Computer Science
Herzberg Building 5302
Telephone: 520-4333
Fax: 520-4334
E-mail: scs@carleton.ca
Web site: www.scs.carleton.ca
The School
Director of the School: Douglas Howe
Supervisor of Graduate Studies: J.-P. Corriveau
The School of Computer Science offers degrees leading to a Master of
Computer Science or a Ph.D. in Computer Science through the Ottawa-Carleton
Institute for Computer Science. The Institute is jointly administered by
the School and the School of Information Technology and Engineering at the
University of Ottawa. For further information, including admission and
program requirements, see the Institute's section of this Calendar.
A program leading to the M.Sc. in Information and Systems Science is
offered in cooperation with the School of Mathematics and Statistics and
the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering. For further information
see the Information and Systems Science section in this Calendar.
The research expertise of the School's faculty is concentrated in the
following areas:
Algorithms and Complexity
Computational geometry and algebra, combinatorial optimization,
distributed and parallel algorithms, multi-dimensional data structures,
stochastic automata, graph theory, partial orders, randomized algorithms,
routing in networks, network algorithms, online algorithms, network
security, authentication, cryptography.
Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Systems
Evolutionary computation (genetic algorithms, genetic programming,
artificial life), logic programming, knowledge representation, natural
language understanding and cognitive science, learning systems, robotics,
pattern recognition, swarm and collective intelligence.
Software Engineering
Automated reasoning, formal methods in software engineering, Web
technologies, electronic commerce, databases, telecommunications software
and distributed systems, mobile and wireless network s, satellite
communications, software and agent patterns, object-oriented systems and
modeling, scenario modeling, generative modeling, programming and quality
Parallel and Distributed Systems
Communication networks, interconnection networks. Parallel processing,
coarse-grained parallel computing, parallel geometric computing, parallel
data mining, parallel biochemistry applications, performance evaluation,
mobile agents, peer-to-peer computing.
In addition to its undergraduate laboratories, the School maintains a
number of state-of-the-art research laboratories all integrated via a
department and campus area network.
Graduate Courses
Not all of the following courses are offered in a given year. For an
up-to-date statement of course offerings for 2004-2005 and to determine the
term of offering, consult the Registration Instructions and Class Schedule
booklet, published in the summer and also available online at
Course Designation System
Carleton's course designation system has been restructured. The first
entry of each course description below is the new alphanumeric Carleton
course code, followed by its credit value in brackets. The old Carleton
course number (in parentheses) is included for reference, where
The complete list of courses available through the Ottawa-Carleton
Institute for Computer Science is provided in the Institute's section of
this Calendar. The following courses are offered by the School of Computer
- COMP 5001 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.501) (CSI 5113)
- Foundations of Programming Languages
- An advanced study of programming paradigms from a practical
perspective. Paradigms may include functional, imperative, concurrent,
distributed, generative, aspect- and object-oriented, and logic
programming. Emphasis will be on underlying principles. Specific topics
may include: types, modules, inheritance, semantics, continuations,
abstraction and reflection.
- Prerequisite: COMP 3007 or the equivalent.
- COMP 5003 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.503) (CSI 5308)
- Principles of Distributed Computing
- Formal models; semantics of distributed computations; theoretical
issues in design of distributed algorithms; computational complexity;
reducibility and equivalence of distributed problems. Related topics:
systolic systems and computations, oligarchical systems and control
- Prerequisite: COMP 4001 or equivalent.
- COMP 5005 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.505) (CSI 5390)
- Learning Systems for Random Environments
- Computerized adaptive learning for random environments and its
applications. Topics include a mathematical review, learning automata
which are deterministic/stochastic, with fixed/variable structures, of
continuous/discretized design, with ergodic/absorbing properties and of
estimator families.
- Prerequisite: MATH 2600 or MATH 3500, or SYSC 5503 or
- COMP 5006 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.506) (CSI 5306)
- Natural Language Understanding
- Introduction to current research in natural language processing,
with emphasis on semantics and pragmatics rather than syntactic issues,
and on analyzing text rather than single sentences. Topics include:
meaning representation, representation of pragmatic information, speech
act theory, flexible parsing, anaphor and reference, contextual
- Prerequisite: COMP 4007 or COMP 4106 or equivalent.
- COMP 5008 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.508) (CSI 5164)
- Computational Geometry
- A study of the design and analysis of algorithms to solve geometric
problems with an emphasis on applications such as robotics, graphics,
and pattern recognition. Topics include: visibility problems, hidden
line and surface removal, path planning amidst obstacles, convex hulls,
polygon triangulation, point location.
- Prerequisite: COMP 3804 or equivalent.
