The Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of Ottawa
Room C406A Colonel By Hall
770 King Edward Ave.
Ottawa, ON Canada K1N 6N5
Telephone: 562-5800 x 6180
Fax: 562-5174
Web site: www.ocimae.ca
The Institute
Director of the Institute: F. Afagh
Established in 1984, the Institute combines the research strengths and
resources of the Departments of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at
Carleton University and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ottawa.
Programs leading to master's and Ph.D. degrees are available through the
Institute in a range of fields of mechanical and aerospace and materials
engineering. Graduate students may pursue their research on either
university campus, depending upon the choice of supervisor. Registration
will be at the university most appropriate to the student's program of
studies and research. Requests for information and applications for
admission may be sent to the Director of the Institute.
Members of the Institute
The "home" department of each member is indicated by (C) for the
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Carleton University,
and by (O) for the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of
- F.F. Afagh, Structural dynamics and control, solid mechanics,
smart structures (C)
- Melek Akben, Metallurgy, welding, hot working of metals
- Andrei Artemev, Phase transformations, solidification
processes (C)
- J.C. Beddoes, Physical metallurgy and metal processing
- Robert Bell, Finite element analysis, stress analysis, solid
mechanics, fracture mechanics (C)
- M.J. Bibby, Materials and manufacturing engineering, weld
analysis (C)
- Y. Bourgault, Computational fluid dynamics, numerical methods,
finite element, continuum mechanics modeling (O, cross-appointed
from Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics)
- Shui-Chih Cheng, Heat transfer, numerical methods (O)
- M.C. de Malherbe, Design, manufacturing engineering
processes (C-Adjunct)
- Balbir Dhillon, Reliability (O)
- Atef Fahim, CAD/CAM, controls (O)
- J.E.D. Gauthier, Gas turbine technologies, combustion
- J.A. Gaydos, Thermodynamics, continuum mechanics (C)
- J.A. Goldak, Professor Emeritus, Computer-integrated
manufacturing processes, finite element modeling of manufacturing
- D.J. Gorman, Professor Emeritus, Vibrations (O)
- D.C. Groeneveld, Heat transfer, two phase flow
- Yehia Haddad, Applied mechanics, materials and design
- W.L.H. Hallett, Combustion (O)
- F. Hamdullahpur, Fluidized beds, hydrodynamics, cyclone
modeling (C)
- E.S. Hanff, Unsteady aerodynamics, unsteady wind tunnel
techniques (C-Adjunct)
- M.J.D. Hayes, Space robotics, automated optical robot
calibration systems, robot mechanical systems, theoretical
kinematics (C)
- A. Jnifene, Robotics, Vibration control of flexible
structures, intelligent control (O)
- B. Jodoin, Thermofluids, plasma physics (O)
- T. Kaya, Fluid Dynamics, heat transfer (C)
- R.J. Kind, Aerodynamics of aircraft and turbomachinery
- J. Kofman, Intelligent systems, computer-vision and imaging,
biomedical applications (O)
- A.S. Krausz, Professor Emeritus, Fracture, plasticity ,
manufacturing (O)
- M. Lamontagne, Biomechanics and biomedical engineering (O,
cross-appointed from School of Human Kinetics)
- R. Langlois, Flexible multibody dynamics; vehicle dynamics,
aircraft/ship dynamic interface analysis, mathematical modeling
simulation (C)
- B.H.K. Lee, Aerodynamics, aeroelasticity (O-Adjunct)
- Yung Lee, Professor Emeritus, Heat transfer, nuclear
engineering (O)
- Ming Liang, Production and manufacturing engineering,
intelligent systems (O)
- R. Liu, Fracture mechanics, fatigue, crack behaviour, closure,
composite materials, numerical methods, finite element analysis
- J.M. McDill, Adaptive Thermal-microstructural mechanical finite
element analysis for manufacturing processes (C)
- N.B. McLaughlin, Tractive performance of four-wheel drive
tractors (C-Adjunct)
- R.E. Milane, Combustion, fluid mechanics (O)
- R. Miller, Computational materials science, multi-scale modeling
of materials, atomistic modeling of crystalline defects (C)
- Hany Moustapha, Turbomachinery, aerodynamics
- M.B. Munro, Composite materials (O)
- Tofy Mussivand, Medical devices design, evaluation (in
vitro, in vivo, clinical), artificial heart sensors, valves and
prosthetics (C-Adjunct)
- D.S. Necsulescu, Control, robotics, reliability (O)
- F. Nitzsche, Aeroelasticity, control, helicopter noise, smart
structures (C)
- A.K. Pilkey, Physical metallurgy, failure mechanisms,
quantitative metallography (C-Adjunct)
- E.G. Plett, Energy systems, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and
heat transfer, numerical modeling (C)
- David Redekop, Applied mechanics, finite element analysis,
robotics (O)
