Mass Communication
St. Patrick's Building 310
Telephone: 520-7408
Fax: 520-6690
Web site: www.carleton.ca/jmc
The Program
Associate Director: Paul Attallah
Supervisor of Graduate Studies: Ross Eaman
The Mass Communication program of the School of Journalism and
Communication offers a program of studies leading to a Master of Arts
degree in Communication. Courses covering four areas of concentration are
- the history of communication and media systems
- communication/information technologies and society
- communication and social relations
- communication policy and political economy
Additional information may be obtained by consulting the supervisor of
graduate studies.
Qualifying-Year Program
Applicants who lack an Honours degree but who have a 3-year degree with
honours standing (a minimum B standing overall) may be considered for
admission to a qualifying-year program. Students who complete the
qualifying year with high honours standing may be considered for admission
to the master's program in the following year. Refer to the General
Regulations section of this Calendar for regulations governing the
qualifying year.
Master of Arts
Admission Requirements
The minimum requirement for admission to the master's program is a
B.A.(Honours) degree or the equivalent, with high honours standing in
communication or a related discipline. Related disciplines may include
sociology, political science, film studies, and Canadian studies.
Applicants without a background in communication studies may be required
to take certain designated courses from the undergraduate mass
communication program in addition to their regular program.
Possession of the minimum entrance standing i s not in itself, however,
an assurance of admission into the program.
Program Requirements
Each student, in consultation with the supervisor of graduate studies,
will be required to follow a thesis or a non-thesis program for a total of
5.0 credits. Two of the four areas of concentration must be chosen.
In selecting their program of studies, all students will be required to
take MCOM 5101. Students may take one optional course (1.0 credit) outside
the program, with permission of the supervisor of graduate studies.
All master's students are required to complete:
- MCOM 5101
- 1.0 credit selected from: MCOM 5201, MCOM 5203, MCOM 5205, MCOM
- a thesis (2.0 credits) and 1.0 credit from the list of optional
courses below, or a research essay (1.0 credit) and 2.0 credits chosen
from the list of optional courses
Optional Courses
- MCOM 5505
- MCOM 5506
- MCOM 5507
- MCOM 5508
- MCOM 5509
- MCOM 5605
- MCOM 5809
- MCOM 5900
Note: Students may take up to 1.0 credit outside the program with
permission of the supervisor of graduate studies.
Academic Standing
A standing of B- or better must be obtained in each credit counted
towards the master's degree.
Doctor of Philosophy
The School of Journalism and Communication offers a program of studies
leading to the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Communication. The program
focuses on three fields of concentration:
- The history of communication
- The political economy of communication
- The socio-cultural analysis of communication
Admission Requirements
The normal requirement for admission into the doctoral program is a
master's degree (or the equivalent) in communication or a cognate field
such as journalism studies, with an overall average of B+ or better.
Applicants who have deficiencies in certain areas may be admitted to the
Ph.D. Program, but will normally be required to complete additional course
Program Requirements
Doctoral candidates must successfully complete the equivalent of 10.0
credits. The specific requirements are as follows:
- MCOM 6000 (1.0 credit)
- 2.0 additional credits from the list of optional courses below; up
to 1.0 credit may be taken in a relevant discipline outside of the
- Comprehensive examinations (2.0 credits)
- A thesis (5.0 credits) which must be defended at an oral
- A language requirement as stated below
Optional Courses
All doctoral candidates must complete 2.0 credits of optional courses
from the list of approved options below. Students are encouraged to take up
to 1.0 credit from courses offered in other departments, particularly those
that address central theoretical and/or methodological issues within the
student's chosen field of concentration. Students are also encouraged to
choose directed readings/research courses with the core faculty of the
- MCOM 5201
- MCOM 5203
- MCOM 5205
- MCOM 5301
- MCOM 5505
- MCOM 5506 MCOM 5507
- MCOM 5508
- MCOM 5509
- JOUR 5401
- JOUR 5500
Comprehensive Examinations
Once doctoral candidates have successfully completed all course
requirements, maintaining a GPA of 9.0 or better, they will proceed to the
comprehe nsive examinations. The comprehensive requirement normally
consists of two examinations equivalent to 2.0 credits. Both examinations
normally must be completed no later than two years or six terms after
initial full-time registration, or four years or 12 terms after initial
part-time registration. Students who do not fulfil this requirement may be
asked to withdraw from the program.