- COMP 5009 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.509) (CSI 5141)
- Associative Data Structures and Advanced Databases
- Concepts and advanced topics in the design, implementation and
analysis of physical storage schemes with emphasis on their application
to specialized database and information retrieval systems. Topics
include: associative searching techniques; multidimensional storage
structures; algorithms for spatial data modeling; formulation and
optimization of database queries.
- Prerequisites: COMP 3005 and COMP 3804, or the equivalent.
- COMP 5100 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.510) (CSI 5180)
- Topics in Artificial Intelligence
- Several areas in knowledge-based systems are covered, including
recent approaches to machine learning and data mining, inference
methods, knowledge-based and fuzzy systems, heuristic search, and
natural language processing.
Prerequisite: COMP 3007 or the equivalent
- Precludes: COMP 4106 or the equivalent.
- COMP 5101 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.511) (CSI 5311)
- Distributed Databases and Transaction Processing
- Principles involved in the design and implementation of distributed
databases and distributed transaction processing systems. Topics
include: distributed computing concepts, computing networks,
distributed and multi-database system architectures and models,
atomicity, synchronization and distributed concurrency control
algorithms, data replication, recovery techniques, and reliability in
distributed databases.
Precludes additional credit for COMP 4101.
- Prerequisites: COMP 3005, COMP 4001, and COMP 4003 or
- COMP 5102 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.512) (CSI 5312)
- Distributed Operating Systems
- Design issues of advanced multiprocessor distributed operating
systems: multiprocessor system architectures; process and object
models; synchronization and message passing primitives; memory
architectures and management; distributed file systems; protection and
security; distributed concurrency control; deadlock; recovery; remote
tasking; dynamic reconfiguration; performance measurement, modeling,
and system tuning.
- Prerequisite: COMP 3000 or equivalent.
- COMP 5104 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.514) (CSI 5314)
- Object-Oriented Software Development
- This course addresses current issues in object-oriented software
engineering (modeling and programming). Possible topics include
object-oriented languages, models and methodologies, CASE tools, design
patterns, real-time performance, testing approaches and patterns,
generative and meta programming.
- Prerequisite: COMP 2004 or equivalent.
- COMP 5105 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.515) (CSI 5132)
- Parallel Processing Systems
- Introduction to the issues involved in designing and using parallel
processing systems. Topics include: taxonomy and applications of
parallel systems; SIMD systems; multiprocessor systems; multicomputer
systems; computation versus communication issues in parallel
processing; scheduling parallel systems; spinning versus blocking;
interconnection networks; hot-spot contention.
- Prerequisite: permission of the School.
- COMP 5106 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.516) (CSI 5123)
- Languages for Parallel Computing
- Survey of major language paradigms for parallel computing:
sequential imperative, parallel imperative, logic, functional
(reduction and dataflow), object and message-passing based languages;
communicating sequential processes; and massive data-level parallelism.
Topics include: detection, determinism, data partitioning, task
scheduling, task granularity, synchronization methods, resource
management, and debugging.
- Prerequisite: COMP 5001.
- COMP 5107 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.517) (CSI 5185)
- Statistical and Syntactic Pattern Recognition
- Topics include a mathematical review, Bayes decision theory,
maximum likelihood and Bayesian learning for parametric pattern
recognition, non-parametric methods including nearest neighbor and
linear discriminants. Syntactic recognition of strings, substrings,
subsequences and tree structures. Applications include speech, shape
and character recognition.
- Prerequisites: Permission of the School.
- COMP 5203 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.523) (CSI 5173)
- Data Networks
- Mathematical and practical aspects of design and analysis of
communication networks. Topics include: basic concepts, layering, delay
models, multi-access communication, queuing theory, routing,
fault-tolerance, as well as advanced topics on high-speed networks,
ATM, mobile wireless networks, and optical networks.
- Prerequisite: COMP 4804 or permission of the School.
- COMP 5204 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.524) (CSI 5124)
- Computational Aspects of Geographic Information Systems
- Computational perspective of geographic information systems (GIS).
Data representations and their operations on raster and vector devices:
e.g., quadtrees, grid files, digital elevation models, triangular
irregular network models. Analysis and design of efficient algorithms
for solving GIS problems: visibility queries, point location, facility
- Prerequisite: COMP 3804 or the equivalent.
- COMP 5206 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.526) (CSI 5183)
- Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life
- Study of algorithms based upon biological theories of evolution,
applications to machine learning and optimization problems. Possible
topics: Genetic Algorithms, Classifier Systems, and Genetic
Programming. Recent work in the fields of Artificial Life (swarm
intelligence, distributed agents, behavior-based AI) and of
connectionism is also studied.
