Carleton International Relations Society



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Internship Programs:

Youth Canada's International Opportunities

Environment Canada's Science Horizons Youth Internship Programs

Canadian Internships - Entry Level Jobs in Canada

Carleton University's Norman Patterson School of International Affairs

Essay Contests (2009 - 2010):

United States Institute of Peace (due Feburary 1st, 2010)

Fraser Institute (due June 1st, 2010)

The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity (due January 8th, 2010)

The Progressive Economics Forum (due Summer 2010)

Scholarships and Fellowships:

Asssociation of Universities and Colleges of Canada

Killam Fellowships

Scholarships & Financial Aid: - Student Loans, Grants and Scholarships

Millenium Scholarships

International Scholarships

Ontario International Education Opportunity Scholarship

International Scholarships - Opportunities for Canadians

Exchange Opportunities in Carleton University:

Exchange - International Student Services Office

Exchange - Norman Patterson School of International Affairs

Centre for Voluntary Sector Research and Development Student Exchange Program


Canadian Political Science Review

Journal of International Relations and Development

Other Exchange Programs:

ISEP - International Student Exchange Program

The RISE Group - Reactive Intermediates Student Exchange (for Chemistry Students only)

Intelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures Student Exchange Programs (for Civil Engineering Students only)

Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada - International Programs and Projects

The OMG (Ontario Maharashtra-Goa) Student Exchange Program

Ontario Rhone-Alpes (France) Student Exchange Program

Ontario Baden-Wuttemberg (Germany) Student Exchange Program

Ontario Jiangsu (China) Student Exchange Program

YouTube Videos

Topic: Canadian Arctic Sovereignty (from DFAIT)

Host: Professor Franklyn Griffith of University of Toronto

Length: 3:15 seconds

Franklyn Griffiths, a prominent Canadian expert on Arctic issues discusses Canadian Arctic sovereignty. Professor Griffiths is Professor Emeritus of Political Science and George Ignatieff Chair of Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Toronto.

Topic: Operation Nanook

Host: Economist Magazine

Length: 5:12 seconds

Canadian military exercise in the Arctic.

Topic: Protecting Arctic Sovereignty: View from the North

Host: CBC National News, Mary Simon (Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami), Rob Huebert (University of Calgary)

Length: 8:33 seconds

Protecting and defending Canada's arctic sovereignty has become a battle cry of the Harper government. But is it really what people who live there want to hear?

Topic: In Focus - Water Wars

Host: Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting

Length: 5:56 seconds

World Water Day on March 22 reminds us of the 1 billion people on Earth who lack easy access to the water most of us take for granted. Global climate change is making that struggle worse, as we see in this report from the rugged region of southern Ethiopia, where drought is drying up wells, threatening an ancient way of life and fueling conflict.

Topic: Foreign Exchange - Water Wars special

Host: Pulitzer Center by Daljit Dhaliwal

Length: 26:47 seconds

The Water Wars portal (designed by Dan McCarey) is highlighted in a special edition of Foreign Exchange devoted entirely to global water issues. Daljit Dhaliwal interviews Pulitzer Center journalist Alex Stonehill and draws on the portal to share video reports and student perspectives.

Topic: Will the Nile War Take Place?

Length: 3:05 seconds

Potential conflicts are brewing between the nations that share the Nile River Basin. The days of the Nile only nourishing Egypts great demand for water might be rapidly coming to an end. Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda are geographically located in the larger Nile basin and control the sources of the river. In recent years they have been demanding a greater share of the Niles precious resource as demand come closer to overtaking this finite supply. All 13 countries with access will have to come to agreements on how to share the Nile. Will this be the cause of the next war?

Topic: The Role of Financial Regulation & Trade in Restoring Growth

Length: 1:20:26 seconds

On September 23, 2009 Carnegie Mellon and the Atlantic Council hosted a day-long conference "Renewing Globalization and Economic Growth in a Post-Crisis World: The Future of the G-20 Agenda." At the conference, top minds from policy, business and academic sectors explored the economic and social forces at work in the post-economic crisis world. Panelists discussing the future role of financial innovation and how free trade can be better harnessed: Mark Sniderman, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland (featured speaker); Daniel Price, Sidley Austin LLP (moderator); Timothy Adams, The Lindsey Group; Lee Branstetter, Carnegie Mellon; Baruch Fischhoff, Carnegie Mellon; David Marchick, Carlyle Group and Faryar Shirzad, The Goldman Sachs Group.

For more and to download the report "Renewing Globalization and Economic Growth in a Post-Crisis World: The Future of the G-20 Agenda", visit:

Topic: The role of WTO services rules in the context of the crisis

Host: Keith Rockwell (WTO spokesman), Myriam Vander Stichele (Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations) and Sergio Marchi (International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development)

Length: 10:30 seconds

WTO Forum - What is the role of WTO services rules in the context of the current financial crisis?

Proponents of open trade in services argue that the GATS, the General Agreement on Trade in Services, holds the potential to enhance efficiency and innovation around the world. But critics counter that market opening can also increase risks, especially in the financial system. Has the WTO's services agreement contributed to the crisis or is it a tool which can help create a more stable environment for international financial services? Myriam Vander Stichele, senior researcher at the Amsterdam-based Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations, and Sergio Marchi, senior fellow at the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, discuss this topic with Keith Rockwell, WTO Spokesperson.

Topic: Counting the Cost - Free Trade vs Protectionism (July 24th, 2009)

Length: 12:28 seconds

The WTO has said that countries are facing challenges in dealing with the financial crisis and has allowed a certain flexibility to nations in protecting their economies.

Samah el-Shahat explains the options between protectionism and free trade, the risks and potential benefits.

Host: Harry Kreisler

Guests: Derek Chollet and James Goldgeier

Length: 57:21 seconds

Taking place after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Chollet and Goldgeier discusses America's position as the sole superpower during the years of the Clinton Administration.  The two also discuss the issues of global warming, terrorism, and contiguous diseases.

Host: Harry Kreisler

Guest: Kenneth N. Waltz

Length: 59:06 minutes

Kreisler talks with Waltz on international relations and theories and America's position as the sole superpower.

Host: Harry Kreisler

Guest: Professor Joseph S. Nye (Dean of the Kennedy School at Harvard)

Length: 59:00 minutes

Conversation with Nye's distinguishments during his academic and public careers.