Carleton University Canada's 
Capital University

Graduate Calendar Archives: 2004 / 2005

The Ottawa-Carleton Chemistry Institute

2240 Herzberg Building
Telephone: 520-3515
Fax: 520-5613

The Institute

Director of the Institute: Sandro Gambarotta

Associate Director of the Institute: P. Sundararajan

The Ottawa-Carleton Chemistry Institute, established in 1981, is a joint program of graduate studies and research in chemistry for Carleton University and the University of Ottawa. The Institute combines the research strengths and resources of the Departments of Chemistry at both campuses. Research facilities are shared and include: a major mass spectrometry centre, X-ray spectrometer, several modern NMR spectrometers, a pico-second laser facility, an ultratrace analysis laboratory, and an electrochemical research centre. In addition, the resources of many federal departments are available to graduate students, including the National Research Council and its library, the National Science Library (CISTI), and departments of Health and Welfare and Agriculture.

The Institute offers the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in all areas of chemistry, including biochemistry, analytical, inorganic, organic, physical and theoretical chemistry. All thesis, seminar and examination requirements may be met in either English or French. Students will be enrolled at the campus where the research supervisor is located. Several graduate students also conduct their research off campus under the supervision of one of the Institute's adjunct professors.

Application forms and further information may be obtained by writing to the director of the Institute.

Ottawa-Carleton Collaborative Program in Chemical and Environmental Toxicology

The Departments of Chemistry and Biology at Carleton University and the University of Ottawa provide a collaborative program in chemical and environmental toxicology at the M.Sc. level. For further details, see the Ottawa-Carleton Collaborative Program i n Chemical and Environmental Toxicology's section of this Calendar.Members of the Institute

  • Howard Alper, Organometallic and organic chemistry
  • Louis Barriault, Organic chemistry, synthesis of natural products and methodology
  • S. Barry, Inorganic Materials Chemistry
  • A.D.O. Bawagan, Chemical physics
  • D.M. Bishop, Theoretical chemistry
  • G.W. Buchanan, Applications of NMR spectroscopy
  • P.H. Buist, Bio-organic chemistry
  • R.C. Burk, Environmental and analytical chemistry
  • A.J. Carty, Organometallic and inorganic chemistry (Adjunct)
  • C.L. Chakrabarti, Environmental chemistry, analytical chemistry
  • B.E. Conway, Electrochemistry and surface chemistry
  • R.J. Crutchley, Physical inorganic chemistry
  • Christian Detellier, Supramolecular chemistry
  • Tony Durst, Synthetic and medicinal organic and natural products chemistry
  • A.G. Fallis, Synthetic, medicinal, functional chemistry
  • D.E. Fogg, Organometallic, polymer and materials chemistry
  • Sandro Gambarotta, Inorganic and organometallic chemistry
  • J. B. Giorgi, Fuel cells, catalysis, surface science
  • B.R. Hollebone, Chemical spectroscopy and chemical toxicology
  • J.L. Holmes, Gas phase reactions and ion chemistry; mass spectroscopy
  • K.U. Ingold, Physical organic chemistry, free radicals (Adjunct)
  • Harvey Kaplan, Protein chemistry and enzymology
  • Peeter Kruus, Solution physical chemistry, ultrasonics
  • E.P.C. Lai, Analytical chemistry
  • Paul M. Mayer, Gas phase ion chemistry, analytical mass spectroscopy
  • D. Miller, Environmental chemistry
  • W. Ogilvie, Synthetic and medicinal organic chemistry, combinatorial chemistry
  • Arya Prabhat, Organic and bio-organic chemistry, synthetic and medicinal chemistry (Adjunct)
  • D.S. Richeson, Inorganic chemistry
  • J.A. Ripmeester, Supramolecular materials, NMR spectroscopy (Adjunct)
  • R. Roy, Glycobiology, combinational and medicinal chemistry
  • A. Sayari, Inorganic materials, heterogeneous catalysis
  • J.C. Scaiano, Physical organic chemistry, photochemistry and photobiology, supramolecular chemistry
  • Alain St.-Amant, Theoretical and computational chemistry
  • S. Scott, Surface chemistry and catalysis
  • K.B. Storey, Enzyme biochemistry and molecular genetics
  • P. (Sundar) Sundararajan, Morphology of polymers and smart materials
  • Heshel Teitelbaum, Microscopic reaction kinetics
  • C.S. Tsai, Enzyme action and yeast cultures
  • Z.Y. Wang, Synthetic polymer chemistry and organic chemistry
  • D. Wayner, Surface science, surface patterning, electrochemistry
  • William G. Willmore, Biochemistry, biotechnology
  • J.S. Wright, Theoretical chemistry

