Academic Schedule 2004-05
Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
The following schedule contains the dates prescribed by the
University Senate for academic activities. Dates relating to
fee payment, cancellation of course selections, late charges,
and other fees or charges will be published in the Important
Dates and Deadlines section of the 2004-2005 Registration
Instructions and Class Schedule booklet.
The academic year is divided into three terms:
Summer term: May - August
Fall term: September - December
Winter term: January - April
Courses are offered in the following patterns:
Early summer: May - June
Late summer: July - August
Full summer: May - August
Fall term: September - December
Winter term: December - April
Fall/winter: September - April
Courses are offered during the day and the evening.
Summer Term 2004
- May 7
- Last day for submission to the Office of the Faculty of
Graduate Studies and Research of the five (5) final copies
of Master's and Ph.D. theses for Spring convocation.
- May 17
- Full summer and early summer classes begin.May 21
- Last day for registration and course changes for early
summer and full summer courses and for evening division
courses. Students who have not yet deposited five (5) final
copies of their thesis in the Office of the Faculty of
Graduate Studies and Research must register.
- May 24
- Statutory holiday. University closed.
- June 4
- Last day for withdrawal from early summer courses.
- June 10 - 12
- Spring Convocation for the conferring of degrees.
- June 25
- Last day of classes for early summer. (Full summer
courses resume July 5.)
- June 28 - 30
- Early summer final examinations may be scheduled. It
may be necessary to schedule examinations for evening
classes during the day and vice versa.
- July 1
- Statutory holiday. University closed. Evening classes
missed may meet on July 11.
- July 5
- Late summer courses begin.
- July 9
- Last day for registration and course changes for late
summer courses.
- July 23
- Last day for withdrawal from full summer and late
summer courses.
- August 2
- Civic holiday. University closed. Evening classes
missed may meet August 6.
- August 13
- Last day for summer term.
- Last day for full summer and late summer classes.
- August 14 - 18
- Full summer and late summer examinations may be
scheduled as announced. It may be necessary to schedule
examinations for evening classes during the day and vice
Fall Term 2004
The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research normally admits
students to begin their programs in the fall term. However,
some academic units may consider applicants in the winter term
or the summer term. Applications for admission may be submitted
at any time. Applications from outside Canada should be
completed at least five months before the desired date of
admission in order for students to make the necessary visa
Applicants wishing to be considered for financial assistance
from Carleton University are reminded that they must submit
their completed applications before March 1. Please note that
some schools and departments may require completed applications
prior to March 1. Students must refer to departmental entries
in this Calendar for details.
- August 3
- Last day for submission to the thesis supervisor of six
(6) examination copies of Master's and Ph.D. theses for
Fall graduation.
- September 1
- Last day for receipt of applications for degrees from
potential Fall graduates.
- September 4 - 8
- PrepWeek. Academic and social orientation to the
- September 6
- Statutory holiday, University closed. PrepWeek
activities continue.
- September 7
- Fall term begins.
- September 7 - 8
- Academic Orientation. All students are expected to be
on campus. Class and laboratory preparations, departmental
introductions for students, and other academic preparation
activities will be held. Note: Some graduate courses in
joint programs with the University of Ottawa will begin
formal classes on this date. Graduate students are advised
to check with their departments for details.
- September 8
- Orientation for Graduate Teaching Assistants.
- September 9
- Graduate fall and fall/winter classes begin.
- September 24
- Last day for registration. Students who have not yet
deposited the five (5) final copies of their thesis in the
Office of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research must
- Last day to change courses or sections for fall/winter
and fall term courses.
- October 8
- University Day at Carleton. Undergraduate classes
- Last day for submission to the Office of the Faculty of
Graduate Studies and Research of five (5) final copies of
Master's and Ph.D. theses for Fall graduation.
- October 11
- Statutory holiday, University closed.
- November 5
- Last day to withdraw from fall term courses.
- November 14
- Fall convocation for the conferring of degrees.
- December 1
- Last day for receipt of applications from potential
Winter (February) graduates.
- Last day for submission to the thesis supervisor of six
(6) examination copie s of Master's and Ph.D. theses for
Winter graduation.
- December 6
- Last day of fall term classes.
- Fall term ends.
- December 9 - 22
- Final examinations in fall term courses and mid-term
examinations in fall/winter courses will be held. It may be
necessary to schedule examinations during the day for
classes held in the evening and vice versa.
Winter Term 2005
- January 3
- Winter term begins.
- January 5
- Winter term classes begin.
- January 21
- Last day for late registration for winter term
- Students who have not yet deposited the five (5) final
copies of their thesis in the Office of the Faculty of
Graduate Studies and Research must register.
- Last day to change courses or sections for winter term
- January 28
- Last day for submission to the Office of the Faculty of
Graduate Studies and Research of the five (5) final copies
of Master's and Ph.D. theses for Winter (February)
- February 1
- Last day for receipt of applications from potential
Spring graduates.
- February 21 - 25
- Winter Break, classes suspended.
- March 1
- Last day for receipt of applications for admission from
candidates who wish to be considered for the initial award
(April) of financial assistance (including Carleton
fellowships, scholarships, and departmental assistantships)
administered by Carleton University. Candidates whose
applications are received after the March 1 deadline date
may be eligible for the award of a fellowship, scholarship,
or assistantship by reversion.
- Last day for submission to the thesis supervisor of six
(6) examination copies of Master's and Ph.D. theses for
Spring graduation.
- March 11
- Last day to withdraw from fall/winter and winter term
- March 25
- Statutory holiday, University closed. Missed classes
may meet April 6.
- April 6
- Last day of fall/winter and winter term classes.
Classes scheduled on this day will be those appropriate to
a Friday, to replace classes missed on March 25. Some
graduate courses may continue during the Review Period
until the end of winter term on April 8.
- April 7 - 8
- Review Period.
- Some lectures, laboratories, review tutorials, etc. may
take place.
- April 8
- Winter term ends.
- April 11 - 29
- Final examinations in fall/winter and winter term
courses will be held. It may be necessary to schedule
examinations during the day for classes held in the evening
and vice versa.
- June 16 - 18
- Spring convocation for the conferring of degrees.