Criminology and Criminal Justice
Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice (Faculty of Public Affairs)
C562 Loeb Bldg.
This section presents the requirements for:
Graduation Requirements
In addition to the requirements listed below, students must satisfy:
- the University regulations (see the Academic Regulations of the University section of this Calendar),
- the common regulations applying to all B.A. students including those relating to First-Year Seminars. The B.A. Breadth requirement is waived for students in Criminology and Criminal Justice (see Academic Regulations and Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree).
Students should consult with the Institute when selecting courses and planning their program.
Admission to CCJ by Transfer and General Degree Availability
Admission to Criminology and Criminal Justice with advanced standing and transfer within the B.A to CCJ by change of major is limited. Students require a minimum overall CGPA of 7.5 and will be admitted to the Honours program. Access to the General degree is limited to CCJ Honours registered students who apply to transfer and to Algonquin College students governed by the Articulation Agreement noted below.
Maximum Number of CCJ Credits
The total number of Criminology and Criminal Justice credits in the B.A. and B.A. (Honours) program may not exceed 11.5 (B.A. General) and 15.0 (B.A. Honours). This is the sum of credits used in the Major and Concentration PLUS free electives chosen from the list of Approved CCJ electives. Consult the Institute if clarification is required.

Program Requirements
Criminology and Criminal Justice
B.A. Honours (20.0 credits)
Students in the B.A. Honours program choose to follow one of the three following concentrations. The selection must take place before second year status is achieved.
CCJ with Concentration in Law B.A. Honours (20.0 credits)
- 3.0 credits in LAWS 1000 [1.0], LAWS 2004 [1.0], LAWS 2908, LAWS 3908;
- 0.5 credit from: LAWS 3305, LAWS 3306 or LAWS 3308;
- 1.0 credit in LAWS at the 2000-level or higher;
- 1.5 credits in LAWS at the 3000-level or higher;
- 2.0 credits in PSYC 1001, PSYC 1002, PSYC 2400, PSYC 3402;
- 1.0 credit from: (SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002) or SOCI 1003 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit in: SOCI 2445 and SOCI 2450;
- 0.5 credit from: SOCI 3400 or SOCI 3410;
- 1.0 credit in CRCJ 3001 and CRCJ 3002;
- 1.0 credit from: CRCJ 3901 [1.0] or Approved CCJ Electives at the 3000-level;
- 1.0 credit from: CRCJ 4908 [1.0], CRCJ 4001, CRCJ 4002, or Approved CCJ Electives at the 4000-level;
- 5.0 credits in electives, not in Approved CCJ electives;
- 1.5 credits in free electives.
- The course CRCJ 3901 may not be repeated.
- See note entitled Maximum Number of CCJ Credits above the Program Requirements section, regarding the maximum permissible Criminology credits for your program.
CCJ with Concentration in Psychology B.A. Honours (20.0 credits)
- 2.0 credits in: LAWS 1000 [1.0] and LAWS 2004 [1.0];
- 0.5 credit from: LAWS 3305, LAWS 3306 or LAWS 3308;
- 3.0 credits in: PSYC 1001, PSYC 1002, PSYC 2400, PSYC 3402, PSYC 3000 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit from (PSYC 2001 and PSYC 2002) or
PSYC 2000 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit in PSYC at the 2000-level or higher;
- 0.5 credit in PSYC at the 3000-level or higher;
- 1.0 credit from: (SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002) or SOCI 1003 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit in: SOCI 2445 and SOCI 2450;
- 0.5 credit from: SOCI 3400 or SOCI 3410;
- 1.0 credit in CRCJ 3002 and CRCJ 3003;
- 1.0 credit from: CRCJ 3901[1.0] or Approved CCJ Electives at the 3000-level;
- 1.0 credit from: CRCJ 4908 [1.0], CRCJ 4001, CRCJ 4002, or Approved CCJ Electives at the 4000-level;
- 5.0 credits in electives, not in Approved CCJ electives;
- 1.5 credits in free electives.
- See note entitled Maximum Number of CCJ Credits above the Program Requirements section, regarding the maximum permissible Criminology credits for your program.
CCJ with Concentration in Sociology B.A. Honours (20.0 credits)
- 2.0 credits in: LAWS 1000 [1.0] and LAWS 2004 [1.0];
- 0.5 credit from: LAWS 3305, LAWS 3306 or LAWS 3308;
- 2.0 credits in: PSYC 1001, PSYC 1002, PSYC 2400, and PSYC 3402;
- 1.0 credit from: (SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002) or SOCI 1003 [1.0];
- 2.0 credits in SOCI 2003 [1.0], SOCI 2445,
SOCI 2450;
- 0.5 credit from: SOCI 3400 or SOCI 3410;
- 1.0 credit in SOCI at the 2000-level or higher;
- 1.0 credit in SOCI at the 3000-level or higher;
- 1.0 credit from CRCJ 3001 and CRCJ 3003;
- 1.0 credit from: CRCJ 3901 [1.0] or Approved CCJ Electives at the 3000-level;
- 1.0 credit from: CRCJ 4908 [1.0], CRCJ 4001, CRCJ 4002, or Approved CCJ Electives at the 4000-level;
- 5.0 credits in electives, not in Approved CCJ electives;
- 2.0 credits in free electives.
Notes for all Concentrations:
- For Requirement 11 in each concentration, registration in the Honours Research Project CRCJ 4908 requires a Major CGPA of at least 10.00.
- For the Concentration in Sociology, SOCI 2005 [1.0] or SOCI 3005 is highly recommended.
- See note entitled Maximum Number of CCJ Credits above the Program Requirements section regarding the maximum permissible Criminology credits for your program.

