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Vol. 1, No. 2 (Spring 1993)

Papers / Articles

Commentary / Commentaires

Democracy, Capitalism and Foreign Policy: Ten Propositions about a New World Order

Edward Broadbent

The end of the Cold War era and the subsequent spread of market economies have not only resulted in a massive upsurge in popular demands for national liberation and democracy, but have also produced new interest in the theory and practice of democracy. These dramatic changes have important implications for the conduct of foreign policy by the governments and NGOs of the developed world. The author, through a series often propositions, examines how and why democratic civil societies should constitute the new world order.

Peace Enforcement: The Case for a UN Standby Force

David Cox

United Nations Secretary-General Boutros-Ghali's recommendation that the UN create peace enforcement units has sparked debate about the wisdom of UN involvement in peace enforcement and the best approach to creating such a force. Given the consensus that the United Nations should be able to intervene in crises at a much earlier point than hitherto, this article argues that an integrated multinational force may have greater utility than a UN legion. The article concludes with a number of recommendations on how Canada can make a constructive contribution to the UN's enforcement capabilities.

How is Canada Doing in the OAS?

Peter McKenna

Canada has undertaken a number of important initiatives in its first three years as a charter member of the Organization of American States (OAS). In addition to examining Canada's role in the Haitian crisis and, to a lesser extent, in Peru, this article looks at a host of smaller initiatives in areas such as the encouragement of democracy, OAS reform, human rights, and arms control. It concludes that Canada's commitment to making the OAS more active and responsive has increased the credibility of the institution.

CARIBCAN: A Continuum in CARIBCAN-Canadian Relations

Sahadeo Basdeo

This article examines the background against which CARIBCAN, a one-way preferential trade agreement between Canada and the Commonwealth Caribbean, was introduced in 1986. It describes the various features of this Canadian initiative, examines the deficiencies identified by Canada and CARICOM after two-years of its operation, and outlines the policy changes made to CARIBCAN as a result of a formal review. The article concludes that the introduction of CARIBCAN reflects in an historical context a continuum in Canada-Commomwealth Caribbean trade and economic relations and is likely to be the basis for an expanded multilateral arrangement in the future.

War After the Cold War: Shaping a Canadian Response

Ernest Regehr

Post-Cold War military conflict is more likely to be rooted in localized social and economic conditions than in grand geopolitical competition. This article argues that the nature of current wars and the reality of international politics mean that military measures will not be the key factors in the international community's response to regional and local wars. The discussion puts peacekeeping and the debate about enforcement into a broader context for conflict resolution, and argues for a greater role for non-governmental actors (NGOs). It suggests that Canada will likely be invited to contribute to multilateral, UN-sponsored military actions in the coming years, but that they will be of a traditional peacekeeping nature and not peace enforcement.

Canada's Relations with China Emergent

Paul Evans

China in 1993 is more connected with the world economy than at any time in its history. The article argues that because it is in Canada's interests that the future be shaped along Asia Pacific rather than continental lines, China must be a functioning part of the regional and world order. Although a national consensus on Canada's China policy is unlikely, a new Canadian government and an attentive public will have to be clear on the importance of China as a trade partner and on the related questions of human rights advocacy and Canada's bilateral Official Development Assistance (ODA) program. The article states that the "thorniest" problem for Canada in its post-Tiananmen Square bilateral relations with China is the management of value differences.

Canada's Trade-driven Foreign Aid Agenda

David MacDonald

Preparing for the 21st Century: Why Canada Needs a Foreign Policy Review

Betty Plewes