Ottawa-Carleton Institute of Biology
2240 Herzberg Building
Telephone: (613) 520-2600, ext. 8769
Fax: (613) 520-5613
Web site: www.carleton.ca/biology/ocib/
The Institute
Director of the Institute, M.R. Forbes
Associate Director, V. Trudeau
Students pursuing studies in biological sciences at the M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels
in the Ottawa area do so in a co-operative program that combines the resources
of the Departments of Biology of Carleton University and the University of Ottawa.
The two universities have a joint committee supervising the programs, regulations,
and student admissions.
Students are admitted for graduate work under the general
regulations of the Institute. Additional criteria for admission
include academic performance, research experience, and
referees' appraisals. The student must also be accepted by a
faculty member who will supervise the research project, and the
choice of supervisor will determine the primary campus location
of the student. The student's advisory committee will normally
include faculty members from both universities.
Requests for information and completed applications should
be sent to the Director or Associate Director of the Institute.
Additional information may also be obtained through the
Institute Web site.
Members of the Institute
- J.T. Arnason, Biochemical ecology
- J.M. Blais, Bio-geochemistry of toxic substances
- L. Bonen, Molecular biology
- C. Boutin, Agro-ecosystems, plant conservation, wildlife habitat, herbicides,
- G. Blouin-Demers, Reptile conservation and behavioral ecology
- S. J. Brooks, Animal biochemistry
- N. Cappuccino, Population and community ecology
- G.R. Carmody, Population genetics
- P.M. Catling, Plant biosystematics
- N. Chaly, Cell biology
- F. Chapleau, Fish evolution
- C. Charest, Plant physiology
- J.J. Cheetham, Membrane biochemistry
- R.L. Charlebois, Molecular microbiology
- D.J. Currie, Macroecology, biogeography
- J.R. Dillon, Molecular genetics
- G. Drouin, Molecular genetics
- L. Fahrig, Population ecology and ecological modeling
- J.C. Fenwick, Comparative endocrinology
- C.S. Findlay, Evolution
- M.R. Forbes, Evolutionary ecology
- K. Freemark, Ecology, behaviour and systematics
- A.J. Gaston, Conservation biology
- K.M. Gilmour, Comparative respiratory physiology
- L. Gillespie, Systematics and evolution of flowering plants
- J.-G. Godin, Behavioural ecology of fishes
- W.D. Gould, Biotechnology
- D.A. Hickey, Genetics and bioinformatics
- J.G. Houseman, Insect physiology
- B. Johnson, Cell biochemistry
- D.A. Johnson, Molecular biology
- S. W. Kennedy, Environmental toxicology
- J. Kerr, Biodiversity, landscape ecology, geomatics
- I. Lambert, Molecular biology and genetic toxicology
- D.R.S. Lean, Ecotoxicology
- J. Lewis, Neurobiology
- C. Martin, Development genetics
- B.L.A. Miki, Plant molecular biology
- P. Mineau, Ecotoxicology
- R.E.J. Mitchel, Radiobiology
- T.W. Moon, Comparative physiology and biochemistry
- A. Morin, Freshwater ecology
- J. Nash, Genomics
- M. Paulin-Levasseur, Cell biology
- S.B. Peck, Arthropod and beetle evolution systematics
- S.F. Perry, Comparative respiratory physiology
- B. Philogène, Ecophysiology of insects, chemical ecology
- F. Pick, Aquatic ecology
- J. Picman, Behavioural ecology
- S. Regan, Plant molecular biology and genomics
- C.B. Renaud, Fish biology
- M. Saner, Bioethics
- V.L. Seligy, Molecular genetics
- T. Sherratt, Evolutionary ecology
- A. Simons , Plant life-history evolution
- J. Sinclair, Biophysics of cells
- M. Smith, Fungal molecular genetics
- K.B. Storey, Biochemical adaptations
- V. Trudeau, Comparative endocrinology
- J.P. Vierula, Molecular biology
- P.R. Walker, Molecular mechanisms of a poptosis
- J.-M. Weber, Metabolic physiology
- W.G. Willmore, Biochemistry, biotechnology
- X. Xia, Molecular evolution, bioinformatics
- J. E. Yack, Behavioural physiology, entomology
Ottawa-Carleton Specialization in Behavioural
The Departments of Biology and Psychology at Carleton
University, and the School of Psychology at the University of
Ottawa provide a graduate specialization in behavioural
neuroscience at the M.Sc. and Ph.D. level. For further details
see the Neuroscience program section of this Calendar.
