Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Electrical and Computer Engineering
Carleton University
Minto Centre, Room 3091
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 5B6
Telephone: 520-5659
Fax: 520-5682
Email: ociece@carleton.ca
Web site: www.ociece.ca
The Institute
Director of the Institute: Abbas Yongacoglu
The Institute was established in 1983. By combining the programs and
resources of the School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE) at
the University of Ottawa and the Departments of Electronics and of Systems
and Computer Engineering at Carleton University, OCIECE has become one of
the largest electrical and computer engineering graduate studies/research
groups in Canada. Programs leading to master's and Ph.D. degrees are
available through the Institute in a wide range of fields of electrical and
computer engineering.
Members of the Institute
The home department of each member is indicated by (SITE) for the School
of Information Technology and Engineering, University of Ottawa; (CE) for
the Department of Electronics, Carleton University; (SCE) for the
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University.
- A. Aboulnasr, Digital signal processing, applications in
communications (SITE)
- S. Abu Hakima, Multimedia applications in telecommunications,
applications for Artificial Intelligence in telecommunications
(SITE - Adjunct)
- R. Achar, Computer-aided engineering, simulation and
optimization (CE)
- N.U. Ahmed, Systems theory, optimal control, filtering and
identification with applications to spacecraft, optical networks and
artificial hearts (SITE)
- V. Aitken, Distributed processes, process control (SCE)
- S.A. Ajila, Software maintenance, software process
- S. Aly, Signal processing, digital transmission (SCE -
- A. Banihashemi, Digital and wireless communic ations, coding and
information theory (SCE)
- C. Barrière, Natural language processing, knowledge
representation, knowledge acquisition from text (SITE)
- P. Berini, Electromagnetics, numerical
modeling, guided-wave optics, optoelectronics, optical
communications, microwaves, non-linear microwave circuits
- G. von Bochmann, Communication protocols, software engineering,
formal specifications, verification and validation, distributed
applications and systems
management, multimedia,
high-speed networks,
real-time systems (SITE)
- A.R. Boothroyd, Solid state devices, ICs, CAD (CE -
Professor Emeritus)
- M. Bouchard, Signal processing, adaptive filtering, neural
networks, speech processing, broadband access networks (SITE)
- P. Boulanger, Computer vision, virtual reality systems, image
processing (SITE)
- L. Briand, Software reliability and
certification (SCE)
- R.J.A. Buhr, Software design, real-time and distributed systems,
Object-Oriented Design (SCE - Adjunct)
- R.J.C. Bultitude, Digital radio, propagation, mobile and
portable Radio Systems (SCE - Adjunct)
- C.H. Chan, VLSI circuits, systems (CE)
- C. Charalambous, Theory and applications of stochastic
processes, wireless communication networks, information theory, data
fusion in computer networks, robust control, mathematical finance,
large deviations (SITE)
- S. Charbonneau, Photonics (CE Adjunct)
- J.W. Chinneck, Computer modeling, operations research, applied
optimization (SCE)
- J.-Y. Chouinard, Mobile communications, wireless and mobile
communications, modulation and coding, cryptography (SITE)
- Jacek Chrostowski, Photonics, sensors (SITE - Adjunct)
- D.C. Coll, Telecommunications and computers, image
processing (SCE - Professor Emeritus)
- M.A. Copeland, ICs, Analog signal processing, CAD, digital
radio (CE - Professor Emeritus)
- G.I. Costache, Electromagnetic interference and
Compatibility (SITE)
- A. Cuhadar, High-performance computing/algorithms (SCE)
- C. D'Amours, Digital communications, modulation and doding
techniques (SITE)
- S.R. Das, Digital circuits, fault-tolerant computing
- F. Danilo-Lemoine, Telecommunications and statistical signal
processing (SCE)
- R.M. Dansereau, Digital signal and image processing
- M. Devetsikiotis, Modeling and simulation, computer networks,
applied optimization (SCE - Adjunct)
- E. Dubois, Digital signal processing, multidimensional signal
processing, data compression, source coding, image/video processing and
coding (SITE)
- S. El-Hennawey, Digital signal processing (SCE -
- M.S. El-Tanany, Mobile and portable communications, digital
signal processing, synchronization (SCE)
- A. El Saddik, Multimedia communications, collaborative
environments, human-machine interfaces (SITE)
- B. Esfandiari, Software engineering (SCE)
- D.D. Falconer, Digital communications, signal processing, mobile
and portable digital communications (SCE)
- M. Frize, Biomedical instrumentation, Clinical engineering,
infrared imaging, decision-support systems in medicine, ethics in
engineering and human experimentation (SITE and SCE)
