Department of Physics (Faculty of Science)
3302 Herzberg Bldg.
This section presents the requirements for:
The Department of Physics also offers the program: Engineering Physics - B.Eng. Consult the Engineering program section for details about this program.
The B.Sc. Honours in Applied Physics is available with a Minor in Business. Consult the Business program section for admission and program requirements.
The Co-operative Education Option is available in conjunction with all Honours programs of the Department of Physics (see the Co-operative Education section of this Calendar for details).
Advice to Incoming Students
Students should consult with the Department when planning their program and selecting courses.
The Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies may be contacted at
See for advice on year by year coursework.
Students in Physics programs should normally choose PHYS 1001 and PHYS 1002 in first year.
Course Categories for Physics
The program descriptions below make use of the following course categories, which are defined in the Academic Regulations for the Bachelor of Science section of this Calendar:
- Approved Arts or Social Sciences Elective
- Free Elective

Program Requirements
Physics (Experimental Stream)
B.Sc. Honours (20.0 credits)
- 1.0 credit from (PHYS 1001 and PHYS 1002) (recommended), or (PHYS 1003 and PHYS 1004) or (PHYS 1007 and PHYS 1008 with an average grade of B- or higher);
- 1.0 credit in PHYS 2202 and PHYS 2604;
- 1.0 credit in ELEC 2501 and ELEC 2507;
- 5.0 credits in PHYS 3007, PHYS 3308, PHYS 3606, PHYS 3701, PHYS 3802, PHYS 3807, PHYS 4409, PHYS 4008, PHYS 4707, and PHYS 4807;
- 1.0 credit in one of:
- PHYS 4907 plus 0.5 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level;
- PHYS 4908 plus 0.5 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level;
- PHYS 4909 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level or above (PHYS 4203 is recommended for 0.5 credit);
- 1.0 credit in PHYS, COMP, ELEC, MATH and/or STAT at 3000-level or above;
- 1.0 credit from (BIOL 1003 and BIOL 1004), CHEM 1000 [1.0], or (ERTH 1006 and ERTH 1007);
- 3.0 credits in MATH 1004, MATH 1005, MATH 1104, MATH 2004, MATH 3705, STAT 3502;
- 0.5 credit from MATH 3800, MATH 3806;
- 1.5 credits from one of:
- COMP 1005, COMP 1002 and COMP 2004, or
- ECOR 1606, ECOR 2606 plus 0.5 credit at the 2000-level or higher in COMP, MATH, or PHYS;
- 0.5 credit in NSCI 1000 or Approved Arts or Social Sciences Elective;
- 1.5 credits in approved Arts or Social Science Electives;
- 1.0 credit in free electives.
Physics (Theory Stream)
B.Sc. Honours (20.0 credits)
- 1.0 credit from (PHYS 1001 and PHYS 1002) (recommended), or (PHYS 1003 and PHYS 1004) or (PHYS 1007 and PHYS 1008 with an average grade of B- or higher);
- 1.0 credit in PHYS 2202 and PHYS 2604;
- 5.0 credits in PHYS 3007, PHYS 3308, PHYS 3606, PHYS 3701, PHYS 3802, PHYS 3807, PHYS 4409, PHYS 4707, PHYS 4708, and PHYS 4807;
- 1.0 credit in one of:
- PHYS 4907 plus 0.5 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level;
- PHYS 4908 plus 0.5 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level;
- PHYS 4909 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level or above;
- 1.0 credit in PHYS, COMP, MATH and/or STAT at the 3000-level or above;
- 1.0 credit from (BIOL 1003 and BIOL 1004), CHEM 1000 [1.0], or (ERTH 1006 and ERTH 1007);
- 4.0 credits in MATH 1004, MATH 1005, MATH 1104, MATH 2004, MATH 2107, (MATH 2108 or MATH 3107), MATH 3705, STAT 3502;
- 0.5 credit from MATH 3800, MATH 3806;
- 1.5 credits from one of:
- COMP 1005, COMP 1002 and COMP 2004, or
- ECOR 1606, ECOR 2606, plus 0.5 credit at the 2000-level or higher in COMP, MATH, or PHYS;
- 0.5 credit in NSCI 1000 or Approved Arts or Social Sciences Elective;
- 1.5 credits in Approved Arts or Social Sciences Electives;
- 1.0 credit in free electives.