Ottawa-Carleton Collaborative Program in Chemical and
Environmental Toxicology
The Departments of Biology and Chemistry at Carleton
University and at the University of Ottawa provide a
collaborative program in chemical and environmental toxicology
at the M.Sc. level. For further details see the Ottawa-Carleton
Collaborative Program in Chemical and Environmental
Toxicology's section of this Calendar.
Each campus is well equipped for a wide range of biological
research. Some major equipment and facilities include scanning
and transmission electron microscopes; confocal laser scanning
microscope; digital light microscope and image analysis
facilities; conventional and digital darkrooms; animal and
plant growth facilities; animal cell culture facilities;
electro-physiology equipment; computer systems for genomic
studies, modeling of ecological systems, and access to the
Internet and the Web; DNA and protein analysis facilities,
including electrophoresis and chromatographic equipment, and
ultra-centrifuges. Students also benefit from the resources of
nearby government laboratories and libraries, including
Agriculture Canada, Environment Canada, Health and Welfare
Canada, and the National Research Council.
Master of Science
Admission Requirements
An Honours B.Sc. or equivalent degree at a standard
acceptable to the two universities is required for admission to
the M.Sc. program. Applicants with acceptable standing in a
non-honours degree may be admitted to a qualifying-year program
which will be determined in each case by the admissions
Applicants must demonstrate a fluent knowledge of English
(Carleton), or either English or French (Ottawa).
Program Requirements
The M.Sc. degree will be conferred upon a candidate who has
fulfilled the following requirements:
- Completion of the advanced courses specified by the
admissions committee and the student's advisory committee;
these will range from one to three full (two-term) courses,
depending on the background and research program of the
student. At least one course at the graduate level must be
included, and not more than one course at the fourth-year
honours level (completed while registered as a graduate
student) may form part of the candidate's course
requirements. The passing grade for all required courses is
70% or the equivalent, and the student is not allowed a
supplemental examination. Directed studies or reading
courses may not make up more than half of the required
number of courses. The admissions committee or the
student's advisory committee may also direct the student to
take or to audit additional courses. Knowledge of a second
language may be specified as a requirement.
- Completion of at least two terms as a full-time student
resident at one of the two universities is normally
required. Programs for part-time students may be
- Presentation of one public seminar on the candidate's
thesis research
- Completion of a thesis incorporating the results of
original research carried out under the direct supervision
of an approved faculty member
- Successful oral defence of the thesis before an
examination board of at least three faculty members,
normally drawn from both universities.
Guidelines for Completion of Master's Degree
The maximum time limits for the completion of the
requirements of the master's program are listed in in the
General Regulations, Section 13 of this Calendar. Full-time
candidates in the master's program are expected to complete
their degree requirements within six terms of first
registration for full-time study. Part-time candidates in the
master's program, and candidates who elect to complete their
program by a combination of full-time and part-time study, are
expected to complete their degree requirements within four
calendar years or twelve terms from the initial registration in
the master's program.
Doctor of Philosophy
Admission Requirements
An M.Sc. from a recognized university is usually required
for entry to the Ph.D. program; however, an applicant with a
first class B.Sc. and excellent references may be admitted
directly to the Ph.D. program. A student already registered for
the M.Sc. may be permitted to transfer to the Ph.D. program
following a recommendation by the departmental graduate
committee and successful completion of the Qualifying
Examination required of Ph.D. candidates.
All applicants must demonstrate a fluent knowledge of
English (Carleton), or either English or French (Ottawa).
Program Requirements
The Ph.D. degree will be conferred upon a candidate who has
fulfilled the following requirements:
- Completion of the courses at the graduate level
specified by the admissions and advisory committees; these
will range from one to four full courses (two to six
courses if admitted without an M.Sc.), depending on the
background and research program of the student. Only
graduate courses may form part of the candidate's course
requirements. The passing grade for all required courses is
70%, and the student is not allowed a supplemental
examination. Directed studies or reading courses may not
make up more than half of the required number of courses.