Program Requirements
Criminology and Criminal Justice
B.A. General (15.0 credits)
Students in the B.A. General program choose to follow one of the three following concentrations. The selection must take place before second year status is achieved.
CCJ with Concentration in Law
B.A. General (15.0 credits)
- 2.0 credits in LAWS 1000 [1.0], LAWS 2004 [1.0];
- 0.5 credit from: LAWS 3305, LAWS 3306 or LAWS 3308;
- 2.0 credits in LAWS at the 2000-level or higher;
- 2.0 credits in PSYC 1001, PSYC 1002, PSYC 2400, PSYC 3402;
- 1.0 credit from: (SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002) or SOCI 1003 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit in SOCI 2445 and SOCI 2450;
- 0.5 credit from: SOCI 3400 or SOCI 3410;
- 1.0 credit from: CRCJ 3901 [1.0] or Approved CCJ Electives at the 3000-level;
- 3.5 credits in electives, not in Approved CCJ electives;
- 1.5 credits in free electives.
- See note entitled Maximum Number of CCJ Credits above the Program Requirements section regarding the maximum permissible Criminology credits for your program.
CCJ with Concentration in Psychology B.A. General (15.0 credits)
- 2.0 credits in LAWS 1000 [1.0] and LAWS 2004 [1.0];
- 0.5 credit from: LAWS 3305, LAWS 3306 or LAWS 3308;
- 2.0 credits in PSYC 1001, PSYC 1002, PSYC 2400, and PSYC 3402;
- 1.0 credit from (PSYC 2001 and PSYC 2002) or
PSYC 2000 [1.0];
- 1.5 credits in PSYC at the 2000-level or higher;
- 1.0 credit from: (SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002) or SOCI 1003 [1.0];
- 1.0 credit in: SOCI 2445 and SOCI 2450;
- 0.5 credit from: SOCI 3400 or SOCI 3410;
- 1.0 credit from: CRCJ 3901 [1.0] or Approved CCJ Electives at the 3000-level;
- 3.5 credits in electives, not in Approved CCJ electives;
- 1.0 credit in free electives.
- See note entitled Maximum Number of CCJ Credits above the Program Requirements section regarding the maximum permissible Criminology credits for your program.
CCJ with Concentration in Sociology B.A. General (15.0 credits)
- 2.0 credits in: LAWS 1000 [1.0], LAWS 2004 [1.0];
- 0.5 credit from: LAWS 3305, LAWS 3306 or LAWS 3308;
- 2.0 credits in: PSYC 1001, PSYC 1002, PSYC 2400, PSYC 3402;
- 1.0 credit from: (SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002) or SOCI 1003 [1.0];
- 2.0 credits in SOCI 2003 [1.0], SOCI 2445, SOCI 2450;
- 0.5 credit from: SOCI 3400 or SOCI 3410;
- 1.0 credit in SOCI at the 2000-level or higher;
- 1.0 credit from: CRCJ 3901[1.0] or Approved CCJ Electives at the 3000-level;
- 3.5 credits in electives, not in Approved CCJ electives;
- 1.5 credits in free electives.
- See note entitled Maximum Number of CCJ Credits above the Program Requirements section regarding the maximum permissible Criminology credits for your program.