Master of Science

Admission Requirements

The normal requirement for admission to the program is an Honours B.Sc. degree in Chemistry, with a B+ average in the last two years and a B average overall. Applicants who do not meet this requirement, or whose undergraduate degree is in another, closely related field, may be accepted into the program, but may be assigned extra courses.

Program Requirements

  1. A research thesis defended at an oral examination (3.0 credits)
  2. One credit of graduate courses (made up of any combination of 0.5 credit and 0.25 credit courses)
  3. CHEM 5801 (1.0 credit)

Guidelines for Completion of Master's Degree

Full-time students in the master's program will normally complete the degree requirements in two years. Part-time students will normally complete the degree requirements in four years.

Doctor of Philosophy

Admission Requirements

The normal requirement for admission to the Ph.D. program is a B.Sc. or M.Sc. degree in Chemistry.

Program Requirements (from B.Sc.)

  1. A research thesis defended before an examination board which includes an external examiner (11.0 credits)
  2. A two-part comprehensive examination in chemistry. The first part consists of a research proposal examination. The proposal topic can be in the same research area as that of the student's thesis supervisor,but should be significantly different from the student's thesis research project and any research being conducted by any faculty member of the Ottawa-Carleton Chemistry Institute. The second part of the examination will consist of either a) a short presentation given by the student to an examining committee on a topic in his/ her research area, or b) a series of five two-hour from a library of examinations. (No credit. Pass or Fail.)

    Students admitted to the graduate program in Chemistry at Carleton University prior to May 1, 2003 may follow the Comprehensive Examination requirement published in the 2002-2003 Graduate Calendar.

    Students who fail to complete the comprehensive examination by the end of the third year in the graduate chemistry program will be withdrawn from the program.

  3. Two credits of graduate courses (made up of any combination of 0.5 credit and 0.25 credit courses)
  4. CHEM 5801 (1.0 credit) and CHEM 5802 (1.0 credit)

Program Requirements (from M.Sc.)

Same as above, except that under exceptional circumstances only one seminar course will be required and credit for up to 1.0 credit of graduate courses may be given to reduce the requirement for graduate course credit from two to one. Students must complete their comprehensive examination within two years or be withdrawn from the program.

Orientation Examinations

Students coming from outside Canada or the United States must write orientation examinations at approximately the third-year university level. Each student will be informed of this requirement upon admission. The examinations will be given in the first week of the term in September and January. Students can choose from any three examination modules in: organic, physical, inorganic/analytical and biochemistry.

In examination areas where the student shows unsatisfactory performance or deficiency, the Graduate Supervisor will assign undergraduate-level remedial courses. To be eligible to continue in the graduate program, the student must achieve a minimum grade of A- in each remedial course.

Qualifying Year

Applicants who do not qualify for direct admission to the Master's program may be admitted to a qualifying-tear program (see 2.3 under General Regulations).

5.0 credits must be completed within two consecutive fall and winter terms, including a 1.0 credit Research Project and Seminar course (CHEM 4908), and 4.0 credits in 0.5- and 0.25-credit courses, as assigned by the Graduate Supervisor. An average grade of A- over these five credits, with a minimum grade of B in each course must be presented to be considered for admission to the M.Sc. prog ram.

Residence Requirements

For the M.Sc. degree:

  • At least one year of full-time study

For the Ph.D. degree (from B.Sc.)

  • At least three years of full-time study

For the Ph.D. degree (from M.Sc.)