B.Sc. Major (20.0 credits)
- 1.0 credit from (PHYS 1001 and PHYS 1002)(recommended), or (PHYS 1003 and PHYS 1004) or (PHYS 1007 and PHYS 1008 with an average grade of B- or higher);
- 1.0 credit in PHYS 2202 and PHYS 2604;
- 1.0 credit in approved computer science, engineering, mathematics or statistics electives at the 2000-level or higher which may include 0.5 credit 1000-level computer science;
- 2.5 credits in PHYS 3007, PHYS 3308, PHYS 3606 (or PHYS 3608), PHYS 3701, and PHYS 4409;
- 1.0 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level;
- 1.0 credit in PHYS at the 3000-level or above;
- 1.0 credit in ELEC and/or science faculty electives (excluding TSES) at the 3000-level or above;
- 1.0 credit from (BIOL 1003 and BIOL 1004),
CHEM 1000 [1.0], or (ERTH 1006 and
ERTH 1007);
- 3.0 credits in MATH 1004, MATH 1005, MATH 1104, MATH 2004, MATH 3705 and (STAT 2507 or STAT 3502);
- 0.5 credit from COMP 1005, COMP 1007 or ECOR 1606;
- 4.0 credits in Advanced Science Faculty Electives and/or Approved Arts or Social Sciences Electives and/or Engineering electives selected in consultation with the Department to complement the study of physics; these credits may be used to complete the requirements of a minor designation;
- 0.5 credit in NSCI 1000 or Approved Arts or Social Sciences Elective;
- 1.5 credits in Approved Arts or Social Sciences Electives;
- 1.0 credit in free electives.
Applied Physics B.Sc. Honours (20.0 credits)
- 1.0 credit from (PHYS 1001 and PHYS 1002) (recommended), or (PHYS 1003 and PHYS 1004) or (PHYS 1007 and PHYS 1008 with an average grade of B- or higher);
- 1.0 credit in PHYS 2202 and PHYS 2604;
- 1.0 credit in ELEC 2501 and ELEC 2507;
- 0.5 credit from ECOR 2606 or MATH 3800;
- 4.5 credits in PHYS 3007, PHYS 3308, PHYS 3608, PHYS 3701, PHYS 3802, PHYS 3807, PHYS 4008, PHYS 4409, and PHYS 4707;
- 1.0 credit from PHYS 3207, PHYS 4203, PHYS 4208, or PHYS 4807;
- 1.0 credit from ELEC 3509, ELEC 3908, COMP at the 3000-level, or PHYS at the 4000-level;
- 1.0 credit in one of:
- PHYS 4907 plus 0.5 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level;
- PHYS 4908 plus 0.5 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level;
- PHYS 4909 [1.0] ;
B. Credits Not Included in the Major CGPA
(9.0 credits):
- 1.0 credit from (BIOL 1003 and BIOL 1004),
CHEM 1000 [1.0], or (ERTH 1006 and
ERTH 1007);
- 3.0 credits in MATH 1004, MATH 1005, MATH 1104, MATH 2004, STAT 3502 and MATH 3705;
- 0.5 credit from COMP 1005 or ECOR 1606;
- 4.0 credits (Business minor students see Notes, below):
- (COMP 1002 and COMP 2004) or (COMP 1006 and COMP 2002) or (SYSC 2002 and SYSC 2004);
- 1.5 credits in Approved Arts or Social Sciences Elective;
- 1.5 credit in free electives;
- 0.5 credit in NSCI 1000 or Approved Arts or Social Sciences Electives (See Note 2, below).
- For Item 12 above students admitted to the Business Minor for Applied Physics may substitute the requirements listed in a), b) and c) with the requirements for a Minor in Business. Consult the Business section of this Calendar for requirements.
- Students in the Business Minor for Applied Physics may also select a BUSI course or a free elective to fulfil Item 13.
Mathematics and Physics
B.Sc. Double Honours (21.5 credits)
Note that MATH 2000, MATH 2100, MATH 2454, STAT 2655 have minimum grade requirements in their prerequisites. Refer to the section Course Prerequisites under the Mathematics and Statistics programs sections of the calendar.
- 7.0 credits in MATH 1002 [1.0], MATH 1102 [1.0],
MATH 2000 [1.0], MATH 2100 [1.0], MATH 2454,
STAT 2655, MATH 3705, MATH 3001, MATH 3057, and MATH 3106;
- 0.5 credit from MATH 3002 or MATH 3008;
- 1.0 credit in Mathematics (MATH, STAT) at the
4000-level or above;
- 1.0 credit from (PHYS 1001 and PHYS 1002) (recommended), or (PHYS 1003 and PHYS 1004) or (PHYS 1007 and PHYS 1008 with an average grade of B- or higher);
- 1.5 credits in PHYS 2202, PHYS 2604, and
PHYS 3701;
- 3.5 credits in PHYS 3007, PHYS 3308,
PHYS 3606, PHYS 3802, PHYS 4409, PHYS 4707, and PHYS 4708;
- 1.0 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level or higher;
- 1.0 credit in one of:
- MATH 4905 or PHYS 4907 or PHYS 4908, and 0.5 credit in math or physics at the 4000-level;
- PHYS 4909 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit from (BIOL 1003 and BIOL 1004), CHEM 1000 [1.0], or (ERTH 1006 and ERTH 1007);
- 0.5 credit in COMP 1005 or COMP 1007;
- 0.5 credit in COMP;
- 0.5 credit in NSCI 1000 or Approved Arts or Social Sciences;
- 1.5 credits in Approved Arts or Social Sciences Electives:
- 1.0 credit in free electives.