The first examination tests the student's mastery of the theoretical,
methodological and substantive issues of the discipline as a whole.
Students complete a written examination, covering all three fields of
specialization in the program, which will be determined and graded by the
instructors of MCOM 6000. Submission of the written examination is followed
by a comprehensive oral examination, which is not restricted to issues
raised by the written portion. Students who fail the examination will
normally be asked to withdraw from the program.
The second examination tests the student's knowledge of one field of
specialization. The student normally will write answers to a set of field
questions and will defend these answers before the student's advisory
Language Requirement
Students are required to demonstrate an understanding of a language
other than English, preferably French. Language testing will be
administered by the School and will normally include a demonstration of
reasonable understanding, on sight, of material contained in selected
samples of scholarly literature in a foreign language and in the field of
Thesis Requirement
A thesis proposal is presented after the comprehensive requirement has
been satisfied, and defended at an oral presentation. The thesis, normally
equivalent to 5.0 credits, must be successfully defended at an oral
Academic Standing
A standing of B- or better must be obtained in each course counted
towards the Ph.D. degree. Students are advised to consult the General
Regulations section of the Graduate Calendar for details of regulations
governing graduate programs.
Graduate Courses
Not all of the following courses are offered in a given year. For an
up-to-date statement of course offerings for 2004-2005 and to determine the
term of offering, consult the Registration Instructions and Class Schedule
booklet, published in the summer and also available online at
Course Designation System
Carleton's course designation system has been restructured. The first
entry of each course description below is the new alphanumeric Carleton
course code, followed by its credit value in brackets. The old Carleton
course number (in parentheses) is included for reference, where
- MCOM 5101 [1.0 credit] (formerly 27.511)
- Foundations of Communication Studies
- This course undertakes an examination of the historical emergence
of communication studies. It deals with the methodological debates that
have occurred between various schools over the competing definitions of
communication, and over the broader question of the centrality of
communication to society.
- MCOM 5201 [0.5 credit] (formerly 27.521)
- Communication and History
- A historical examination of the institutions, practices, and media
of communication in various social milieux.
- MCOM 5203 [0.5 credit] (formerly 27.523)
- Communication Technology and Society
- The course examines the social and cultural significance of
communication and information technology (e.g., computers, television,
telecommunication). It examines how these technologies influence and
are influenced by major social institutions (e.g., business,
government, entertainment) and by cultural practices.
- MCOM 5205 [0.5 credit] (formerly 27.525)
- Communication and Social Relations
- This course studies how communication practices reproduce relations
of inclusion and exclusion. It explores theoretical contributions to
notions of public sphere, civil society, and citizenship. These issues
are examined at the transnational level and are studied by looking at
Orientalism and globalism.
- MCOM 5301 [0.5 credit] (formerly 27.531)
- Communication Institutions, Cultural Industries and State
- This course introduces various approaches to understanding
communication policy and the p olitical economy of communication. The
course focuses on recent transformations in the communication
industries, the impact of new technology, and changes in how
governments intervene in the communications field.
- MCOM 5505 [0.5 credit] (formerly 27.555)
- Communication Media
- A research seminar which focuses critically upon one of the
communication media (such as radio, television, film,
telecommunications, publishing, etc.) with a view to understanding its
history, forms and genres, and social uses.
- MCOM 5506 [0.5 credit] (formerly 27.556)
- Transnational Communication
- This course explores communication in a global context. It looks at
the New World Information and Communication Order debate, structures
and regulation of transborder communication, and broadcasting and news
flows. Resistance to cultural imperialism and the emergence of
diasporic networks of communication are also studied.
- MCOM 5507 [0.5 credit] (formerly 27.557)
- History of Canadian Broadcasting
- A topical and thematic examination of selected aspects of the
history of Canadian broadcasting, such as structure, regulation,
technology, commercialism, social impact, audience research, and areas
of programming such as drama, news, political and controversial
broadcasts, and Northern broadcasting.