  • At least two years of full-time study

Thesis Advisory Committee

Within four months of initial registration in the M.Sc. or Ph.D. program, a Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) will be appointed for each student. Committee membership will be formally approved by the departmental chairs and OCCI directors at Carleton and the University of Ottawa. The committee will consist of a minimum of three members, including the thesis supervisor, and where practicable, at least one member will be from the other campus of OCCI. Committee membership may include adjunct faculty members of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (FGPS) at the University of Ottawa or the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research at Carleton.

Once a year, the student will prepare a formal Thesis Progress Report. The report is not to exceed four pages and will outline the problem, methodology used, results achieved, and aims for future research. The TAC will evaluate the report and indicate whether the student has made satisfactory progress. No meeting with the student will be required if progress is deemed by the TAC to be satisfactory. A meeting to discuss the student's progress may be held at any time at the request of either the student or the committee.

Guidelines for Completion of Doctoral Degree

Full-time students in the doctoral program normally will complete the degree requirements in three years. Part-time students will normally complete the degree requirements in six years.

Full-time students who enter the doctoral program directly from the B.Sc. program normally will complete the degree requirements in four and one-half years. Part-time students normally will complete the degree requirements in nine years.

Graduate Courses

Not all of the following courses are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for 2004-2005. Students may also wish to consult the Institute's Web site at: Course Designation System

Carleton's course designation system has been restructured.The first entry of each course description below is the new alphanumeric Carleton course code, followed by its credit value in brackets. The old Carleton course number (in parentheses) is included for reference, where applicable. University of Ottawa course numbers (in parentheses) follow the Carleton course number and credit information.To determine the term of offering, consult the Registration Instructions and Class Schedule booklet, or online at:

CHEM 5000 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8355)
Trace Elemental Analysis using Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission (ICP-ES) and Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
ICP-ES/MS techniques are among the most powerful tools presently available for elemental analysis for a wide range of interests such as environmental, geological and biological applications. The fundamentals, state of the art instrumentation, applications, existing challenges, and new research and developments are covered.
CHEM 5001 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8301)
Analytical Mass Spectrometry
The principles of ion sources and mass spectrometers will be described, together with their applications to problems in chemistry and biochemistry. Introduction to the chemistry of gaseous ions. Ion optics. Special emphasis on interpreting mass spectra.
CHEM 5002 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8301)
Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). NMR parameters to be studied are: chemical shift, spin-spin coupling, electric quadrupole coupling, spin-spin and spin-lattice relaxation rates. NMR and the periodic table. Dynamic NMR. Applications in chemistry and biochemistry. The Fourier Transform technique. Pulse sequences. Basic principles and applications of two-dimensional NMR.
CHEM 5003 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8325)
Solid State NMR Spectroscopy
This course provides the student with a brief introduction to solid state NMR spectroscopy. Topics will include dipolar coupling interactions, chemical shielding anisotropy, the quadrupolar interaction and averaging techniques such as magic angle spinning.
CHEM 5004 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8326)
NMR Spectroscopy
Advanced NMR techniques for both proton and carbon spectra, various decoupling and related experiments. Interpretation of NOSY, COSY and related data.
CHEM 5005 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8327)
Physical Organic Chemistry
Hammet functions, transition state energies, stereochemistry of organic compounds, and mechanisms of organic reactions and their determination.
CHEM 5006 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8335)
Ionic Processes in the Atmosphere and Interstellar Space
Discusses the importance of ionic reactions in the upper atmosphere and in the interstellar medium. The dynamics of ion-molecule reactions and experimental and theoretical approaches for their study.
CHEM 5007 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8310)
Introduction to Photochemistry
Basic principles of photochemistry including selection rules, energy transfer processes and the properties of excited state reactions. Lasers and their applications to measurements of the dynamics of elementary reactions.
CHEM 5008 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8311)
Advanced and Applied Photochemistry
Photochemical reactions of small molecules and their relationship to atmospheric chemistry. Production and detection of reactive species. Photolysis. Multiphoton absorption.
Prerequisite: CHM 8150
CHEM 5009 [0.5 credit] (CHM 8150)
Special Topics in Molecular Spectroscopy
Topics of current interest in molecular spectroscopy: electronic spectra of diatomic and triatomic molecules and their interpretation using molecular orbital diagrams; Ram an and resonance Raman spectroscopy; symmetry aspects of vibrational and electronic levels of ions and molecules in solids; weak and strong resonant laser radiation. (Also listed as PHYS 5202/PHY 8122.)
CHEM 5100 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8338)
Unimolecular Reaction Dynamics: Experiment and Theory
Presents the theoretical models that have been developed for the understanding of unimolecular reactions, focusing on statistical theories such as RRKM theory. Experimental techniques for exploring the kinetics and mechanism of unimolecular reactions will be covered, including mass spectrometry, coincidence spectroscopy and ZEKE spectroscopy.
CHEM 5101 [0.5 credit] (CHM 8202)
Chemical Physics of Electron-Molecule
Basic classical scattering theory and quantum mechanical scattering theory. Experimental aspects, such as electron optics, electron gun fundamentals, energy analyzers and electron detectors. Applications to the understanding of the chemistry of materials.
CHEM 5102 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8346)
Supercritical Fluids
Fundamental and practical aspects of the uses of supercritical fluids in the chemistry laboratory. Thermodynamic treatment of high pressure multicomponent phase equilibria, transport properties, solubilities, supercritical fluid extraction and chromatography for analytical purposes, reactions in supercritical fluids, equipment considerations, new developments.
CHEM 5103 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8318)
Free Radicals
Photochemical generation of free radical reaction intermediates in the condensed phase. Techniques to be explored include laser flash photolysis, pulse radiolysis, esr, CIDNP and matrix isolation.
CHEM 5104 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8317)
Ionic Reaction Intermediates
Generation of ionic reaction intermediates in the condensed phase and their characterization by experimental techniques. Includes carbocations, zwitte rionic intermediates.
CHEM 5105 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8339)
Heterogeneous Catalysis
Principles of catalytic reactions and topics in modern applications of catalysis. Bonding of substrates on surfaces; cluster-surface analogy; ensemble requirements; mechanisms of catalysis on metal and metal oxide surfaces.
CHEM 5106 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8340)
Organotransition Metal Catalysis: E-H Bond Activation