The admissions committee or the student's advisory
committee may also direct the student to take or to audit
additional courses. Knowledge of a second language may be
specified as a requirement.
- Scheduling of an oral Qualifying Examination within
approximately 12 months of entry into the program and
completion normally within 18 months; this examination will
cover the candidate's area of research, and related topics.
The format of the examination will be established by the
departmental graduate committee. The examination committee
generally will be composed of faculty members of both
- Presentation of at least one public seminar on the
candidate's thesis research.
- A thesis incorporating the results of original research
carried out under the direct supervision of an approved
faculty member.
- Completion of at least four terms as a full-time
student resident at one of the two universities (or six
terms if admitted without an M.Sc.) is normally required.
Under exceptional conditions programs may be arranged for
part-time students.
- Successful oral defence of the thesis before an
examination board of at least five faculty members, with
representation from both universities, and including an
external examiner from outside the two universities who is
an authority on the thesis research area.
Guidelines for Completion of the Doctoral Degree
The maximum time limits for the completion of the program
requirements of the doctoral program are listed in the General
Regulations, Section 13 of this Calendar. Full-time candidates
in the doctoral program are expected to schedule their oral
Qualifying Examination within approximately 12 months of entry
into the program, and to complete it within 18 months of entry
into the program. Part-time candidates in the doctoral program
are expected to schedule their oral Qualifying Examination
within approximately 18 months after entry into the program.
Full-time candidates are expected to complete their degree
requirements within 4 calendar years or 12 terms of registered
full-time study. Doctoral candidates who have transferred from
the master's to the doctoral program without completing the
master's program are expected to complete their degree
requirements within 4 calendar years or 12 terms of registered
full-time study from initial registration in the master's
program. Part-time candidates in the doctoral program, and
candidates who elect to complete their program by a combination
of full- and part-time study, are expected to complete their
degree requirements within 6 calendar years or 18 terms after
the date of initial registration.
Graduate Courses
Not all of the following courses are offered in a given
year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for
2003-2004 and to determine the term of offering, consult the
Registration Instructions and Class Schedule booklet, published
in the summer and also available online at online at:
Course Designation System
Carleton's course designation system has been restructured.
The first entry of each course description below is the new
alphanumeric Carleton course code, followed by its credit value
in brackets. The old Carleton course number (in parentheses) is
included for reference, where applicable. University of Ottawa
course numbers (in parentheses) follow the current Carleton
course number and credit information.
- BIOL 5001 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.501) (BIO
- Topics in Biotechnology
- A course concerned with the utilization of biological
substances and activities of cells, genes, and enzymes in
manufacturing, agricultural, and service industries. A
different topic will be selected each year.
- Prerequisite: a course in cell physiology or
biochemistry, or permission of instructor.
- BIOL 5003 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.503) (BIO
- Comparative Biochemistry
- Advanced topics emphasizing biochemical structures,
functions, and methodologies in the context of animal
(invertebrates and vertebrates) adaptations to
environmental stress. The course will be offered in
alternate years.
- Prerequisite: an undergraduate biochemistry
- BIOL 5009 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.509) (BIO
- Ontario Vegetation: Patterns, Processes and
- Patterns of vegetation and plant species distributions
in Ontario will be investigated with respect to their
origin and maintaining processes. Current methods of
protection of significant and representative vegetation
using zonal concepts will be considered.
- BIOL 5100 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.510) (BIO
- Plant Development
- An advanced course dealing with selected topics in the
experimental study of plant development.
- BIOL 5105 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.515) (BIO
- Methods in Molecular Genetics
- The purpose of this course is to review the fundamental
theory and techniques in genetic manipulation of
prokaryotes and eukaryotes and to examine some of the
innovative new strategies being applied to a variety of
problems in molecular biology.