- MCOM 5508 [0.5 credit] (formerly 27.558)
- Mass, Public, Audience
- This course examines the emergence and evolution of conceptions of
modern social organization through the key concepts of mass, public,
and audience. It looks at how shifts in the understanding of social
organization occur, how these shifts are theorized, and the
implications for communication study.
- MCOM 5509 [0.5 credit] (formerly 27.559)
- Media, Culture and Gender
- This course examines the various theoretical positions that
underlie the debates on the production and reproduction of gender
relations through commun ication processes and communication
institutions. It addresses current research issues in the feminist
debates on culture and communication.
- MCOM 5605 [0.5 credit] (formerly 27.565)
- Special Topics in Communication Research
- The course considers a variety of research protocols and procedures
which may include: research organization; documentary research
techniques; strategies in textual analysis, including content analysis
and thematic analysis; qualitative techniques, including interviewing,
observation, and ethnography; quantitative methods, including
questionnaires, coding procedures, and statistical analysis.
- MCOM 5809 [0.5 credit] (formerly 27.589)
- Directed Research
- The student, working under faculty direction, will develop and
undertake a research project in order to study a particular subject
- MCOM 5900 [0.5 credit] (formerly 27.590)
- Directed Studies
- Tutorials or directed readings in selected areas of communication.
The student will present papers as the basis for discussion with the
- MCOM 5908 [1.0 credit] (formerly 27.598)
- Research Essay
- MCOM 5909 [2.0 credits] (formerly 27.599)
- M.A. Thesis
- MCOM 6000 [1.0 credit] (formerly 27.600)
- Doctoral Seminar in Communication Studies
- The course examines major schools of thought in the field and
leading theoretical and methodological debates, with an emphasis on the
three fields of concentration in the program: the history of
communication, the political economy of communication, and the
socio-cultural analysis of communication.
- MCOM 6001 [0.5 credit] (formerly 27.601)
- Selected Topics in Communication
- A seminar offered from time to time in one of the three fields of
- MCOM 6002 [0.5 credit] (formerly 27.602)
- Tutorial in Communication
- A tutorial in one of the fields of concentration of the
- MCOM 6003 [0.5 credit] (formerly 27.603)
- Directed Research
- The student, working under faculty direction, will develop and
undertake a research project in order to study a particular subject
- MCOM 6004 [0.5 credit] (formerly 27.604)
- Directed Studies
- Directed readings in selected areas of communication. The student
will present papers as the basis for discussion with the tutor.
- MCOM 6900 [1.0 credit] (formerly 27.690)
- Ph.D. Tutorial
- A tutorial specifically designed as preparation for the first or
breadth comprehensive examination, under the direction of two or more
faculty members. The grade to be awarded will be that obtained on both
the written examination and the oral defense.
- MCOM 6901 [1.0 credit] (formerly 27.691)
- Ph.D. Tutorial
- Working under the direction of three or more faculty members, the
selected tutorial provides preparation for the second or depth
comprehensive examination. The grade to be awarded is that obtained in
the second comprehensive examination.
- MCOM 6909 [5.0 credits] (formerly 27.699)
- Ph.D. Thesis
Selection of Courses in Related Disciplines
In addition to courses offered by the Mass Communication program, the
following courses may, with the prior approval of the supervisor of
graduate studies, be used to complete program requirements. This list is
not exclusive and is subject to change. Students should be aware that
enrolment in these courses may be limited and that registration may be
conditional upon obtaining prior approval of the department concerned.
Note: It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that permission
is obtained from the appropriate department prior to registering in any of
the department's courses.
Canadian Studies
CDNS 5100, CDNS 5200, CDNS 5300<
ECON 5303
GEOG 5403
Journalism and Communication
JOUR 5000, JOUR 5500
Political Economy
PECO 5000, PECO 5001
Political Science
PSCI 4003 PSCI 5004, PSCI 5401
SOCI 5205, SOCI 5306, SOCI 5308, SOCI 5309, SOCI 5504, SOCI 5505