- J.T. Rogers, Professor Emeritus, Heat transfer, energy systems,
nuclear engineering (C-Adjunct)
- D.L. Russell, Dynamics, controls, medical device design
- J.Z. Sasiadek, Robotics and automation, guidance, navigation and
computer control Systems (C)
- R.K. Singhal, Structural dynamics, vibration analysis and
testing (O-Adjunct)
- J.S. Sinkiewicz, Robotics, guidance, navigation, space
- S.A. Sjolander, Aerodynamics, turbo-machinery, wind-tunnel
engineering (C)
- D.A. Staley, Spacecraft dynamics and control (C)
- P.V. Str aznicky, Design, light weight structures (C)
- C.L. Tan, Solid mechanics, fracture mechanics, boundary integral
and finite element methods (C)
- Stavros Tavoularis, Fluid mechanics, experimental techniques
- G. Tyc, Spacecraft dynamics and control (C-Adjunct)
- Frank Vigneron, Space dynamics (C-Adjunct)
- W. Wallace, Materials engineering (C-Adjunct)
- X. Wang, Fracture mechanics, fatigue and fracture, finite
element applications, pressure vessel and piping (C)
- J.Y. Wong, Professor Emeritus, Vehicle engineering,
transportation technology (C-Adjunct)
- M.J. Worswick, Solid mechanics, high strain rate, metal
forming (C-Adjunct)
- M.I. Yaras, Turbomachinery, aerodynamics, computational fluid
dynamics (C)
- J.S. Zhang, Material emission characteristics, indoor air
quality modeling (C-Adjunct)
- S. Zolfaghari, Manufacturing, operations and production
management (O-Adjunct)
Master's Degree
Admission Requirements
The normal requirement for admission to the master's program is a
bachelor's degree with at least high honours standing in mechanical or
aerospace engineering or a related discipline.
Program Requirements
M.A. Sc. - Master's by Thesis
The requirements for course work are specified in terms of credits: one
credit is one hour/week for one term (thirteen weeks). The requirements for
the master's degree by thesis are:
- Eighteen course credits
- Participation in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering seminar
- Thesis
M.Eng. - Master's by Course Work
The requirements for the master's degree by course work are: twe
nty-seven course credits plus a project equivalent to nine course credits
(Engineering MECH 5908 for Carleton University students; MCG 6000 for
University of Ottawa students).
Guidelines for Completion of Master's Degree
Students are expected to complete the master's program within the
maximum limits outlined in the Section 13.2 of the General Regulations
section of this Calendar.
Doctor of Philosophy
Admission Requirements
The normal requirement for admission to the Ph.D. program is a master's
degree in mechanical or aerospace engineering or a related discipline.
Students who have been admitted to the master's program may be permitted to
transfer into the Ph.D. program if they show outstanding academic
performance and demonstrate significant promise for advanced research.
In addition, graduate courses offered by departments in other
disciplines may be taken for credit with approval by the department in
which the student is registered.
Program Requirements
The requirements for the Ph.D. degree (from the master's degree)
- Nine course credits
- Participation in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering seminar
- Successful completion of qualifying examinations
- Thesis. The examining board for all theses will include professors
from both departments and an external examiner who is a member of
neither university.
Students who have been permitted to transfer into the Ph.D. program from
a master's program require twenty-seven course credits for the Ph.D.
Guidelines for Completion of Doctoral Degree
Students are expected to complete the doctoral program within the
maximum time limits outlined in section 13.3 of the General Regulations
section of this Calendar. In addition, Ph.D. candidates are required to
complete Parts I, II, and III of the Ph.D. comprehensive examinations
according to the timing outlined in the Ph.D. comp rehensive guidelines,
which are distributed by the department involved.
Graduate Courses
Not all of the following courses are offered in a given year. For an
up-to-date statement of course offerings for 2003-2004, please consult the
Registration Instructions and Class Schedule booklet published in the
In all programs, the student may choose graduate courses from either
university with the approval of the adviser or the advisory committee. The
available graduate courses are listed below, grouped by subject area.
Course descriptions are to be found in the departmental section of the
calendar concerned. All courses are of one term duration.
The following codes identify the department offering the course: "MECH"
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Carleton University,
"MAAJ" Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ottawa.
