CED Knowledge
Clusters identify a broad range of models and sectors where community-based organizations
are creating innovative economic and social opportunities for marginalized and low-income
The clusters represent both traditional and emerging CED sectors. For example, Community
Economic Renewal is a cluster where 15 groups are active in all five regions. And 12 groups
(five on the East Coast alone) are turning natural, historical and cultural resources into
Community Tourism initiatives.
Emerging clusters include Community Land Trusts (a model for environmental land stewardship and
sustainable housing), E-Strategies (new technologies for distance learning and e-commerce) and
Forestry (especially for value-added wood products and marketing services).
Three clusters -- Individual Development Accounts, Financial Equity and Community
Loan Funds -- involve alternative investment and savings mechanisms targeting
social enterprises, micro-entrepreneurs and low-income citizens.
While many of these initiatives are underway in all regions of the country, six of
the clusters are presently concentrated in only one or two regions. For example,
Food Processing & Food Security groups were supported in B.C. and Ontario, while
organizations engaged in local Employment Strategies were supported in Ontario and
These regional concentrations of expertise and experience create a unique knowledge
base. Each cluster contains approaches and models to what works and what doesn't work
in CED. Over the next five years, the knowledge produced and disseminated from the
clusters in CEDTAP's project portfolio will be an important tool for strengthening
the practice of CED at both the community and sector wide level.