Prerequisites: COMP 3007 or the equivalent.
- Precludes: COMP 4107 or the equivalent.
- COMP 5305 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5129)
- Advanced Database Systems
- In-depth study on several new developments in database systems
shaping the future of information systems, including complex object,
object-oriented, object-relational, and semi-structured databases.
Examines their data structures, query languages, implementation and
- Prerequisites: COMP 3005 or the equivalent.
- COMP 5400 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.540) (CSI 5310)
- Software Patterns
- This course surveys current developments in software patterns,
three-part rules expressing relations between software contexts,
problems and solutions. Pattern categories discussed include
architectural, design, analysis, refactoring, general-purpose,
anti-patterns, and idioms. Students are required to apply existing
patterns and to develop and defend new ones.
- Prerequisites: COMP 3004 or equivalent.
- COMP 5401 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.541) (CSI 5389)
- Electronic Commerce Technologies
- Basic e-commerce models. Internet infrastructure and tools. TCP/IP,
Web servers, search e ngines. Cryptography. Public key infrastructure.
Key management and certificate authorities. Secure Socket Layer and
secure electronic transactions. Content presentation: XML. Open trading
protocol. Intelligent mobile agents. Auctions and negotiations. Case
- Prerequisites: COMP 2005 and COMP 4104
- COMP 5402 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.542) (CSI 5142)
- Wireless Networks and Protocols
- Focus is on the link and network layer protocols of wireless
networks; applications of wireless networks may be discussed. Topics
may include: protocol implementation, mobile IP, resource discovery,
wireless LANs/PANs, and Spreadspectrum. Precludes additional credit for
SYSC 5306.
- Prerequisite: COMP 3203 or equivalent.
- COMP 5403 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.543) (CSI 5143)
- Real-Time System Development
- An advanced course in real-time OO system development that deals
with modeling systems at different abstraction levels. A systematic and
traceable modeling process is introduced. Topics include: modeling
notations (including UML-RT), development process, design patterns, and
system testing. Expect a substantial design project. Precludes
additional credit for SYSC 5806.
- Prerequisite: COMP 5104 or equivalent.
- COMP 5404 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.544) (CSI 5144)
- Computer-Aided Program Verification
- Automatic verification techniques for concurrent, reactive, and
real-time programs. Possible topics: temporal logics, the basic
model-checking algorithm, symbolic model checking, compositional
techniques, exploiting abstraction and symmetry, models based on
partial orders, model-checking for the mu-calculus, applications to
communication protocols, computer security and digital circuits.
- Prerequisite: COMP 4004 or equivalent.
- COMP 5406 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5105)
- Network Security and Cryptography
- Advanced methodologies selected from symmetric and public key
cryptogr aphy, network security protocols and infrastructure,
identification, secret-sharing, anonymity, intrusion detection,
firewalls, defending network attacks and performance in communication
- Prerequisites: COMP 3203 and COMP 4109, or equivalent, or
permission of the instructor.
- COMP 5407 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5116)
- Authentication and Software Security
- Specialized topics in security including advanced authentication
techniques, user interface aspects, electronic and digital signatures,
security infrastructures and protocols, software vulnerabilities
affecting security, untrusted software and hosts, protecting software
and digital content.
- Prerequisites: COMP 3000 and COMP 4108, or equivalent; or
permission of the instructor.
- COMP 5408 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5121)
- Advanced Data Structures
- Simple methods of data structure design and analysis that lead to
efficient data structures for several problems. Topics include
randomized binary search trees, persistence, fractional cascading,
self-adjusting data structures, van Emde Boas trees, tries, randomized
heaps, and lowest common ancestor queries.
- Prerequisite: COMP 4804 or equivalent.
- COMP 5409 [0.5 credit] (CSI 5127)
- Applied Computational Geometry
- Computer-based representation and manipulation of geometric
objects. Design and analysis of efficient algorithms for solving
geometric problems in applied fields such as Computer-Aided Design and
Manufacturing, Cartography, Materials Science, and Geometric Network
- Prerequisite: COMP 4804 or equivalent.
- COMP 5703 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.573) (CSI 5163)
- Algorithm Analysis and Design
- Topics of current interest in the analysis and design of sequential
and parallel algorithms for non-numerical, algebraic and graph
computations. Lower bounds on efficiency of algorithms. Complexity
classes. Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different
requirements, as COMP 4804, for which additional credit is
- Prerequisite: permission of the School.
