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Capital University

Graduate Calendar Archives: 2004 / 2005


Dunton Tower 2121
Telephone: 520-2100

The Program

Coordinator and Supervisor of Graduate Studies: J.G. Ramisch

The Religion program offers studies leading to the Master of Arts.

Master of Arts

Admission Requirements

The minimum requirement for admission to the master's program is an Honours bachelor's degree in religion (or the equivalent) with at least high honours standing.

Applicants who do not hold an Honours degree in religion (or the equivalent) will be required to register in a qualifying-year program before proceeding to the master's program.

Regulations governing the qualifying year are outlined in the General Regulations section of this Calendar.

Program Requirements

Students are required to complete 5.0 credits as follows:

  • RELI 5000
  • RELI 5001
  • RELI 5002
  • RELI 5003
  • RELI 5909

RELI 5001 and RELI 5002 must be taken in two different areas other than the student's thesis area. Seminars in other units may be substituted for RELI 5001 and RELI 5002 with permission of the department. The department particularly encourages students to consider ANTH 5403 (also listed as RELI 5403) as a substitute for RELI 5001 or RELI 5002 if anthropology of religion is not their thesis area.

The student's program will be worked out in consultation with, and with the approval of, the department's supervisor of graduate studies and its committee on graduate studies. The prescribed program will take into account the student's background and special interests, as well as the research interests and competence of the staff.


Thesis Proposal
Full-time students will normally submit their thesis proposal to the thesis proposal board by the end of the first month of their second term in the master's program.

Regulations governing requirements for the master's thesis, including deadlines for submission, are outlined in the General Regulations section of this Calendar, Section 12.

Guidelines for Completion of Master's Degree

Full-time students in the master's program are normally expected to complete all requirements within two years of entry into the program. Part-time students normally complete all requirements within five years of the date of entry into the program.

Language Requirements

The student will be required to acquire, or to demonstrate that he/she already has, a reading knowledge of whatever language is essential to his/her research. Students are advised to consult the Supervisor of Graduate Studies for further regulations.

Graduate Courses

Not all of the following courses are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for 2004-2005 and to determine the term of offering, consult the Registration Instructions and Class Schedule booklet, published in the summer and also available online at

Course Designation System

Carleton's course designation system has been restructured. The first entry of each course description below is the new alphanumeric Carleton course code, followed by its credit value in brackets. The old Carleton course number (in parentheses) is included for reference, where applicable.

RELI 5000 [1.0 credit] (formerly 34.500)
Graduate Seminar in Religion
A seminar on theories and methods in the study of Religion. Compulsory for M.A. students.
RELI 5001 [0.5 credit] (formerly 34.501)
Directed Studies in Religion
RELI 5002 [0.5 credit] (formerly 34.502)
Directed Studies in Religion
RELI 5003 [1.0 credit] (formerly 34.503)
A tutorial preparing the student in the general area of his or her thesis. Normally taken with the thesis supervisor.
RELI 5403 [0.5 credit] (formerly 34.543)
The Anthropology of Signs and Symbols
Various theoretical and methodological approaches to the anthropology of signs and symbols, their internal workings, and their relationship to other aspects of social life. (Also listed as ANTH 5403.)
Prerequisite: permission of the Department.
RELI 5909 [2.0 credits] (formerly 34.599)
M.A. Thesis
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