- Precludes additional credit for BIOL 4106 or BIOL
- Prerequisite: graduate standing and permission of the
- BIOL 5106 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.516) (BIO
- Laboratory Techniques in Molecular Genetics
- This laboratory course, which is complementary to BIOL
5105, is designed to give students practical experience in
many of the important techniques in molecular
- Precludes additional credit for BIOL 4109 or BIOL
- Prerequisite: graduate standing and permission of the
- BIOL 5201 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.521) (BIO
- Evolutionary Genetics and Computer Analyses
- Students will learn the basic concepts in molecular
evolution and gain hands-on experience with the computer
analysis of DNA sequences.Topics covered will include
molecular sequence databases, multiple alignments, amino
acid and codon usage, molecular clocks, and phylogenetic
- Prerequisites: graduate standing plus basic courses in
genetics and evolution; permission of the Department.
- BIOL 5202 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.522) (BIO
- Topics in Evolutionary Genetics
- A lecture/seminar course on the genetic mechanisms and
forces responsible for variation and evolutionary change in
natural populations.Topics to include protein and genome
evolution, molecular phylogenies, DNA sequences in
population biology, and the evolution of multigene
- Prerequisites: graduate standing plus basic courses in
genetics and evolution; permission of the Department
(Alternate years).
- BIOL 5203 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.523) (BIO
- Techniques of Light Microscopy
- An advanced laboratory and lecture course on the
principles and techniques of light microscopy.
- Precludes additional credit for BIOL 5200 (BIO 8238)
(if taken before 1997-98).
- Prerequisite: open to fourth-year and graduate students
with consent of the instructor.
- BIOL 5204 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.524) (BIO
- Techniques of Electron Microscopy
- An advanced laboratory and lecture course on the
principles and techniques of electron microscopy.
- Precludes additional credit for BIOL 5200 (BIO 8238)
(if taken before 1997-98).
- Prerequisite: open to Fourth-year and graduate students
with permission of the instructor.
- BIOL 5205 [1.0 credit] (formerly 61.525) (BIO
- Plant Physiology and Metabolism
- An advanced course dealing with selected topics in
plant physiology and plant metabolism.
- Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of the
- BIOL 5304 [1.0 credit] (formerly 61.534) (PSY
- Basics of Neuroscience
- A comprehensive neuroscience course from cellular
levels to neural systems and behaviour. Topics covered
include aspects of neuroanatomy, neurophysiology,
neuropharmacology and behavioural and cognitive
neuroscience. (Also listed as PSYC 5200)
- BIOL 5306 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.536) (BIO
- Photobiology
- A course dealing with the interaction between light and
living organisms, including an introduction to
photochemistry, and a detailed study of photosynthesis,
vision, photosensitivity, and photoperiodism.
- Prerequisite: an advanced course in animal or plant
physiology or biochemistry, or permission of the
- BIOL 5307 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.537) (BIO
- Advanced Insect Physiology
- Physiological characteristics of insects.
- BIOL 5402 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.542) (BIO
- Developmental Endocrinology/Topics in Comparative
- A lecture and reading course concerned with classical
as well as current topics in the field of comparative
endocrinology. Special emphasis is placed on the
vertebrates. Offered in alternate years.
- Prerequisite: an undergraduate course in
- BIOL 5405 [1.0 credit] (formerly 61.545) (BIO
- Project in Applied Ecology
- A course in the form of a special research project in
which the student identifies an environmental problem and
the corporate or governmental body that has the power to
rectify the problem. (Enrolment is limited).
- BIOL 5407 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.547) (BIO
- Quantitative Ecology
- A course on analysis of the distribution and abundance
of organisms and of related environmental phenomena.
- Prerequisites: graduate standing, courses in elementary
ecology, elementary statistics and biostatistics, and
permission of the Department.
- BIOL 5409 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.549) (BIO
- Mathematical Modeling for Biologists
- This course is designed to develop mathematical tools
for the modeling of biological processes. The student is
taught the necessary mathematics and a computer language,
and guidance is given in the choice of simulation of a
biological process.
- BIOL 5500 [1.0 credit] (formerly 61.550) (BIO
- Selected Topics
- Courses in selected aspects of specialized biological
subjects not covered by other graduate courses; course
details will be available at registration.
- BIOL 5501 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.551) (BIO
- Selected Topics in Biology I
- Courses in selected aspects of specialized biological
subjects not covered by other graduate courses; course
details will be available at registration.