- COMP 5704 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.574) (CSI 5131)
- Parallel Algorithms and Their Implementation
- Multiprocessor architectures from an application programmer's
perspective: programming models, processor arrays and hypercube
multiprocessors, algorithmic paradigms, efficient parallel problem
solving, limits of parallelism, software scalability and portability.
Student projects in selected application areas: image processing,
robotics, graphics, animation, etc. Programming experience on parallel
processing equipment.
- Prerequisite: COMP 4804 or the equivalent.
- COMP 5802 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.582)
- Introduction to Information and Systems Science
- An introduction to the process of applying computers in problem
solving. Emphasis is placed on the design and analysis of efficient
computer algorithms for large, complex problems. Applications in a
number of areas are presented: data manipulation, databases, computer
networks, queuing systems, optimization. (Also listed as MATH 5802,
SYSC 5802, ISYS 5802)
- MATH /COMP 5807 [0.5 credit] (formerly 70./95.587) (CSI 5104)
- Formal Language and Syntax Analysis
- Computability, unsolvable and NP-hard problems. Formal languages,
classes of languages, automata. Principles of compiler design, syntax
analysis, parsing (top-down, bottom-up), ambiguity, operator
precedence, automatic con struction of efficient parsers, LR, LR (O),
LR(k), SLR, LL(k); syntax directed translation.
- Prerequisite: COMP 3002, or MATH 4805 or MATH 5605, or the
- COMP 5900 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.590) (CSI 5140)
- Selected Topics in Computer Science
- Selected topics, not covered by other graduate courses, will be
offered. Details will be available at the time of registration from the
- COMP 5901 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.591) (CSI 5901)
- Directed Studies (M.C.S.)
- A course of independent study under the supervision of a member of
the School of Computer Science.
- COMP 5902 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.592) (CSI 5900)
- Graduate Project (M.C.S./M.Sc. [ISS])
- COMP 5903 [1.0 credit] (formerly 95.593) (CSI 6900)
- Intensive Graduate Project (M.C.S.)
- A one or two session course. For M.C.S. non-thesis option students
only. Not to be combined for credit with COMP 5902.
- COMP 5904 [0.0 credit] (CSI 5902)
- Master's Seminar
- To complete this course, the student must attend 5 graduate
seminars at Carleton, and 5 at SITE within a year. The student must
also make one presentation in the context of this graduate
- COMP 5905 [2.5 credits] (formerly 95.595) (CSI 7999)
- M.C.S. Thesis
- MATH /SYSC/ COMP 5908 [1.5 credits] (formerly 70/94/95.598)
- M.Sc. Thesis in Information and Systems Science
- COMP 6100 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.610) (CSI 7131)
- Advanced Parallel and Systolic Algorithms
- This course is a continuation of COMP 5704.
- Prerequisite: COMP 5704.
- COMP 6104 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.614) (CSI 7314)
- Advanced Topics in Object-Oriented Systems
- Advanced object-oriented software engineering, in particular the
issues of reuse and testing. Sample topics include: interaction
modeling; class and cluster testing; traceability; design patterns and
testing; the C++ standard template library. Students will carry out
- Prerequisite: COMP 5104 or permission of instructor.
- COMP 6601 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.661) (CSI 7160)
- Advanced Topics in the Theory of Computing
- COMP 6602 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.662) (CSI 7170)
- Advanced Topics in Distributed Computing
- COMP 6603 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.663) (CSI 7161)
- Advanced Topics in Programming Systems and Languages
- COMP 6604 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.664) (CSI 7162)
- Advanced Topics in Computer Applications
- COMP 6605 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.665) (CSI 7163)
- Advanced Topics in Computer Systems
- COMP 6901 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.691) (CSI 7901)
- Directed Studies (Ph.D.)
- COMP 6902 [0.5 credit] (formerly 95.692) (CSI 7900)
- Graduate Project (Ph.D.)
- COMP 6907 [0.0 credit] (CSI 9998)
- Doctoral Comprehensive
- A committee must be assembled and approve at least 3 topics for
written examination: typically, a major and two minor areas. An oral
examination occurs if the written exam is passed. Both elements must
take place within the first 4 terms following initial registration in
the program.
- The comprehensive may be failed, passed conditionally (i.e., with
extra course requirements) or passed unconditionally. If failed this
course may be retaken at most one time.
- COMP 6908 [0.0 credit]
- Doctoral Proposal
- Within 8 terms following initial registration in the program, a
document generally defining the problem addressed, relating it to the
literature, and outlining the hypotheses, goals, research methodology,
initial results and validation approach must be submitted to an
examination committee and successfully defended.
- COMP 6909 [8.5 credits] (formerly 95.699) (CSI 9999)
- Ph.D. Thesis