The course will focus on the catalytic activation of E-H bonds by soluble organometallic complexes. Examples may include: hydrogenation, hydrosilation and hydroboration catalysis, hydroamination and hydro-phosphination.
CHEM 5107 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8341)
Transition-Metal Catalyzed Polymerization
Recent developments in polymerization catalysis via transition metal complexes will be discussed, including insertion, metathesis, and atom-transfer polymerization. The course will include a brief overview of relevant concepts in polymer chemistry (e.g. molecular weight, polydispersity, living polymerization, the glass transition).
CHEM 5200 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8342)
Clay Minerals Chemistry
Occurrence, classification and mineralogy of clay minerals. Intercalation processes and chemical modifications. Characterization of natural and modified clays. Industrial applications.
CHEM 5201 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8321)
Solid State Chemistry
Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of solid state synthesis. Characterization of solids. Chemical and physical properties of solids that may include aspects of intercalation reactions, ionic conductors, glasses, electronic, magnetic optical and physical/mechanical properties.
CHEM 5202 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8343)
Chemistry of the Main Group Elements.
Fundamental and applied aspects of main group element chemistry. Topics may include non-metal chemistry, main group organometallic chemistry, applicati on of main group element compounds to solid state synthesis (e.g. CVD and/or sol gel processes), uses of main group element compounds in synthesis.
CHEM 5203 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8322)
Topics in Co-ordination Chemistry
The course will consist of a brief introduction to basic concepts in co-ordination chemistry, including carbon dioxide fixation, dinitrogen fixation, activation, olefin metathesis, nature of the M-M bond.
CHEM 5204 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8303)
Descriptive Organometallic Chemistry
The course reviews basic concepts of M-C bonds, the preparation and reactivity of transition and non-transition metal organometallic species. Brief discussion of the most important catalytic processes (e.g. Ziegler-Natta, Fisher-Tropsch, catalytic hydrogenation and hydroformilation) will be also offered.
CHEM 5205 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8307)
Ions and Ionic Processes in Chemistry
Properties of water, hydration of ions, ionic interaction, colloidal and polymeric electrolytes. Ionization processes in solution.
CHEM 5300 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8331)
Physical Chemistry of Biological Macromolecules
Application of physical techniques normally applied to small molecules, used to study macromolecular structure and function of DNA and proteins. Examples include: kinetics, electrochemistry, equilibria phenomena (thermodynamics).
CHEM 5301 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8332)
Electrochemical Phenomena in Biological Systems
Description of theory accounting for the generation of membrane potentials. Application to the generation of nerve impulses.
CHEM 5302 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8333)
Surface Phenomena in Biological Systems
Description of theory of surface tension phenomena in aqueous systems. Discussion of effects of cell and macromolecular structures in biological systems.
CHEM 5303 [0.5 credit] (CHM 8126)
Bioorganic Chemistry
Overview of recent developments in the mechanistic understanding of selected enzyme-catalyzed reactions. Topics include Cytochrome P450, methane monooxygenase, biotin and lipoic acid biosynthesis, methyl transfer, Vitamin B12, lipoxygenase, prostaglandin synthase, etc. Emphasis will be placed on biotransformations which are relatively poorly understood from a mechanistic point of view.
CHEM 5304 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8349)
Free Radicals in Chemistry and Biology
Oxidative stress induced by free radicals plays a significant role in fatal and chronic diseases. The chemistry of bio-radicals will be described and related to pathobiological processes such as lipid peroxidation and atherosclerosis, protein nitration and cross linking, and DNA scission.
CHEM 5309 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8347)
Electron Transfer: Theory and Experiment
The development of classical, semi-classical and quantum mechanical electron transfer models is described. In addition, the course will examine recent experimental results and the application of electron transfer theory to biological systems.
CHEM 5400 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8305)
Synthesis Methods
Discussion of modern reactions and reagents and their development. Modern methods such as Evans enolates, catalytic processes, organometallic methods. Combination of methods for the preparation of complex molecules and building blocks.
CHEM 5401 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8328)
Applications of Organometallic Chemistry to Synthesis
Modern chemistry depends heavily on organometallic methods, many of which have become catalytic and involve metals such as Cu, Pd, Pt, Mo, Cr, Ru. Various applications will be discussed including Stille coupling, Heck reaction, ring-closing metathesis.
CHEM 5402 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8329)
Medicinal Chemistry
Preparation of drugs, their mode of action, their use in tre ating of disease. The evolution of medicine due to chemistry. Discussion of metabolic pathways and their modification to control and/or circumvent disease.
CHEM 5403 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8319)
Total Syntheses
The philosophy and strategy development for complex syntheses will be discussed along with modern reagents and reactions that have shortened classical routes and lead to more efficient and atom economy.