Field Placement Practicum
The Field Placement Practicum (CRCJ 3901) is offered at the 3000-level to students in CCJ programs. Students complete a 1.0 (or 2.0) credit Field Placement Practicum course during the fall/winter session. To be eligible for the Practicum students must have completed at least 9.0 credits by May 1, including all of the 1000- and 2000-level requirements in the Major CGPA. Enrolment is restricted. A floating cutoff will be used to identify the students with the highest Major CGPA over those required courses, who may then receive permission to register for the Field Placement. Allocation of Field Placements will be determined by the Field Placement Coordinator.
Students wishing to register for a Field Placement Practicum must apply to the Institute no later than May 1 of their second year. Applications are available at after January 1. If granted permission, students will then register in CRCJ 3901 [1.0] during registration. Students in the B.A. Honours program may receive permission to complete a 2.0 credit placement, in which case they will also register in CRCJ 3902 [1.0].

Course Categories for Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Criminology
- CRCJ 3902 [1.0]
- Law
- LAWS 3006, LAWS 3307, LAWS 4302, LAWS 4303, LAWS 4304, LAWS 4305, LAWS 4306, LAWS 4307, LAWS 4308, LAWS 4309, LAWS 4504
- Psychology
- PSYC 3102, PSYC 3204, PSYC 3403, PSYC 3405,
PSYC 3507, PSYC 3604, PSYC 4402
- Sociology
- SOCI 3055, SOCI 3420, SOCI 3450, SOCI 4055, SOCI 4410, SOCI 4420, SOCI 4430
- Each of the courses LAWS 3305, LAWS 3306,
LAWS 3308, SOCI 3400, and SOCI 3410 may be used as an elective if it has not been used to satisfy a Major requirement and student does not exceed maximum number of courses allowed in the Major and Concentration.
- The total number of Criminology and Criminal Justice courses in the B.A. and B.A. (Honours) program may not exceed 11.5 (B.A.) and 15.0 (B.A. Honours). Consult the Institute if clarification is required.
- Students may request permission to offer courses towards the Major which are not listed as electives, including those offered by the Criminal Justice and Social Policy Summer School, as well as special topics courses offered from time to time by the Institute or Departments of Law, Psychology and Sociology. Students should consult the Institute for a listing of courses approved as alternative electives.

Carleton University/Algonquin College Articulation Agreement
B.A. General (Carleton)/Police Foundations (Algonquin)
An articulation agreement between Carleton University and Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology permits graduates with a Diploma in Police Foundations from Algonquin College to apply for admission into the B.A. program at Carleton University. Successful applicants will be granted 5.0 credits on admission towards the completion of a B.A. in either Criminology, or Law, or Psychology, or Sociology.
To be eligible for admission according to this Articulation Agreement, students must have completed the Diploma in Police Foundations at Algonquin College with a B average (Algonquin GPA of 3.0). They will then be considered for admission to a B.A. General program at Carleton in either Criminology, or Law, or Psychology, or Sociology.
Normal course transfer credits:
2.0 credits in Law; 2.0 credits in Sociology, 0.5 in Political Science and 0.5 in Psychology.
Further information may be obtained from the Undergraduate Supervisor or Coordinator of the appropriate B.A. program.