- BIOL 5502 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.552) (BIO
- Selected Topics in Biology II
- Courses in selected aspects of specialized biological
subjects not covered by other graduate courses; course
details will be available at registration.
- BIOL 5503 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.553) (BIO
- Recent Advances in Biology
- A course intended for all first-year graduate students
to bring them up to date in the various major areas of
biology. The course consists of selected readings,
lectures, and invited speakers. The course is graded
- BIOL 5506 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.556) (BIO
- Advanced Insect/Animal Systematics
- A lecture and seminar course concerning methods, roles
and advances in systematics of insects and other animals.
One research project required.
- Prerequisite: a 4000-level course in identification or
classification of insects or other animals.
- BIOL 5508 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.558) (BIO
- Advanced Topics in Ecology I
- Lectures, seminars and discussions on current
literature on experimental approaches, concepts, and
findings in population and community ecology, ecosystem and
landscape ecology, and biostatistics. The content
complements BIOL 5509 (BIO 8307).
- Precludes additional credit for Biology 61.548 (BIO
9200) (if taken before 1997-98).
- BIOL 5509 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.559) (BIO
- Advanced Topics in Ecology II
- Lectures, seminars and discussions on current
literature on experimental approaches, concepts and
findings in population and community ecology, ecosystem and
landscape ecology and biostatistics. The content
complements BIOL 5508 (BIO 8306).
- Precludes additional credit for Biology 61.548 (BIO
9200) (if taken before 1997-98).
- BIOL 5601 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.561) (BIO
- Advanced Topics in Insect Evolution I
- An exploration of major concepts and questions in
insect evolution in the areas of systematics, morphology,
the fossil record, biology, and behaviour. The content
complements BIOL 5602 (BIO 5162).
- Precludes additional credit for BIOL 5600 (BIO
- BIOL 5602 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.562) (BIO
- Advanced Topics in Insect Evolution II
- An exploration of major concepts and questions in
insect evolution in the areas of systematics, morphology,
the fossil record, biology, and behaviour. The content
complements BIOL 5601 (BIO 5161).
- Precludes additional credit for BIOL 5600 (BIO
- BIOL 5605 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.565) (BIO
- Field Course
- Credit for this 0.5 credit course is based on a total
of three weeks of field-course modules, involving one or
two weeks of intensive and continuous field work with
attendant assignments. For details, see coordinator.
- BIOL 5709 (formerly 61.579) (BIO 8113)
- Chemical Toxicology
- An introduction to modeling chemical hazards and
exposures at the cellular level. The properties of toxic
substances are compared to the responses of enzymatic
systems. These interactions are defined as Quantitative
Structure-Activity Relationships and used to interpret
hazardous materials under regulations such as WHMIS. (Also
listed as CHEM 5709/CHM 8157)
- Prerequisite: BIOL 6402/CHEM 5708 (BIO 9101/CHM
- BIOL 5801 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.581) (BIO
- Animal Behaviour
- Animal behaviour from an ecological and evolutionary
point of view, with additional independent
- Prerequisites: BIOL 3305 and BIOL 3601 or equivalents
and registration in a graduate program, or written
permission of the Department.
- BIOL 5802 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.582) (BIO
- Advanced Behavioural Ecology I
- Recent ideas and research on advanced topics dealing
with the evolution of foraging, temporal, spatial, and
reproductive strategies are discussed and critically
examined. Offered in alternate years.
- BIOL 5909F (formerly 61.599)
- M.Sc. Thesis
- BIOL 6001 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.601) (BIO
- Advanced Molecular Biology I
- Recent advances in molecular biology. Topics for
discussion may include: DNA structure and function; the
organization of the genome; DNA, RNA and protein synthesis;
the regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes and
prokaryotes. Normally offered in alternate years.
- BIOL 6002 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.602) (BIO
- Advanced Molecular Biology II
- Recent advances in molecular biology. Topics for
discussion may include: mutagenesis and DNA repair;
molecular aspects of gene transfer; recombination and gene
arrangement; molecular biology as applied to industrial and
medical problems. Normally offered in alternate years.