CHEM 5404 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8330)
The focus will be on heterocycles. Reactivity of these heterocycles and their use for drugs and applications for the total synthesis particularly of alkaloids. Included in this survey will be an extensive examination of carbohydrate chemistry and other important oxygen heterocycles.
CHEM 5405 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8320)
Pericyclic and Stereoelectronic Effects
Pericyclic reactions, facial selectivity, stereoelectronic effects in carbohydrates and related acetal cleavage. Applications to complex synthetic problems.
CHEM 5406 [0.5 credit] (CHM 8164)
Organic Polymer Chemistry
Basic principles of industrial and synthetic polymers. Polymerization and polymer characterization. Topics to cover some important polymers with emphasis on synthesis, commodity plastics, engineering thermoplastics and specialty polymers. Also offered at the undergraduate level, as CHEM 4204, for which additional credit is precluded.
Prerequisites: CHEM 3201 and CHEM 3202 and/or CHEM 4203 or the equivalent. Students should have a basic knowledge of organic reaction mechanisms and stereochemistry.
CHEM 5407 [0.5 credit] (CHM 8134)
Spectroscopy for Organic Chemists
Analysis of proton NMR spectra. Fourier transform 13C NMR, strategies for structure elucidation, relaxation times, two-dimensional NMR. Aspects of mass spectrometry. Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as CHEM 4 202, for which additional credit is precluded.
CHEM 5408 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8350)
Introduction to Polymer Structure and Morphology
Flexible and rigid rod polymers: effect of molecular constitution and conformation; examples of polymer architectures and function; the amorphous state and glass transition; the crystalline state: typical crystal structures of polymers; polymorphism; crystallinity and long spacing. Thermal and solvent-induced crystallization; Lamellar and Spherulitic morphology.
CHEM 5409 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8351)
Morphology of Polymers and Composites
Liquid crystalline state of polymers; morphology of block copolymers and polymer blends; plasticizers and fillers for tailoring properties; depression of glass transition and melting temperature; phase stability of polymer composites; mechanical properties; self assembled systems; polymer nano-composites for electronic devices; common experimental techniques.
CHEM 5500 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8348)
Analytical Instrumentation
Principles of modern electronics, devices and instruments. Measurement of photonic and electrochemical signals. Conditioning of signals for feedback control and microcomputer interfacing. Computational data analysis techniques such as simplex optimization. Applications in chemical analysis include amperometric detector for capillary electrophoresis, and surface plasmon resonance immunosensor.
CHEM 5501 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8352)
Analytical Approach to Chemical Problems
Case study of analytical approach to various chemical problems in agricultural, biochemical, environmental, food processing, industrial, pharmaceutical and material sciences. Analytical methods include capillary electrophoresis, chemiluminescence, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, biochemical sensors, and fibre optics for remote sensing.
CHEM 550 2 [0.5 credit] (CHM 8353)
Trace and Ultratrace Analytical Chemistry
Criteria for evaluation and selection of analytical techniques and methods. Electroanalytical techniques. Simultaneous and sequential multielement determination. Atomic absorption, atomic emission and atomic fluorescence spectrometry, using optical spectrometric and mass-spectrometric determination. Applications of these techniques at trace and ultratrace levels in complex matrices.
CHEM 5503 [0.5 credit] (CHM 8354)
Chemical Speciation in the Natural Environment
Metal-organic interactions in the aquatic environment. Evaluation of analytical techniques and their capability for quantitative determination of chemical species (as opposed to total element-determination) in the natural environment. Electrochemical techniques for determination of chemical speciation of nutrient and toxicant elements present in the natural environment.
CHEM 5504 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8314)
Surface Chemistry Aspects of Electrochemical Science
Introduction to electrode processes and electrolysis. Potential differences at interfaces. Characterization of the electrical double layer. Dipole orientation effects, charge-transfer in adsorbed layers, electrochemical origins of surface science concepts. Theory of electron transfer, electrode kinetics, electrocatalysis.
CHEM 5505 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8315)
Electrochemical Surface Science
Introduction to advanced in-situ techniques in electrochemistry: Scanning probe microscopy, Raman, infrared and laser spectroscopy.
Prerequisites: CHEM 5504 (CHM 8141)
CHEM 5506 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8316)
Surface Chemistry
Adsorption phenomena and isotherms, surface areas of solids. Modern techniques in surface chemistry and surface science such as electron diffraction, Auger electron spectroscopy, photoelectron spectroscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy, infra red and Raman spectroscopy. Current new techniques.
CHEM 5507 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8312)
Applications of Thermochemistry to Chemical Problems
Deals with the measurement of and interrelationship between molecular, radical and ionic enthalpies and their relevance to bond strengths and chemical reactivity.
CHEM 5508 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8313)
Ion Structures in Organic Chemistry
