requirements, as ECON
4306, for which additional credit is precluded.
- ECON 5308 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.538)
- Law and Economics
- The interrelationship of law and economics, emphasizing
transaction costs and property rights. Economic analysis of
such topics as the allocative effects of alternative
property rights, contract, tort, and nuisance law and the
economics of crime, pollution, pay television, and eminent
- ECON 5309 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.539)
- Applied Industrial Economics
- The application of industrial economics, with special
emphasis on Canada and the rest of North America. Topics
include the structure of consumer demand, firm production
and investment, industrial structure and international
trade, and the effect of government policies on industrial
- ECON 5401 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.541) (ECO 6130;
- Public Economics: Expenditure
- A discussion of the role of government expenditure,
both in theory and with reference to the Canadian
- ECON 5402 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.542) (ECO 6131;
- Public Economics: Taxation
- An analysis of the effects of various forms of taxation
on economic performance.
- ECON 5403 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.543) (ECO 6133;
- Public Choice
- Democracy, bureaucracy, and economic policy. The public
choice of fiscal constitutions, tax shares, and equity
rules; voting coalitions and income distribution; the
public provision of private goods; public sector size,
fiscal illusion, and taxpayer revolts.
- ECON 5404 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.544) (ECO 6132;
- Fiscal Federalism
- This course examines the economic aspects of
federalism, including efficiency, redistribution,
consideration of a federal system of government,
intergovernmental grants, and problems of stabilization
policy in a federal context.
- ECON 5405 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.545)
- Theoretical Welfare Economics
- A rigorous treatment of the theoretical foundations of
welfare economics.
- ECON 5407 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.547)
- Project Evaluation
- An analytical treatment of the principles of project
evaluation and their applications. Also offered at the
undergraduate level, with different requirements, as ECON
4407, for which additional credit is precluded.
- ECON 5500 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.550) (ECO 6170;
- Theory of Economic Development
- This course will deal with theoretical approaches in
the economic development literature in relation to the
historical, economic, environmental, social, and political
dimensions of the development process.
- ECON 5503 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.553)
- Stabilization Policy
- An examination of policies aimed at achieving internal
and external stability. Implications of economic growth for
stabilization policies.
- Prerequisite: ECON 5002.
- ECON 5504 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.554) (ECO 6171;
- Economic Development: Internal Aspects
- An analysis of major domestic problems of economic
development. Topics may include employment, income
distribution, choice of technology, sectoral allocation of
resources, human resource development, and domestic
environmental issues.
- ECON 5505 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.555) (ECO 6172;
- Economic Development: International Aspects
- An analysis of key problems of international economic
development such as trade in primary commodities and
manufactures, financial flows and debt, the role of
multinational corporations, the transfer of technology, and
the international dimensions of environmental issues as
they relate to the developing countries.
- ECON 5507 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.557) (ECO 6173;
- Environmental Aspects of Economic
- Policy aspects of sustainable economic development and
environmental quality in developing countries. Topics to
include energy use, deforestation, drought and
desertification, depletion of natural resources, debt,
environment and poverty, sustainable industrial and
agricultural development, conservation policies, pollution
control and global environmental issues.
- ECON 5601 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.561) (ECO 6160;
- International Trade: Theory and Policy
- International trade theory and its implications for
economic policy are examined, with emphasis on topics such
as determinants of trade and specialization, gains from
trade and commercial policy, international factor mobility,
growth, and development.
- ECON 5602 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.562) (ECO 6161;
- International Monetary Theory and Policy
- International monetary theory and policy, with emphasis
on topics such as sources of equilibrium and disequilibrium
in the balance of payments, balance-of-payments adjustment
under fixed versus flexible exchange rates, international
capital movements, and recent issues in the international
monetary system.
- ECON 5603 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.563) (ECO 6162;
- Topics in International Economics
- An examination of key topics in international
economics, including theoretical analysis, quantitative
methods and policy formulation, implementation, and
- Prerequisite: ECON 5601 or ECON 5602.
- ECON 5606 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.566) (ECO 6180;
- Microeconomic Aspects of Monetary Theory
- Microeconomic foundations of monetary theory.
Alternative theories for the existence of money. Commodity,
private and fiat money systems. The integration of monetary
theory with the theory of value.
- ECON 5607 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.567) (ECO 6181;
- Macroeconomic Aspects of Monetary Theory
- A course in monetary theory dealing with the
macroeconomic interactions of money. Issues will include
such topics as: inflation, money and wealth; the optimum
quantity of money; the welfare aspects of monetary
economies; the supply of money and its composition;
stabilization policy; money, capital, and growth.
