Criminology and Criminal Justice (CRCJ)
Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Faculty of Public Affairs
CRCJ 4908 [1.0 credit]
Honours Research Project
A research project conducted under the direct supervision of a faculty adviser from Psychology, Law or Sociology. Mandatory workshops and symposiums are scheduled during the year.
LAWS 2908 and
LAWS 3908 for Law Concentration students (or
LAWS 3907 (no longer offered);
PSYC 3000 [1.0] for Psychology Concentration students;
SOCI 2003 [1.0] for Sociology concentration students; and fourth-year standing in the B.A. Honours program in Criminology and Criminal Justice with a CGPA of 10.00 or better in the Major and permission of the Institute.
Workshops and symposiums as scheduled.