- P.A. Galko, Digital communications, optical communications
- R. Gauthier, Photonics, laser
trapping, MEMs (CE)
- J. Genest, Optics, spectrometry, signal processing
- N.D. Georganas, Multimedia communications,
computer communications
- D.T. Gibbons, Digital and biomedical electronics, computer
engineering (SITE)
- R.A. Goubran, Audio signal processing, digital systems design,
adaptive systems (SCE)
- V. Groza, Computer engineering, real-time embedded systems,
distributed applications and virtual instrumentation (SITE)
- R.H.M. Hafez, Wireless communications, Neural Networks
- B. Hashem, Communications (SCE - Adjunct)
- C. Huang, High-speed multimedia networks (SCE)
- J. Huang, ATM traffic management (SCE - Adjunct)
- R. Impey, Network computing (SCE -
- D. I.-A. Ionescu, Computers, Artificial Intelligence, image
processing, discrete event and real-time systems (SITE)
- P. Jay, Communications technology (SITE - Adjunct)
- S. Janz, Silicon optoelectronics (CE - Adjunct)
- F. Johnson, Orthopedic biomechanics, medical signalling
processing, biomedical engineering (SITE)
- G.M. Karam, Telecommunications, software, analysis and design of
concurrent systems and real time systems (SCE - Adjunct)
- Ahmed Karmouch, Multimedia communications,
multimedia real-time
distributed information systems
and databases (SITE)
- J.P. Knight, Logic design, computer-aided IC design, VLSI
Testing (CE - Adjunct)
- T. Kunz, Parallel and distributed systems (SCE)
- T.A. Kwasniewski, Digital and analog signal processing,
microprocessors (CE)
- Y. Labiche, Software engineering, testing and object-oriented
techniques (SCE)
- R. Laganière, Computer vision, image processing (SITE)
- I. Lambadaris,Computer networks (SCE)
- B. Lamontagne, InP optoelectronics (CE - Adjunct)
- T. Lethbridge, Human-computer interaction, user i nterfaces,
software engineering tools and work practices, software reverse
engineering, knowledge representation (SITE)
- S. Loyka, Wireless communications, RF and microwave systems,
smart antennas (SITE)
- C.H. Lung, Software engineering, network traffic engineering
- L. MacEachern, VLSI, analog IC Design (CE)
- S.A. Mahmoud, Distributed databases, radio packet switching,
communication network protocols (SCE)
- S. Majumdar, Parallel and distributed systems, operating
systems, performance evaluation (SCE)
- D. Makrakis, Computer networks: architectures, protocols,
management, broadband Applications (SITE)
- M. Marchand, Machine learning, neural networks, pattern
recognition (SITE)
- I. Marsland, Mobile and portable
radio systems (SCE)
- R. Mason, VLSI, Analog IC Design (CE)
- S. Matwin, Artificial Intelligence, knowledge-based systems,
machine learning, software reuse (SITE)
- S.P. McAlister, Semiconductor devices, IC fabrication (CE -
- C. McDonald, Applied probability in telecommunications
- D. McNamara, Antennas, electromagnetics, numerical modeling,
microwaves (SITE)
- A. Miri, Coding theory, information theory, cryptography
- L.R. Morris, DSP, Microcomputers, speech and image processing,
computer architecture (SCE - Adjunct)
- H.T. Mouftah, Computer communications (SITE - Adjunct)
- T. Mussivand, Medical devices, biomedical engineering,
biotelemetry, telemedicine, artificial hearts, virtual patient
simulation (SITE)
- M.S. Nakhla, Computer-aided engineering, simulation and
optimization (CE)
- B. Nandy, Communications software, distributed systems (SCE
- Adjunct)
- L. Orozco-Barbosa, Computer architecture, communication networks
and performance evaluati on (SITE)
- B. Pagurek, Network fault management, Artifical Intelligence,
diagnosis (SCE)
- Sethuraman Panchanathan, Computer engineering, video
compression, image processing, parallel Processing (SITE -
- E. Parsons, Parallel and distributed systems (SCE -
- P. Payeur, 3-D modeling for robotics, computer vision,
autonomous systems (SITE)
- T. Pearce, Real-time systems, embedded systems, software
engineering (SCE)
- S. Periyalwar, Wireless communications (SCE - Adjunct)
- A. Petosa, Antennas (CE - Adjunct)
- D.C. Petriu, Performance evaluation, software engineering,
database systems (SCE)
- E.M. Petriu, Robotics, sensing and perception, neural
networks (SITE)
- Calvin Plett, Analog I.C. design (CE)
- J.-F. Rivest, Image processing, image coding, pattern
recognition (SITE - Adjunct)
- J. Rogers, RFICs (CE)
- J.A. Rolia, Distributed applications and
interoperable systems,
performance management,
software performance
engineering (SCE - Adjunct)
- D. Rossille, Digital signal processing applied to astronomy and
telecommunication (SCE - Adjunct)
- Langis Roy, Microwave electronics, integrated antennas,
electromagnetic modeling (CE)
- J. Ryan, Signal processing (SCE - Adjunct)
- H.M. Schwartz, Robotics, controls (SCE)
- J. Shaker, Antennas, electromagnetic modeling (CE -
- M. Shams, VLSI circuits and systems (CE)
- B. Sinha, Electromagnetics (CE - Adjunct)