- ECON 5608 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.568) (ECO 6182;
- Aspects of Financial Intermediation
- The evolution of the financial system with special
emphasis on the theory of financial institutions and its
interrelationship with the money supply process and the
central bank. Contemporary monetary and finance theory
applied to institutional problems in both historical and
contemporary settings.
- ECON 5609 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.569) (ECO 6183;
- Explorations in Monetary Economics
- A course in which explorations in theory, policy
recommendations, and empirical study are undertaken. The
material challenges traditional approaches by examining
such topics as the endogeneity of money, the role of
credit, the finance motive, the circuit approach, flow of
funds analysis, and austerity policies.
- ECON 5701 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.571) (ECO 7126;
- Econometrics II
- Selected topics from estimating and testing the
regression and simultaneous equation models. Topics include
maximum likelihood estimation, statistical analysis of
residuals, autoregressive and other time-series models,
multivariate regression model, and elements of asymptotic
statistical theory within the context of the simultaneous
equation model.
- Prerequisite: ECON 5005 or equivalent.
- ECON 5702 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.572)
- Applied Econometrics
- A discussion of the major problems encountered in
applying the tools and techniques of econometric methods to
statistical data for economic analysis and forecasting.
Selected papers from the applied econometric literature are
critically analyzed and appraised with the application of
modern econometric techniques.
- Prerequisite: ECON 5005 or the equivalent.
- ECON 5703 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.573)
- Applied Time Series Analysis
- Introduces the basic concepts of time series analysis
with emphasis on models used in economics. Topics include
stationary and nonstationary time series, model
identification and estimation, transfer functions, and
forecast computation. Also offered at the undergraduate
level, with different requirements, as ECON 4803, for which
additional credit is precluded.
- ECON 5801 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.581)
- Regional Economics
- Regional economic disparities in Canada, theories and
public policy relating thereto. Consideration will be given
to the concept of regions, location of industry and
industrial structure, and to growth determinants.
- ECON 5802 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.582)
- Urban Economics
- An examination of the economic properties of urban
areas. Attention will be focused on the macrodynamics of
urban development, together with the microstatics of the
equilibrium properties of the urban land market.
- ECON 5806 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.586)
- Comparative Economic Systems I
- This course builds a framework for comparing economic
systems, and also considers the interaction between
economic and political systems. The traditional Soviet-type
economy, industrial policy, and problems of transition
receive particular attention. Also offered at the
undergraduate level, with different requirements, as ECON
4806, for which additional credit is precluded.
- ECON 5807 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.587)
- Comparative Economic Systems II
- A comparison of contemporary economic systems. Such
diverse economies as mainland China, Japan, Germany,
Sweden, Russia, Taiwan, and Hungary may be explored. Also
offered at the undergraduate level, with different
requirements, as ECON 4807, for which additional credit is
- ECON 5902 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.592)
- Internship Placement
- Internship students are required to register in this
course during their work term.
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- ECON 5903 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.593)
- Mathematical Methods for Economists
- A rigorous review of mathematical techniques in
economics, such as: matrix algebra, static optimization,
nonlinear programming, and difference and differential
equations. It introduces the theory of optimal control,
dynamic programming, and real analysis. Applications of
these tools to various parts of economic theory are
- ECON 5909 [1.5 credit] (formerly 43.599)
- M.A. Thesis
- ECON 6000 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.600) (ECO
- Economic Theory: Microeconomics
- An examination of critical aspects of microeconomic
theory drawn from recent analysis of consumer behaviour,
costs and production, transaction costs, uncertainty, and
the organization of economic activity.
- Prerequisite: ECON 5001 or equivalent.
- ECON 6001 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.601) (ECO
- Economic Theory: Macroeconomics
- An examination of critical aspects of macroeconomic
theory drawn from recent analysis of the microeconomic
foundations of macroeconomics, concepts of macroeconomic
equilibrium and the impact of monetary and fiscal
disturbances. Attention is also directed to a variety of
topics related to the conduct of macroeconomic policy.
- Prerequisite: ECON 5002 or equivalent.
- ECON 6101 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.611) (ECO 7002;
- Thesis Workshop
- See Thesis and Workshop Requirements.
- ECON 6700 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.670) (ECO
- Directed Readings
- Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
- ECON 6900 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.690) (ECO
- Comprehensive Examination in Micro-economic
- See Comprehensive Examinations.
- ECON 6901 [0.5 credit] (formerly 43.691) (ECO
- Comprehensive Examination in Macro-economic
- See Comprehensive Examinations
- ECON 6909 [5.0 credits] (formerly 43.699) (ECO
- Ph.D. Thesis