- BIOL 6201 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.621) (BIO
- Advanced Cell Biology I
- Recent advances in cell biology. Topics for discussion
may include: the composition, biosynthesis, deployment,
three-dimensional organization and functions of the
cytoskeleton; cell-substrate attachment; cell motility;
transport of organelles and axoplasmic transport; cell
surface and extracellular matrix. Normally offered in
alternate years.
- BIOL 6202 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.622) (BIO
- Advanced Cell Biology II
- Topics for discussion may include: the structure,
composition and three-dimensional organization of the
nucleus, mechanisms and regulation of genome replication,
structure organization of transcription. Nuclear
reorganization during gamete development, fertilization,
viral infection and the mitotic cell cycle. Normally
offered in alternate years.
- BIOL 6203 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.623)
- Special Topics in Neuroscience
- An in-depth study of current topics in neuroscience.
Course content varies yearly and has recently included
cognitive neuroscience, neuropharmacology,
neurodegeneration, and behavioural medicine. (Also listed
as PSYC 6300.)
- BIOL 6204 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.624) (ANA
- Neuroscience Techniques
- Completion of a research project carried out under the
supervision of a neuroscience faculty member. The student
will learn a new neuroscience technique and apply it to a
research objective. May be repeated for different projects.
Students must obtain approval from the Director of the
Neuroscience Specialization. (Also listed as PSYC
- BIOL 6205 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.625) (BIO
- Advanced Plant Physiology
- A lecture and seminar course dealing with selected
topics in advanced plant physiology, available only to
graduate students.
- Prerequisite: BIOL 4209 or equivalent, or permission of
the Department.
- BIOL 6300 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.630) (BIO
- Advanced Plant Biochemistry
- A lecture and seminar course, available only to
graduate students, dealing with selected topics in advanced
plant biochemistry.
- Prerequisites: BIOL 4205 and BIOL 4206/4207, or
permission of the Department.
- BIOL 6303 [1.0 credit] (formerly 61.633)
- Advanced Seminar in Neuroscience
- A seminar focusing on the active research areas and
interests of faculty, guest lecturers and graduate
students, as well as on current trends in diverse areas of
neuroscience. (Also listed as PSYC 6200.)
- BIOL 6304 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.634) (BIO
- Advanced Topics in Animal Physiology
- In-depth study of areas in animal physiology of current
research interest.
- BIOL 6401 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.641) or (BIO
- Recent Advances in Plant Biology
- Special topics of current interest.
- BIOL 6402 (formerly 61.642) (BIO 9101)
- Principles of Toxicology
- This course identifies the basic theorems of toxicology
with examples of current research problems. Toxic risk is
defined as the product of intensive hazard and extensive
exposure. Each factor is assessed in scientific and social
contexts and illustrated with many types of experimental
material. (Also listed as CHEM 5708/CHM 8156.)
- BIOL 6403 (formerly 61.643)
- Ecotoxicology
- Concepts of ecotoxicology, emphasizing whole ecosystem
response to hazardous contaminants. The focus is the
impacts of chronic and acute exposure of ecosystems to
toxicants, the methods of pesticide, herbicide and
pollutant residue analysis and the concept of bound
residues. (Also listed as CHEM 5705/CHM 9109.)
- Prerequisite: BIOL 6402/CHEM 5708 (BIO 9101/CHM
- BIOL 6404 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.644) or (BIO
- Plant: Animal Interactions
- Secondary metabolites of plants and their role as
attractants or antifeedants to animals and as allelopathic
or antifungal agents. Emphasis is placed on co-evolution of
plants and phytophagous organisms such as insects and
mammals, and the ecological and physiological dimensions of
this relationship. Offered in alternate years.
- BIOL 6405 (formerly 61.645) (BIO 9105)
- Seminar in Toxicology
- This course introduces the seminar format and involves
student, faculty and invited seminar speakers. The student
will present a seminar and submit a report on a current
topic in toxicology. (Also listed as CHEM 5805/CHM
- BIOL 6505 [0.5 credit] (formerly 61.655) (BIO
- Advanced Topics in Development
- Recent advances in developmental biology. Topics may
include embryonic induction, regulation of morphogenesis
and differentiation, mechanisms of regional specification
and pattern formation, and developmental genetics. Offered
in alternate years.
- BIOL 6909 (formerly 61.699)
- Ph.D. Thesis