Note: in Item 3 above, MATH 4003 is highly recommended.
Biology and Physics B.Sc. Combined Honours (20.0 credits)
- 1.0 credit from (PHYS 1001 and PHYS 1002) (recommended), or (PHYS 1003 and PHYS 1004), or (PHYS 1007 and PHYS 1008 with an average grade of B- or higher);
- 2.5 credits in PHYS 2604, PHYS 2202, PHYS 3308, PHYS 4409, and ECOR 2606;
- 2.0 credits in PHYS 3007, PHYS 3207, PHYS 3606, and PHYS 3701;
- 1.0 credit from PHYS 3802, PHYS 4008, PHYS 4203, PHYS 4508, or PHYS 4707;
- 4.0 credits in BIOL 1003, BIOL 1004, BIOL 2200, BIOL 2104, BIOL 2001, BIOL 3201, BIOL 3104, and BIOL 3305;
- 1.0 credit from BIOL 4106, BIOL 4109, BIOL 4202, BIOL 4301, BIOL 4302, or BIOL 4306;
- 1.0 credit in one of:
- BIOL 4908 [1.0];
- PHYS 4909 [1.0];
- PHYS 4907 plus 0.5 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level;
- PHYS 4908 plus 0.5 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level;
- 1.0 credit in CHEM 1000 [1.0];
- 0.5 credit from MATH 1004 or MATH 1007;
- 0.5 credit from MATH 1104 or MATH 1107;
- 2.0 credits in STAT 2507, MATH 1005, MATH 2004, and MATH 3705;
- 0.5 credit from COMP 1005 or COMP 1007;
- 0.5 credit in NSCI 1000 or Approved Arts or Social Sciences Elective;
- 1.5 credits in Approved Arts or Social Sciences;
- 1.0 credit in free electives.
Chemistry and Physics B.Sc. Combined Honours (20.0 credits)
- 1.0 credit from (PHYS 1001 and PHYS 1002) (recommended), or (PHYS 1003 and PHYS 1004) or (PHYS 1007 and PHYS 1008 with an average grade of B- or higher);
- 4.0 credits in PHYS 2202, PHYS 2604,
PHYS 3007, PHYS 3308, PHYS 3606,
PHYS 3701, PHYS 3807 and PHYS 4707;
- 1.0 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level;
- 4.5 credits in CHEM 1000 [1.0], CHEM 2103, CHEM 2203, CHEM 2501, CHEM 3100, CHEM 3102, CHEM 3503, and CHEM 4102;
- 0.5 credit from CHEM 2204 or CHEM 2206;
- 0.5 credit from CHEM 3106 or CHEM 3107;
- 0.5 credit in CHEM at the 4000-level;
- 1.0 credit in one of:
- CHEM 4908 [1.0];
- PHYS 4909 [1.0];
- PHYS 4907 plus 0.5 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level;
- PHYS 4908 plus 0.5 credit in PHYS at the 4000-level;
- 3.0 credits in MATH 1004, MATH 1005, MATH 1104, MATH 2004, STAT 3502, and MATH 3705;
- 0.5 credit from COMP 1005, COMP 1007, or ECOR 1606;
- 0.5 credit from MATH 3800 or ECOR 2606;
- 0.5 credit in NSCI 1000 or Approved Arts or Social Sciences elective;
- 1.5 credits in Approved Arts or Social Sciences electives;
- 1.0 credit in free electives.
Minor in Physics
The Minor in Physics is available to students registered in degree programs other than those offered by the Department of Physics.
- 0.5 credit from PHYS 1001, PHYS 1003, or
PHYS 1007 (see note below);
- 0.5 credit from PHYS 1002, PHYS 1004, or
PHYS 1008 (see note below);
- 0.5 credit in PHYS 2604;
- 0.5 credit in PHYS 3701;
- 2.0 credits from PHYS 2202, PHYS 2203,
PHYS 3007, PHYS 3207, PHYS 3308,
PHYS 3606, PHYS 3802, PHYS 3807, or PHYS at the 4000-level.
Note: PHYS 1007, PHYS 1008 are acceptable only if a grade point average of at least 7.0 is presented on these courses.