MECH 5000 (MCG 5300)
MECH 5001 (MCG 5301)
MECH 5003 (MCG 5303)
MECH 5004 (MCG 5304)
MECH 5008 (MCG 5308)
MECH 5009 (MCG 5309)
MECH 5201 (MCG 5321)
MECH 5300 (MCG 5330)
MECH 5301 (MCG 5331)
MECH 5302 (MCG 5332)
MECH 5304 (MCG 5334)
MECH 5403 (MCG 5343)
MECH 5407 (MCG 5347)
MECH 5408 (MCG 5348)
MECH 5806 (MCG 5386)
MAAJ 5101 (MCG 5111)
MAAJ 5301 (MCG 5131)
MAAJ 5302 (MCG 5132)
MAAJ 5303 (MCG 5133)
MAAJ 5304 (MCG 5134)
MAAJ 5306 (MCG 5136)
MAAJ 5401 (MCG 5141)
MAAJ 5408 (MCG 5551)
MAAJ 5409 (MCG 5552)
MAAJ 5500 (MCG 5557)
MAAJ 5501 (MCG 5151)
MAAJ 5502 (MCG 5152)
MAAJ 5505 (MCG 5155)
MAAJ 5506 (MCG 5156)
MAAJ 5507 (MCG 5157)
MAAJ 5508 (MCG 5158)
MAAJ 5601 (MCG 5161)
MAAJ 5901 (MCG 5191)
MAAJ 5902 (MCG 5192)
Solid Mechanics and Materials
MECH 5107 (MCG 5317)
MECH 5500 (MCG 5350)
MECH 5505 (MCG 5355)
MECH 5601 (MCG 5361)
MECH 5602 (MCG 5362)
MECH 5603 (MCG 5381)
MECH 5605 (MCG 5365)
MECH 5606 (MCG 5366)
MECH 5607 (MCG 5367)
MECH 5608 (MCG 5368)
MECH 5800 (MCG 5480I)
MECH 5802 (MCG 5483I)
MECH 5803 (MCG 5488I)
MECH 5804 (MCG 5384I)
MECH 5805 (MCG 5482I)
MAAJ 5001 (MCG 5101)
MAAJ 5002 (MCG 5102)
MAAJ 5003 (MCG 5103)
MAAJ 5004 (MCG 5104)
MAAJ 5005 (MCG 5105)
MAAJ 5006 (MCG 5106)
MAAJ 5007 (MCG 5107)
MAAJ 5008 (MCG 5108)
MAAJ 5009 (MCG 5109)
MAAJ 5100 (MCG 5110)
MAAJ 5104 (MCG 5114)
MAAJ 5105 (MCG 5115)
MAAJ 5107 (MCG 5117)
MAAJ 5108 (MCG 5118)
MAAJ 5109 (MCG 5119)
MAAJ 5206 (MCG 5126)
MAAJ 5209 (MCG 5129)
MAAJ 5307 (MCG 5137)
MAAJ 5800 (MCG 5180)
MAAJ 5801 (MCG 5181)
MAAJ 5802 (MCG 5182)
MAAJ 5806 (MCG 5186)
Design and Manufacturing
MECH 5502 (MCG 5352)
MECH 5503 (MCG 5353)
MECH 5506 (MCG 5356)
MAAJ 5308 (MCG 5138)
MECH 5601 (MCG 5361)
MECH 5602 (MCG 5362)
MECH 5604 (MCG 5364)
MECH 5704 (MCG 5374)
MECH 5705 (MCG 5375)
MECH 5801 (MCG 5489I)
MAAJ 5105 (MCG 5115)
MAAJ 5509 (MCG 5159)
MAAJ 5608 (MCG 5168)
MAAJ 5609 (MCG 5169)
MAAJ 5700 (MCG 5170)
MAAJ 5701 (MCG 5171)
MAAJ 5702 (MCG 5172)
MAAJ 5703 (MCG 5173)
MAAJ 5706 (MCG 5176)
MAAJ 5707 (MCG 5177)
MAAJ 5708 (MCG 5178)
MAAJ 5709 (MCG 5179)
MAAJ 5805 (MCG 5185)
Transportation Technology
MECH 5100 (MCG 5310)
MECH 5101 (MCG 5311)
MECH 5104 (MCG 5314)
MECH 5105 (MCG 5315)
MECH 5201 (MCG 5321)
MECH 5300 (MCG 5330)
MECH 5301 (MCG 5331)
MECH 5401 (MCG 5341)
MECH 5402 (MCG 5342)
MECH 5504 (MCG 5354)
MECH 5906 (MCG 5395)