Mindless Circus
Milton Thompson

The shipwrecked body of the woman Terri Schiavo-Schindler, lay at its hospice home.
The pro-lifers and politicians chant and subdolously champion their causes in her name.
Scores like her do not get a second notice by them;
They forget she was once a chronic bulimic looking to be shaped like the goddess in her minds eye.
An empathic expert attests that she was misdiagnosed,
A Republican President applies his incogitant pen and unleashes a divisive national debate;
His Floridian brother is resolute in leaving no political card unturned;
Manufacturing a crisis that would not have taken place had there been a paper trail.
Both the Republican mind and the sun-drenched Governor profess god as being the American culture-of-life.
Meanwhile, Iraqi mourns her dead and Minnesota school kids are shot dead,
And the guardian of Terri's special wish gets no respect.
Michael Schiavo is vilified and demonized by strangers who can't pronounce his name,
Weakened by his solitude, he creates a new family life and is rumored a Shylock;
Things may have been different had he sacrificed his future to live like Jesus.

How much is a verbal promise really worth?
We are now living in a celebrity culture of litigation and mistrust.
Cut to the bone and seize this crisis away from the media and politicians;
Lockup Schiavo and the Schindlers and let them mediate their heated exchanges.
Can you put a price on how much love is worth?
The Appeals circus is getting much too old like the Judges and the Courts,
Exhaustive executive privileges on tenterhooks twist powerful arms and pray for a miracle to force God's hand.
Only Terri can extinguish this circus, but she can't articulate,
Her natural essence has long vacated this mortal existence,
And is oblivious to the bellowing chanting and raging,
Her neglected symbolic vessel of a once promising life lays waiting for a tenant or a tragic end.

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