This course is focused on the significance of structure on the generation and behaviour of organic cations and anions in gaseous and condensed phases.
CHEM 5509 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8334)
Novel Organic and Inorganic Molecules and Radicals
Topics to be covered will be centred on neutralization-reionization techniques as well as flash pyrolysis and matrix isolation studies.
CHEM 5600 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8323)
Quantum Mechanical Methods - Theory
A course dealing with the theory behind quantum mechanical methods (HF, MP2, CI, DFT).
CHEM 5601 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8324)
Quantum Mechanical Methods - Applications
A computational chemistry course dealing with practical applications of methods taught in CHM 8171 such as thermochemistry, reaction pathway modeling, structure predictions.
Prerequisites: CHM 8171
CHEM 5602 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8344)
Computational Approaches in Medicinal Chemistry
Theory and application of methods used in the pharmaceutical industry including molecular mechanics.
CHEM 5603 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8345)
Molecular Energy Transfer
Principles of energy transfer during non-reactive molecular collisions as deduced from experiment and theory, mostly in the gas phase. Translational, rotational, vibrational and electronic energies are discussed.
CHEM 5604 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8336)
Non-Equilibrium Kinetics
Gas phase chemical kinetics of elementa ry and complex reaction mechanisms, as seen from a microscopic viewpoint. Unimolecular and bimolecular reactions under conditions of non-Boltzmann energy distributions. Consequences for combustion and atmospheric chemistry, as well as for fundamental kinetics.
CHEM 5605 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8337)
Non-Linear Chemical Kinetics
Principles of non-linear dynamics as applied to very complex chemical reaction mechanisms containing feedback processes. Monotonic, oscillatory, and chaotic dependence of concentrations on time. Gas phase and liquid phase reactions.
CHEM 5705 [0.5 credit] (CHM 9109)
Concepts of ecotoxicology, emphasizing whole ecosystem response to hazardous contaminants. Impacts of chronic and acute exposure of ecosystems to toxicants, the methods of pesticide, herbicide and pollutant residue analysis and the concept of bound residues. (Also listed as BIOL 6403 [BIO 9104].)
Prerequisite: BIOL 6402 (BIO 9101)/CHEM 5708 (CHM 8156).
CHEM 5708 [0.5 credit] (CHM 8156)
Principles of Toxicology
Basic theorems of toxicology with examples of current research problems. Toxic risk is defined as the product of intensive hazard and research problems. Each factor is assessed in scientific and social contexts and illustrated with many types of experimental material. (Also listed as BIOL 6402 [BIO 9101].)
CHEM 5709 [0.5 credit] (CHM 8157)
Chemical Toxicology
Introduction to modeling chemical hazards and exposures at the cellular level. The properties of toxic substances are compared to the responses of enzymatic systems. These interactions are defined as Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships and used to interpret hazardous materials under regulations such as WHMIS. (Also listed as BIOL 5709 [BIO 8113].)
Prerequisite: BIOL 6402/CHEM 5708 (BIO 9101/CHM 8156).
CHEM 5801 [1.0 credit] (CHM 8256 )
Seminar I
A seminar course in which students are required to present a seminar on a topic not related to their research program. In addition, students are required to attend the seminars of their fellow classmates and actively participate in the discussion following the seminar.
CHEM 5802 [1.0 credit] (CHM 8257S)
Seminar II
A seminar course in which students are required to present a seminar on their Ph.D. research topic in their research program. In addition, students are required to attend the seminars of their fellow classmates and actively participate in the discussion following the seminar.
CHEM 5805 [1.0 credit] (CHM 8167)
Seminar in Toxicology
This course introduces the seminar format and involves student, faculty and invited seminar speakers. The student will present a seminar and submit a report on a current topic in toxicology. (Also listed as BIOL 6405.)
CHEM 5900 [0.5 credit] (CHM 8158)
Directed Special Studies
Under unusual circumstances and with the recommendation of the research supervisor, it is possible to engage in directed study on a topic of particular value to the student. This may also be used for credit if there are insufficient course offerings in a particular field.
CHEM 5901 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8304)
Advanced Topics in Organic Chemistry
Topics of current interest in organic chemistry. The content of this course may vary from year to year.
CHEM 5902 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8302)
Advanced Topics in Inorganic Chemistry
Topics of current interest inorganic chemistry. The content of this course may vary from year to year.
CHEM 5903 [0.25 credit] (CHM 8309)
Advanced Topics in Physical/Theoretical Chemistry
Topics of current interest in physical/theoretical chemistry. The content of this course may vary from year to year.
CHEM 5904 [0.5 credit]
Scientific Data Proc essing and Evaluation
Optimization of scientific measurements, calibration, uni-variate and multi-variate analysis of scientific data, «intelligent» spreadsheets for scientific data processing and presentation, noise reduction using spreadsheets, correction for signal drifts; examples from chemistry, spectroscopy and other scientific disciplines.
Prerequisites: CHEM 4301, or permission from the Department. Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as CHEM 4303 for which additional credit is precluded.
CHEM 5909 (CHM 7999)
M.Sc. Thesis
CHEM 6909 (CHM 9999)
Ph.D. Thesis
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