Carleton University Canada's 
Capital University

Graduate Calendar Archives: 2004 / 2005

Course Designation System

Course numbers are prefixed by the letter code representing the course discipline, as shown below. For reference purposes, the former two-digit numerical prefixes used prior to September 2002 follow the discipline name.

Prefix Discipline and former numerical prefix
ANTH Anthropology (54)
ARCC Architecture (77)
ARCH Architecture (76)
ARCU Architecture (78)
ARTH Art History (11)
BIOL Biology (61)
BUSI Business (42)
CDNS Canadian Studies (12)
CGSC Cognitive Science (07)
CHEM Chemistry (65)
CIVE Civil and Environmental Engineering (82)
CIVJ Civil Engineering (joint program) offered at University of Ottawa (83)
CLMD Cultural Mediations (25)
CLST Comparative Literary Studies (17)
COMP Computer Science (95)
EACJ Electrical Engineering (joint program) offered at University of Ottawa (92)
ECON Economics (43)
ELEC Electronics (97)
ENGL English (18)
ENVE Environmental Engineering (81)
ENVJ Environmental Engineering (joint program) (n/a)
EURR European and Russian Studies (55)
FILM Film Studies (19)
FREN French (20)
GEOG Geography (45)
GEOL Earth Sciences (67)
GERM German (22)
HIST History (24)
IDES Industrial Design (85)
INAF International Affairs (46)
ISSC Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (03)
ISYS Information and Systems Science (93)
JOUR Journalism and Communication (28)
LALS Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (29)
LAWS Law (51)
MAAJ Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (joint program offered at University of Ottawa) (89)
MATH Mathematics and Statistics (70)
MECH Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (88)
MUSI Music (30)
PADM Public Policy and Administration (50)
PECO Political Economy (44)
PHIL Philosophy (32)
PHYJ Physics (joint program) offered at University of Ottawa (74)
PHYS Physics (75)
PSCI Political Science (47)
PSYC Psychology (49)
RELI Religion (34)
SOCI Sociology (53)
SOWK Social Work (52)
SPAN Spanish (38)
STAT Statistics (70)
SYSC Systems and Computer Engineering (94)
TTMG Telecommunications Technology Management (96)
WOMN Women's Studies (09)

Course Levels

0001-0099 Courses usually taken in Qualifying University year
1000-1999 Courses usually taken in first year
2000-2999 Courses usually taken in second year
3000-3999 Courses usually taken in third year
4000-4999 Courses usually taken in fourth year
5000-5999 Courses ordinarily taken by graduate students
6000-6999 Courses ordinarily taken by graduate students
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