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Guidelines for Contributors



Canadian Foreign Policy seeks to provide practical, policy-relevant analysis to practitioners, academics, and other professionals in the field of Canadian foreign policy. The journal attempts to stimulate the production of policy-oriented research on such issues as trade, economics, politics, security, defence, development, environment, immigration, and intelligence. Articles not specifically concerned with Canadian foreign policy, but which would be of particular interest to those in the field, will also be considered for publication. The journal encourages scholars, journalists, officials, parliamentarians, Canada-watchers abroad, and other experts to address the contemporary issues facing our nation's foreign policies through analysis and opinion. Contributions should be made in the form of research articles, commentaries, or book reviews. Pieces that are being considered for publication elsewhere or that have been previously published should not be submitted to the journal. Short responses to pieces that appear in the journal in the form of letters to the editor are also welcomed. All submissions will be acknowledged.


The journal actively solicits articles for publication and welcomes unsolicited manuscripts. Three external referees, selected for their particular knowledge or experience, normally review each article. For this reason, we ask authors to ensure that their identity is not revealed directly or indirectly on any page. Contributors will be notified of the outcome of the review process. The editor reserves the right to determine the title of any article if it is accepted for publication. To be considered for publication, please send an electronic version of your work in Wordperfect or Word format, together with an abstract and biographical note, to the Editor, Canadian Foreign Policy, at: cfp@carleton.ca.


Articles should be in the range of 5,000 to 7,500 words (20 to 30 pages), double-spaced, on 8.5" x 11" page size, with uniform one-inch margins. Please justify both margins. The font should be Times New Roman and point size should be 12. In the interest of consistency, please use the same font and text size throughout, even in the notes and reference list. Number all pages in the upper right hand corner.
The use of sub-headings is encouraged to facilitate readability, but they should not be centered or indented. Please designate each level of sub-heading with the appropriate letter in <> brackets. For example:

<A> Canada among Nations of the Hemisphere
<B> The Evolution of the OAS
<C> Does Membership Have Its Privileges?

Headings and sub-headings should be entirely free of underlining, bold face, italics and THE USE OF FULL CAPITALS. Our typesetter will choose the style for each level of heading. For this reason, the less visual style the text has the better. Do not indent the first paragraph following a sub-heading; start flush left.

If you are including a graph or table in your manuscript, please submit the data that were used to create it. When the text is typeset, using the information provided, your graph or table will be reconstructed to fit the style and layout of Canadian Foreign Policy.


Citations should conform to the (social sciences) American Psychological Association (APA) format (Publication Manual), supplying the date of publication, name of author and page number in text and supplementary or explanatory footnotes as appropriate. Please do not use endnotes. All references must be compiled into a list of “References," which should also conform to APA format, for example:


Head, Ivan, & Trudeau, Pierre. (1995). The Canadian way: Shaping Canada's foreign policy, 1968-1984. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart.

Book Chapter:

Chaitoo, Ramesh. (2008). Aid for trade for services in small economies: Some considerations from the Caribbean. In Dominique Njinkeu & Hugo Cameron (Eds.), Aid for trade and development (pp. 300-313). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Journal Article:

Cameron, Maxwell. (1998). Democratization of foreign policy: The Ottawa process as a model. Canadian Foreign Policy, 5(3), 147-165.

Unsigned Periodical:

Setting a new perimeter. (2001, September 22-28). The Economist, 34.

Web Site:

Bailin, Alison. (2001, February). From traditional to institutionalized hegemony. G8 Governance No. 6. Retrieved October 1, 2001, from http://www.g7.utoronto.ca