- T.J. Smy, Semiconductor devices and transducers, IC
technology (CE)
- I. Stojmenovic, Parallel algorithms, combinatory algorithms,
evolutionary computing (SITE)
- L. Strawczynski, Wireless com munications (SCE -
- M.G. Stubbs, Microwave integrated circuits (CE -
- B.A. Syrett, Microwave integrated circuits, optical
interconnects (CE)
- V. Szwarc, Signal processing for communications (CE -
- N. Tait, MEMS, Sensors, IC fabrication (CE)
- J. Talim, Telecommunications services design and analysis
- N.G. Tarr, Solid state devices,
IC fabrication (CE)
- R.E. Thomas, Solid state technology, solar energy (CE -
- M. Turcotte, Bioinformatics, algorithm design, applications of
machine learning (SITE)
- G. Wainer, Discrete event simulation, modeling and simulation
methodologies, parallel and distributed simulation, real-time
systems (SCE)
- D.J. Walkey, Simulation and modeling of submicron MOS
and bipolar VLSI devices (CE)
- C.R. Walker, Neonatal medicine (SCE - Adjunct)
- L. Wang, Communication and image processing (SITE -
- T. White, Swarm intelligence, genetic algorithms (SCE -
- J.S. Wight, Radar, spread spectrum and navigation systems,
microwave circuits, antennas, synchronizers, phase-locked circuits
- C.M. Woodside, Software engineering and performance, distributed
system modeling and design (SCE)
- Y.Wu, Communications, video compression and transmission
(SCE - Adjunct)
- D. Xu, Photonics (CE - Adjunct)
- M. Yagoub, Linear and non-linear microwave circuits, applied
electromagnetics (SITE)
- J. Yan, Performance and evaluation of networks (SCE -
- O.W. Yang, Computer communications, broadband networks,
performance evaluation, network interconnection, queuing theory
- H. Yanikomeroglu, Wireless and mobile communications, spread
spectrum systems (SCE)
- J. Yao, Optical communications, RF photonics, sensors, optical
signal processing (SITE)
- T.Yeap, Neural networks, parallel computer architectures, VLSI,
digital systems and control (SITE)
- G. Yee, Parallel and distributed systems (SCE -
- Abbas Yongaçoglu, Digital communications coding and modulation,
spread spectrum systems (SITE)
- Q.J. Zhang, CAD for VLSI, optimization (CE)
- J. Zhao, Image and video processing, multimedia
communications (SITE)
Master's Degree
Admission Requirements
The normal requirement for admission to a master's program is a
bachelor's degree with at least high honours standing in electrical
engineering or a related discipline.
Program Requirements
The requirements for course work are specified in terms of credits: one
credit = one hour/week for one term. Subject to the approval of the
departmental chair, a student may take up to half of the course credits in
the program in other disciplines (e.g., Mathematics, Computer Science,
Physics). Master's programs with a thesis earn the Master of Applied
Science degree, while other master's programs earn the Master of
Engineering degree. Master's Degree by Thesis
- Eighteen course credits plus thesis
- Master's Degree by Course Work
- Twenty-seven course credits plus a project (nominally six
- Cooperative Master's Degree by Thesis
- Eighteen course credits plus a thesis
- Cooperative Maste r's Degree by Course
- Twenty-four course credits plus two projects (each conducted in one
work term)
Participation in the cooperative master's program is subject to
acceptance by a suitable sponsoring organization.
Doctor of Philosophy
Admission Requirements
The normal requirement for admission into the Ph.D. program is a
master's degree with thesis in electrical engineering or a related
Program Requirements
The requirements for course work are specified in terms of credits: one
credit = one hour/week for one term. Subject to the approval of the
advisory committee, a student may take up to half of the course credits in
the program in other disciplines (e.g., Mathematics, Computer Science,
- A minimum of nine course credits
- A comprehensive examination involving written and oral examinations
and a written thesis proposal, to take place before the end of the
fourth term of registration
- A thesis which must be defended at an oral examination
Graduate Courses
In all programs, the student may choose graduate courses from either
university with the approval of the adviser or advisory committee. Course
descriptions may be found in the departmental section of the calendar. All
courses are of one term duration. Only a selection of courses listed is
given in a particular academic year. The following codes identify the
department offering the course.
Carleton University
SYSC Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
ELEC Department of Electronics
University of Ottawa
EACJ Department of Electrical Engineering
The CSI designation refers to the Department of Computer Science at the
University of Ottawa. The ELG designation refers to the Department of
Electrical Engineering at the University of Ottawa.